Job:11-15877/15287 Title:RP-Design Matters Portfolios
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D E S I G N M AT T E R S / / P O R T F O L I O S 0 1
Job:11-15877/15287 Title:RP-Design Matters Portfolios
#175 P DTP:216 Page:18
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Job:11-15877/15287 Title:RP-Design Matters Portfolios
#175 P DTP:216 Page:18
Job:11-15877/15287 Title:RP-Design Matters Portfolios
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D E S I G N M AT T E R S / / P O R T F O L I O S 0 1
The culT of InDIvIDualITy anD PerSonalITy,
whIch PromoTeS PaInTerS anD PoeTS only
To PromoTe ITSe lf, IS really a BuSIneSS. The
GreaTer The “GenIuS” of The PerSonaGe,
The GreaTer The ProfIT.”
—GeorGe GroSz
Job:11-15877/15287 Title:RP-Design Matters Portfolios
#175 P DTP:216 Page:18
Job:11-15877/15287 Title:RP-Design Matters Portfolios
#175 P DTP:216 Page:19
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Job:11-15877/15287 Title:RP-Design Matters Portfolios
#175 P DTP:216 Page:20
001-093_15877.indd 20 11/30/09 3:16:35 PM
D E S I G N M AT T E R S / / P O R T F O L I O S 0 1
P L A N N I N G c r eat i n G i m p l e m e nt i n G
want to illustrate that your creative
tendencies are far-reaching and encompass
a myriad of design rationales? prove it.
are your logo designs defined by unique
typography and color choice? show it.
create promotional items that are Just
that, promotional. show your true
colors. brag. flaunt your stuff like
a big, blooming peacock.
Job:11-15877/15287 Title:RP-Design Matters Portfolios
#175 P DTP:216 Page:20
001-093_15877.indd 20 11/30/09 3:53:25 PM
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