Job:11-15877/15287 Title:RP-Design Matters Portfolios
#175 P DTP:216 Page:16
Job:11-15877/15287 Title:RP-Design Matters Portfolios
#175 P DTP:216 Page:17
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D E S I G N M AT T E R S / / P O R T F O L I O S 0 1
Q: What are soM e k ey
M istakes you’ve seen D e-
signers anD/or firM s Make
When it C oM es to P ortfo-
lios anD self-P roMoti on?
a: All too often, portfolios and self-
promotions tend to be self-serving
instead of serving the audience.
Designers can easily gravitate toward
viewing their work and promotional
endeavors from their point of view
rather than what’s important to the
Another problem area is showing
too much. It’s better to present a
handful of great pieces than loads of
mediocre ones.
Also, I believe it’s important for
designers to show their thinking skills,
such as showing thumbnails, roughs,
and comps along with the finished
material. Again, it’s that storytelling bit.
“Here was the client’s problem. This
was my thinking process, and this is
the final solution.
Research is yet one more important
thing. It’s a huge help to learn all you
can about a target industry—this will
set you apart from your competition.
More than likely, you’ll find common
problems and challenges that can
be addressed in various promotional
items. With research comes marketing
ammunition. It enables a designer to
speak with authority in their marketing
communications, but also address
points that are truly important to the
When you do these things, it’s much
easier to be in control of a portfolio
review and have something more
useful to say than, “I thought this
was a kick-butt font, and I really like
PMS 200.Although an art director
might agree, they’re more interested
in what the results were and how you
got there.
This presentation of selected case
studies is housed in a compact workbook.
The layout of the media is based on 804
Graphic Design’s own corporate design
and is found throughout the firm’s other
communication materials.
804 Graphic d e S i G n
I N T R O D u c T I O N
Job:11-15877/15287 Title:RP-Design Matters Portfolios
#175 P DTP:216 Page:16
Job:11-15877/15287 Title:RP-Design Matters Portfolios
#175 P DTP:216 Page:17
001-093_15877.indd 17 11/30/09 3:53:24 PM
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