Chapter 10. Digital Rights Management

Access control using authentication and authorization works well for limiting how people use digital resources in a controlled environment, such as the corporate network. But traditional access control schemes do not work as well when the people or resources are outside of the organization’s direct control.

Documents released under non-disclosure agreements illustrate this problem. Once the document has been released to someone outside your organization, that person could make unlimited copies, send the document to your competitor, and so on. Encrypting or password protecting the document does little to deter this unwanted behavior, because the person receiving the document must unlock it to use it. The authorization schemes we’ve discussed don’t address the problem either, because access control depends on a trusted environment. Absent another solution, we’re left with trust and legal remedies.

Digital rights management (DRM) is an attempt to address these problems. Rather than merely controlling the actions that an entity can perform on digital resources, DRM provides mechanisms for controlling the particular uses to which a digital resource can be put. This is a tough problem, and as we’ll see, good solutions are sufficiently draconian that they impose a significant burden on users and have raised the ire of digital rights activists.

Digital Leakage

Digital leakage is the loss, whether intentional or inadvertent, of confidential data in digital form. The loss might take the form of a trade secret sent to a competitor, the premature release of financial data to an analyst or market, or the leak of embarrassing information to the media. Digital leakage occurs from seven primary sources:

  • Employees sometimes steal valuable confidential information for personal use or to sell.

  • Confidential information is sometimes accidentally distributed. This can happen when an email containing confidential data is addressed to the wrong person.

  • Computer theft and hacking results in the release of confidential data despite the best efforts of computer security professionals.

  • Employees, partners, and customers often do not understand the real value of information that your organization has shared with them and do not adequately protect it.

  • Changing alliances result when relationships between the organization and employees, partners, and customers end, leaving these entities in possession of information to which they are no longer entitled.

  • Lost or stolen devices can result in the loss of information more valuable than the device itself. Often, companies sell used computers that contain confidential data.

  • Disgruntled employees and others may maliciously redistribute or otherwise release confidential information.

Digital leakage is costly. A survey published by PricewaterhouseCoopers and the American Society for in Industrial Security[*] in 1999 found that on average, large organizations lost confidential or proprietary information 2.45 times in a year and each incident cost an average of $500,000. The survey estimated that the cost of digital leakage in the Fortune 1000 in a single year was $45 billion.

The DRM Battle

With those kinds of statistics, you’d think DRM would be a technology that everyone could love, but it has been at the heart of some of the most acrimonious debates of the digital age. The movie and recording industries are worried that electronic distribution of their works will result in violations of their copyrights and, as a result, diminish their bottom line.

This is a classical problem for digital rights management. The producers of the digital goods want to release them to people beyond their control and give them only specific rights (e.g., to listen to, but not copy, the music).

The problem is that the needs of the copyright holders are in direct conflict with the wants of their customers. Consumers of movies and songs want open access, open formats, and access to works no longer for sale in traditional distribution channels. Napster illustrated the powerful drivers in this market. People want to be able to share music and movies with others.

Needless to say, this is a complex issue. The reason for bringing it up here is that the battle over copying movies and music has colored many people’s view of DRM and created an atmosphere where any discussion of DRM creates strong feelings. DRM might be the right technology for solving critical access-control problems for your organization’s digital resources. Unfortunately, DRM has become synonymous with the battle over copyrighted music and movies. You can probably avoid the DRM battle and the emotions it engenders if your motive is to control activities on digital resources rather than to use DRM as part of a business plan that restricts customer actions.

Apple iTunes: A Case Study in DRM

Apple’s iTunes and its associated music store provide a real-world example of DRM in action. iTunes will play unprotected MP3 format audio files, but when a user purchases music form the Apple music store, the audio file is downloaded in a format called AAC. Apple wraps the AAC file in a DRM system called Fairplay. The standard rights allow a purchaser to listen to the song in an unlimited way on up to three computers and to burn the song to a CD.

This set of rights was chosen to try to match the value that user’s place on the audio file to the price Apple wanted to charge. For example, Apple could disallow burning AAC format songs to CD, because they control the client, but that would decrease the value of the file for many people.

Apple also has to be able to administer rights remotely to provide customer service. For example, if I purchased a song, installed it on three computers, and then sold one of those computers and bought another, I can contact Apple to have the rights reset on my music collection, allowing it to be installed on my new computer. Without this ability, audio files purchased on iTunes would quickly lose their value as people upgraded their computers.

This case study is a good example of the additional burden placed on a company in controlling access to content using DRM. Restricting rights for content costs real money, because the content has to be administered and it reduces the value of the content to users.

Features of DRM

Digital rights management is, of course, about more than just protecting music and movies. DRM is a technology all of us would like to use in certain circumstances. For example, when I send my Social Security Number to my bank, I’d like to be able to control how it is used. As another example, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to send your credit card number to an online merchant and attach specific rights to it: the right to use it to facilitate a single purchase and not be stored or transferred. All of us have digital information that we’d like to be able to send to someone else without giving them unlimited rights.

SealedMedia, a DRM vendor, lists some important features that DRM systems should have to be effective.

  • Persistent security, wherever the digital resource exists

  • Separation of right of access from the information itself

  • Management of discrete rights (viewing, printing, editing, print-screen)

  • Dynamic allocation and withdrawal of rights

  • Support for both online and offline work

  • Audit trail of actions and activities performed on the document

  • Support for multiple common document formats using the same security tools

  • Simple integration with existing workflow and applications

  • Integration with document/content management systems

A perfect DRM system with all of these features does not exist. You will likely have to prioritize these properties for your particular application and evaluate solutions on that basis. The next section describes a reference architecture that shows how some of these features can be accommodated.

DRM Reference Architecture

Figure 10-1 shows a reference architecture for a digital rights management system. The reference architecture is by Bill Rosenblatt, et al., and is discussed in some detail in the book Digital Rights Management: Business and Technology (John Wiley & Sons). The reference architecture points out the key interactions in a DRM system and also exposes some of the weaknesses in current DRM schemes.

In Figure 10-1, there are three primary participants. The client is an application invoked on behalf of the entity wanting to access and use a digital resource. The content server is the application that is invoked on behalf of the entity supplying the digital resource. The license server is the application invoked on behalf of the person who owns or controls the rights associated with the good. The license server and content server might be operated by the same entity or they might not. For example, the owner of the goods may contract with multiple distributors to supply the good but control the licensing centrally.

In the reference architecture, the client, on behalf of the user, requests a specific resource from the content server (1). The content server uses a content repository along with product information to create a content package. The content repository might be part of the content server itself or a standalone content management system. The product information specifies price and other product-specific information. It makes sense to separate the product information from the content, because the same content may be sold as different products differentiated by customer class, additional services or warranties, and so on.

A DRM reference architecture
Figure 10-1. A DRM reference architecture

The content is delivered in an encrypted content package that contains both the content and metadata. Whether the content is streamed or delivered as a single package is inconsequential to our discussion. The metadata usually includes information such as title, author, rights holder, and other information about the content as well as information that uniquely identifies this content and transaction.

The DRM controller (2) contacts the license server (3) associated with the content package to retrieve a license for the content. The DRM controller sends the license server information about the content package and the identity credentials for the entity that invoked it.

The license server checks the identity credentials (4) using whatever identity infrastructure is available to it for authentication and then consults a rights database (5) for authorization. We’ll see an example of an XML language for expressing rights later in this chapter.

There may be a financial transaction (6) if the user is required to pay for the license. Alternately, the license server may require some other consideration such as registering and providing contact information. Once consideration for the license has been received, encryption keys (7) are retrieved based on the content package identity and these keys are used to generate a license that is sent back to the DRM controller (8) as an encrypted package containing a statement of rights and a set of keys for unlocking the content package. The license is encrypted to protect the keys used to unlock the content package and to ensure its integrity.

The DRM controller decrypts the license and uses the keys contained in it to unlock the content. The content can be sent to a rendering application (9) for display (10).

The client, in managing rights, may store information about usage in the content package. Usage data is stored with the package, rather than separately, to ensure that even if the content package and license are moved to another client, the usage restrictions are honored and audit trails are continuous.

The client application is a critical component in this scheme, because the client application, rather than the client, receives and processes the keys. This overcomes, in part, the problem of a user unlocking the digital content and then using it in an uncontrolled fashion, because the client application can ensure the permissions carried in the license are honored.

Trusted Computing Platforms

If you were applying a little creative thinking during the preceding discussion of the DRM reference architecture, you probably thought of several ways that the scheme could be defeated. That issue is the chief weakness of DRM. As we’ve seen, for the user to view or otherwise use the content, it has to be rendered in a usable format, and that allows ample opportunity for the content to be redirected to a use that wasn’t specifically authorized.

The iTunes example illustrates some of the problems :

  • Once an audio file has been put on a CD, it can be ripped in another format, such as MP3, without any DRM, because the DRM wrapper can’t be transferred to the CD.

  • Remote rights administration, needed for customer service, opens up further opportunities for people to exploit the system and get around DRM.

  • The Fairplay system has been cracked, and methods for playing Fairplay-protected files outside of iTunes have been published on the Internet.

  • Even if all of these problems were solved, the analog feed going to the speakers could always be redirected to a recording device, and the audio file could be re-encoded in another format.

These examples show just how hard it is to really protect content in a digital format. In addition to the tradeoffs made by Apple that were examined in the case study, Apple is inconveniencing their legitimate users while still allowing the rights of copyright holders to be undermined by determined crackers.

These problems have led to numerous calls for trusted computing platforms that would ensure that the DRM client was run in an environment that kept even determined attackers from gaining access to protected content illegitimately. The basic idea is to protect every component of the end-user system in a way that disallows illegitimate use. When we say “every component,” we’re being literal—right down to the keyboard. Building a trusted computing platform requires the cooperation and coordination of both hardware and software manufacturers in very sophisticated way.

The nature of trusted computing systems and the debate surrounding them is beyond the scope of this book, but they are being advanced by companies as powerful as Microsoft and Intel and countered by numerous user advocacy groups. Because trusted computing platforms are still in the future, DRM will remain an exercise in making the theft of unauthorized rights sufficiently inconvenient that most users will only access content legitimately.

Specifying Rights

One of the most important features of a DRM system is the ability to specify and manage rights. Rights are a special kind of authorization, and much of what we learned about authorization in Chapter 8 is applicable to DRM. The differences lie in the fact that DRM is meant to restrict actions on a much finer-grained scale than we typically deal with in a standard authorization system.

Authorization rights typically center around whether a subject is allowed to read, modify, or create objects. As we saw, we usually specify the rights for classes of users against classes of objects in order to make the task manageable. In DRM, we often want to give specific rights (for example, the right to view but not copy) to specific people (Ted in accounting or a particular customer) for specific time periods (for the next two hours or three more times). That makes the task much more difficult. The problem can be made tractable by being able to build general licenses and derive specific licenses from them automatically.

We also saw in Chapter 8 that separating authorization rights from the objects being protected increases the ability of operators to take protective action. Specifically, when rights are associated with objects, removing rights for a particular user means visiting each object the user might have had rights to. The goal of systems like RBAC is to specify rights separately, so we can remove access rights across the board with a single, reliable action.

In DRM systems, the nature of the problem does not make this solution possible. Since our problem statement is to protect content that is not directly under our control, the rights will generally be sent outside the systems we directly control to some other system that will enforce them. Offline access to protected content is usually a requirement, and so it is not practical for the client application to check back with the license server each time the content is accessed. Thus, rights can be difficult or impossible to revoke once they’ve been issued.


There are several proprietary DRM systems and most of them have proprietary languages or systems for specifying rights. XrML is an XML-based rights management language. We’ll discuss it briefly because it is gaining widespread acceptance as an open format for specifying rights and because it illuminates the kinds of features that you want in a rights language. XrML is a large standard, and this section is not intended to be a tutorial. More detailed information on the XrML standard can be found at The examples given here are based on the Example Use Cases document that accompanies the XrML 2.0 specification.

The following simple example gives us a feel for XrML. In English, the license grants a specific RSA public-key holder the right to print the contents of an object identified by a URI as many times as she wants before Christmas day, 2005.

                <dsig:Exponent>AQABAA=  =</dsig:Exponent>

You can see that the <keyHolder/> elements contain the user’s key. The <print/> element gives the allowed action. The <digitalWork/> element identifies which resource the license applies to. The <validityInterval/> element specifies the interval for which the license is valid.

This is an example of an XrML end-user license. More complicated license specifications are possible. As an example, suppose that PDQ Records wishes to allow university libraries to allow their patrons to check out digital music. There are three types of rights that might be specified.

The first, very general type concerns one entity granting rights to a class of content to a class of entities. Here’s an example:

PDQ Records allows university libraries to issue limited end-user licenses within certain parameters for any content they have purchased.

The second type is a policy specification. In a policy specification, an entity spells out specific rights that classes of users have regarding classes of content. Here’s an example:

Brigham Young University will grant faculty the right to check out any PDQ Records song in its collection for up to six months. Student may checkout any PDQ Records songs in the BYU collection for three weeks. Anyone may play any PDQ Records song in the BYU collection on a library computer at any time.

The third, and most specific, type is an end-user rights license. Here’s an example:

BYU grants Alice the right to play “When the Thistle Blooms” for three weeks.

Notice the hierarchy of rights contained in these examples. The first is very general and grants very broad rights to a class of entities. The rights specified in the second policy statement must fit within the rights granted in the first statement. Similarly, the rights granted in the third policy statement fall within the rights granted in the second statement, and hence those granted in the first as well.

In addition to specifying rights, this example assumes that Brigham Young University can uniquely identify itself and assert that it is a university in a way that is trusted by PDQ Records, and that Alice can uniquely identify herself and assert that she is a student in a way that BYU can trust.

XrML can be used to specify each of these cases, although the XML documents for each are lengthy and not included in the interest of brevity. Interested readers are referred to the Example Use Cases document that accompanies the XrML specification.


The battle over DRM and many of the controversies surrounding it are unimportant to your organization, provided that your intent in using DRM is to control confidential and sensitive data rather than using it to control the actions of your customers. The key point to remember is that DRM is not usually effective against determined attacks. The more valuable the content, the more difficult it is to adequately protect. Consequently, the cost of DRM increases linearly with the value of the content. Because no DRM system is perfect, any DRM system should be carefully evaluated for its particular application and the trade-offs examined thoroughly.

[*] American Society for Industrial Security and PricewaterhouseCoopers. “Trends in Proprietary Information Loss Survey Report,”

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