
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


abstract authorization architectures, Abstract Authorization Architectures
abstracted identity, Identity Powershifts
access control
accountability, Accountability Scales Better than Enforcement
authorization patterns, Accountability Scales Better than Enforcement
custodians, Responsibility
DAC (discretionary access control), Mandatory and Discretionary Access Control
digital certificates and, Digital Certificates and Access Control
enforcement and, Accountability Scales Better than Enforcement
least privilege principle, Principle of Least Privilege
MAC (mandatory access control), Mandatory and Discretionary Access Control
owners, Responsibility
policies and, Policy First, Access Control
RBAC (role-based access control), Role-Based Access Control
responsiblity and, Responsibility
user-based permission systems, Mandatory and Discretionary Access Control
users, Principle of Least Privilege
access control, Accountability Scales Better than Enforcement
privacy and, Privacy Principles
accuracy, privacy and, Prerequisites
ACLs (access control lists), Access-Control Lists
ad hoc federation pattern, Three Federation Patterns
ad hoc level, maturity model, Level 2: Focused
ADA (authorization decision assertion), Identity Scenarios in the Physical World, Digital Certificates and Access Control
advisor, IMA, Supporting Roles
aggregation, Identity Powershifts
directory information, Aggregating Directory Information
challenge-response systems, Password reset
DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules), Certificate Authorities
message digests, Digital Signatures
public-key cryptosystems, Public key cryptosystem algorithms
secret key cryptography, Public key cryptography
anonymity, Anonymity and Pseudonymity
Apple iTunes
DRM and, Apple iTunes: A Case Study in DRM
problems, Trusted Computing Platforms
categories, An Architecture for Digital Identity
data architecture
building, Processes Trump Data, Processes Link Identities
data categorization, Data Categorization
processes, Processes Trump Data
data architectures, Identity Data Architectures
data inventory, The Identity Data Inventory
identity data audit, Data Categorization
identity mapping, Identity Mapping
identity management, Identity Management Architecture
RA (reference architecture), Reference Architectures
benefits, Benefits and Pitfalls
pitfalls, Benefits and Pitfalls
SRAs (system reference architectures), Goal State CIBs
assertions, Authentication and Authorization Assertions
assessing policies, Assessing Identity Policies
ATM, digital ID and, Using Digital Identity
attributes, definition, The Language of Digital Identity
audience, IMA, Primary Roles
auditability, authentication systems, Manageability
authentication, The Language of Digital Identity
biometric devices, Biometric Devices
biometrics, The Language of Digital Identity
CAs and, Certificate Authorities
challenge-response systems, Password reset
cookies, Cookies
credentials, The Language of Digital Identity
digital certificates, Digital Certificates
factors, Authentication Systems
federation support, Manageability
ID and password systems, ID and Password
interoperability, Authentication and Authorization Assertions
passwords, Password management
policies, Privacy
smart cards, Smart Cards
systems, Authentication and Trust
trust and, Authentication and Trust
authentication systems
auditability, Manageability
locational transparency, Locational Transparency
manageability, Manageability
practicality, Authentication System Properties
privacy levels, Locational Transparency
properties, Authentication System Properties
protocol insensitiviy, Locational Transparency
reliability, Locational Transparency
security level, Authentication System Properties
authoritative directories, Enterprise Directory Services
abstract architectures, Abstract Authorization Architectures
ACLs (access control lists), Access-Control Lists
assertions, Authentication and Authorization Assertions
DAC (discretionary access control), Mandatory and Discretionary Access Control
interoperability, Authentication and Authorization Assertions
MAC (mandatory access control), Mandatory and Discretionary Access Control
patterns, Accountability Scales Better than Enforcement
policies, Representing and Managing Authorization Policies
RBAC (role-based access control), Role-Based Access Control
user-based permission systems, Mandatory and Discretionary Access Control


BankAmericard, Federation in the Credit Card Industry
benefits of digital ID, Digital Identity Matters
best practices, Filling the Gaps with Best Practices
RA (reference architecture), Using a Reference Architecture
BFM (business function matrix), creating, Business Function Matrix
biometrics, authentication and, The Language of Digital Identity, Biometric Devices
business context, digital ID and, The Business Context of Identity
business opportunities, Business Opportunity


CAs (certificate authorities), Certificate Authorities
authentication and, Certificate Authorities
certification path, Public-Key Infrastructures
CPS (certification practice statement), Certificate Revocations Lists
CRL (certificate revocation lists), Certificate Revocations Lists
services provided, Certificate Authorities
centralized identity, Centralized Versus Federated Identity
efficiency, The Mirage of Centralized Efficiency
federated comparison, Centralized Versus Federated Identity
certificate subjects, Digital Certificates
authentication and, Digital Certificates
policies, An Identity Policy Suite
certification path, Public-Key Infrastructures
challenge-response systems, Password reset
digital certificates, Digital Certificates
smart cards, Smart Cards
champion, IMA, Primary Roles
CIB (consolidated infrastructure blueprint), Consolidated Infrastructure Blueprint
goal states, Goal State CIBs
communicator, IMA, Supporting Roles
cryptography, Confidentiality
encryption, Confidentiality
interoperability and, Confidentiality: XML Encryption
introduction, Cryptography
steganography, Confidentiality
consent, privacy and, Privacy Principles
conventional cryptography, Secret keys
cookies, Cookies
privacy and, Privacy Policy Capitalism
CPS (certification practice statement), Certificate Revocations Lists
credentials, The Language of Digital Identity, Authentication
authentication, The Language of Digital Identity
cookies, Cookies
credit cards, federated identity and, Federation in the Credit Card Industry
CRL (certificate revocation lists), Certificate Revocations Lists
cryptography, Confidentiality
confidentiality and, Cryptography
conventional, Secret keys
hybrid key systems, Hybrid key systems
key systems, Cryptography
private keys and, Public key cryptography
public key, Public key cryptography
public-key systems, Public key cryptosystem algorithms
secret key, Secret keys
symmetric cryptography, Secret keys
custodians, access control and, Responsibility


DAC (discretionary access control), Mandatory and Discretionary Access Control
data architecture
building, Processes Trump Data
data categorization, Data Categorization
data inventory, The Identity Data Inventory
identity data audit, Data Categorization
identity mapping, Identity Mapping
process-to-identity matrix, Process-to-Identity Matrix
data architectures, Identity Data Architectures
processes, Processes Trump Data
data audit, Data Categorization
data categorization, Data Categorization
data exchange, Exchanging Identity Data
data structure, Identity Data Structure and Metadata
databases, directory comparison, Directories Are Not Databases
deprovisioning, lifecycle, Deprovisioning
digital certificates, Digital Certificates
access control and, Digital Certificates and Access Control
authentication and, Digital Certificates
challege-response systems, Digital Certificates
public-key infrastructure and, Digital Certificates
digital leakage, Digital Leakage
digital signatures, Hybrid key systems, Digital Signatures
policies, Passwords
directories, Names and Directories, Directories
aggregation, Aggregating Directory Information
authoritative directories, Enterprise Directory Services
database comparison, Directories Are Not Databases
example, An Example Directory
metadirectories, Aggregating Directory Information
policies, Directories
schema, Directories
Utah, Naming and Directories
virtual directories, Virtual Directories
directory services, Cool URIs Don’t Change
DNS, Domain Name System
RMIRegistry, RMIRegistry
X.500, X.500: heavyweight directory services
Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER), Digital Certificates
DNS (Domain Name System), Enterprise Directory Services
TLD (top-level domain), Enterprise Directory Services
domains, Namespaces
DRM (digital rights management), Digital Leakage
Apple iTunes and, Apple iTunes: A Case Study in DRM
conflicts, The DRM Battle
features, Features of DRM
music downloads and, Apple iTunes: A Case Study in DRM
platforms, Trusted Computing Platforms
reference architecture, Features of DRM
rights specification, Specifying Rights
XrML and, XrML


eBay, Reputation and Trust Communities
employee provisioning, Employee Provisioning
confidentiality and, Cryptography
digital signatures, Hybrid key systems
policies, Passwords
secret key, Secret keys
XML, Confidentiality: XML Encryption
end user licenses, XrML, XrML
enforcement, access control, Accountability Scales Better than Enforcement
enforcing policies, Enforcement
enterprise directory services
DNS, Domain Name System
RMIRegistry, RMIRegistry
X.500, X.500: heavyweight directory services
enterprise executive, IMA, Resources
enterprise projects, IMA scoping, Which Projects Are Enterprise Projects?
entities, Defining Digital Identity
entitlements, The Language of Digital Identity
evidence, trust, Trust and Evidence
exchanging identity data, Identity Data Structure and Metadata
external requirements, policies, Security Considerations


factors in authentication, Authentication Systems
federated identity, Federating Identity
benefits, Benefits of Federated Identity
centralized comparison, Centralized Versus Federated Identity
credit card industry, Federation in the Credit Card Industry
federation patterns, Three Federation Patterns
networks, future of, The Future of Federated Identity Networks
ad hoc federation, Three Federation Patterns
hub-and-spoke federation, Pattern 2: Hub-and-Spoke Federation
identity network, Scenario 3: Identity Network
security and, A Secure, Protected Environment
standards, Benefits of Federated Identity
future of, Liberty Alliance
IBM and, Microsoft, IBM, and the WS-* Roadmap
Internet2 and, Internet2 and Shibboleth
Microsoft and, Digital Identity Standards
Shibboleth and, Liberty Alliance
WS-* and, Digital Identity Standards
standardsLiberty Alliance, Liberty Alliance
TIAA-CREF and, Federation in the Credit Card Industry
trust and, Addressing the Problem of Trust
federation policies, Federation
federation support, authentication systems, Manageability
feedback for policies, Feedback on Existing Policies
filenames, namespaces, Naming
flat namespaces, Naming
focused level, maturity model, Level 2: Focused


goal states, CIB, Goal State CIBs
BFM (business function matrix), Business Function Matrix, IMA Principles
business context, Understanding the Business Context
IMA lifecycle, IMA Lifecycle
IMA model, IMA Governance Model
initial steps, Creating a Vision
primary roles, IMA Governing Roles
roles, Creating a Vision
supporting roles, Primary Roles
vision, Initial Steps
GSM phones, Smart Cards


hierarchical namespaces, Namespaces
hub-and-spoke federation pattern, Three Federation Patterns, Pattern 2: Hub-and-Spoke Federation
hybrid cryptosystems, Hybrid key systems
SSL, Hybrid key systems
TLS, Hybrid key systems


IBM, federated identity standards and, Digital Identity Standards
ID and password systems, ID and Password
identifying purposes, privacy and, Privacy Principles
abstracted, Identity Powershifts
ATM and, Using Digital Identity
benefits, Digital Identity Matters
business context, The Business Context of Identity
centralized, Centralized Versus Federated Identity
efficiency, The Mirage of Centralized Efficiency
federated, Federating Identity
inconsistency across sources, Identity Data Structure and Metadata
overview, The Language of Digital Identity
scenarios, Identity Scenarios in the Physical World
security and, Identity, Security, and Privacy
shared, Digital Identity Perspectives
technologies, Foundational Technologies for Digital Identity
tiers, Digital Identity Perspectives
identity aggregation, Identity Powershifts
identity data audit, Data Categorization
identity data exchange, Exchanging Identity Data
identity data principles, Principles for Identity Data
identity federation network, Three Federation Patterns
identity mapping, Identity Mapping
identity maturity model, Identity Maturity Models and Process Architectures
identity policies
authentication, Authentication
characteristics, Attributes of a Good Identity Policy
digital signatures, Encryption and Digital Signatures
directories, Directories
encryption, Encryption and Digital Signatures
external requirements, Security Considerations
feedback, Feedback on Existing Policies
naming and certificates, Naming and Certificates
needs, Business Inspired Projects and Processes
outline, Policy Outline
passwords, Passwords
privacy, Privacy
security, Security Considerations
writing, Feedback on Existing Policies
identity policy suite, An Identity Policy Suite
identity process evaluation, Finding Identity Processes
identity process inventory, Finding Identity Processes
planning, A Practical Action Plan
IF (interoperability frameworks), Principles of a Good IF
cautions, A Word of Warning
characteristics, Principles of a Good IF
example framework, Example Interoperability Framework
standards, Principles of a Good IF
listing, Listing Standards
status, Standard Status
IMA (identity management architecture), Identity Management Architecture
benefits, The Benefits of an Identity Management Architecture
components, Identity Management Architecture Components
data and, Build a Data Architecture
data architecture, Identity Management Architecture Components
enterprise projects, Which Projects Are Enterprise Projects?
governance model, IMA Governance Model
initial steps, Creating a Vision
primary roles, IMA Governing Roles
roles, Creating a Vision
supporting roles, Primary Roles
vision, Initial Steps
lifecycle, governance and, IMA Lifecycle
myths, Conclusion: Dispelling IMA Myths
outsourcing, What to Outsource
policies, Identity Management Architecture Components
policy review framework, The Policy Review Framework
principles, IMA Principles
process architecture, Identity Management Architecture Components
roadblocks, Roadblocks
scope, Scoping the Process
sequencing, Sequencing the IMA Effort
success, Success Factors
technical reference architecture, Identity Management Architecture Components
timeline for building, A Piece at a Time
IMA team, Primary Roles
inconsistency of identities, Identity Data Structure and Metadata
individual access, privacy and, Prerequisites
integrated level, maturity model, Level 4: Integrated
interoperability and, Integrity and Non-Repudiation: XML Signature
introduction, Integrity
validation and, Principles for Identity Data
Internet2, federated identity standards, Liberty Alliance
authentication, Authentication and Authorization Assertions
authorization, Authentication and Authorization Assertions
authorization policies, Representing and Managing Authorization Policies
confidentiality and, Confidentiality: XML Encryption
integrity, Integrity and Non-Repudiation: XML Signature
lifecycle and, Standards and the Digital Identity Lifecycle
non-repudiation, Integrity and Non-Repudiation: XML Signature
policy stack and, Attributes of a Good Identity Policy
provisioning, Identity Provisioning
XML encyrption and, Confidentiality: XML Encryption
XML signature, Integrity and Non-Repudiation: XML Signature
inventory, The Identity Data Inventory


key pairs, Public key cryptography
key systems, cryptography, Cryptography
irreversible/reversible, Hybrid key systems


laws concerning privacy, Privacy Drivers
LDAP (lightweight directory access protocol), X.500: heavyweight directory services
least privilege principle, access control and, Principle of Least Privilege
Liberty Alliance, federated identity standards, Liberty Alliance
licenses, XrML, XrML
deprovisioning, Deprovisioning
IMA, governance and, IMA Lifecycle
interoperability standards and, Standards and the Digital Identity Lifecycle
maintenance, Using
propagating, Provisioning
provisioning, Provisioning
using, Using
limiting collection, privacy and, Privacy Principles
limiting use, disclosure, and retention, privacy and, Privacy Principles
locational transparency, authentication systems, Locational Transparency


MAC (mandatory access control), Mandatory and Discretionary Access Control
maintenance, lifecycle, Using
manageability of authentication systems, Manageability
manager, IMA, Primary Roles
mapping, Identity Mapping
MasterCharge, Federation in the Credit Card Industry
maturity levels, Maturity Levels
maturity model, Maturity Levels
ad hoc level, Level 2: Focused
best practices, Filling the Gaps with Best Practices
focused level, Level 2: Focused
integrated level, Level 4: Integrated
standardized level, Level 3: Standardized
message digests, Public key cryptosystem algorithms
algorithms, Message Digests and Hashes
characteristics, Message Digests and Hashes
public-key cryptography and, Digital Signatures
metadata, Identity Data Structure and Metadata
metadirectories, Aggregating Directory Information
Metcalfe’s Law (networks), Network Effects and Digital Identity Management
Microsoft, federated identity standards and, Digital Identity Standards
music downloads, DRM and, Apple iTunes: A Case Study in DRM


names, Names and Directories
overview, Naming
Utah, Naming and Directories
namespace connector, Metadirectories
namespaces, Namespaces
filenames, Naming
flat, Namespaces
hierarchical, Namespaces
URIs (uniform resource indicators), Uniform Resource Indicators: A Universal Namespace
naming policies, Naming and Certificates
networks, Network Effects and Digital Identity Management
federated identity, future of, The Future of Federated Identity Networks
Metcalfe’s law, Network Effects and Digital Identity Management
interoperability and, Integrity and Non-Repudiation: XML Signature
introduction, Integrity
NRO (Non-Repudiation of Origin), Integrity
NRR (Non-Repudiation of Receipt), Integrity


OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards), federated identity and, OASIS
openness, privacy and, Prerequisites
outline for identity policies, Policy Outline
overseer, IMA, Primary Roles
owners, access control and, Responsibility


authentication, ID and Password
management, Password management
reset, Password reset
patterns in authorization, Accountability Scales Better than Enforcement
PDP (policy decision point), The Language of Digital Identity, Abstract Authorization Architectures
PEP (policy enforcement point), The Language of Digital Identity, Abstract Authorization Architectures
permissions, The Language of Digital Identity
Unix filesystem, User-Based Permission Systems
user-based permission systems, Mandatory and Discretionary Access Control
PKIs (public-key infrastructure), Public-Key Infrastructures
access control, Access Control
access control and, Policy First
assessments, Assessing Identity Policies
authentication, Authentication
authorization, Representing and Managing Authorization Policies
business projects and processes, Business Inspired Projects and Processes
characteristics, Attributes of a Good Identity Policy
digital signatures, Encryption and Digital Signatures
directories, Directories
encryption, Encryption and Digital Signatures
enforcement, Assessing Identity Policies
external requirements, Security Considerations
federation, Federation
feedback, Feedback on Existing Policies
identity policy suite, An Identity Policy Suite
naming and certificates, Naming and Certificates
needs, Business Inspired Projects and Processes
outline, Policy Outline
passwords, Passwords
policy stack, The Policy Stack
privacy, Privacy
procedures and, Procedures
provisioning, Provisioning
security and, Security Considerations
writing, Feedback on Existing Policies
policy decision point (PDP), The Language of Digital Identity
policy enforcement point (PEP), The Language of Digital Identity
policy review framework, The Policy Review Framework
position statements, Technical Position Statements
practicality of authentication system, Authentication System Properties
preferences, The Language of Digital Identity
prerequisites, privacy, Prerequisites
principles for identity data, Principles for Identity Data
privacy, Identity, Security, and Privacy
accountability and, Privacy Principles
accuracy and, Privacy Principles
audits, Privacy Audits
challenging compliance and, Prerequisites
consent and, Privacy Principles
cookies, Privacy Policy Capitalism
disclosure limits, Privacy Principles
grocery store scan cards, Privacy Pragmatism
identifying purposes and, Privacy Principles
individual access and, Prerequisites
laws and regulations, Privacy Drivers
levels, authentication system, Locational Transparency
limiting collection, Privacy Principles
opennes, Prerequisites
policies, Privacy Policy Capitalism
prerequisites, Prerequisites
retention limits, Privacy Principles
RFID and, Who’s Afraid of RFID?
safeguards and, Prerequisites
Sarbanes-Oxley, Privacy Drivers
use limits, Privacy Principles
privacy policies, Privacy
private keys, cryptography, Public key cryptography
procedures, Enforcement
process, The Language of Digital Identity
process evaluation, Finding Identity Processes
process inventory, Finding Identity Processes
planning, A Practical Action Plan
process-to-identity matrix, Process-to-Identity Matrix
data and, Processes Trump Data
data architecture, Processes Trump Data
employee provisioning, Employee Provisioning
procurement manager, IMA, Resources
product and project teams, IMA, Resources
propagation, lifecycle and, Provisioning
protocol insensitivity, authentication systems, Locational Transparency
definition, Provisioning
interoperability and, Identity Provisioning
overview, Provisioning
policies, Authentication
SPML, Identity Provisioning
pseudonymity, Anonymity and Pseudonymity
PSP (Provisioning Service Provider)
SPML and, Identity Provisioning
PST (Provisioning Service Target)
SPML and, Identity Provisioning
public-key cryptography, Public key cryptography, Public key cryptosystem algorithms
key pairs, Public key cryptography
message digests and, Digital Signatures
public-key infrastructure
digital certificates and, Digital Certificates
public-key infrastructures, Conclusion
pull profile, SAML, Example SAML Use Cases
push profile, SAML, Example SAML Use Cases


RA (reference architecture), Reference Architectures
benefits of, Benefits and Pitfalls
best practices, Reference Architecture Best Practices
components, Components of a Reference Architecture
pitfalls, Benefits and Pitfalls
uses, Components of a Reference Architecture
RA (Requesting Authority), SPML and, Identity Provisioning
RBAC (role-based access control), Role-Based Access Control
reliability, authentication systems, Locational Transparency
reputation, Reputation and Trust Communities
reset password, Password reset
resources, definition, The Language of Digital Identity
reviewer, IMA, Supporting Roles
revocation of certificate, Certificate Revocations Lists
revoked, Certificate Revocations Lists
RFID (radio frequency identification device), Who’s Afraid of RFID?
privacy and, Privacy Pragmatism
RMIRegistry, RMIRegistry


safeguards, privacy and, Prerequisites
SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language), Authentication and Authorization Assertions
example use cases, Example SAML Use Cases
pull profile, Example SAML Use Cases
push profile, Example SAML Use Cases
scope, IMA building and, Scoping the Process
secret key cryptography algorithms, Public key cryptography
secret key encryption, Cryptography
authentication systems, appropriate level, Authentication System Properties
federated identity, Addressing the Problem of Trust
identity and, Identity, Security, and Privacy
policies, Security Considerations
security authority, The Language of Digital Identity
security policy, The Language of Digital Identity
sequencing IMA, Sequencing the IMA Effort
shared identity, Digital Identity Perspectives
Shibboleth, federated identity standards, Liberty Alliance
signature verification, Public key cryptography
SIM (Subscriber Information Module), GSM phones, Smart Cards
smart cards, Smart Cards
challenge-response systems, Smart Cards
SOAP, web services profile, Identity Provisioning
SOAs (service-oriented architectures), The Business Context of Identity
special interest groups, IMA, Resources
SPML (Service Provisioning Markup Language), Identity Provisioning
requests, SPML Requests and Responses
responses, SPML Requests and Responses
SRAs (system reference architectures), Goal State CIBs
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), Public key cryptosystem algorithms
SSO (single sign-on), Aggregating Directory Information
standardized level, maturity model, Level 3: Standardized
steganography, confidentiality and, Cryptography
subject, Defining Digital Identity
subject matter expert, IMA, Resources
symmetric cryptography, Secret keys


technical operations staff, IMA, Resources
technical position statements, Components of a Reference Architecture
technical positions, Making Decisions About Technical Positions
technologies, Foundational Technologies for Digital Identity
TIAA-CREF, federated identity and, Federation in the Credit Card Industry
tiers of identity, Digital Identity Perspectives
TLS (transport layer security), Public key cryptosystem algorithms
traits, The Language of Digital Identity
transparency, Principles for Identity Data
authentication and, Authentication and Trust
evidence, Trust and Evidence
examples of, Trust
federated identity and, Addressing the Problem of Trust
introduction, Conclusion
trust communities, Reputation and Trust Communities


Unix filesystem permissions, User-Based Permission Systems
URIs (uniform resource indicators), Uniform Resource Indicators: A Universal Namespace
changes, Cool URIs Don’t Change
URLs and, Uniform Resource Indicators: A Universal Namespace
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), URIs and, Uniform Resource Indicators: A Universal Namespace
user-based permission systems, Mandatory and Discretionary Access Control
users, access control and, Principle of Least Privilege
using, lifecycle, Using
Utah, naming and directories, Naming and Directories


validation, integrity and, Principles for Identity Data
virtual directories, Virtual Directories


web services profile, SOAP, Identity Provisioning
writing policies, Feedback on Existing Policies
WS-*, federated identity standards, Digital Identity Standards


X.500, X.500: heavyweight directory services
XACML (eXtensible Access Control Markup Language), Representing and Managing Authorization Policies
encryption, Confidentiality: XML Encryption
identity data exchange, Exchanging Identity Data
XML signatures, interoperability and, Integrity and Non-Repudiation: XML Signature
XrML (XML-based rights management langauge), XrML
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