Chapter 18. Identity Policies

As a new CIO, I had an imperfect understanding of the role that policies, procedures, and rules played in managing a large IT organization and, more important, governing its interaction with the business. I underestimated their power and I neglected them for some time. As I became more comfortable in the role of CIO however, I realized that policies, procedures, and rules, properly enacted through a participatory and well-understood governance process, were the primary means by which I could shape the future direction of IT in a large, loosely coupled organization.

If you’ve completed the activities discussed in the preceding chapters, you’ll understand the governance procedure that is used to create policies, have a good idea of the business context of your organization, have a good inventory of the processes and identities that exist in that context, and have an interoperability framework.

We distinguish between policies and standards. As we saw in the previous chapter, standards stipulate specific levels of performance, specify certain goods or services, set quality requirements, or describe best practices. Policies, on the other hand, are internally developed rules of conduct and behavior that are specific to the organization. Policies often refer to standards.

In this chapter, we’ll discuss what policies are, how they can be written so as to be effective, how they can be implemented, and how they should be maintained.

The Policy Stack

Many technologists loathe to create policies, feeling that policies stifle creativity, impede productivity, and are nothing more than an autocratic attempt to control people. In fact, if designed correctly, policies enable action and productivity. You cannot create an IMA and reap the attendant benefits without policies. They are the heart of the architecture as well as the foundation on which effective identity management strategies are formed. Policies define appropriate behavior, specify the tools and processes that will be used, communicate a consensus, and provide a foundation for enforcement.

Many organizations have a smattering of security policies in place, and some of these touch on identity issues. In creating an identity management architecture, we’re advocating separating out the identity aspects of those policies and creating a holistic approach to identity on which to build not only security policies, but also other important aspects of the business.

Figure 18-1 shows an IMA policy stack. The interoperability framework of standards undergirds identity policies. These policies include naming, passwords, encryption, authentication, privacy, access control, provisioning, directories, and federation, among others. In turn, the IMA supports activities important to the business such as software practices, security policies, software licensing, contracting, procurement, customer strategies, information protection, risk assessment, and partner interactions.

The policy stack with the interoperability framework as its foundation
Figure 18-1. The policy stack with the interoperability framework as its foundation

Attributes of a Good Identity Policy

Since policies define appropriate behavior and form the basis for enforcement, they must have several important qualities.


Good policies should be realizable given existing technology and resources. Technical controls are not always possible. The reason for having subject-matter experts available as one of the IMA governance roles is to provide the needed expertise to ensure that the policy being developed is workable. As you get buy-in from various groups, many of the problems that would keep the policy from being implementable will show up during the review process.


Enforceability requires that the policy have clear guidelines on what to do and that enforcement procedures are clearly spelled out. For example, if enforcing a particular policy requires periodic physical audits of the workplace, then the procedure for conducting the audit and the timetable should be given by inclusion or reference in the policy. Penalties for non-compliance should also be included in the policy where applicable. Creating workable enforcement provisions will usually require having legal and human resource subject-matter experts review and comment on the policy.


The people who have to live by the policies should be able to understand them. Writing good policies requires walking a fine line between formal and informal language. Users often perceive formal language as “stuffy” or “officious.” At the same time, informal language often lacks the precision necessary to clearly say what needs to be said. Regardless, the tone should be straightforward and clear, using short sentences and bulleted lists for ease in reading. Paragraphs (and subparagraphs) should be numbered so that they can be referenced easily. Policies should avoid third-person voice wherever possible, because it can obfuscate who is responsible for taking action. Most organizations will likely want to adopt a template as one of their first actions in creating policies so that subsequent policies share a common format.

Guided by the business

Policies should be tied to business goals and represent a consensus. Nothing is more important than creating consensus among the influencers in your organization around each policy. People trying to “just get the work done” will circumvent policies that are too restrictive, not understood, or perceived as being impractical. One of the primary purposes of the IMA governance procedure and of building the business model is to create a process that will avoid policies that “don’t work.” Remember that no matter how important you may think a particular policy is, it will be a waste of time if most people do not voluntarily adopt it. Enforcement is not a tool to force compliance so much as a tool for ensuring uniformity and gathering feedback.

Determining Policy Needs

In previous chapters we have discussed, in some detail, the process for creating a business model and inventorying processes and identities. If you have performed these activities, you should have a good idea of how the business is using identity information and what priority the business places on various resources.

Identity policies will typically come from one of four places:

  • Business inspired projects and processes

  • Security considerations

  • External demands

  • Feedback on existing policies

Business Inspired Projects and Processes

In Chapter 9, I discussed the metadirectory project that the State of Utah completed. This project was driven by a clear business need—specifically, the governor and others wanted a better URL for state web sites and shorter email addresses. This project inspired policies about naming conventions and directory interaction. This is just an example of how business projects and processes inform identity policies.

To some, driving policies from business projects and processes may seem somewhat less than pure. But in fact, that’s the point. By tying your policies to the places where they are needed, you’ll get better policies and avoid creating unused policies. As an example, you may determine that you can justify the creation of part of your identity infrastructure on the basis of the savings from password reset. That’s a perfect opportunity to create naming, password, and directory policies. Even then, you might opt to create just the parts of those policies that you need to complete the password reset project and leave other parts of those policies for another time.

The danger in this approach is that sometimes business requirements will demand that decisions be made faster than you can accommodate with the policy creation process you’ve put in place. You can mitigate this problem in one of two ways:

  • Proactively create policy templates in the primary areas we’ll discuss later, making preliminary decisions. A good example where this may be necessary is a policy on encryption. Decisions about encryption may need to be made in a matter of a few days, and waiting until the decision is needed to create the policy doesn’t leave enough time.

  • Create an expedited procedure for solving policy questions. Use this process to create point policies on the specific questions that need to be answered immediately, and use the longer policy process, including its built-in feedback mechanism, to iterate this point policy to a more general solution.

In either event, you want to avoid two extremes. On one extreme, you delay important business decisions and their implementation with the policy process. This is certain to breed discontent and force people to work around the system, rather than within it. On the other extreme, people make decisions without any guidance from the policy process and the identity infrastructure suffers from ad hoc decisions and no structural context.

Security Considerations

One of the most important roles for identity policies is to secure organizational resources. Much has been written about information security , and most large organizations have people in place who are dedicated to this important task. You may already have security policies that touch on some of the identity issues that we’re discussing.

One thesis of this book is that identity enables information security but is not subsumed by it. Indeed, there are significant security considerations that have little to do with identity such as firewall and intrusion detection policies. This implies that security policies should be separate from and built on identity policies, as shown in Figure 18-1.

Traditional security policies such as network security, acceptable use, and firewall requirements typically use concepts such as naming, authentication, encryption, and access control; but policies on those issues are frequently not aggregated together. You may find on reviewing security policies from your organization that they even contradict each other on these issues.

Separating identity policies from security policies requires that you rewrite each security policy to remove more general identity issues and reference them instead. As you do this, the requirements of your security policies will drive the contents of your identity policies.

The governance process should always include subject matter experts on security so that they can speak to information security needs as policies are developed and implemented. In fact, you may find that the governance process we’ve outlined in this book is useful for creating and maintaining security policies as well. Just be sure to keep those policies separate. While the needs of information security should play an important role in creating identity policies, they should not overshadow other important needs in the organization.

Meeting External Requirements

External sources such as government regulators and large partners frequently place requirements on the enterprise. These are another important place for identity policies to germinate. External requirements might be legal or regulatory requirements such as HIPPA, Sarbanes-Oxley, or the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. At other times, these external requirements are developed by some industry group and have the force of law for all intents and purposes (such as “generally accepted accounting principles”). Others are voluntary, but the business has concluded that they will abide by them for some reason.

In any event, your organization probably already meets, or attempts to meet, these requirements. Doing so places a burden on the identity infrastructure. Identity policies can codify and normalize these requirements as well as provide a process for meeting the many external identity requirements that are placed on your organization.

Feedback on Existing Policies

Determining what policies are needed in your organization is an iterative task, not an event. Like any good business process, the governance model discussed in Chapter 14 has a built-in feedback mechanism. If properly implemented, this feedback mechanism will give you information about what policies are working and which are not. It will also point to policies that need to be developed to answer questions that arise in the application or enforcement of existing policies.

Writing Identity Policies

We’ve already discussed four important attributes of a good identity policy. In addition to those specific attributes, there are important guidelines that will help ensure that your policies are implementable, enforceable, understandable, and guided by the business:

  • Never release a policy that you can’t or won’t enforce. Creating policies that people ignore weakens the process.

  • Build a policy review framework. The review framework is a document that gives status information and a review schedule for each policy.

  • Good policies are general enough to not need frequent updating. Policies should be unambiguous without being so specific that they lose their relevance with every change to the business operations of the organization.

  • Avoid referencing specific standards or products in your policies. Instead, use an interoperability framework to call out specific products and standards. Merely reference specific sections of the interoperability framework in the policy. This will ensure that policies don’t have to be continually updated as new products and standards are released.

  • Policies should not specify processes or “best practices.” Policies, however, should talk about “what” not “how.”

  • Policies should not contain confidential or proprietary information, because they will be widely distributed. When this is unavoidable, be sure that the policy is properly classified and that chosen classification allows everyone who must see it to have access.

  • Rather than writing large, monolithic policies, break them into short, modular documents and cross-reference specific sections when needed. Develop modular policy structures just as you would modular software. The benefits are similar. Short modular policies:

    • Can be reused by reference from multiple places

    • Benefit from being written by an expert in that specific area

    • Are relevant for a longer period of time

    • Are easier to maintain

  • Make sure that your human resource and legal teams review policies as part of the review process. This is especially important where enforcement is concerned. Without proper review, you likely will not be able to take action against individuals.

  • Use a document management system for controlling the policy writing process. This same system can be used to distribute and version policies when they are complete. Writing policies in a word processor, using email for workflow, and putting together a simple web site for distribution works for small numbers of documents with infrequent modification but becomes unwieldy for more active policy maintenance processes. This needn’t be an expensive proposition. Plone, an open source document management system, is certainly up to the task for almost any organization.

  • Rather than starting from scratch, consider buying policy templates from one of the many security vendors or consulting companies who service this market. Alternately, hiring a consultant to put together an identity policy suite specific to your organization may jump start the process and give you a number of workable policies in fairly short order. A set of sample policy templates that mirror the identity policies discussed next is available at

Policy Outline

What should a policy look like? Typically, identity policies have a set of sections that follow an identifiable outline . I recommend the following sections:

Section 1: Purpose

This section is typically just a paragraph or two long and answers the question, “Why is this policy needed?”

Section 2: Scope

This section is also generally short and identifies what is covered by the policy.

Section 3: Definitions

This section is simply a list of definitions of terms used in the rest of the document. Clear definitions are important in avoiding ambiguity in later sections and avoiding lengthy explanations of concepts in the main body of the policy. Note that the point of this section is not to give dictionary definitions so much as to give definitions specific to the organization and how the words are used in the policy.

Section 4: References

This section is a list of other policies, standards, and documents that are used in the body of the policy.

Section 5: Policy

This section is the main body of the document and describes in detail the requirements of the policy. This section may have a number of subsections.

Section 6: Enforcement

This section describes what actions will be taken when the policy is violated. Some enforcement actions may be against personnel (e.g., an HR action), and others may be against organizations (e.g., a budget action). In the case of personnel actions, you typically won’t include them in the policy directly, but by reference to the appropriate HR policy.

Section 7: Contacts

This section lists who is responsible for the policy and its review, modification, and enforcement. Specify this by title and position, not name, so that the policy is not outdated by irrelevant personnel actions.

Section 8: Revision History

This section documents each revision by date and the primary changes.

The specific policies you develop may have all or only some of these sections depending on the circumstance. I recommend that you develop a policy template for your organization and use it for every policy so the policies have a consistent style and format.

An Identity Policy Suite

An identity policy suite is a collection of high-level policies that deal with identity. Figure 18-1 listed many of the common ones: authentication and authorization, naming and directories, encryption, software development, software licensing, networking, privacy, and federation. The number and type of policies depends on an organization’s size and purpose.

The goal in creating policies at this level is to establish the boundaries within which other policies and procedures will work. The policy suite should provide a foundation on which other policies can be based. Therefore, it is important that wherever necessary, policies in the suite grant some role in the company specific authority to regulate the area further. The policy may also assign responsibilities to the role. In many cases, the policy may create the role.

For this strategy to be effective, policies in the identity policy suite will not typically be excessively detailed. At one end of the extreme, the policy will say nothing except to appoint a governing authority and leave all decisions to that authority. At the other extreme, the policy is sufficiently detailed that there’s nothing left for the governing authority to do. Strike a balance and err on the side of saying less rather than more. The policies in the suite should state what is non-negotiable and leave as much room as possible for the governing authority to meet the demands of the organization and users within those guidelines.

The following sections discuss the most common policies in an identity policy suite.

Naming and Certificates

A policy on naming and certificates forms the basis for other identity policies and for security policies. Naming can refer to many different things including domain names, usernames, uniform resource locators, documents, phone numbers, employee identity numbers, and physical assets such as conference rooms, printers, and computers. Your policy may not concern all of these, only the ones that are important now. Other facets of naming can be added as necessary or delegated to the appropriate parties.

The naming policy should be concerned with the form of names and who is responsible for naming. Most companies, for example, own one or more domain names. Other people in the organization will want subdomains from those domain names. Someone in the organization should be responsible for maintaining the domain name asset and assigning subdomain names. This role is typically called the “registrar.”

Most organizations also own a number of digital certificates. As we saw in Chapter 6, digital certificates associate identity information with a public key in a signed data structure. I’ve chosen to include the policy information for certificates with naming, because I prefer using the registrar for managing an organization’s certificates as well as domains. In common practices, most of the certificates will be associated with domain names and the asset tracking system being used to manage domain names, and subdomains can frequently be used to manage certificates as well. Another place to talk about certificates would be in the policy on encryption and digital signatures.

A policy on naming can also help enforce some of the standardization done as part of the identity data architecture in Chapter 16. A policy might include requirements to use information from the metadata repository or to use identities in established data stores in preference to creating new identities.

One of the most important naming roles a policy can perform is to grant authority for creating enterprise-wide identifiers. For example, how are email identifiers created? Who has authority to determine the format of employee numbers?


We discussed various password strategies and options in some detail in Chapter 7. The goal of a password policy is to:

  • Delineate where passwords must be used.

  • Note any exceptions and by what authority exceptions are granted.

  • Provide a basis on which other policies (such as an acceptable use policy) can make more detailed requirements of users.

You will be sorely tempted to over-specify the password policy. Resist that temptation by recognizing that there are plenty of other policies dealing with security that can build on the password policy, and give specific requirements for specific applications such as user access or networks.

A minimal password policy should deal with acceptable password formats, how passwords are stored, and requirements for the creation and protection of passwords. Additionally, the password policy should require that each identifier have the ability to store a separate password.

As you use the password policy as the basis for other security policies, you will run into requirements that show up over and over again. The password policy should be changed to include these general requirements rather than repeating them in multiple places. This ensures that as the password policy is reviewed, and when these general requirements are changed, that change manifests itself in all other policies.

Encryption and Digital Signatures

Almost every modern organization relies on cryptographic technology. If nothing else, most businesses have a digital certificate for their web site or use certificates in a virtual private network (VPN). The goal of a policy on encryption and digital signatures is to clearly delineate acceptable cryptographic techniques. The policy usually will not include specific policies about digital certificates or VPNs, for example. These would be in another policy.

The policy on encryption and digital signatures will typically require that only approved products and algorithms be used. The policy should never include references to specific algorithms or products—include them in the policy by reference to the interoperability framework.

A policy on encryption and digital signatures will generally include prohibitions on using proprietary encryption schemes, because these are generally not as trustworthy as those designed by the community of cryptographic experts, which have been subjected to a significant social process to discover their weaknesses.

The encryption policy will also typically call attention to export controls and require that those laws be followed. There should be no mistake by your employees or other parties that you intend to follow the law in this matter.


Successfully creating and using an enterprise-wide directory is mostly about process, not technology. There are some factors that a policy on directories can help with.

First, establish who has accountability and authority. Appointing an enterprise directory director (EDD) as a collateral duty and giving that person sufficient authority is crucial. That role should be empowered by the policy to create and enforce rules and processes regarding the enterprise directory. The policy may not say it, but the EDD should avoid promulgating these rules and processes, but rather create them cooperatively with other participants in the enterprise directory.

One of the crucial success factors in an enterprise-wide directory is establishing a way to create a globally unique ID for records in the directory. We’ve already dealt with that in the policy on naming and certificates, but the directory policy should reference that, and the EDD should play a role in creating the format for IDs.

Another crucial success factor for an enterprise directory is the directory schema. The EDD should be empowered to manage the schema and make decisions regarding what is and is not included.

To create an enterprise directory through using metadirectory or virtual directory technology, a process has to be put in place to designate which records will be considered canonical. For example, records identifying an individual may show up in several directories. Which of these records will be considered the true source of information about that individual? The directory policy can establish a process for making that determination.

An enterprise may have several enterprise-wide directories. For example, there may be one for employees and one for customers. These different directories may need separate policies with different governance processes.


Privacy policies in the identity policy suite should concentrate on the global requirements that must be followed by everyone and every project in the organization. Note that this privacy policy is different from, but governs, the privacy statement you might place on your web site. The most fundamental point in the global privacy policy is to establish the ground rules for protecting personally identifying information. This policy then forms the authoritative basis for many other security policies.

In Chapter 4, we gave 10 important principles regarding privacy. Use the governance process to establish a set of guiding principles for your organization based on these privacy principles and then make sure your privacy policy reflects them. Incorporate the principles into the policy by reference and give specific guidance where necessary.

For example, the privacy policy should establish a role such as a chief privacy officer (CPO) and empower that role to establish rules in keeping with the policy and the guiding principles.

Other items to include in a privacy policy are requirements to post privacy statements on web sites, conduct regular reviews of the identifying information being collected by each project and product, and use best practices to protect identity information from accidental disclosure and theft.

Privacy policies should require the appointment of data custodians for each repository of personally identifying information and charge that person with the requirement to meet the other requirements in the policy, such as conducting periodic reviews.

Data confidentiality should be maintained by specifically telling persons with access to repositories what they can and can’t do with respect to the data. For example, copying data for testing and development could be prohibited or allowed within certain parameters. The policy would not usually include the specifics of such an agreement but assign responsibility to some role in the organization for creating and maintaining it.


Authentication policy is built on the naming, password, and directory policies.

One of the most important factors in authentication is the creation of authentication levels. For example, a company might designate the following authentication levels with associated authentication mechanisms:


No password is required. A simple token such as a cookie is used to establish identity.


Standard ID and password combination shall be required.


A physical token shall be required in addition to ID and password.


A separate ID and password (different than those used to authenticate to access less secure systems) shall be required in addition to a physical token.

Note that these requirements say nothing about access control; rather, they specify authentication levels. This gives significant guidance to system architects and designers, because they can then count on the authentication system giving them back an authenticated user with a certain authentication level. This removes the ambiguity of trying to sort out for each system what authentication mechanism to use and what it means.

Authentication policies should provide guidance on using the enterprise directory infrastructure (if one exists) and require that systems be purchased to support the authentication infrastructure. Major system upgrades should also be evaluated for compliance issues.

Access Control

Unlike other policies that we have dealt with, access-control policies do not specify a single role to be held accountable for the performance of the policy. Access control is about thousands—even millions—of individual resources that have different owners and custodians. In many modern organizations, nearly every employee is the owner of many information resources.

Consequently, an access-control policy should define owners and custodians and spell out specific responsibilities for each. The policy should also specify responsibilities for users, so that users who violate policies knowingly can be held accountable.

As we saw in Chapter 8, owners determine what the access-control policy for a given resource will be while custodians determine how to carry out the policy set by the owner.

Information resources generally fall into one of three access-control categories:

  • Uncontrolled resources have no oversight whatsoever. Anyone can create, modify, or delete them. You may not think that much will fall into this category, but in fact this is unfortunately the default classification for most corporate data even when the owner would like to apply some other policy.

  • Audited resources are tracked so that the organization can determine which user took what action and when. These records may be audited at varying times to ensure that users are behaving in compliance with the owner’s policies.

  • Controlled resources have access-control policies associated with them. Those access-control policies should be enforced by the information systems.

The access-control policy will not generally specify access-control methods for meeting policies because that depends a great deal on specific systems. A policy may, however, make recommendations or guide new development toward certain access-control methods.


As we saw in Chapter 5, there are many opportunities in the identity management lifecycle for provisioning identities. Unless your organization takes steps to ensure that provisioning is done according to standards and with an eye to automation, help desk costs can become excessive.

As a result, the goal of the provisioning policy should be to require conformance with standards listed in the interoperability framework and to require automation. Depending on the maturity of your digital identity infrastructure, the policy may be more directional than regulatory. That is, the best you can do in some cases is to require automation, where possible, because your infrastructure may not yet be up to the task. This is a good example of how policy must change depending on the status of the infrastructure it’s supporting.

One of the things that a provisioning policy should always do is require that new systems be in compliance, especially in automation functions like password reset. Another important consideration is support for and requirements to use the enterprise directory.


Policies for federation are particularly important, because there can be considerable risk in connecting with external partners. At the same time, the very idea of federation implies that two or more partners are coming together and compromise will be necessary. A federation policy therefore has to distinguish between requirements that you’re placing on your employees, things on which you’re unwilling to compromise, and what approvals are needed for agreements that may stray from internal policies.

There are several big gotchas in federation projects that should be covered by the policy. Among the most important is the amount of trust you can place in external partners. You may choose to require that they meet external, independent security criteria, such as SAS70, or simply submit to due diligence by your own staff. Of course, they’ll likely require that you meet the same requirements.

Another important aspect of a policy on federation is to ensure that agreements that initiate and govern the relationship are properly reviewed and limit your liability in case of fraud or error.

Most of the foregoing assumes a private federation agreement, that is, a custom agreement between two or more parties. In the future, you may be able to join a federation network that has standard policies and agreements. The downside of such agreements is that they will likely not be customizable to any great degree. You take what’s offered. On the other hand, as we’ve seen, such networks will standardize the process of federation and make it easier and less costly to enter into federation relationships.

The Policy Review Framework

A policy review framework should be included in the policies that are developed as part of an IMA. The framework is really nothing more than a schedule. Consequently, it is generally short and relatively non-controversial. The review framework consists of the following parts:

  • Introduction stating the purpose of the document.

  • A table that serves as a schedule of policies. The table should include columns for policy number, policy title, responsible person or group, status (e.g., Approved, Final Draft, Draft—RFC), date approved, review cycle (e.g., yearly, biannual, etc.).

  • A table that serves as a calendar for the current year showing which policy will be reviewed in any given month.

  • Guidelines for how frequently different types of policies should be reviewed to guide policy writers in proposing a review schedule.

The schedule itself should be reviewed the last month of the calendar or fiscal year and a new review calendar created for the coming year.

Assessing Identity Policies

When initially creating a policy, and again when they come up for review or modification, policies should be assessed. This process will be most effective when done as a semiformal procedure that is carried out in a routine way with a brief report to the reviewing body. Policies of any sort can be difficult to assess. There are several criteria you might want to use to review and assess your policies.


We would like policies to cover every situation that might come up, but that is not practical for reasons of cost and because we cannot foresee every possible problem. The best approach is to create a policy that seems complete and then add to it with discretion as problems arise. This is the approach used by the building trades to create building codes and it has served them well. The reviewing body should review any incident reports that bear on the policy and make recommendations about changes to the policy that would have prevented or lessened the severity of any related incident.


To gauge effectiveness, the enterprise must have some goal that they want the overall identity policy suite to accomplish and understand how each policy in the suite contributes to that goal.


This can be difficult to assess, but it’s worth at least estimating so that you can make a case for or against a policy or changes to an existing policy. The cost should estimate the cost of compliance with the policy and also the cost of not implementing the policy. Cost estimates should usually be done on policy components rather than the entire policy.


Policies can be hard to compare for relative risk. For example, is a password reset every three weeks with six-character passwords more or less secure that a password reset every two months with eight-character passwords? The best that you can usually do is to make an estimate of risk. The most important thing about evaluating risk is to use the process to build consensus among key players about risk. As a result, everyone will approach policies and their enforcement from a similar perspective.


There is little point in creating policies if they are not enforced. Just imagine how ineffective building codes would be if they were not enforced. Enforcement is not a duty that can fall to a committee. Neither should the same operational group that is supposed to be providing service enforce policy. It’s impossible to provide good customer service and be the police force at the same time. Usually enforcement is a function of the CIO’s office and separated from operations so that customers see operations as helping solve the problem, rather than causing it.

Make sure policies are promulgated effectively to those who need to see them. As part of this effort, you might consider developing a training program around your policy suite and make sure you include this program in new employee orientation, management training, and other meetings as appropriate. Sometimes things like online quizzes, with prizes for completion, can be effective for measuring employee understanding of important policies.

Include an acknowledgment statement in every policy. Sometimes this is appropriate for individual users, but also consider having the leaders of organizations affected by the policy acknowledge that they’ve read it and that their organization is in compliance. If they can’t sign a compliance statement, be sure to have a program for helping them develop a roadmap that takes them to compliance and require milestone reporting for major milestones in the roadmap.

One of the most effective techniques for measuring and encouraging compliance is to conduct periodic audits. Here are some important points to remember when planning and carrying out audits:

  • Make sure you have approval to conduct the audit.

  • Don’t exclude groups or individuals such as the IT department and executive management from audits.

  • Don’t announce the audit ahead of time.

  • Find creative ways to make audits non-punitive where possible. As silly as it sounds, just leaving candy or rocks in someone’s office after an audit as a measure of their compliance can alert people to problems in a non-threatening way.

  • Develop standard audit forms.

  • Develop custom audit procedures for each type of policy. For example, a password audit is very different from an audit of coding practices.

  • Make sure the audit does not unduly interfere with revenue producing activities.

  • Document and share the results.

Remember that the point of policies and enforcement is to create a context within which a working digital identity infrastructure can be built and operated. Enforcement actions should consequently be aimed at helping projects, organizations, and employees come into compliance rather than extracting punishment.


Closely related to policies are procedures. Where policies define “what,” procedures define “how.” A proper policy suite serves as the basis for creating procedures. Procedures outline specific actions to take in specific situations and give instructions for how to handle events and incidents—even those that are unanticipated.

Procedures are just as important as policies, because properly defined procedures lead to repeatable results. As we saw in Chapter 15, reaching higher levels in the identity management maturity model requires not only having procedures, but also ensuring they are consistently executed.

Procedures can be created proactively under authority granted in a policy. More often, though, procedures will spring up to fill a need without any specific authorization. That’s natural and proper. What’s important is that the IMA provide the context within which the procedures are created. Returning to our analogy of building codes, building codes don’t have to authorize a contractor to create her own building procedures, but the procedures created by the best builders are done with the building code in mind.

One of the most important general procedures you can create is an incident-handling procedure. The incident-handling procedure is a preplanning document for common, foreseeable incidents. The procedure should define areas of responsibility, actions to take, and the escalation process. Other organizations within the enterprise may define specific incident-handling procedures for their areas of responsibility, but they should be done under the umbrella of a general incident-handling procedure so that nothing falls through the cracks.


This chapter has outlined in some detail how to create policies and has given specific examples of what your organization might want in the policy suite that undergirds your IMA. The way to get started is to review the governance information in Chapter 14 and begin to build the organization that can build your own policy suite.

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