Compiling and Running a Program

At this point, we’re ready to test the keypad of digit buttons. To do this, we must compile the Controller.m and main.m source code and link them together with the MainMenu.nib file. (We’ll discuss the main source file later, in Section 5.10.)

There are three ways to compile a Cocoa program:

  • From Project Builder

  • From a command-line prompt

  • From GNU Emacs

We’ll describe each of these approaches in the following sections.

Compiling and Running a Program from PB

The following steps will compile (make, build) and run your Calculator program directly from PB:

  1. Activate PB and click the horizontal Build tab near the right side of PB’s main window to see the Build pane (above the tabs).

  2. To have PB include debugging information in the executable, you must select the vertical Targets tab and make sure that the Development build target is selected, as shown in Figure 5-25.

Compiling the Calculator application in PB’s main window

Figure 5-25. Compiling the Calculator application in PB’s main window

  1. Start the compilation process by clicking the Build button near the upper-left corner in PB’s main window. If you haven’t saved all of your files, PB will prompt you to save them before building. In this case, click the Save All button.

If there are no compile-time errors, you should see “Build succeeded” in the lower-left corner of PB’s main window and the compile log. If an error occurred, first check the code in your Controller class files and then refer to the next section in this chapter.

  1. Run your program directly from PB by clicking the build and run button near the top-left corner of PB’s main window.

This will run the executable file, which was created in your ~/Calculator/build folder when the Calculator program successfully compiled. (The .app extension doesn’t appear in the Finder.) We didn’t actually have to compile and run in a two-step process; we only needed to click the build and run button.

The main Calculator window and menu appear on the screen, as shown in Figure 5-26.

Calculator running on the Mac OS X desktop

Figure 5-26. Calculator running on the Mac OS X desktop

  1. Choose Calculator Hide Others to simplify your screen.

    Note that Calculator is running as any other Mac OS X application runs, and we get the menu bar for free! Note also that the position and size of the Calculator window and its contents are the same as the way you left them in IB.

  2. Try the keypad buttons to make sure every digit works. Clicking the buttons 1, then 2, then 3 in order should make the number “123” appear in the white text area. The C and CA keys should zero-out the values on the display.

Note that the new default application icon is in your Dock, shown on the right in Figure 5-26.

  1. Choose Calculator Quit NewApplication to exit the Calculator application (we’ll change the menu label from “NewApplication” to “Calculator” later).

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