

Adjust command icon, 208–209

Adjust sliders, 167

Contrast, 168–169

Definition, 169

De-Noise, 171

exposure, fixing, 168

Highlights, 170

Saturation, 169

Shadows, 170

Sharpness, 170

Temperature/Tint, 171–172

underexposure, fixing, 167–168

undoing, 173

Adjust window, 162–163, 208–209

Adobe photo-editing software, 144

Adorama website, 115

advanced editing

Adjust window, 162–163

contrast, 168–169

Definition slider, 169

de-noising, 171

exposure, fixing, 168

highlights, 170

Levels histogram, 163–166

adjusting tonal ranges, 164–165

Apple tutorial, 165

example, 165–166

reading tonal ranges, 164

viewing, 164

saturation, 169

shadows, 170

sharpness, 170

sliders, 167


eye-dropper tool, 172–173

Temperature/Tint sliders, 171–172

underexposure, fixing, 167–168

undoing, 173

aged appearance effects

Antique effect, 154–155

Sepia/Edge Blur effects, 153–154


benefits, 75

creating, 75–76, 306

deleting, 77, 307

events, compared, 75

exporting, 179–180

Facebook, 253

MobileMe photos, transferring, 277


adding, 75–77

arranging, 76

editing, 76

organization, 14–15

viewing, 76

selecting, 307

Smart Albums, 77–80

conditions, setting, 78–79

creating, 78–80

names, 78

viewing, 79

viewing, 75

announcement email template, 244

Antique effect, 154–155


Apple Care, 299

ID accounts, 216

print products website, 215

applications, switching between, 34

archiving photos, 24–25

CDs/DVDs, 296

MobileMe, 298

online photo labs, 296–297

remote data backup services, 298–299

solutions, choosing, 299

Time Machine, 295–296

auto shooting modes, 88–89

choosing, 90

shutter lag, 90–91

autoflow pages, 210


Background icon, 204


MobileMe online photo galleries, 277

printing, 204

backing up photos

CDs/DVDs, 296

MobileMe, 298

online photo labs, 296–297

remote data backup services, 298–299

solutions, choosing, 299

Time Machine, 295–296

black and white effect, 152–153


BookSmart software, 26

website, 304

blurriness, adjusting, 109–110, 170

BookSmart software, 26

Boost effect, 158


photo books, adding, 230

printing, 201, 205–206

Borders icon, 205–206

brightening, 170

burning photos to DVDs

Burn command, 291–292

naming discs, 292

options, 292

progress window, 292

iDVD presentations, 290–291

editing, 290–291

photo selection, 290

playing, 291

previewing, 291

readable from any computer, 292–293


CafePress, 239, 304

calendars, 236–239

costs, 236

creating, 238–239

holidays, 237

iCal events, importing, 237

ordering process, 238


selecting, 237

placing, 238

templates, 237

candid photos, 103

Canon website, 303

CanvasOnDemand website, 304

Cards Direct, 239, 304

cardstock email template, 244

Casio website, 303


archiving photos, 296

burning photos, 291–292

naming discs, 292

options, 292

progress window, 292

readable from any computer, 292–293

importing photos from, 48

celebration email template, 244

clarity, fixing

De-Noise sliders, 171

Highlights slider, 170

classic email template, 244

Classic theme, 264

close-ups, creating, 136–138, 141

closing full-screen mode, 306

collage email template, 244

colorimeters, 114


black and white transformations, 152–153

boosting, 158

effects, 149–151

saturate, 151

warmer/cooler, 150

fading, 158

greeting cards, 232

problems, fixing, 112–115

Levels histogram, 163–166

printing, 113

screen calibration, 114

white balance, 113

temperature/tint, fixing

eye-dropper tool, 172–173

Temperature/Tint sliders, 171–172

tonal ranges

fixing, 164–165

viewing, 164


File menu

Export, 176

Import from Scanner, 53

Import to Library, 46–48

Order Prints, 211

Print, 199

Full Screen (View menu), 126

Photos menu

Edit Photo, 125

Revert to Original, 124

comments (Facebook), 255–256

common shooting mistakes, 109

autofocusing on wrong objects, 110–112

blurry images, 109–110

color problems, 112–115

printing, 113

screen calibration, 114

white balance, 113

glares/shadows, 115–116

red-eye, 118–120

shooting through glass, 116–118

specks/dots on photos, 120–121

compatibility, 26

Confirm Order Details screen (Apple), 214

contact sheets, printing, 202–203

continuous shooting mode, 107

contrast, adjusting

Contrast effect sphere, 149

Contrast slider, 168–169

cooler color effect, 150

copying photos

DVDs/CDs, 291–292

naming discs, 292

options, 292

progress window, 292

keyboard shortcut, 307

readable from any computer, 292–293

copyright laws, 55

corkboard email template, 244

cropping, 136–141

close-ups, creating, 136–138, 141

reframing, 138–139

resetting, 140

sizing, 138–140

without constrains, 140

Customize icon (Print Settings window), 203

customizing. See editing

cutting, 307

CVS Pharmacy Photo Lab website, 303


darkening, 147–149

Datacolor website, 114

definition, adjusting, 169

deflectors, 115


albums, 77

photo book pages, 230

photos, 83

photos from memory cards, 44

projects, 82

special effects, 160

Delta Point and Shoot Diffusers, 116

De-Noise sliders, 171

depth, adding, 97–98

descriptions (photos)

adding, 17, 65

customizing, 56–57

viewing, 64

Design command icon, 233

desktop wallpaper photos, 282–283

diffusers, 115–116

Digital Camera Resource Page website, 302

Digital Camera Tracker website, 302

digital cameras

auto shooting modes, 88–89

selecting, 90

shutter lag, 90–91

autofocusing on wrong objects, 110–112

color problems, 112–115

display image quality, 93

good-quality, 9

lenses, cleaning, 86, 120–121

manufacturer websites, 303

memory cards

geo-tagging, 18

malfunctions, troubleshooting, 300

photos, deleting, 44

read/write speeds, 91

wireless, 45

picture-taking skills, improving, 85–88

angles, choosing, 87

auto shooting modes, 88–89

camera practice, 86

candid photos, 103

creativity, 88

lenses, cleaning, 86

lighting, 86, 99–101

posed photos, 101–103

preparedness, 86

settings/subjects, evaluating, 86

specks/dots on photos, 120–121

stability, 87–88

timing, 88

zooming, 104–105

practicing, 86

preparedness, 86

shooting modes

auto, 88–89

choosing, 92

continuous, 107

existing lighting, 109

image stabilization, 107

landscape, 107

macro, 107–108

panoramic, 108

portrait, 108

sports/action, 109

stability, 87–88, 93

transferring photos to Mac, 41–45

deleting photos from memory cards, 44

ejecting, 44

USB cables, 43–44

wirelessly, 45

white balance, 113

zooming, 104–105

Digital Photo Magazine website, 302

digital photography

benefits, 9

online service websites, 303–304

specialized photography websites, 304–305


Digital Camera Resource Page, 302

Digital Camera Tracker, 302

Digital Photo Magazine, 302

Digital Photography Review, 302

Digital PhotoPro, 302

Picture Correct, 302

Popular Photography, 302

Digital Photography Review website, 302

Digital PhotoPro website, 302

disaster recovery

memory card malfunctions, 300

system crashes, 299–300

dots on photos, fixing, 120–121

duplicating photos, 124

keyboard shortcut, 307

names, 124


archiving photos, 296

burning photos to

Burn command, 291–292

iDVD, 290–291

readable from any computer, 292–293

importing photos from, 48


Edge Blur effect

aged appearance, creating, 153–154

applying, 158–159

Edit Photo command, 125

Edit screen, 125–126

Edit window, 130

Adjust tab, 162–163

effects, viewing, 146–147

opening, 145


See also fixing

advanced, 20

Adjust window, 162–163

contrast, 168–169

Definition, 169

de-noising, 171

exposure, fixing, 168

highlights, 170

saturation, 169

shadows, 170

sharpness, 170

sliders, 167

temperature/tint, 171–173

tonal ranges. See tonal ranges

underexposure, fixing, 167–168

undoing, 173

albums, 76


De-Noise sliders, 171

Highlights slider, 170

descriptions, 56–57

duplicate copies, 124

Edit screen, 125–126

Edit window, 130


aged appearance, 153–155

black and white, 152–153

boosting colors, 158

coloring, 149–151

contrast, 149

deleting, 160

edges, blurring, 158–159

fading colors, 158

lightening/darkening, 147–149

mattes, 156

viewing, 146–147

event names, 56

Export window, 191

filenames, 56

Filmstrip view, 126

full-screen mode, 126–127

greeting cards, 233–236

keyboard shortcut, 308

overview, 123–124

new features, 39–40

photo book pages, 226–228

photo editing software, 144

Quick Fixes, 19–20, 131

accessing, 131–132

cropping, 136–141

enhancing, 132–133

red-eye, 133–134

retouching, 142–143

rotating, 132

straightening, 134–137

red-eye removal, 308

reverting to original, 124

selecting images, 145

slideshow themes, 265–266

while previewing, 208–209

zooming, 127–130

effects, 21

coloring, 149–151

saturate, 151

warmer/cooler, 150

contrast, 149

lightening/darkening, 147–149

photo books, adding, 230

special, 151–152

adding, 152

aged appearance, 153–154

antique, 154–155

black and white, 152–153

deleting, 160

edges, blurring, 158–159

fading/boosting colors, 158

mattes, 156

viewing, 146–147

ejecting cameras, 44


importing photos from, 48–50

MobileMe online photo galleries, 274, 277

sending photos, 35–36, 243

attaching photos, 246

editing text, 245

entering text, 243

example process, 247

file size, 246

photo selection, 243

previewing, 246

Send icon, 246

templates, 244–245

themes, 245

To/Subject/From fields, 243

emptying Trash, 83, 307

enhancing photos, 21

See also effects

new features, 39–40

Quick Fixes, 132–133


albums, compared, 75

arranging, 15

creating, 62

exporting, 179–180

key photos, 63

merging, 62

names, 56, 61

photo organization, 14–15

same photo in multiple event folders, 61

selecting, 307

splitting, 63

transferring photos between, 63

viewing, 61

existing lighting shooting mode, 109

Export command, 176

Export window

albums, 179–180

editing, 191

events, 179–180

Export to QuickTime option, 184–186

Export to Web Page option, 180–183

multiple photos, 192–193

overview, 176–177

single photos, 177–178

slideshows, 186–187

third-party plug-ins, 191–192

Export Your Slideshow window, 268


albums, 179–180

events, 179–180

Export window

editing, 191

overview, 176–177


formats, choosing, 188

size, choosing, 189

names, 190–191

keyboard shortcut, 306

mobile devices, 284–287

connecting devices to iTunes, 284

sync preferences, 287

syncing with iTunes, 284–286

multiple photos, 192–193

online photo labs, 216–217

quality, selecting, 189

to QuickTime, 184–186

single photos, 177–178

slideshows, 186–187, 259, 268–269


photo product companies, 240

plug-ins, 191–192

to web pages, 180–183


fixing with Adjust sliders, 168

lightening/darkening, 147–149

eye-dropper tool, 172–173

Eye-Fi, 18, 45


Facebook, 250–256

account access, 254–255

compatibility, 34–35

Facebook view, 254–255


adding to albums, 253

adding to Wall, 253

comments, viewing, 255–256

tags, 250–251, 255–256

thumbnails, viewing, 255

upload location, choosing, 252

uploading, 251–254

privacy settings, 251

Faces (face-recognition)

accuracy, 69


tags, adding, 69–71

viewing, 67–68

misidentifications, 69

photo organization, 15, 67

Fade effect, 158

File menu commands

Export, 176

Import from Scanner, 53

Import to Library, 46–48

Order Prints, 211

Print, 199


email sizes, 246


formats, 188

size, 189

slideshow formats, 269


editing, 56

exporting, 190–191

photo organization, 14

viewing, 64

Filmstrip preview, 32–33, 126


blurriness, 109–110, 170

camera autofocusing mistakes, 110–112


De-Noise sliders, 171

Highlights slider, 170

color problems, 112–115

Levels histogram, 163–166

printing, 113

screen calibration, 114

white balance, 113

exposure, 168

glares/shadows, 115–116

red-eye, 118–120

automatically, 133–134

manually, 133–134

shooting through glass, 116–118

specks/dots on photos, 120–121


eye-dropper tool, 172–173

Temperature/Tint sliders, 171–172

tonal ranges, 164–165

underexposure, 167–168

flagging photos, 16–17

events, creating, 62

keyboard shortcut, 307

recent, viewing, 81–82

Flickr, 247–250

accounts, 247

archiving photos, 298

photo upload sizes, 249

Photostreams, 250

restricting access, 248

sets, creating, 249–248

uploading files, 248

viewing mode, 249–250

website, 303


creating, 306

moving to Trash, 307

selecting, 307

FotoFlot, 239, 304

FotoMagico 3, 269

FujiFilm website, 303

Full Screen command, 126

full size photos, viewing, 65

full-screen mode, 30–34

benefits, 32

editing photos, 126–127

Filmstrip preview, 32–33

multitasking, 32–33

new main screen, 30–31

opening/closing, 306

slideshows, 259

switching between applications, 34


Genius Bar website, 299

geographic locations, 71–74

adding, 57


manually adding, 73, 74

overview, 17–18

wireless, 18

Map viewing mode, 71–73

sorting photos by location, 73–74

viewing, 74


manually adding, 73, 74

overview, 17–18

sorting photos by location, 73–74

viewing, 74

wireless memory cards, 18

glares, reducing, 99–100, 115–116

Google’s Picasa website, 303

Gorillapod, 110

greeting cards, 232–236

Cards Direct, 239

color schemes, 232

creating, 38–39, 232

editing, 233–236

envelopes, 236

layouts, 233

Letterpress Cards, 232

message idea websites, 236

ordering process, 236


editing, 236

placing, 234

previewing, 233

quantity discounts, 233

templates, choosing, 232

text, 234


hard-copy photos, importing, 53–54


See also troubleshooting

keyboard shortcut, 308

memory card malfunctions, 300

system crashes, 299–300


iPhoto, 308

photos, 309

high gloss photo paper, 198

highlights, 170

Holiday Mobile theme, 264

home photo printers, 22, 196

borders, 201

contact sheets, 202–203

costs, 196–197

functions, 196

ink cartridges

costs, 197

preserving, 199

manufacturers, 196

multiphoto collages, 207–208

paper choices, 197–199

finish types, 198

manufacturer brand paper, 199

quality, 198

photo sizes, 196

print jobs, customizing, 203–204

Print Settings window, 200

Adjust icon, 208–209

Background icon, 204

Borders icon, 205–206

closing, 202

Customize icon, 203

Layout icon, 205–207

Paper Size menu, 201

Presets menu, 201

Print Settings icon, 203

Print Size menu, 201

Printer menu, 201

Settings icon, 208–209

themes, 200–201

Themes icon, 204–205

printing photos, 199

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 180

Huey Pro, 114


iDVD, 290–291

DVD presentations

editing, 290–291

photo selection, 290

playing, 291

previewing, 291

website, 290

iLife, 8

image stabilization shooting mode, 107

Import from Scanner command, 53

Import to Library command, 46–48

importing photos

CDs/DVDs, 48

cell phones/Smartphones, 52

digital cameras, 41–45

deleting photos from memory cards, 44

ejecting, 44

USB cables, 43–44

wirelessly, 45

email, 48–50

flash drives, 46–48

hard drives, 46–48

hard-copy photos, 53–54

iPhone/iPad, 51–52

keyboard shortcut, 306

memory card readers, 45–46

MobileMe, 52–53

Web, 54–55

improvements, 30–31

Info Window, 306

ink cartridges

costs, 197

preserving, 199

interface, 30


integration, 51–52

transferring photos to, 284–287

connecting devices to iTunes, 284

sync preferences, 287

syncing with iTunes, 284–286


compatibility, 26

hiding, 308

improvements, 30–31

interface, 30

new features

editing photos, 39–40

emailing photos, 35–36

enhancing photos, 39–40

full-screen mode, 30–34

greeting cards, 38–39

main screen, 30–31

photo books, 37

professional-quality slideshows, 36

sharing photos on Facebook, 34–35

quitting, 309

upgrading, 28

photo library, 29–30

purchasing options, 29

iWeb, 279–282

exporting to MobileMe, 282

pages, customizing, 280

photo selection, 279

publish locations, choosing, 282

templates, 280

URLs, 281


journal email template, 244

JPEG file format, 188


Ken Burns theme, 261

key photos, 63

keyboard shortcuts


creating, 306

moving to trash, 307

selecting, 307

events, selecting, 307


creating, 306

moving to Trash, 307

selecting, 307

full-screen mode, opening/closing, 306

help, 308

hiding iPhoto, 308

Info Window, opening, 306

keywords, 309

listing of commonly used, 306–309


copying, 307

cutting, 307

deleting star ratings, 308

duplicating, 307

editing, 308

exporting, 306

flagging/unflagging, 307

hiding/showing, 309

importing, 306

moving to Trash, 307

pasting, 307

rating, 308

rotating, 307

selecting, 307

selecting all, 308

preferences, viewing, 309

print, 308

quitting iPhoto, 309

red-eye removal, 308


manually moving through, 308

pausing, 308

stopping, 308


selecting, 307

sizing, 307

Trash, emptying, 307

undo, 309


adding, 57

keyboard shortcut, 309

Kodak Gallery website, 303

Kodak website, 303


landscape shooting mode, 107

Last 12 Months, viewing, 80

last import, viewing, 80

Layout icon, 205–207


greeting cards, 233

photo books, 226–230

adding pages, 230

autoflow pages, 228

borders, adding to photos, 230

clearing placed photos, 228

deleting pages, 230

editing, 226–228

effects, adding to photos, 230

minimum number of pages, 230

page-by-page thumbnail view, 226

pages, viewing, 226

placing photos on pages, 228

templates, choosing, 227–229

thumbnails, viewing, 228

viewing placed photos, 228

print, 205–207

lenses, cleaning, 86, 120–121


cards, 38–39, 232

email template, 245

Levels histogram, 163–166

Apple tutorial, 165

example, 165–166

tonal ranges

adjusting, 164–165

reading, 164

viewing, 164


Source list, 61

upgrading, 29–30

lightening, 147–149


brightening, 170

diffusers, 115–116

glares, reducing, 99–100, 115–116

impact on photos, 99–100

picture-taking skills, improving, 86

reflections, reducing, 99–100

reflectors, 115

shadows, reducing, 115–116

subjects, positioning, 101

Lumix website, 303

luster photo paper, 198


macro shooting mode, 107–108

main screen, 30–31


digital cameras, 303

home photo printers, 196

printer paper, 199

Map viewing mode, 71–73

Matte effect, 156

matte photo paper, 198

memory cards

geo-tagging, 18

malfunctions, troubleshooting, 300

memory card readers, 45–46

photos, deleting, 44

read/write speeds, 91

wireless, 45

merging events, 62

Miller’s Professional Imaging website, 305

mobile devices, transferring photos to, 284–287

connecting devices to iTunes, 284

sync preferences, 287

syncing with iTunes, 284–286


archiving photos, 298

importing photos from, 52–53

iWeb imports, 282

membership, 270

online home page, accessing, 275

online photo galleries, 271–272

accessing from iPhoto, 275

backgrounds, 277

benefits, 272

Carousel view, 276

central Gallery Page options, 274

creating, 277–278

default Grid view, 276

downloading photos, 277

email options, 274

names, 273

photo filenames, viewing, 274

privacy settings, 272, 274

sharing process, 272

storage space, 272

subscribing, 277

transferring photos to iPhoto albums, 277

upload screen, 275

uploading photos, 273, 277

URLs, emailing, 277

viewing, 271

overview, 271

website, 270

movies, creating, 185–186

MPIX website, 303

multiphoto collages

printing, 207–208

slideshows, 264–262

multiple photos, exporting, 192–193

multitasking, 32–33

music (slideshows), 259, 266–267



CDs/DVDs, 292

duplicate photos, 124

events, 56, 61


editing, 56

exporting, 190–191

organization, 14

viewing, 64

online photo galleries (MobileMe), 273

Smart Albums, 78

Navigation window, 127

new features

editing photos, 39–40

enhancing photos, 39–40

full-screen mode, 30–34

greeting cards, 38–39

main screen, 30–31

photo books, 37

professional-quality slideshows, 36

sharing photos

email, 35–36

Facebook, 34–35, 197

Nikon website, 303

None effect, 160


Olympus website, 303

one-hour photo labs

photo products, 240

prints, 217–218

online photo galleries (MobileMe), 271–272

accessing from iPhoto, 275

backgrounds, 277

benefits, 272

Carousel view, 276

central Gallery Page options, 274

creating, 277–278

default Grid view, 276

email options, 274

names, 273


downloading, 277

filenames, viewing, 274

transferring to iPhoto albums, 277

uploading, 273, 277

privacy settings, 272, 274

sharing process, 272

storage space, 272

subscribing, 277

upload screen, 275

URLs, emailing, 277

viewing, 271

online photo labs

archiving photos, 296–297

ordering prints, 216–217

photo product companies, 239–240

CafePress, 239

exporting photos, 240

greeting cards, 239

plastic sheet enlargements, 239

posters, 240

wall decals, 240

slideshows, creating, 269

websites, 303–304

Order Prints command, 211

Order Prints screen (Apple), 212


calendars, 238

greeting cards, 236

photo books, 230–231

ordering prints

Apple, 211–215

Apple ID accounts, 216

buying, 213

checking out, 214

costs, 213

finalizing orders, 214

order confirmation, 214

Order Prints screen, 212

print products website, 215

process overview, 215

Quick Order field, 213

standard finishes, 214

Your Order screen, 213

one-hour photo labs, 217–218

online photo labs, 216–217

professional photo labs, 22–23, 218–219

organization, 13–18

albums, 14–15

adding photos, 75–77

arranging photos, 76

benefits, 75

creating, 75–76

deleting, 77

editing photos, 76

events, compared, 75

MobileMe photos, transferring, 277

Smart Albums, 77–80

viewing, 75

viewing photos, 76

events, 14–15

albums, compared, 75

creating, 62

key photos, 63

merging, 62

names, 56, 61

same photo in multiple event folders, 61

splitting, 63

transferring photos between, 63

viewing, 61

Faces (face-recognition), 15

accuracy, 69

face tags, adding, 69–71

faces, viewing, 67–68

misidentifications, 69

photo organization, 67

filenames, 14

flagging/tagging/rating, 16–17

Places, 71–74

adding, 57

geo-tagging, 17–18, 73, 74

Map viewing mode, 71–73

sorting photos by location, 73–74

viewing, 74

Origami theme, 262


Panasonic, 303

panoramic shooting mode, 108

Pantone Huey Pro, 114

paper (printer), choosing, 197–199

finish types, 198

manufacturer brand paper, 199

quality, 198

Paper Size menu (Print Settings window), 201

pasting, 307

pausing slideshows, 308

Pentax website, 303

Photo Book Creation screen, 224

photo books

BookSmart software, 26

borders, adding to photos, 230

costs, 223

creating, 25–26, 37, 222–223

effects, adding to photos, 230

example, creating, 231

layouts, 226–230

autoflow pages, 228

clearing placed photos, 228

editing, 226–228

page-by-page thumbnail view, 226

pages, viewing, 226

placing photos on pages, 228

templates, choosing, 227–229

viewing placed photos, 228

minimum number of pages, 230

ordering, 230–231


adding, 230

deleting, 230

themes, 223–225

thumbnails, viewing, 228

viewing in Source list, 231

photo composition, 91

camera stability, 93

depth, adding, 97–98

multiple shots, 92

Rule of Thirds, 93–97

shooting modes, choosing, 92


choosing, 91

creativity, 92

framing, 92

prefocusing, 96

Photo Mobile theme, 263

photo product companies. See online photo labs

Photobucket website, 303


archiving, 24–25

CDs/DVDs, 296

MobileMe, 298

online photo labs, 296–297

remote data backup services, 298–299

solutions, choosing, 299

Time Machine, 295–296

brightening, 170

clarity, fixing

De-Noise sliders, 171

Highlights slider, 170

copying, 307

cropping, 136–141

close-ups, creating, 136–138, 141

reframing, 138–139

resetting, 140

sizing images, 138–140

without constrains, 140

cutting, 307

deleting, 83


adding, 17, 65

editing, 56–57

viewing, 64

duplicating, 124

keyboard shortcut, 307

names, 124

editing. See editing effects, 21

adding, 152

aged appearance, 153–154

antique, 154–155

black and white, 152–153

coloring, 149–151

contrast, 149

deleting, 160

edges, blurring, 158–159

fading/boosting colors, 158

lightening/darkening, 147–149

mattes, 156

viewing, 146–147

enhancing, 21

new features, 39–40

Quick Fixes, 132–133


albums, 179–180

events, 179–180

Export window, 176–177, 191

file formats, 188

file size, 189

filenames, 190–191

individually, 177–178

keyboard shortcut, 306

mobile devices, 284–287

multiple, 192–193

online photo labs, 216–217

quality, 189

to QuickTime, 184–186

slideshows, 186–187

third-party photo product companies, 240

third-party plug-ins, 191–192

to web pages, 180–183

flagging/unflagging, 16–17

events, creating, 62

keyboard shortcut, 307

recent, viewing, 81–82

hiding, 309


CDs/DVDs, 48

cell phones/Smartphones, 52

digital cameras, 41–45

email, 48–50

flash drives, 46–48

hard drives, 46–48

hard-copy photos, 53–54

iPhone/iPad, 51–52

keyboard shortcut, 306

memory card readers, 45–46

MobileMe, 52–53

Web, 54–55

keywords, adding, 57


Source list, 61

upgrading, 29–30


brightening, 170

diffusers, 115–116

glares, reducing, 99–100, 115–116

impact on photos, 99–100

picture-taking skills, improving, 86

reflections, reducing, 99–100

reflectors, 115

shadows, reducing, 115–116

subjects, positioning, 101

moving to Trash, 307

organizing. See organization

pasting, 307

printing. See printing

ratings, 16, 17

adding, 56

deleting, 308

keyboard shortcuts, 308

photo organization, 16

viewing, 64

retouching, 142–143

rotating, 132, 307

searching, 18–19

selecting, 307, 308

sharing. See sharing photos

straightening, 134–137

tagging, 16–17

adding, 16–17, 57–58

face tags, adding, 69–71

Facebook, 250–251, 255–256

geo-tags. See geo-tags

viewing, 10–13

all as thumbnails, 66–67

detailed information, 13

keyboard shortcut, 309

one at a time, 11

Photos mode, 63–66

slideshows. See slideshows

thumbnails, 10–11

as wallpaper, 26

web photos

accessing, 82

copyright laws, 55

importing, 54–55

Photos command icon, 234

Photos menu commands

Edit Photo, 125

Revert to Original, 124

Photos mode, 63–66

all photos, viewing, 66–67

descriptions, 64

full size photos, 65

Info screen, 65–66

Photostreams, 250

Picasa website, 303

Picture Correct website, 302

picture-taking skills, improving, 85–88

angles, choosing, 87

auto shooting modes, 88–89

choosing, 90

shutter lag, 90–91

camera practice, 86

candid photos, 103

common shooting mistakes, 109

autofocusing on wrong objects, 110–112

blurry images, 109–110

color problems, 112–115

glares/shadows, 115–116

red-eye, 118–120

shooting through glass, 116–118

creativity, 88

lenses, cleaning, 86

lighting, 86, 99–100

glares/reflections, reducing, 99–100

subjects, positioning, 101

photo composition, 91

camera stability, 93

choosing subjects, 91

creativity, 92

depth, adding, 97–98

framing subjects, 92

multiple shots, 92

prefocusing on subjects, 96

Rule of Thirds, 93–96-97

shooting modes, choosing, 92

posed photos, 101–103

preparedness, 86

settings/subjects, evaluating, 86

shooting modes

continuous, 107

existing lighting, 109

image stabilization, 107

landscape, 107

macro, 107–108

panoramic, 108

portrait, 108

sports/action, 109

specks/dots on photos, 120–121

stability, 87–88

timing, 88

zooming, 104–105

Places, 71–74

adding, 57


manually adding, 73, 74

overview, 17–18

sorting photos by location, 73–74

viewing, 74

wireless, 18

Map viewing mode, 71–73

sorting photos by location, 73–74

viewing, 74

Places theme, 264

planning photos

candid photos, 103

posed photos, 101–103


iDVD presentations, 291

slideshows, 259

PNG file format, 188

Polaroid website, 303

Popular Photography website, 302

Portrait Professional 10, 144

portrait shooting mode, 108

posed photos, 101–103

postcard email template, 245

posters, 240

preferences, 309

prefocusing on subjects, 96

Presets menu (Print Settings window), 201


email templates, 246

greeting cards, 233

iDVD presentations, 291

printing, 205

slideshows, 259

Print command, 199

Print command icons

Adjust, 208–209

Background, 204

Borders, 205–206

Layout, 205–207

Print Settings, 203

Settings, 208–209

Themes, 204–205

Print Settings icon, 203

Print Settings window, 200–201

closing, 202

Customize icon, 203


Paper Size, 201

Presets, 201

Print Size, 201

Printer, 201

Print command icons

Adjust, 208–209

Background, 204

Borders, 205–206

Layout, 205–207

Print Settings, 203

Settings, 208–209

Themes, 204–205

themes, 200–201

Print Size menu (Print Settings window), 201

Printer menu (Print Settings window), 201

printing, 22–23

autoflow pages, 210

backgrounds, 204

borders, 201, 205–206

color problems, fixing, 113

contact sheets, 202–203

crop marks, viewing, 209

customizing, 203–204

editing while previewing, 208–209

home photo printers, 22, 196

costs, 196–197

functions, 196

ink cartridges, 197, 199

manufacturers, 196

paper choices, 197–199

photo sizes, 196

keyboard shortcut, 308

layouts, 205–207

multiphoto collages, 207–208

one-hour photo labs, 217–218

ordering from Apple, 211–215

Apple ID accounts, 216

buying, 213

checking out, 214

costs, 213

finalizing orders, 214

order confirmation, 214

Order Prints screen, 212

print products website, 215

process overview, 215

Quick Order field, 213

standard finishes, 214

Your Order screen, 213

ordering from online photo labs, 216–217, 303–304

ordering from professional photo labs, 22–23, 218–219

photo books, 26

photos per page, 209

previewing, 205

Print command, 199

print settings, 203

Print Settings window, 200

closing, 202

Customize icon, 203

Paper Size menu, 201

Presets menu, 201

Print Size menu, 201

Printer menu, 201

themes, 200–201

recent, viewing, 82

settings, 208–209

themes, 204–205

professional photo labs

photo products, 240

prints, 22–23, 218–219


calendars, 236–239

costs, 236

creating, 238–239

holidays, 237

importing events from iCal, 237

ordering process, 238

photo selection, 237

placing photos, 238

templates, 237

creating, 25, 221–222

deleting, 82

edited-photos, 222

greeting cards, 232–236

Cards Direct, 239

color schemes, 232

creating, 38–39, 232

editing, 233–236

editing photos, 236

envelopes, 236

layouts, 233

Letterpress Cards, 232

message idea websites, 236

ordering process, 236

placing photos, 234

previewing, 233

quantity discounts, 233

templates, choosing, 232

text, 234

multiphoto collages, printing, 207–208

one-hour photo labs, 240

photo books

adding pages, 230

autoflow pages, 228

borders, adding to photos, 230

clearing placed photos, 228

costs, 223

creating, 25–26, 37, 222–223

deleting pages, 230

effects, adding to photos, 230

example, creating, 231

layouts, 226–230

minimum number of pages, 230

ordering, 230–231

placing photos on pages, 228

themes, 223–225

thumbnails, viewing, 228

viewing in Source list, 231

viewing placed photos, 228

QuickTime movies, creating, 185–186

third-party companies, 239–240

CafePress, 239

exporting photos, 240

greeting cards, 239

plastic sheet enlargements, 239

posters, 240

wall decals, 240

updates, 221

viewing, 222

publishing photos

Facebook, 250–256

account access, 254–255

albums, 253

comments/tags, viewing, 255–256

Facebook view, 254–255

privacy settings, 251

tags, 250–251

thumbnails, viewing, 255

upload location, choosing, 252

uploading photos, 251–254

Wall, 253

Flickr, 247–250

accounts, 247

archiving photos, 298

photo upload sizes, 249

Photostreams, 250

restricting access, 248

sets, creating, 249–248

uploading files, 248

viewing mode, 249–250

Web photo pages/blogs, 279–282

customizing, 280

exporting to MobileMe, 282

locations, choosing, 282

photo selection, 279

templates, 280

URLs, 281

Puffer Pop-up Flash Diffusers, 116

purchasing options, 29


Quick Fixes, 19–20, 131

accessing, 131–132

cropping, 136–141

close-ups, creating, 136–138, 141

reframing, 138–139

resetting, 140

sizing images, 138–140

without constrains, 140

enhancing, 132–133

red-eye, 133–134

retouching, 142–143

rotating, 132

straightening, 134–137

Quick Order field (Apple), 213


Export window, 185–184

exporting photos to, 184

movies, creating, 185–186

quitting iPhoto, 309


ratings, 16, 17

adding, 56–57

deleting, 308

keyboard shortcuts, 308

photo organization, 16

viewing, 64

Recent heading, 80–82

Flagged, 81–82

Last 12 Months, 80

Last Import, 80

Printing, 82

Trash, 82

recovering from crashes, 299–300

red-eye, fixing, 118–120

automatically, 133–134

keyboard shortcut, 308

manually, 133–134

reflections, reducing, 99–100

Reflections theme, 262

reflectors, 115

reframing images, 138–139

remote data backup services, 298–299

retouching, 142–143

Revert to Original command, 124

RitzPix website, 303

rotating photos, 132, 307

Rule of Thirds, 93–97


Samsung website, 303


Saturation slider, 169

Saturation sphere, 151

skin tones, 169

scanning hard-copy photos, 53–54

Scrapbook theme, 263

screen calibration, 114

screen savers, creating, 282–284

searching photos, 18–19


albums, 307

events, 307

folders, 307


all, 308

calendars, 237

editing, 145

email, 243

iDVD presentations, 290

iWeb, 279

keyboard shortcut, 307

slideshows, 258–260

shooting angles, 87

shooting modes, 92

thumbnails, 307

semi-gloss photo paper, 198

Sepia effect, 153–154

sequential filenaming, 190–191

Settings command icon, 208–209

Settings window, 209


reducing, 115–116

Shadows slider, 170

sharing photos, 23–24

email, 35–36, 243

attaching photos, 246

editing text, 245

entering text, 243

example process, 247

file size, 246

photo selection, 243

previewing, 246

sending, 246

templates, 244–245

themes, 245

To/Subject/From fields, 243

Facebook, 34–35, 250–256

account access, 254–255

albums, 253

comments/tags, viewing, 255–256

Facebook view, 254–255

privacy settings, 251

tags, 250–251

thumbnails, viewing, 255

upload location, choosing, 252

uploading photos, 251–254

Wall, 253

Flickr, 247–250

accounts, 247

archiving photos, 298

photo upload sizes, 249

Photostreams, 250

restricting access, 248

sets, creating, 249–248

uploading files, 248

viewing mode, 249–250


archiving photos, 298

iWeb imports, 282

membership, 270

online home page, accessing, 275

online photo galleries. See online photo galleries

overview, 271

website, 270

slideshows, 268–269

Web photo pages/blogs, 279–282

customizing, 280

exporting to MobileMe, 282

locations, choosing, 282

photo selection, 279

templates, 280

URLs, 281

websites, 242

Sharpness slider

blurriness, adjusting, 170

clarity, fixing, 171

Shatter theme, 264


angles, selecting, 87

auto shooting modes, 88–89

choosing, 90

shutter lag, 90–91

camera practice, 86

candid photos, 103

common mistakes, 109

autofocusing on wrong objects, 110–112

blurry images, 109–110

color problems, 112–115

glares/shadows, 115–116

red-eye, 118–120

shooting through glass, 116–118

creativity, 88

lenses, cleaning, 86

lighting, 86, 99–100

glares/reflections, reducing, 99–100

subjects, positioning, 101


continuous, 107

existing lighting, 109

image stabilization, 107

landscape, 107

macro, 107–108

panoramic, 108

portrait, 108

selecting, 92

sports/action, 109

photo composition, 91

camera stability, 93

choosing subjects, 91

creativity, 92

depth, adding, 97–98

framing subjects, 92

multiple shots, 92

prefocusing on subjects, 96

Rule of Thirds, 93–97

shooting modes, choosing, 92

posed photos, 101–103

preparedness, 86

settings/subjects, evaluating, 86

specks/dots on photos, 120–121

stability, 87–88

timing, 88

zooming, 104–105

Short Run Posters, 240, 305

shortcuts (keyboard)


creating, 306

moving to trash, 307

selecting, 307

events, selecting, 307


creating, 306

moving to Trash, 307

selecting, 307

full-screen mode, opening/closing, 306

help, 308

hiding iPhoto, 308

Info Window, opening, 306

keywords, 309

listing of commonly used, 306–309


copying, 307

cutting, 307

deleting star ratings, 308

duplicating, 307

editing, 308

exporting, 306

flagging/unflagging, 307

hiding/showing, 309

importing, 306

moving to Trash, 307

pasting, 307

rating, 308

rotating, 307

selecting, 307

selecting all, 308

preferences, viewing, 309

print, 308

quitting iPhoto, 309

red-eye removal, 308


manually moving through, 308

pausing, 308

stopping, 308


selecting, 307

sizing, 307

Trash, emptying, 307

undo, 309

shutter lag, 90–91

Shutterfly website, 303

Sigma website, 303

single photos, exporting, 177–178


cropping, 138–140

email files, 246

export files, 189

Flickr photo uploads, 249

thumbnails, 11, 307

skin tone saturation, 169, 269

slideshows, 257

creating, 258–260

display order, 259

duration, 258

Export window, 186–187

exporting, 186–187, 259, 268–269

full-screen mode, 259

manually moving through, 308

multiphoto collages, 264–262

music, 259, 266–267

new features, 36

number of photos, 257

online photo labs, creating, 269

pausing, 308

photo selection, 258–260

playing, 259

previewing, 259

Production screen, 258–259

settings, 259

sharing, 268–269

Slideshow Production screen, 258–259

stopping, 308

text, adding, 259, 260–261

themes, 259, 261–264

Classic, 264

editing, 265–266

Holiday Mobile, 264

Ken Burns, 261

Origami, 262

Photo Mobile, 263

photo orientations, 264

Places, 264

Reflections, 262

Scrapbook, 263

Shatter, 264

Sliding Panels, 263

Snapshots, 263

Vintage Prints, 262

third-party software, creating, 269

titles, 261, 268

viewing, 11

zooming, 259

Sliding Panels theme, 263

Smart Albums, 77–80

conditions, setting, 78–79

creating, 78–80

names, 78

viewing, 79

SmugMug website, 304

SnapFish website, 304

snapshots email template, 244

Snapshots theme, 263

Sony website, 303

Source list, 60–61

Albums heading, 75

Events heading, 61–63

Faces option

accuracy, 69

misidentifications, 69

photo organization, 15, 67

tags, adding, 69–71

viewing, 67–68

library, 61

Photos mode, 63–66

all photos as thumbnails, viewing, 66–67

descriptions, adding, 64

full size photos, 65

Info screen, 65–66

Places option, 71–74

projects, deleting, 82

Recent heading, 80–82

Web option, 82

special effects, 151–152

adding, 152

aged appearance

antique effect, 154–155

Sepia/Edge Blur effects, 153–154

black and white, 152–153

boosting colors, 158

deleting, 160

edges, blurring, 158–159

fading colors, 158

mattes, 156

specialized photography websites, 304–305

specks on photos, fixing, 120–121

sports/action shooting mode, 109

stopping slideshows, 308

straightening photos, 134–137



adding, 16–17, 57–58

face tags, adding, 69–71


adding, 250–251

viewing, 255–256


manually adding, 73–74

overview, 17–18

sorting photos by location, 73–74

viewing, 74

wireless memory cards, 18

Target Photo Center website, 304

Temperature slider, 171–172


calendars, 237

email, 244–245

greeting cards, 232

iWeb, 280

photo books, 227–229


emailing photos

adding, 243

editing, 245

greeting cards, 234

slideshows, 259–261


email, 245

photo books, 223–225

printing, 200–201, 204–205

slideshows, 259–264

Classic, 264

editing, 265–266

Holiday Mobile, 264

Ken Burns, 261

Origami, 262

Photo Mobile, 263

photo orientations, 264

Places, 264

Reflections, 262

Scrapbook, 263

Shatter, 264

Sliding Panels, 263

Snapshots, 263

Vintage Prints, 262

Themes icon, 204–205


export plug-ins, 191–192

photo product companies, 239–240

archiving photos, 296–297

CafePress, 239

exporting photos, 240

greeting cards, 239

ordering prints, 216–217

plastic sheet enlargements, 239

posters, 240

slideshows, creating, 269

wall decals, 240

websites, 303–304


contact sheets, printing, 202–203

Facebook photos, viewing, 255

online photo galleries, 271

photo book page-by-page view, 226

selecting, 307

sizing, 11, 307

viewing, 10–11

all photos as, 66–67

full size, 65

Photos mode, 63–66

web page exports, 182

TIFF file format, 188

Time Capsule, 295

Time Machine, 295–296

Tint slider, 171–172

tonal ranges

adjusting, 164–165

example, 165–166

reading, 164

Trash, 82

albums, 307

emptying, 83, 307

folders, 307

photos, 307

viewing, 83

tripods, 110


color problems, 112–115

Levels histogram, 163–166

printing, 113

screen calibration, 114

white balance, 113

common shooting mistakes, 109

autofocusing on wrong objects, 110–112

blurry images, 109–110

glares/shadows, 115–116

red-eye, 118–120

shooting through glass, 116–118

specks/dots on photos, 120–121

memory card malfunctions, 300

system crashes, 299–300


underexposure, fixing, 167–168

undoing actions

Adjust sliders, 173

keyboard shortcut, 309

unflagging photos, 307

updating projects, 221

upgrading, 28

photo library, 29–30

purchasing options, 29


View menu commands, Full Screen, 126


albums, 75

all photos as thumbnails, 66–67

crop marks while printing, 210

descriptions, 64

effects, 146–147

events, 61

Facebook view, 254–255

filenames, 64

Filmstrip preview, 32–33

Flickr viewing mode, 249–250

full size photos, 65

full-screen mode, 30–34

benefits, 32

editing photos, 126–127

Filmstrip preview, 32–33

multitasking, 32–33

new main screen, 30–31

opening/closing, 306

slideshows, 259

switching between applications, 34

Levels histogram, 164

online photo galleries, 271

photo books

page-by-page thumbnails, 226

pages, 226

Source list, 231

photos, 10–13

detailed information, 13

keyboard shortcut, 309

one at a time, 11

Photos mode, 63–66

slideshows. See slideshows

thumbnails, 10–11, 66–67

Places, 74

preferences, 309


email templates, 246

greeting cards, 233

iDVD presentations, 291

printing, 205

slideshows, 259

projects, 222

ratings, 64

recent activity

flags, 81–82

last 12 months, 80

last import, 80

printing, 82

Trash, 82

slideshows, 11

Smart Albums, 79

thumbnails, 10–11

Facebook, 255

full size photos, viewing, 65

Photos mode, 63–66

Trash, 83

Vignette effect, 156

Vintage Prints theme, 262


Walgreens Pharmacy Photo Lab website, 304

wall decals, 240

wallpaper photos, 26, 282–283

Wallzaz, 240

Walmart Photo Center website, 304

warmer color effect, 150

Web Page Export window, 181–183

web photo sharing

Facebook, 34–35, 250–256

account access, 254–255

albums, 253

comments/tags, viewing, 255–256

Facebook view, 254–255

privacy settings, 251

tags, 250–251

thumbnails, viewing, 255

upload location, choosing, 252

uploading photos, 251–254

Wall, 253

Flickr, 247–250

accounts, 247

archiving photos, 298

photo upload sizes, 249

Photostreams, 250

restricting access, 248

sets, creating, 249–248

uploading files, 248

viewing mode, 249–250


archiving photos, 298

iWeb imports, 282

membership, 270

online home page, accessing, 275

online photo galleries. See online photo galleries

overview, 271

website, 270

photo pages/blogs, 279–282

customizing, 280

exporting to MobileMe, 282

locations, choosing, 282

photo selection, 279

templates, 280

URLs, 281

websites, 242

web photos

accessing, 82

copyright laws, 55

importing, 54–55


Adobe photo-editing software, 144

Adorama, 115

Apple Care, 299

Apple print products, 215

Blurb, 304

Burns, Ken, 261

CafePress, 239

Canon, 303

CanvasOnDemand, 304

Cards Direct, 239

Casio, 303

CVS Pharmacy Photo Lab, 303

Datacolor, 114

Delta Point and Shoot Diffusers, 116

digital camera manufacturers, 303

digital photography

Digital Camera Resource Page, 302

Digital Camera Tracker, 302

Digital Photo Magazine, 302

Digital Photography Review, 302

Digital PhotoPro, 302

Picture Correct, 302

Popular Photography, 302

exporting photos to, 180–183

Eye-Fi, 18

FotoFlot, 239

FotoMagico 3, 269

FujiFilm, 303

Genius Bar, 299

Google’s Picasa, 303

Gorillapod, 110

greeting card message ideas, 236

iDVD, 290

Kodak Gallery, 303

Kodak, 303

Levels histogram tutorial, 165

Lumix, 303

memory card data recovery programs, 300

Miller’s Professional Imaging, 305

MobileMe, 270

MPIX, 303, 197

Nikon, 303

Olympus, 303

Pantone Huey Pro, 114

Pentax, 303

photo services, 303–304

Photobucket, 303

Picasa, 303

Picture Correct, 302

PNG file format, 188

Polaroid, 303

Portrait Professional 10, 144

Puffer Pop-up Flash Diffusers, 116

RitzPix, 303

Samsung, 303

Short Run Posters, 240

Shutterfly, 303

Sigma, 303, 269

SmugMug, 304

SnapFish, 304

Sony, 303

specialized photography, 304–305

Target Photo Center, 304

Time Capsule, 295

Time Machine, 295

Walgreens Pharmacy Photo Lab, 304

Wallzaz, 240

Walmart Photo Center, 304

Westcott, 115

Westcott website, 115

white balance, 113


Adjust, 162–163, 208–209

Edit, 130

Adjust tab, 162–163

effects, viewing, 146–147

opening, 145


albums, 179–180

editing, 191

events, 179–180

Export to QuickTime option, 184–186

Export to Web Page option, 180–183

multiple photos, 192–193

overview, 176–177

single photos, 177–178

slideshows, 186–187

third-party plug-ins, 191–192

Export Your Slideshow, 268

Navigation, 127

Print Settings, 200, 201

Adjust, 208–209

Background icon, 204

Borders icon, 205–206

closing, 202

Customize icon, 203

Layout icon, 205–207

Paper Size menu, 201

Presets menu, 201

Print Settings icon, 203

Printer menu, 201

Settings icon, 208–209

themes, 200–201

Themes icon, 204–205

QuickTime Export, 185–184

Settings, 209

Slideshow Export, 186–187

Web Page Export, 181–183

wireless external hard drive, 295

Y - Z

Your Order screen (Apple), 213


digital cameras, 104–105

slideshows, 259

while editing, 127–130

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