4.1 Arrays

An array is a fixed-length sequence of zero or more elements of a particular type. Because of their fixed length, arrays are rarely used directly in Go. Slices, which can grow and shrink, are much more versatile, but to understand slices we must understand arrays first.

Individual array elements are accessed with the conventional subscript notation, where subscripts run from zero to one less than the array length. The built-in function len returns the number of elements in the array.

var a [3]int             // array of 3 integers
fmt.Println(a[0])        // print the first element
fmt.Println(a[len(a)-1]) // print the last element, a[2]

// Print the indices and elements.
for i, v := range a {
    fmt.Printf("%d %d
", i, v)

// Print the elements only.
for _, v := range a {
", v)

By default, the elements of a new array variable are initially set to the zero value for the element type, which is 0 for numbers. We can use an array literal to initialize an array with a list of values:

var q [3]int = [3]int{1, 2, 3}
var r [3]int = [3]int{1, 2}
fmt.Println(r[2]) // "0"

In an array literal, if an ellipsis “...” appears in place of the length, the array length is determined by the number of initializers. The definition of q can be simplified to

q := [...]int{1, 2, 3}
", q) // "[3]int"

The size of an array is part of its type, so [3]int and [4]int are different types. The size must be a constant expression, that is, an expression whose value can be computed as the program is being compiled.

q := [3]int{1, 2, 3}
q = [4]int{1, 2, 3, 4} // compile error: cannot assign [4]int to [3]int

As we’ll see, the literal syntax is similar for arrays, slices, maps, and structs. The specific form above is a list of values in order, but it is also possible to specify a list of index and value pairs, like this:

type Currency int

const (
    USD Currency = iota

symbol := [...]string{USD: "$", EUR: "€", GBP: "£", RMB: "¥"}

fmt.Println(RMB, symbol[RMB]) // "3 ¥"

In this form, indices can appear in any order and some may be omitted; as before, unspecified values take on the zero value for the element type. For instance,

r := [...]int{99: -1}

defines an array r with 100 elements, all zero except for the last, which has value −1.

If an array’s element type is comparable then the array type is comparable too, so we may directly compare two arrays of that type using the == operator, which reports whether all corresponding elements are equal. The != operator is its negation.

a := [2]int{1, 2}
b := [...]int{1, 2}
c := [2]int{1, 3}
fmt.Println(a == b, a == c, b == c) // "true false false"
d := [3]int{1, 2}
fmt.Println(a == d) // compile error: cannot compare [2]int == [3]int

As a more plausible example, the function Sum256 in the crypto/sha256 package produces the SHA256 cryptographic hash or digest of a message stored in an arbitrary byte slice. The digest has 256 bits, so its type is [32]byte. If two digests are the same, it is extremely likely that the two messages are the same; if the digests differ, the two messages are different. This program prints and compares the SHA256 digests of "x" and "X":

import "crypto/sha256"

func main() {
    c1 := sha256.Sum256([]byte("x"))
    c2 := sha256.Sum256([]byte("X"))
", c1, c2, c1 == c2, c1)
    // Output:
    // 2d711642b726b04401627ca9fbac32f5c8530fb1903cc4db02258717921a4881
    // 4b68ab3847feda7d6c62c1fbcbeebfa35eab7351ed5e78f4ddadea5df64b8015
    // false
    // [32]uint8

The two inputs differ by only a single bit, but approximately half the bits are different in the digests. Notice the Printf verbs: %x to print all the elements of an array or slice of bytes in hexadecimal, %t to show a boolean, and %T to display the type of a value.

When a function is called, a copy of each argument value is assigned to the corresponding parameter variable, so the function receives a copy, not the original. Passing large arrays in this way can be inefficient, and any changes that the function makes to array elements affect only the copy, not the original. In this regard, Go treats arrays like any other type, but this behavior is different from languages that implicitly pass arrays by reference.

Of course, we can explicitly pass a pointer to an array so that any modifications the function makes to array elements will be visible to the caller. This function zeroes the contents of a [32]byte array:

func zero(ptr *[32]byte) {
    for i := range ptr {
        ptr[i] = 0

The array literal [32]byte{} yields an array of 32 bytes. Each element of the array has the zero value for byte, which is zero. We can use that fact to write a different version of zero:

func zero(ptr *[32]byte) {
    *ptr = [32]byte{}

Using a pointer to an array is efficient and allows the called function to mutate the caller’s variable, but arrays are still inherently inflexible because of their fixed size. The zero function will not accept a pointer to a [16]byte variable, for example, nor is there any way to add or remove array elements. For these reasons, other than special cases like SHA256’s fixed-size hash, arrays are seldom used as function parameters or results; instead, we use slices.

Exercise 4.1: Write a function that counts the number of bits that are different in two SHA256 hashes. (See PopCount from Section 2.6.2.)

Exercise 4.2: Write a program that prints the SHA256 hash of its standard input by default but supports a command-line flag to print the SHA384 or SHA512 hash instead.

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