6.3 Composing Types by Struct Embedding

Consider the type ColoredPoint:

import "image/color"

type Point struct{ X, Y float64 }

type ColoredPoint struct {
    Color color.RGBA

We could have defined ColoredPoint as a struct of three fields, but instead we embedded a Point to provide the X and Y fields. As we saw in Section 4.4.3, embedding lets us take a syntactic shortcut to defining a ColoredPoint that contains all the fields of Point, plus some more. If we want, we can select the fields of ColoredPoint that were contributed by the embedded Point without mentioning Point:

var cp ColoredPoint
cp.X = 1
fmt.Println(cp.Point.X) // "1"
cp.Point.Y = 2
fmt.Println(cp.Y) // "2"

A similar mechanism applies to the methods of Point. We can call methods of the embedded Point field using a receiver of type ColoredPoint, even though ColoredPoint has no declared methods:

red := color.RGBA{255, 0, 0, 255}
blue := color.RGBA{0, 0, 255, 255}
var p = ColoredPoint{Point{1, 1}, red}
var q = ColoredPoint{Point{5, 4}, blue}
fmt.Println(p.Distance(q.Point)) // "5"
fmt.Println(p.Distance(q.Point)) // "10"

The methods of Point have been promoted to ColoredPoint. In this way, embedding allows complex types with many methods to be built up by the composition of several fields, each providing a few methods.

Readers familiar with class-based object-oriented languages may be tempted to view Point as a base class and ColoredPoint as a subclass or derived class, or to interpret the relationship between these types as if a ColoredPoint “is a” Point. But that would be a mistake. Notice the calls to Distance above. Distance has a parameter of type Point, and q is not a Point, so although q does have an embedded field of that type, we must explicitly select it. Attempting to pass q would be an error:

p.Distance(q) // compile error: cannot use q (ColoredPoint) as Point

A ColoredPoint is not a Point, but it “has a” Point, and it has two additional methods Distance and ScaleBy promoted from Point. If you prefer to think in terms of implementation, the embedded field instructs the compiler to generate additional wrapper methods that delegate to the declared methods, equivalent to these:

func (p ColoredPoint) Distance(q Point) float64 {
    return p.Point.Distance(q)

func (p *ColoredPoint) ScaleBy(factor float64) {

When Point.Distance is called by the first of these wrapper methods, its receiver value is p.Point, not p, and there is no way for the method to access the ColoredPoint in which the Point is embedded.

The type of an anonymous field may be a pointer to a named type, in which case fields and methods are promoted indirectly from the pointed-to object. Adding another level of indirection lets us share common structures and vary the relationships between objects dynamically. The declaration of ColoredPoint below embeds a *Point:

type ColoredPoint struct {
    Color color.RGBA

p := ColoredPoint{&Point{1, 1}, red}
q := ColoredPoint{&Point{5, 4}, blue}
fmt.Println(p.Distance(*q.Point)) // "5"
q.Point = p.Point                 // p and q now share the same Point
fmt.Println(*p.Point, *q.Point) // "{2 2} {2 2}"

A struct type may have more than one anonymous field. Had we declared ColoredPoint as

type ColoredPoint struct {

then a value of this type would have all the methods of Point, all the methods of RGBA, and any additional methods declared on ColoredPoint directly. When the compiler resolves a selector such as p.ScaleBy to a method, it first looks for a directly declared method named ScaleBy, then for methods promoted once from ColoredPoint’s embedded fields, then for methods promoted twice from embedded fields within Point and RGBA, and so on. The compiler reports an error if the selector was ambiguous because two methods were promoted from the same rank.

Methods can be declared only on named types (like Point) and pointers to them (*Point), but thanks to embedding, it’s possible and sometimes useful for unnamed struct types to have methods too.

Here’s a nice trick to illustrate. This example shows part of a simple cache implemented using two package-level variables, a mutex (§9.2) and the map that it guards:

var (
    mu sync.Mutex // guards mapping
    mapping = make(map[string]string)

func Lookup(key string) string {
    v := mapping[key]
    return v

The version below is functionally equivalent but groups together the two related variables in a single package-level variable, cache:

var cache = struct {
    mapping map[string]string
} {
    mapping: make(map[string]string),

func Lookup(key string) string {
    v := cache.mapping[key]
    return v

The new variable gives more expressive names to the variables related to the cache, and because the sync.Mutex field is embedded within it, its Lock and Unlock methods are promoted to the unnamed struct type, allowing us to lock the cache with a self-explanatory syntax.

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