7.1 Interfaces as Contracts

All the types we’ve looked at so far have been concrete types. A concrete type specifies the exact representation of its values and exposes the intrinsic operations of that representation, such as arithmetic for numbers, or indexing, append, and range for slices. A concrete type may also provide additional behaviors through its methods. When you have a value of a concrete type, you know exactly what it is and what you can do with it.

There is another kind of type in Go called an interface type. An interface is an abstract type. It doesn’t expose the representation or internal structure of its values, or the set of basic operations they support; it reveals only some of their methods. When you have a value of an interface type, you know nothing about what it is; you know only what it can do, or more precisely, what behaviors are provided by its methods.

Throughout the book, we’ve been using two similar functions for string formatting: fmt.Printf, which writes the result to the standard output (a file), and fmt.Sprintf, which returns the result as a string. It would be unfortunate if the hard part, formatting the result, had to be duplicated because of these superficial differences in how the result is used. Thanks to interfaces, it does not. Both of these functions are, in effect, wrappers around a third function, fmt.Fprintf, that is agnostic about what happens to the result it computes:

package fmt

func Fprintf(w io.Writer, format string, args ...interface{}) (int, error)

func Printf(format string, args ...interface{}) (int, error) {
    return Fprintf(os.Stdout, format, args...)

func Sprintf(format string, args ...interface{}) string {
    var buf bytes.Buffer
    Fprintf(&buf, format, args...)
    return buf.String()

The F prefix of Fprintf stands for file and indicates that the formatted output should be written to the file provided as the first argument. In the Printf case, the argument, os.Stdout, is an *os.File. In the Sprintf case, however, the argument is not a file, though it superficially resembles one: &buf is a pointer to a memory buffer to which bytes can be written.

The first parameter of Fprintf is not a file either. It’s an io.Writer, which is an interface type with the following declaration:

package io

// Writer is the interface that wraps the basic Write method.
type Writer interface {
    // Write writes len(p) bytes from p to the underlying data stream.
    // It returns the number of bytes written from p (0 <= n <= len(p))
    // and any error encountered that caused the write to stop early.
    // Write must return a non-nil error if it returns n < len(p).
    // Write must not modify the slice data, even temporarily.
    // Implementations must not retain p.
    Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)

The io.Writer interface defines the contract between Fprintf and its callers. On the one hand, the contract requires that the caller provide a value of a concrete type like *os.File or *bytes.Buffer that has a method called Write with the appropriate signature and behavior. On the other hand, the contract guarantees that Fprintf will do its job given any value that satisfies the io.Writer interface. Fprintf may not assume that it is writing to a file or to memory, only that it can call Write.

Because fmt.Fprintf assumes nothing about the representation of the value and relies only on the behaviors guaranteed by the io.Writer contract, we can safely pass a value of any concrete type that satisfies io.Writer as the first argument to fmt.Fprintf. This freedom to substitute one type for another that satisfies the same interface is called substitutability, and is a hallmark of object-oriented programming.

Let’s test this out using a new type. The Write method of the *ByteCounter type below merely counts the bytes written to it before discarding them. (The conversion is required to make the types of len(p) and *c match in the += assignment statement.)

type ByteCounter int

func (c *ByteCounter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
    *c += ByteCounter(len(p)) // convert int to ByteCounter
    return len(p), nil

Since *ByteCounter satisfies the io.Writer contract, we can pass it to Fprintf, which does its string formatting oblivious to this change; the ByteCounter correctly accumulates the length of the result.

var c ByteCounter
fmt.Println(c) // "5", = len("hello")

c = 0 // reset the counter
var name = "Dolly"
fmt.Fprintf(&c, "hello, %s", name)
fmt.Println(c) // "12", = len("hello, Dolly")

Besides io.Writer, there is another interface of great importance to the fmt package. Fprintf and Fprintln provide a way for types to control how their values are printed. In Section 2.5, we defined a String method for the Celsius type so that temperatures would print as "100°C", and in Section 6.5 we equipped *IntSet with a String method so that sets would be rendered using traditional set notation like "{1 2 3}". Declaring a String method makes a type satisfy one of the most widely used interfaces of all, fmt.Stringer:

package fmt

// The String method is used to print values passed
// as an operand to any format that accepts a string
// or to an unformatted printer such as Print.
type Stringer interface {
    String() string

We’ll explain how the fmt package discovers which values satisfy this interface in Section 7.10.

Exercise 7.1: Using the ideas from ByteCounter, implement counters for words and for lines. You will find bufio.ScanWords useful.

Exercise 7.2: Write a function CountingWriter with the signature below that, given an io.Writer, returns a new Writer that wraps the original, and a pointer to an int64 variable that at any moment contains the number of bytes written to the new Writer.

func CountingWriter(w io.Writer) (io.Writer, *int64)

Exercise 7.3: Write a String method for the *tree type in gopl.io/ch4/treesort (§4.4) that reveals the sequence of values in the tree.

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