9.1 Race Conditions

In a sequential program, that is, a program with only one goroutine, the steps of the program happen in the familiar execution order determined by the program logic. For instance, in a sequence of statements, the first one happens before the second one, and so on. In a program with two or more goroutines, the steps within each goroutine happen in the familiar order, but in general we don’t know whether an event x in one goroutine happens before an event y in another goroutine, or happens after it, or is simultaneous with it. When we cannot confidently say that one event happens before the other, then the events x and y are concurrent.

Consider a function that works correctly in a sequential program. That function is concurrency-safe if it continues to work correctly even when called concurrently, that is, from two or more goroutines with no additional synchronization. We can generalize this notion to a set of collaborating functions, such as the methods and operations of a particular type. A type is concurrency-safe if all its accessible methods and operations are concurrency-safe.

We can make a program concurrency-safe without making every concrete type in that program concurrency-safe. Indeed, concurrency-safe types are the exception rather than the rule, so you should access a variable concurrently only if the documentation for its type says that this is safe. We avoid concurrent access to most variables either by confining them to a single goroutine or by maintaining a higher-level invariant of mutual exclusion. We’ll explain these terms in this chapter.

In contrast, exported package-level functions are generally expected to be concurrency-safe. Since package-level variables cannot be confined to a single goroutine, functions that modify them must enforce mutual exclusion.

There are many reasons a function might not work when called concurrently, including deadlock, livelock, and resource starvation. We don’t have space to discuss all of them, so we’ll focus on the most important one, the race condition.

A race condition is a situation in which the program does not give the correct result for some interleavings of the operations of multiple goroutines. Race conditions are pernicious because they may remain latent in a program and appear infrequently, perhaps only under heavy load or when using certain compilers, platforms, or architectures. This makes them hard to reproduce and diagnose.

It is traditional to explain the seriousness of race conditions through the metaphor of financial loss, so we’ll consider a simple bank account program.

// Package bank implements a bank with only one account.
package bank

var balance int

func Deposit(amount int) { balance = balance + amount }

func Balance() int { return balance }

(We could have written the body of the Deposit function as balance += amount, which is equivalent, but the longer form will simplify the explanation.)

For a program this trivial, we can see at a glance that any sequence of calls to Deposit and Balance will give the right answer, that is, Balance will report the sum of all amounts previously deposited. However, if we call these functions not in a sequence but concurrently, Balance is no longer guaranteed to give the right answer. Consider the following two goroutines, which represent two transactions on a joint bank account:

// Alice:
go func() {
    bank.Deposit(200)                // A1
    fmt.Println("=", bank.Balance()) // A2

// Bob:
go bank.Deposit(100)                 // B

Alice deposits $200, then checks her balance, while Bob deposits $100. Since the steps A1 and A2 occur concurrently with B, we cannot predict the order in which they happen. Intuitively, it might seem that there are only three possible orderings, which we’ll call “Alice first,” “Bob first,” and “Alice/Bob/Alice.” The following table shows the value of the balance variable after each step. The quoted strings represent the printed balance slips.

Alice first              Bob first        Alice/Bob/Alice
          0                      0                      0
  A1    200              B     100              A1    200
  A2 "= 200"             A1    300              B     300
  B     300              A2 "= 300"             A2 "= 300"

In all cases the final balance is $300. The only variation is whether Alice’s balance slip includes Bob’s transaction or not, but the customers are satisfied either way.

But this intuition is wrong. There is a fourth possible outcome, in which Bob’s deposit occurs in the middle of Alice’s deposit, after the balance has been read (balance + amount) but before it has been updated (balance = ...), causing Bob’s transaction to disappear. This is because Alice’s deposit operation A1 is really a sequence of two operations, a read and a write; call them A1r and A1w. Here’s the problematic interleaving:

Data race
A1r      0          ... = balance + amount
B      100
A1w    200          balance = ...
A2  "= 200"

After A1r, the expression balance + amount evaluates to 200, so this is the value written during A1w, despite the intervening deposit. The final balance is only $200. The bank is $100 richer at Bob’s expense.

This program contains a particular kind of race condition called a data race. A data race occurs whenever two goroutines access the same variable concurrently and at least one of the accesses is a write.

Things get even messier if the data race involves a variable of a type that is larger than a single machine word, such as an interface, a string, or a slice. This code updates x concurrently to two slices of different lengths:

var x []int
go func() { x = make([]int, 10) }()
go func() { x = make([]int, 1000000) }()
x[999999] = 1 // NOTE: undefined behavior; memory corruption possible!

The value of x in the final statement is not defined; it could be nil, or a slice of length 10, or a slice of length 1,000,000. But recall that there are three parts to a slice: the pointer, the length, and the capacity. If the pointer comes from the first call to make and the length comes from the second, x would be a chimera, a slice whose nominal length is 1,000,000 but whose underlying array has only 10 elements. In this eventuality, storing to element 999,999 would clobber an arbitrary faraway memory location, with consequences that are impossible to predict and hard to debug and localize. This semantic minefield is called undefined behavior and is well known to C programmers; fortunately it is rarely as troublesome in Go as in C.

Even the notion that a concurrent program is an interleaving of several sequential programs is a false intuition. As we’ll see in Section 9.4, data races may have even stranger outcomes. Many programmers—even some very clever ones—will occasionally offer justifications for known data races in their programs: “the cost of mutual exclusion is too high,” “this logic is only for logging,” “I don’t mind if I drop some messages,” and so on. The absence of problems on a given compiler and platform may give them false confidence. A good rule of thumb is that there is no such thing as a benign data race. So how do we avoid data races in our programs?

We’ll repeat the definition, since it is so important: A data race occurs whenever two goroutines access the same variable concurrently and at least one of the accesses is a write. It follows from this definition that there are three ways to avoid a data race.

The first way is not to write the variable. Consider the map below, which is lazily populated as each key is requested for the first time. If Icon is called sequentially, the program works fine, but if Icon is called concurrently, there is a data race accessing the map.

var icons = make(map[string]image.Image)

func loadIcon(name string) image.Image

// NOTE: not concurrency-safe!
func Icon(name string) image.Image {
    icon, ok := icons[name]
    if !ok {
        icon = loadIcon(name)
        icons[name] = icon
    return icon

If instead we initialize the map with all necessary entries before creating additional goroutines and never modify it again, then any number of goroutines may safely call Icon concurrently since each only reads the map.

var icons = map[string]image.Image{
    "spades.png":   loadIcon("spades.png"),
    "hearts.png":   loadIcon("hearts.png"),
    "diamonds.png": loadIcon("diamonds.png"),
    "clubs.png":    loadIcon("clubs.png"),

// Concurrency-safe.
func Icon(name string) image.Image { return icons[name] }

In the example above, the icons variable is assigned during package initialization, which happens before the program’s main function starts running. Once initialized, icons is never modified. Data structures that are never modified or are immutable are inherently concurrency-safe and need no synchronization. But obviously we can’t use this approach if updates are essential, as with a bank account.

The second way to avoid a data race is to avoid accessing the variable from multiple goroutines. This is the approach taken by many of the programs in the previous chapter. For example, the main goroutine in the concurrent web crawler (§8.6) is the sole goroutine that accesses the seen map, and the broadcaster goroutine in the chat server (§8.10) is the only goroutine that accesses the clients map. These variables are confined to a single goroutine.

Since other goroutines cannot access the variable directly, they must use a channel to send the confining goroutine a request to query or update the variable. This is what is meant by the Go mantra “Do not communicate by sharing memory; instead, share memory by communicating.” A goroutine that brokers access to a confined variable using channel requests is called a monitor goroutine for that variable. For example, the broadcaster goroutine monitors access to the clients map.

Here’s the bank example rewritten with the balance variable confined to a monitor goroutine called teller:

// Package bank provides a concurrency-safe bank with one account.
package bank

var deposits = make(chan int) // send amount to deposit
var balances = make(chan int) // receive balance

func Deposit(amount int) { deposits <- amount }
func Balance() int       { return <-balances }

func teller() {
    var balance int // balance is confined to teller goroutine
    for {
        select {
        case amount := <-deposits:
            balance += amount
        case balances <- balance:

func init() {
    go teller() // start the monitor goroutine

Even when a variable cannot be confined to a single goroutine for its entire lifetime, confinement may still be a solution to the problem of concurrent access. For example, it’s common to share a variable between goroutines in a pipeline by passing its address from one stage to the next over a channel. If each stage of the pipeline refrains from accessing the variable after sending it to the next stage, then all accesses to the variable are sequential. In effect, the variable is confined to one stage of the pipeline, then confined to the next, and so on. This discipline is sometimes called serial confinement.

In the example below, Cakes are serially confined, first to the baker goroutine, then to the icer goroutine:

type Cake struct{ state string }

func baker(cooked chan<- *Cake) {
    for {
        cake := new(Cake)
        cake.state = "cooked"
        cooked <- cake // baker never touches this cake again

func icer(iced chan<- *Cake, cooked <-chan *Cake) {
    for cake := range cooked {
        cake.state = "iced"
        iced <- cake // icer never touches this cake again

The third way to avoid a data race is to allow many goroutines to access the variable, but only one at a time. This approach is known as mutual exclusion and is the subject of the next section.

Exercise 9.1: Add a function Withdraw(amount int) bool to the gopl.io/ch9/bank1 program. The result should indicate whether the transaction succeeded or failed due to insufficient funds. The message sent to the monitor goroutine must contain both the amount to withdraw and a new channel over which the monitor goroutine can send the boolean result back to Withdraw.

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