13. Low-Level Programming

The design of Go guarantees a number of safety properties that limit the ways in which a Go program can “go wrong.” During compilation, type checking detects most attempts to apply an operation to a value that is inappropriate for its type, for instance, subtracting one string from another. Strict rules for type conversions prevent direct access to the internals of built-in types like strings, maps, slices, and channels.

For errors that cannot be detected statically, such as out-of-bounds array accesses or nil pointer dereferences, dynamic checks ensure that the program immediately terminates with an informative error whenever a forbidden operation occurs. Automatic memory management (garbage collection) eliminates “use after free” bugs, as well as most memory leaks.

Many implementation details are inaccessible to Go programs. There is no way to discover the memory layout of an aggregate type like a struct, or the machine code for a function, or the identity of the operating system thread on which the current goroutine is running. Indeed, the Go scheduler freely moves goroutines from one thread to another. A pointer identifies a variable without revealing the variable’s numeric address. Addresses may change as the garbage collector moves variables; pointers are transparently updated.

Together, these features make Go programs, especially failing ones, more predictable and less mysterious than programs in C, the quintessential low-level language. By hiding the underlying details, they also make Go programs highly portable, since the language semantics are largely independent of any particular compiler, operating system, or CPU architecture. (Not entirely independent: some details leak through, such as the word size of the processor, the order of evaluation of certain expressions, and the set of implementation restrictions imposed by the compiler.)

Occasionally, we may choose to forfeit some of these helpful guarantees to achieve the highest possible performance, to interoperate with libraries written in other languages, or to implement a function that cannot be expressed in pure Go.

In this chapter, we’ll see how the unsafe package lets us step outside the usual rules, and how to use the cgo tool to create Go bindings for C libraries and operating system calls.

The approaches described in this chapter should not be used frivolously. Without careful attention to detail, they may cause the kinds of unpredictable, inscrutable, non-local failures with which C programmers are unhappily acquainted. Use of unsafe also voids Go’s warranty of compatibility with future releases, since, whether intended or inadvertent, it is easy to depend on unspecified implementation details that may change unexpectedly.

The unsafe package is rather magical. Although it appears to be a regular package and is imported in the usual way, it is actually implemented by the compiler. It provides access to a number of built-in language features that are not ordinarily available because they expose details of Go’s memory layout. Presenting these features as a separate package makes the rare occasions on which they are needed more conspicuous. Also, some environments may restrict the use of the unsafe package for security reasons.

Package unsafe is used extensively within low-level packages like runtime, os, syscall, and net that interact with the operating system, but is almost never needed by ordinary programs.

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