
32-bit files, 54, 118


booths/separate studios, 188

directional microphones, 188

microphone distance, 188

multimiking, 187-8

multitrack recording, 188

orchestral music, 188-9

separation, 187

see also Microphone; Transducer

Actuality, 185-6

Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM), 155

ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line), 154

AES/EBU, 17, 18

Alias frequencies, 10

Ambisonics, 85

Amplitude statistics, 168-9

DC offset, 169

histogram tab, 169

peak amplitude, 169

possibly clipped samples, 169

RMS power, 169

sample value, 168

Analog audio, 8

Analog materials, archiving, 201-2

Analog recording, 16, 90

Analog transfer, 22

Anti-aliasing filters, 10

Archiving, 200-3

analog media, 201-2

and backup, 202-3

CD (compact disc), 200

CD-ROM, 200-1

DAT (digital audio tape), 201

selection, 200

ASIO see Audio Stream In/Out

Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), 154

ATA bus see IDE bus Attack and release times, 95

Audio CDs, 45, 170, 201, 223

burning, 171-2, 173

Audio design:

basic effects, 138-9

basic level adjustment, 88-90

compression/limiting, 90-3

dangers, 86

expanders and gates, 93-5

filters, 114-23

multiband compressor, 95-8

multitrack effects, 140-2

normalization, 86-8

real-time controls and effects, 142-6

restoration, 124-31

reverberation and echo, 99

spatial effects, 136-8

special effects, 131-3

time/pitch, 133-6

Audio editors, 219, 220

Audio processing, 220-1

Audio Stream In/Out (ASIO) drivers, 209, 212, 29


clips, 66-7

lanes, 65, 98

of multitrack, 64-7, 223-4

AVC (automatic volume control), 90, 91

Azimuth error, 166-7

Backtimed and prefaded music, 76

Bar codes, 178, 179-80

Barrier microphone, 190

Bass rumbles, 115

Batch files, 43, 48-53, 123, 139

batch processing dialog, 48, 49, 50-3

scripts, 48-9

BBC practice, 149

Bel, 6

Binaural sound, 82-3

Biphase modulation, 12, 229

Blue bar blues, 42-5

Booths/separate studios, 188

Brown noise, 151

Buffer under run, 171

Burnproof® technology, 172

Busbars, 58, 59, 65

Capacitor microphones, 192-3, 115

Cardioid microphones, 189-90, 191

CD (compact disc), 9, 12, 20-2, 25, 28, 33, 43-5, 83, 91, 153, 154, 200, 229

archiving, 200

audio CD, 45, 170, 171-2, 173, 201, 223

burning, 25, 47, 153, 170-80, 200, 201, 217, 222

CD-ROM, 10, 149, 170, 200-1, 213-14

CDR (Compact Disc Recordable), 10, 153, 154,172,173, 194,222

cleaning, 21

labelling, 153-4

multi-session CDs, 172, 173

rewritable CDs (CD-RWs), 172-3

writers, 153, 222

CD recording software, 173-9, 222

Adobe Audition 2.0, 173-4

CD burning dialog, 174

.CDA files, 45

CDR (Compact Disc Recordable), 153, 154, 172,173,194, 222

error, 10

.CEL file, 79

Center channel extractor, 114-15

Chequer boarding, 71-3

Chorus effect, 103-4, 135

Click/Pop eliminator, 125-6

Clickfix, 126, 127

Clicks and clocks, 225-6

word clock in/out, 226

Clip restoration, 126-8

Clipping, 126-7, 128, 169

Clips, 58, 66-7, 176

Clocks, 19

and clicks, 225-6

Coaster, 171-2

Comb filter effect, 105, 106

Compact Disc see CD Compression, 8

audio, 26, 88, 90, 155, 156

data, 14, 26, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 141, 186, 221

Compression/limiting, 90-3

attack, 92

hard limiting, 92

in/out, bypass, 93

input adjusting, 93

link/stereo, 93

output adjusting, 93

release/recovery, 92

threshold, 92

Compression ratio, 91-2, 156

Computer backup:

password, 202

storage systems, 202-3

Condenser microphones, 192-3

Control surface, 223

Convolution effect, 131-3

Cool Edit Pro, 155

Copy, 43, 45-6

Copy protection, 18, 178

Cross fade, 2, 46, 69-71, 77

functions, 82

Cubase, 12, 199, 230

Cut, 3, 43, 45-6, 69

DAO (Disc At Once), 222

DAT (Digital Audio Tape), 11, 17, 18, 149, 181, 230

and analog masters, 153

archiving, 201

counter modes, 14-15

DC offset, 32, 33, 169

Decibel, 6-7

Decibels format option, 32-3

Declicking, 4, 23, 125, 226

Delay effect, 104-5

Digital audio, 8-12

dither, 12

errors, 10-11

errors correction, 11

sampling rate, 9-10

Digital Audio Tape see DAT Digital delay circuit, 136

Digital reverberation, 100-3

Digital transfer, 16-22

Direct Sound drivers, 209

Directional microphones, 188

DirectX plug-ins, 112, 124

Distortion effect, 133

Dither, 12, 52

Documentaries, 185

Dolby laboratories, 83-4

Dolby stereo, 84, 136

Doppler Shifter, 133-4

Drama, production of, 198

Drop-frame time code, 230

DVD (Digital Versatile Disc), 82, 84, 136, 223

Dynamic delay effect, 105-7

Dynamic EQ, 115-17

Dynamic microphones, 192

Dynamics transform, 94-5

EBU see European Broadcasting Union Echo see Reverberation Edge-in, 80-1

Edges and fades, 74-6

Editing, 29, 38-9, 78, 147, 182, 186, 206, 214

audio editing, 1, 7, 39, 215

file loading, 30-5

hazards, 7

linear editors, 71, 219

non-linear editors, 66, 198, 219-20

scrub editing, 38

spectral editing, 157, 221

transport, 35-8

visual editing, 1, 39-41

Electrical connector (S/PDIF), 17

Electromagnetic microphone, 192

Electrostatic microphone, 189, 192-3

Email and World Wide Web, 154-156

Envelopes, 64, 67-9, 75

Envelope Follower, 140, 141

Equalization (EQ), 62-3, 115, 221

see also Filters

Errors, 10-11, 153

Azimuth error, 166-7

correction, 11, 78, 170

European Broadcasting Union (EBU), 84-5, 149, 150, 229

Expanders and gates, 93-5

dynamics transform, 94-5

Expansion ratio, 93

Fades and edges, 74-6

Fast Fourier Transform filter see FFT filter Favorites menu, 207

Features, production of, 198

FFT filter, 117-18

RIAA addition, 232-3

Figure-of-eight microphone, 85, 190-1

File loading, 30-5, 43

Filters, 221

center channel extractor, 114-15

dynamic EQ, 115-17

FFT filter, 117-18, 232-3

graphic equalizer, 118, 119

graphic phase shifter, 118-20

notch filter, 120-1, 221

parametric equalizer, 121-2

quick filter, 122

scientific filters, 122-3

Firewire, 19, 218

First action level (noise), 7

Flanging, 106, 108-9

Flash drives, 20

Frames, 12, 229, 230

Frequency, 5

audible range, 5-6

Frequency Analysis window, 163-4

Frequency Band Splitter, 140-1

FX, 61-4

sends panel, 62

Gramophone records, 23-4, 125, 126

Graphic equalizer, 118, 119

Graphic phase shifter, 118-20

Graphical tab, 94-5

Grot speaker, 148

Hamming code, 11

Hard disks, 217-18

Hard interview, 182

Hardware controller, 204-5

Hardware requirements, 215-24

Harmonics, 6

Head alignment, 16

Headphones, 216-17

spill, 131, 132

Hearing, safety, 7

Hemispherical pick-up pattern microphone, 190,191

Hi-Fi speakers, 148

Hi-MD, 25, 181

Histogram tab, 169

Human ear, 5-7, 80, 151

Hypercardioid microphone, 190

Icons, 37, 59, 212

IDE, 20, 28, 215

IDE bus, 217

Informational interview, 182

Insert, 45, 71-2

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), 154, 195, 203

Internet see Email and World Wide Web


on the move, 185-6

oral history, 185

preparation, 182

pre-recorded, 184

techniques, 183-4

on telephone, 195

types, 182-3

vox pop, 184

Inverse square law, 102

Invert option, 89, 138-9

Invert tick boxes, 46

ISRC codes, 180

Jitter, 171

Keyboard shortcuts, 37, 206

Level matching, 80-1

Limiting settings, 92

Line-up tones, 149-50

Linear editors, 71, 219

Loop paste, 46

Loops, 78-9

Loudness, 5, 6, 87

Loudspeakers, 216-17

Magazine item, 197

Magazine programmes, 197

Masterbus, 58

Mastering, 220

analytical functions, 156-7

CD labelling, 153-4

changeovers, 152-3

Email and World Wide Web, 154-156

line-up and transmission formats, 149-50

noise, generating, 151-2

process of, 153

silence, generating, 150-1

spectral editing, 157

tones, generating, 152

Memory cards, 19

Microphone, 196

directivity, 188, 189-91

quality, 189

variable pattern microphones, 190, 191

see also Acoustics; Transducer

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), 208, 223,227-8, 229-30

triggering, 206

and video files, 78

Minidisc, 15, 46, 83, 155, 186, 230

Missed edits, 147

Mix paste, 3, 71, 45-6

Mobile phones (beware), 28, 184

Modulate, 46

Monitoring speakers, 148

Mono audio, 2

Morse code, 8

Mouse options, 204

MP3, 155

MP3Pro decoder, 155

MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group), 155

Multiband compressor, 95-8

tube-modelled compressor, 97-8

Multi-layer mixing, 85

Multimiking, 187-8

Multi-session CDs, 172

Multitap delay effect, 110

Multitrack, 140-2, 194, 220

automation, 64-7

chequer boarding, 71-3

envelope follower, 140, 141

envelopes, 67-9

fades and edges, 74-6

frequency band splitter, 140-1

FX, 61-4

loading, 55-6

loops, 78-9

MIDI and video, 78

music, 77-8

prefaded and backtimed music, 76

recording, 60, 61, 188

for simple mix, 69-71

tour, 56-61

track bouncing, 73-4

transitions, 76-7

vocoder, 142


balance, 56, 57

on multitrack recorder, 77-8

orchestral, 188-9

prefaded and backtimed, 76

production of, 198-9

Mute, 139

NICAM system, 6, 9, 124

Noise, generating, 151-2

Noise levels, 7

Noise reduction, 124, 221

options, 128-31

Noise-shaping, 12

Non-linear editor, 66, 198, 219-20

Normal waveform display, 160-2

Normalization, 86-8, 220

Normalize option, 32, 33

Notch filter, 120-1, 221

Nyquist limit, 9

Omnidirectional microphone, 190

Optical connector, 17-18, 216

Optical leads, 18

Oral history interviews, 185

Orchestra, 188-9, 225

Overlap, 15, 45

Pan and volume see Volume and pan Pan envelope, 67, 68, 138

Panning, 81

Parallel ATA (PATA), 217

Parametric equalizer, 121-2

Parity, 11

Password, 202

Paste, 43, 45-6, 208

PC, 1, 2, 195, 215

Peak amplitude, 169

Personality interview, 183

Phase analysis, 164-8

Adobe Audition 2.0, 166

display interpretation, 166-7

phase check test file, 165-6

Phaser, 114

Phasing, 105

Pink noise, 151, 152

Pitch transform see Time/pitch transform Plain Old Telephone System (POTS), 154

Plug-in reverb, 104, 112-13

Post-production, 80-5

cross fading, 82

level matching, 80-1

multi-layer mixing, 85

panning, 81

stereo/binaural, 82-3

surround sound, 83-5

timing, 80

Prefaded and backtimed music, 76

Preferences dialog, 208-12

Pre-recorded interviews, 184

Production, 195-9

drama, 198

magazine item, 197

magazine programmes, 197

multi-layer feature, 198

music, 198-9

programme types, 195-6

simple feature, 198

talks, 196-7

Pulses, 8-9

‘Q’, 63

Quadraphonic audio, 83

Quarrying material, 42-6

Quick filter, 122

RCA phono plugs, 17

Real-time controls and effects, 142-6

Recorders, 186-7

Recording, 24-8, 49

codes, 179-80

file, 27

level setting, 26-7

space, 27-8

topping and tailing, 28

Red Rover, 205

Replace, 46

Restoration, 124-31

Click/Pop Eliminator, 125-6

clickfix, 126, 127

clip restoration, 126-8

noise reduction options, 128-31, 132

Reverberation, 99, 221

chorus effect, 103-4

delay effect, 104-5

devices for, 99-100

diffusion, 99

digital reverberation, 100-3

dynamic delay effect, 105-7

echo, 99, 107, 108

echo chamber, 107, 108

flanging, 108-9

full reverb, 109-10

multitap delay, 110, 111

perception, 99

phaser, 114

plug-in reverb, 112-13

reverb, 110-11

reverberation time, 99

studio reverb, 111-12

Reverse option, 139

Reviewing material, 14-16, 147-8

assessing levels, 147

full quality speakers, 148

missed edits, 147

Rewritable CDs, 172-3, 222

RIAA equalization, 23-4

addition to FFT filters, 232-3

Ribbon microphone, 191, 192

RMS power, 31, 169

RNID (The Royal National Institute for Deaf People), 7

Rubber band method, 43, 44

Safety hearing, 7

Sample value, 168

Sampling rate, 9-10, 25, 65, 155, 215

Scientific filters, 122-3

Script Starts from Scratch, 48, 49

Script Works on Current Wave, 48-9

Script Works on Highlighted Selection, 49

Scrub editing, 38

SCSI, 20, 28, 217

Second action level, 7

Sends panel, 62

Serial ATA (SATA), 217, 218

Serial Copy Management System (SCMS), 18

Short peaks, 33

Side fire microphones, 191, 192

Silence, generating, 150-1

Simple mix, 58, 59, 137

multitrack for, 69-71

Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE), 12, 84-5, 208, 229, 230, 231

SMPTE synchronization, 207

Software requirements, 215-24

Sony/Philips Digital Interface (S/PDIF), 16-22, 226

Sound, 5, 6

binaural sound, 82-3

stereo sound, 82

surround sound, 83-5

Sound card, 215-16, 225-6

Spatial effects, 136

faking stereo, 137-8

MS stereo, 137

Speakers, 148, 155, 164, 197, 216

Special effects:

convolution, 131-3

distortion, 133

Spectral editing, 157, 221

Spectral view, 157

analytical function, 156

Standardize format, 47-8

Stereo sound, 82

Faking, 137

Storage systems, 202-3

Studio reverb, 111-12

Surround sound, 83-5

Synthesizer, 227, 228

Table mat, 172

Table of contents, 21, 170, 172

Talks, production of, 196-7

TAO (Track At Once), 222

Third-order filter, 122

Thunder peak, 33-4

Timbre, 6

Time code, 12-13, 229-31

Adobe Audition 2.0, 13

drop-frame time code, 230

MIDI, 229-30

Time/pitch transform:

digital delay circuit, 136

Doppler shifter, 133-4

Pitch Bender, 134

pitch changer, 136

Pitch Correction, 135

pitch manipulation, 135-6

Pitch Shifter, 135

uses, 136

Timing, 80

Tinnitus, 7, 214

Tip, ring and sleeve jack, 22

Tone blips, 157-9

Tones, generating, 152

TOSLINK, 17-18

Track bouncing, 73-4

Track equalizer, 143-6

Traditional tab, 95

Transducer, 191-4

electromagnetic microphone, 192, 193

electrostatic microphone, 192-3

environment, 193

power requirement, 193

reliability, 194

robustness, 193

size and weight, 193

visibility, 193

see also Acoustics; Microphone

Transfer, 14

analog, 22-4

digital, 16-22

head alignment, 16

recording, 24-8

Transitions, 76-7

Transmission formats, 149

Transport, 35-8

Tube-modelled compressor, 97-8

UPC/EAN codes, 178, 179-80

USB, 19, 218

Variable pattern microphones, 190, 191

Visual editing, 1, 39-41

Vocoder, 142

Volume and pan, 59, 62, 64

Volume envelope, 67, 69, 77

Vox pop interview, 184

.WAV files, 14, 45, 153, 155

White noise, 151, 152

Window/Amplitude Statistics, 31-2, 168

Windows Media Audio (WMA), 156

Word clock in/out, 226

Word processing, 1, 3

XLR connector, 22-3, 187

Zip files, 155

Zooming, 33, 37-8

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