
8-bit files, 20, 38, 43, 68, 69, 7072, 79, 94

16-bit files, 7072, 78, 79, 169, 172, 178

20-minute rule, 128

20/20 Color MD, 98, 130, 168, 173 213, 214

24-bit device, 21, 38, 55

30-bit device, 21


Acclaim software, 157, 158

ACD Systems, 39, 82

ACDSee Pro Photo, 82, 107, 112

Actions Palette, 100, 101, 185, 186, 187, 256, 257

Adjust tab, 9094

Adjustment layers, 124, 125127, 136, 152, 181

Adobe’s Lightroom, 7577

Adobe Photoshop,see Photoshop

Adobe RGB, 73, 78, 86

Adobe Studio Exchange, 187, 188, 191

Adorama, 229, 237, 238

Ad-aware, 23

AF, 27, 259

AI Focus AF, 259

AI Servo AF, 259

Aldus, 3, 55

Aliasing, 259

Alien Skin Software, 215

Exposure, 211212

Eye Candy 5, 171176

Alternative inks, 230231

OEM inks, 230

Analog, 38, 72, 148, 159, 211, 259

Apple Store, 5

ArcSoft, 139

Collage Creater, 139

Artificial lies, xixxx

Average metering, 259


B&W, see Black and white

Band-Aid tool, 145146

Barry Staver, 182, 183

Being earnest, importance of, 4344

Belkin, 8, 9, 44, 45

Bill Dusterwald, 169, 211


Photoretouch pro, 105

Bit (binary digits), 20, 21, 69, 259

Bitmap, 54, 55, 61, 259, 260

Black and white

in color, 41, 231232

Stylus Photo R2400, 232

with color filters, 195198

skin tones, 196197

conversion, 99100

BMP (Windows Bitmap), 61, 107, 242

Brightness and contrast control, 152153

Brightness/Contrast command, 152

Shadow/Highlight command, 152

Burn Tool, 137, 147, 148, 184

Burning and dodging, 114, 142, 147148, 151, 216

Byte, 20, 6970, 260


Calibrate tab, 9698

Camera profiles

Integrated Color, 98

Camera RAW, 68, 69, 73, 8385, 86, 87, 8890, 91, 94, 96, 98, 101, 244245

Canon, 16, 22, 82, 194, 222, 223, 228


EOS, 19, 70

1D, 3

1D Mark II, 58, 59, 74, 112, 123, 193

1D Mark IIN, 137, 194, 195, 231

1v, 70

5D, 2, 3, 4, 74, 159, 192

10D, 98, 239

20D, 23, 144, 189, 190, 209

30D, 3, 35, 40

D30, 67

D60, 68, 99, 173

D60 Digital SLR, 133

Digital Rebel, 129, 158

Digital SLR, 123

IX SLR, 180

ink-jet, xiii

Carousel resolution, riding, 1920

CCD (charged coupled device), 27, 38, 260

CD-R, 7, 19, 260

CD-ROM, 33, 62, 64, 188, 260

CD-RW, 5, 7, 260

Channel mixer, 205207

Chocalate Chip Actions, 101

Chroma, 95, 267

Chromatic Aberration, 9596


Clone Stamp tool, 142, 143, 144, 145146

CMOS chips, 2728, 260

CMYK, 73, 191, 228, 260


creating, 139

making, 137138

Color depth, 38, 261

Color management systems (CMS), 226, 260

Color Sampler tool

White Balance tool, 84

Colorsync, 226, 260

ColorVision, 226, 227, 235

Compression, 55, 242, 261


cost, 106107

types, 105106

Computer vision syndrome, 15


Painter, 108, 166

PaintShop Pro, 105, 166

PhotoPaint, 108, 166

CPU, 7, 261

CPXe, 261

Creativity layers, 124

Crop sizes, 8687

Image Size command, 8687

Cropping tool, 149150

Crossing delancey, 6062

Cybertheft, , 251252


Data compression, see Compression

DataViz, 19, 6263

Detail tab, 9495

Sharpness slider, 94

Device resolution, 19, 261

Digital blur and soft focus, 159163

Nik Multimedia’s ColorEfex Pro 2, 160

ScatterLight Lenses 1.2 plug-ins, 161

Digital camera, xiii

Digital capturing

convenience, xix

flexibility, xviii

recycling, xvii

Digital darkroom

bottom line, 22

Carousel resolution, riding, 1920

monitor and merrimac, 911

monitor checklist, 1114

operation swordfish, 1718

origins, 3

permanent and temporary storage, 79

resolutions, 14, 2021

rocket’s red glare, 1415

shot in dark, 4

trading places, 2122

Digital difference, 203205

Digital film, 2932

CompactFlash, 29

Memory Stick, 31

Microdrive, 30

SD/MMC, 31

SmartMedia, 31

xD Picture Card, 32

Digital images

basic protection, 252253

embed protection, 253255

Digital imaging

capture, xv

enhance, xvi

output, xvi

presentation, xvixvii

software, 109110

Digital methods, 141

Band-Aid tool, 145146

brightness and contrast control, 152153

burning and dodging, 147148, 151, 216

cropping tool, 149150

digital blur and soft focus, 159163

internal problem, external solutions, 156158

levels and curves, 151152

lighten/darken, 150151

non-traditional tools, 154

retouching tools, usage, 142144

sharpness vs. blur, 158159

traditional tools, 146147

unsharp masking, 154156

Digital Negative (DNG), 81, 82

Digital noise, 95, 177180

Digitizing tablets, 4950

Dodge Tool, 147

Dot pitch, 14

dpi, 19, 87, 88

vs. ppi, 8788

Duotone command, 217220

Duotones, 217218

DVD-R, 7

Dynamic range, 38, 261


e-Machines, 56

E-TTL, 261

EI, 261

EPFL, 245

Epson, xiii, 39, 223, 232

2400, 232

Perfection 4870 PHOTO, 37, 180

printers, 222, 228, 230, 233

RD-1, 77

Stylus Photo R1800, 223

Stylus Pro 10000, 28

Ericsson, 245

Ethernet, 43

EV, 261

Exchangeable Image File, 76, 128

EXIF 2.2, 7677

Exposure, 211212

Extensible Metadata Platform, 88, 253254

Eye Candy 5, 172176


Film grain vs. digital noise, 177179

Adobe Photoshop’s Measure Tool, 180, 181

Digital GEM professional Plug-Ins, 178

Grain Surgery, 178

Noise Reduction Pro, 177

Noiseware, 179

PictureCode’s Noise Ninja, 179

Film scanners, 3738

Filter factors, 198

FireWire, 43, 44, 48

Flashpix, 107

Flatbed scanners, 37, 38, 39

Flickr, 249

Fractal, 262

Freeware and shareware, 107

IrfanView, 107108

Fuji, 8, 82

SinePix 53, 91


Gamma, 73, 225, 226, 242, 262

Gamut, 73, 76, 78, 84, 85, 262

Gateway to Photoshop, transfers, 100101

Actions, 100101

Gaussian blur, 262

GIF, 64, 240241, 242, 262

vs. JPEG, 240242

Gigabyte (GB), 262

GIMP, 17, 18

GNU Image Manipulation Program, 17

Graphics tablets, 4851

Grayscale, 9495, 194, 231

Grimes, John, 141

GUI, 262


Hahnemühle, 238

Hasselblad, 16

H2D, 81

Xpan, 36, 96

Healing Brush, see Band-Aid tool, 145146

Hewlett-Packard (HP), 107, 222, 223, 232, 250

Holga, 4

Hub cap world, 4445

comparing interfaces, 45


Icon, 262

IDE, 262

Image editing program, 263

Image editing softwares, 76, 104105

Image enhancing, 168169

Photoshop-compatible plug-ins, 168169

Image file formats, handling, 107108

Image preparation, for web

basic protection, 252253

cybertheft, 251252

embedded protection, 253255

JPEG 2000, 244246

photo-sharing websites, 246249

Photoshop Action, 255257

pixel parade, 240242

trade tools, 246

web tips, 243244

Image presenting, xxvxxvi

Image stabilization (IS), 189, 198, 202

Imagebase, 263

Imaging Factory, 211

In camera, 194195

Picture Styles, 195

In-camera color effects, 198201

Indexed color, 263

Initialize, 263

Ink and paper, 228229

CMYK, 228

compatibility, 222223

droplet size, 223

Stylus Photo 2200, 228229

Ink-jet prints, 263

alternative inks, 230231

black and white, in color, 231232

ink and paper, 228229

compatibility, 222223

ink-jet paper choices, 237238

monitor calibration, 225227

output solutions, 227228

personal test print, , 236237

practical color, 224225

print button, 232234

print longevity, 238

printer driver, 234236

real world printing, 223224

Input, 263

Input device, 263

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 42, 263

Integrated circuit, 263

Intel Celeron and Pentium, differences, 7

Interface, 178

Interlaced, 263

Internal problem, external solutions to, 156158

Focus Magic, 158

nik’s Sharpener pro 2.0, 156158

International Color Consortium (ICC), 226227

International Standard Organization (ISO), 264

Internet address, 263264

Interpolated resolution, 38, 40

Ipcress files, 5455

ISP, 250, 264


Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), 28, 55, 99100, 107, 203

vs. GIF, 240242

JPEG 2000, 5557, 244246


Keyword, 249

Kilobytes (K), 20

Kingston’s Ultimate 100X cards, 33

Konica, 82, 237


Landscape (modefilter), 211


simple use, 127128

understanding, 123

adjustment layers, 125127

collages and mosaics making, 137138

collages creating, 139

creativity layers, 124

layers palette, 124125

layers, simple use, 127128

speed thrills, 133137

Two Faces of Japan, 128

Le Manipulateur, see Artificial lies


Digital Module-R, 81

D-Lux2, 103, 165

Lens tab, 9596

Levels and Curves, 151152

Lexar’s Memory Cards, 3334

Lexmark, 222, 223, 237

Lighten/darken, 150151

Linus Torvalds, 18

Linux, 1819

Live Picture, 107

Lizard Tech, 262

Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 6566, 221

Lyson, 231

LZW, 264


Mac OS vs. Windows, 185187

MacGIMP, 17

Macmedia Freehand, 54

Magic wand tool, 116117

Quick Mask button, 118121

Magnetic Lasso tool, 114115

Magneto-optical, 264265

Magnifying glass, see Zoom

Manipulating images, 169172

Alien Skin Software’s Eye Candy 5, 171172, 172176

Silver Oxide, 169


creativity, xxiii

enhancement, xxi

resoration, xxiixxiii

retouch, xxi

virtualPhotographer, 169170

Marquee tool, 111, 115116

Mask, 14, 39, 118, 119, 155156

Media Street, 230231, 237

Megabyte (MB)

Memory card

readers, 4647

speed, 33

Metafile, 54, 55

Metamerism, 224, 227, 231

Micro piezo printer, 222

Microfrontier, 3

Microsoft, 5, 16, 1819, 55, 107

Microtek scanner, xiii

Moab Paper, 237

Moiré, 179

Monaco Systems, 226227

Monitor calibration, 225227

Adobe Gamma, 225226

Monaco Systems, 226227

Monitor checklist, 1114

color, 11

dot pitch, 14

monitor size, 13

refresh rate, 14

resolution, 14

shadow masks, 14

space, 1213

type, 1112

Monochrome difference

Adobe Photoshop CS2, 213217

black and white, 196198

channel mixer, 205207

digital difference, 203205

duotone command, 217220

in camera, 194195

Monochrome difference (Contd)

in-camera color effects, 198201

monochrome power tools, 207212

Monochrome power tools, 207212

Black & White Studio, 207208

Black Definition, 207, 208

Convert to BW Pro 3.0, 210, 211

Toned Photos plug-ins, 209

Moonstruck, 180185

Mosaics, making, 137138

MTF, 265

Multi-zone metering, 265


Nano, 265

National Cyber Security Alliance, 23

ND filter, 265

Net, xiv, 23, 92, 107, 242, 245, 251252

nik’s Color Efex Pro 2.0, 176, 181, 182, 215

Nikon, 28, 74, 82, 142

NTSC, 263, 265


Olympus, 8, 82, 194

E100RS, 162

E-500, 55, 57

EVOLT E-330, 26

xD Picture Card, 32

Operation swordfish, 1718

Optical resolution, 38, 27, 39, 40

Ott-Lite, 224, 225

Output solutions, 227228

ColorVision’s Monitor Spyder and Photocal, 227


Painting tools, 115116, 119

Eraser Tool, 116

PaintShop Pro, 105, 166

Panos Efstathiadis, 185, 188, 189, 190

Panos FX, 138, 189

Parallel port, 4243, 44

PCX, 61

PDF, 100

Pentax, 82, 204, 206

K100D, 15, 25, 78

Optio S, 213

Perfection, 7879

Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI), 9

Personal test print, 236237

Photo CD, 36, 60, 61, 117, 166, 218

Photo-sharing websites, 246249

SmugMug, 246, 247

Photobucket, 250251

PhotoImpact, 54, 105, 106, 108, 111, 142, 153, 155, 166

PhotoPaint, 108, 166

Photoshop, 22, 201203

Photoshop Action, 100, 161, 165, 185, 189, 191, 212, 255257

Photoshop-compatible plug-ins, 108109, 166167

Alien Skin Software’s Eye Candy 5, 171172

Black & White Studio, 207208

Black Definition, 207, 208

CMYK image files, 207

PictureCode’s Noise Ninja, 179

Silver Oxide, 169, 211

SkinTune, 168, 169

Photoshop Creative Suite, 245

Photoshop CS2, 83, 94, 101, 115, 116, 205, 213

PhotoTune, 130, 174

20/20 Color MD, 168, 173, 213

PICT, 55, 6061

PictoColor, 109, 133, 134

Picture CD, 266

Picture elements, see Pixels

Picture Rescue, 48

Piezoelectric, 266

Ping, see Portable Network Graphics (PNG)

Pixel parade, 240242

Pixel Genius, 148

Pixels, 12, 20, 26, 27, 70, 116, 146, 155

Pixmantec, 74

PMT, 266

Polygonal Lasso tool, 114115

Portable Network Graphics (PNG), 242

Portfolios, 223

Ports, 4243

Postscript, 266

Power tools, 71, 148

commercial and freeware actions, 188192

film grain vs. digital noise, 177179

image enhancing, 168169

Mac OS vs. Windows, 185187

manipulating images, 169172

moonstruck, 180185

Photoshop Actions, 185

Photoshop-compatible plug-ins, 166167

recording, 187188

ppi, 19, 88

Practical color, 224225

Print button, 232234

Print longevity, 238

Wilhelm Research’s website, 223, 238

Printer driver, 234236, 237

PhotoSmart Toolbox, 235

Printing, 221, 223

Printing images, xxiiixiv, 227, 231

Profile, 96, 98, 227

Proofing, 223

ProPhoto RGB, 73, 74


Quadtones, 217, 219, 220

Quick Mask, 119, 121


RAM, 266

Raster files, see Bitmap file

RAW files, 56, 81, 82, 202

16- or 8-bit files, 7072

Adjust tab, 9094

binary digits, 69

black and white, conversion, 99100

Calibrate tab, 9698

Camera RAW 3.0, 83, 89

Camera Raw’s Settings, 8890

Color Sampler tool, 84

crop size, 8687

Crop tool, 84

Detail tab, 9495

EXIF 2.2, 7677

gateway to Photoshop, 100101

getting RAW files, 8283

getting started with, 6869

Lens tab, 9596

perfection, 7879

resolution, of the matter, 8788

Show Workflow Options, 8586

space, 73

Strighten tool, 84

RawShooter, 74

Real world printing, 223224

three “P”s, 223

Real world testing, 35, 48

ReaWatermark, 253

Recording, 187188

Red, green, and blue, see RGB

Refresh rate, 14

Resolutions, 14, 19, 2021, 26, 38, 49, 8788

Retouching tools, usage, 142144

RGB, 73


GR Digital, 81

RIP, 267

Roaring mouse, 4851

Rocket’s red glare, 1415

ROM, 64, 260, 261, 267

Rubber Stamp tool,see Clone Stamp tool



GX-1S, 204

Pro815, 81

SyncMaster, 13

SanDisk, 29, 30, 47

Extreme III Card, 35

Saturation, 94

Save for Web, 242243

Save Settings, 8990

Scanners, 3536

slang, 38

types, 3738

SCSI, 43

Search engine, 267

Selection tool, 111, 114

Serial port, 42

Shadow masks, 14

Shareware, 107

Sharpness vs. blur, 158159

Show Workflow Options, 8586

Silver Oxide, 169, 170, 211

SLR (single lens reflex), 70, 76, 113, 180

Snapfish, 250

Software toolbox, opening of

clones, 104105


types, 105106

cost, 106107

digital imaging software, 109110

image file formats, handling, 107108

Magic wand tool, 116121

painting tools, 115116

Photoshop-compatible plug-ins, 108109

toolboxes, 110115

Speed thrills, 133137

sRGB vs. Adobe RGB, 78

Swedish Tjanstemannens Central Organisation, 15

System requirements, 105


Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), 28, 55, 100, 107, 237

Thermal printer, 222

Three “P”s, 223

Thumbnail, 75

TIFF, see Tagged Image File Format

Toolboxes, 110115

Selection tool, 111, 112, 113

Trade tools, 246

being earnest, importance of, 4344

candid cameras, 2628

digital film, 2932

hub cap world, 4445

Kingston’s Ultimate 100X cards, 33, 34

Lexar’s Memory Cards, 3334, 48

megapixel requirement, 2829

memory card, fastness, 33

memory card readers, 4647

needs, 51

ports, 4243

real world testing, 35, 48

reality maintenance, 3841

roaring mouse, 4851

Sandisk’s Extreme III Card, 35

scanners, 3536

selection, 3738

slang, 38

Trading places, 2122

Transfer rate, 33, 48

Translation, loss, 6265

Trevoli, 246

Tritones, 219

TTL, 267

TWAIN, 267268

Two Faces of Japan, 128132


Ulead’s PhotoImpact, 54, 106, 142, 153

Undo, 125, 163, 171, 212

Unix, 17, 18, 105

Unsharp mask, 39, 94

Unsharp masking, 154156

Adobe Photoshop CS2, 154

URL, 247, 254

USB, 43, 45, 48


Variations, 61

Vector, 5455

Vertical scanning frequency, see Refresh rate

Virtual memory, 2122

VRAM, 268

VSO Software, 240


Web tips, 243244

Webshots, 248

Photo Messages, 248

WAP, 249

Window on Mac, 16

WMF, 268

WORM, 268

WYSIWYG, 63, 223


X files

camera, 55

crossing delancey, 6062

Ipcress files, 5455

JPEG 2000, 5557

revenge of the sith, 6566

shooting, 5860

translation, loss, 6265

Xaos tools, 268


YCC, 268


Zero Image, 4, 5

ZFP, 269

ZIP, 269


lens, 150

tool, 83, 119, 134, 135

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