116 Gallery of Class Drawings


Ash Brannon did this nice loose, expressive sketch. Right next to it is Pete Docter’s version using different tensions in the body. And another simple but solid sketch by Pete.


James Fujii’s drawings are slightly more finished but nonetheless loose and expressive.


Dan Boulos whips in his drawings with gusto, so they are usually crisp and simple.


Brenda Chapman-Lima likes to experiment with the poses as shown here. The chap upper right is scratching his back, not being hung.

ADDENDUM: Thought you might like to know I practice what I preach. On Saturday, August 19, I took part in the 3rd annual “Quick Draw” along with eleven other artists, each of whom show their work in one of many art galleries in Los Olivos, California. The artists are given 45 minutes to sketch, draw, or paint a model (this year a sexy gal in a sexy barmaid outfit.)

I completed two 11/14” pen drawings into which I worked some watercolor. I had just written some stuff on the first impression thing and it was fresh in my mind. The scene was tense. I sat there on my tiny portable camp stool (this is in a park in Los Olivos) solidifying my first impression, because, of course, with pen and ink you can’t back up or erase. There was a crowd of people gazing over our shoulders, anxiously waiting to see the artwork take form. Country western music reverberated throughout the little town with its quaint, late 1800s and early 1900s architecture.

Mentally I checked the proportions, angles, perspective, and general feeling of the set up. The impression jelled. I could hear the crowd release their long held breath as I began to dash out the drawing with vigor, flair, and confidence. After the 45 minutes were up, the works were auctioned off to the spectators with half of the money going to the artists and the other half to the town to buy some old fashioned streetlights. My drawings sold for $150.00 apiece.

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