

accents, 97, 100

active corner, 250, 251

Adobe Bridge, 26, 27

Adobe InCopy, 23, 252

Adobe InDesign. See InDesign

Adobe Paragraph Composer, 80, 116–117

Adobe Type Library, 43

Adobe Western 2 character set, 99

alignment, 109–124

Adobe Paragraph Composer, 116–117

bottom, 123

center, 110, 117–118, 120, 123

columns, 92, 115, 120, 121, 122–124

drop cap letters, 174, 175, 176–177

hanging punctuation, 122

horizontal, 110–122

images, 257–258

justified. See justified alignment

left, 110–113

lists, 166–168

margins, 91, 92, 143, 174

optical, 92

ragged, 110, 112, 113, 118, 119

right, 110, 119

shortcuts, 110

tables, 152–153, 161

tabs, 168–169, 170

text to grid, 71, 246–247, 254–255

top, 122–123

vertical, 70, 122–124

anchor points, 221–222, 223, 227–228

anchored objects, 212–214, 228

apostrophes, 91

ascenders, 4, 49, 62, 67

ASCII, 90, 99

aspect ratio, 232, 234–236

Auto Leading, 68–69


backgrounds, 65, 165, 221

baseline, 4

baseline grids, 70, 243, 246, 252, 254–259

baseline shift, 11, 54–56

bitmapped text, 16

body text, 48, 62, 69, 196, 198

bold text, 45–46

Book feature, 199

bowl, 4

break characters, 145, 146–147

Bridge, 26, 27

bulleted lists, 165–167

bylines, 198


callout boxes, 211–212

CamelCase, 51

cap heights, 4, 197


all caps, 49, 50, 67–68, 76

drop caps, 171–182

initial caps, 172, 173, 179, 180–181

small caps, 49, 51–52, 178–179

uppercase/lowercase, 48–52

captions, 48, 56, 198, 211–212

casing, 48–51

character collisions, 103

Character Formats view, 14, 15

Character Viewer, 101


alternate, 106–107

break, 145, 146–147

formatting, 14, 15, 43–56, 103, 184

hidden, 40, 67, 147

kerning, 11, 12, 76–87, 176–177

Mac OS, 101

prime, 90

spacing, 12, 79, 116. See also letterspacing

special, 34, 94, 97, 100

styles. See styles

superscript/subscript, 52–53

swash, 105

terminal, 105

titling, 106

Unicode, 97, 99–102

vs. glyphs, 98

white space, 95–97

width, 12, 44

Windows, 101

CID fonts, 97

clipping paths, 221, 222

colon, 90, 91

color, 65, 67, 116

column width

considerations, 11, 60, 205, 240–241

fixed, 242–243

leading and, 62, 64, 65

unequal, 243


alignment, 92, 115, 120, 121, 122–124

balancing, 70, 124

gutters, 11, 62, 64, 241, 250

height, 252

indenting, 128

leading and, 70

margins and, 240, 242–243

number of, 242, 245

setting up, 240–243

spanning, 28–29, 30, 31–32, 205

splitting, 31–32

threaded frames, 27–36

width. See column width

contextual alternates, 106

Control Panel, 14, 15

Convert Direction Point tool, 223

counter, 4

currency symbols, 55, 97, 102

cursor, 22, 24, 25


dashes, 93–94

Delete Anchor Point Tool, 223

descenders, 4, 49, 62, 67, 71

diacritical marks, 97

dictionaries, 90, 136, 141, 142–143, 144

Dingbats, 9, 94

diphthongs, 103–104

Direct Selection tool, 223

display type, 48, 56

documents. See also pages

master, 199, 244

multilingual, 141

navigating, 15–16

preflighting, 26

sections, 263–264

setting up, 232–240

viewing, 15–16

“dotless i,” 103, 104

double prime, 90

drop caps, 171–182


ellipses, 94, 97

em dashes, 93–94

em spaces, 12, 95, 166, 260

en dashes, 93

en spaces, 12, 94, 95, 260

end marks, 94, 95

equations, 52

Euro symbols/fonts, 102

Expert Set, 51


Fast Display mode, 16

figure dash, 93

files. See documents finding/changing items, 39, 96, 100, 132, 210

finials, 105

fleurons, 105

flowing text, 23–27

folios, 238, 243, 260, 261–262

FontLab Studio, 12

fonts. See also text; typefaces

changing, 43

CID, 97

cross-platform, 99, 194

default, 22

described, 4

Dingbats, 9

Euro, 102

missing, 201

multiple masters, 102, 107

OpenType, 43, 56, 100, 103, 194

picture, 9

PostScript, 101, 102

sans serif, 4–5, 7

on screen, 9

serif, 4–5

size. See text size

styles, 44–46

symbol, 9

TrueType, 43, 101, 102

Type 1, 43, 97, 102, 194

unicase, 48–49

Unicode, 99–102

footnotes, 52

formatting. See also styles

characters, 14, 15, 43–56, 103, 184

local, 188–190, 203

paragraphs, 14, 15

text, 14, 15, 43–56, 103, 184

fractions, 52, 55, 101

frames. See also text frames

graphics/pictures, 35, 69, 218, 219, 226, 257

linked, 25

rectangle, 35


glyph sets, 98, 99


finding/changing, 100

positioning, 56

scaling, 114, 115–116

vs. characters, 98

Glyphs panel, 97–99, 101

graphic frames, 35, 69, 218, 219, 226, 257


alignment, 257–258

considerations, 232

inline, 69, 94

positioning, 254

tables, 162–163

wrapping text around, 217–229

GREP Queries, 38

GREP styles, 82, 146, 210–211

grid fields, 244, 250, 251

Grid System, 250

Gridify feature, 249–250

grids, 243–260

alignment, 71, 246–247, 254–255

baseline, 70, 243, 246, 252, 254–259

considerations, 243–245

described, 243

document, 246

of objects, 248–250

preferences, 246–251

guides, 23, 33, 247–250, 260

gutters, column, 11, 62, 64, 241, 250


Hand Tool, 12–13, 15, 16

hanging indents, 129, 165

hanging punctuation, 122

headers, 262–263

headings, 133–134, 197, 200, 209

headlines, 56

Hex Input keyboard, 100

hidden characters, 40, 67, 147

hidden layers, 225

highlighting text, 54

H&J violations, 116, 117, 144

hyphenation, 112, 116, 119, 136–145

hyphens, 56, 91, 93, 111, 136–145


images. See graphics

importing items

styles, 191, 192, 201–203

tables, 155–156

text, 22, 23, 35–36

from Word, 35–36

inch marks, 90, 91

InCopy, 23, 252

indenting paragraphs, 125, 126–132

indents, hanging, 128, 165


options/preferences, 10–15

typography basics and, 2

InDesign documents. See documents

initial caps, 172, 173, 179, 180–181

inline graphics, 69, 94

italic text, 44–45


justified alignment

additional options, 119–121

full justify, 110, 120–121

horizontal, 113–117, 119–121

left-aligned text, 113–117, 121

nonbreaking spaces and, 96–97

right-aligned text, 119, 121

text wraps and, 218, 220, 224

vertical, 70, 123–124

vs. left alignment, 111

justified text, 65, 80, 111, 136, 139, 144


Keep Options, 81, 147–149

kerning, 11, 12, 76–87, 176–177. See also tracking

keyboard increments, 11

keyboard shortcuts. See shortcuts


layers, 225, 252, 253

leading, 10, 11, 61–71, 255–257

letter pairs, 74, 75, 82–87

letterform parts, 4

letters. See characters

letterspacing, 74–76, 114, 115

ligatures, 103–104

line breaks

Adobe Paragraph Composer and, 116–117

“bad rags” and, 111

centered text and, 118

discretionary, 147

forced, 40, 96, 118, 140, 141, 146

No Break attribute, 81, 82, 138, 145–146

line scale, 252


breaking. See line breaks

Keep Options, 81, 147–149

nested styles, 209–210

runt, 77–82

spacing between, 10, 11, 61–71

used for spacing, 132–134

lining figures, 105–106

lists, 165–168, 209

Live Preflight feature, 26

local formatting, 188–190, 203

lozenge rule, 205


Mac OS systems, 96, 99–100, 101

MakeGrid script, 250


alignment, 91, 92, 143, 174

columns and, 240, 242–243

determining, 237–238

facing pages, 233, 239

mirrored folios, 261–262

size, 11, 238–239, 242

master documents, 199, 244

master pages, 191, 244, 252, 260, 263

mathematical equations, 52, 55

measurement systems, 12

median, 4

metrics kerning, 83–85, 86, 87

Microsoft Word

importing styles from, 201–203

importing text from, 35–36

Mini Bridge, 26, 27

minus sign, 93

multilingual documents, 141

multiplication sign, 102


No Break attribute, 81, 82, 138, 145–146

nonbreaking spaces, 96–97, 145–146

numbered lists, 165–168, 209


fractions, 52, 55

page, 238, 239, 260–261

superscript/subscript, 52–53



anchored, 212–214, 229

callout boxes, 211–212

grid of, 243–250

guide, 260

snapping to, 249–250

styles, 184, 211–214

wrapping text around, 71, 217–229

oldstyle figures, 105–106

OpenType fonts, 43, 56, 100, 103, 194

optical kerning, 83, 84–85

Optical Margin Alignment, 91, 92, 143, 174

optical sizes, 107

ordinals, 52

ornaments, 8, 105

orphans, 70, 77–82, 147–149

outdents, 129

overset text, 24, 26, 38


pages. See also documents

dividing into rows, 259

facing, 16, 233, 239–240

master, 191, 244, 252, 260, 263

mirrored, 239, 261–262

navigating, 15, 16

numbers, 238, 239, 260–261

orientation, 232, 236–237

size, 232–236, 237

viewing, 15–16

zooming in/out, 15, 16

Pages panel, 16, 17, 239, 242, 244, 253

panels, organizing, 16–19

Paragraph Composer, 80

Paragraph Formats view, 14, 15

paragraph marks, 67, 128, 132

paragraph styles, 187–189. See also styles

applying, 187–190

[Basic Paragraph], 22, 185

described, 184

drop caps, 174–175

justification settings, 114

leading values, 69–71

local overrides, 188–191, 203


formatting. See formatting

indenting, 125, 126–132

intro, 198

Keep Options, 81, 147–149

No Break attribute, 81, 82, 138, 145–146

rules, 204, 205

spacing between, 11, 132–134

styles. See paragraph styles

pasting text, 33–35

Pen Tool, 223

picas, 11–12

picture credits, 200

picture fonts, 9

picture frames, 35, 69, 218, 219, 226, 257

pictures. See graphics

pilcrow, 67, 128

placeholder text, 32, 33

placing text, 22, 23, 24, 26, 34

point size, 9, 10

points, 11–12, 68

PostScript fonts, 101, 102

preflighting, 26

presets, 234

prime, 90

prime marks, 91

pull quotes, 200

punctuation, 90, 91–92, 122

punctuation space, 97


Quark, 83, 225

Quick Apply, 189–190, 192

quotation marks, 90

quote marks, 90, 91, 122

quotes, pull, 200


rag shape, 111, 112

ragged alignment, 110, 112, 113, 118, 119

rectangle frames, 35

recto pages, 147, 239, 262

reglets, 61

resolution, 16, 202

rivers, 79–82

RTF files, 167–168

ruler guides, 248, 249, 254, 257

ruler units, 11

rules, paragraph, 204, 205

run-in heads, 197, 209

runt lines, 77–82


sans serif fonts, 4–5, 7

scaling glyphs, 114, 115–116

scaling text, 46–47

scientific notation, 52

screen, 234, 236

script typefaces, 6

scripts, 39, 249

section markers, 263–264

Selection Tool, 12, 13, 25, 223

serif fonts, 4–5

shapes, 35, 223


alignment, 110

applying styles, 187, 188

baseline shift, 54–56

changing case, 50

finding/changing items, 100, 132, 210

GREP styles, 210

hiding/showing panels, 16

indenting paragraphs, 126

keyboard increments, 11

loading custom workspace, 16, 18, 19

moving between fields, 14

pasting text, 33

resizing/scaling text, 46–47

selecting text, 42

Selection Tool/Type Tool, 13

showing hidden characters, 40

Tools panel, 13

zooming in/out, 15, 16

side bearing, 115

sidebars, 200

Skip by Leading option, 71

Smart Cursor, 22

Smart Guides, 249–250

snapping to guides, 23, 258

snapping to objects, 249–250


characters, 12, 79, 116. See also letterspacing

double spaces, 96

em/en spaces, 12, 94, 95, 166, 260

figure spaces, 97, 153

flush spaces, 95, 96

hair spaces, 95

letter pairs, 74, 75, 83, 86, 87

between letters, 74–76, 114, 115

between lines, 10, 11, 61–71

lines as, 132–134

nonbreaking spaces, 96–97, 145–146

between paragraphs, 11, 132–134

problems, 116–117

punctuation space, 97

removing extra spaces, 39, 96

thin spaces, 94, 95, 97

between words, 65, 74–82, 114–116

special characters, 34, 94, 97, 100

spreadsheets, 155, 157, 161

stem, 4

stories, 22, 28, 42, 168

Story Editor, 36–38, 164, 188

stress, 4

strikethrough text, 54

style guides, 91

style sheets, 184–187, 196–200. See also styles

styles, 183–215. See also formatting; style sheets

advantages of, 184–185

applying, 187–190, 204

based on existing styles, 186–187

Book feature, 199

characters, 189, 200–204

combining typefaces, 194–196

creating, 185–187

default, 193

editing, 190–191

fonts, 44–46

GREP, 82, 146, 210–211

importing, 191, 192, 201–203

loading from other documents, 191–192

local formatting, 188–190, 203

local overrides, 188–191, 203

names, 187, 190, 192

nested, 207–210

objects, 184, 211–214

organizing, 192–193

paragraph. See paragraph styles

Quick Apply, 189–190

redefining, 190–191

repeating, 209

sequential, 204–206

shortcuts, 187, 188, 210

sorting, 192

tables, 184, 214–215

terminology, 184

unused, 193

subheads, 48, 133–134, 197, 255

subscript, 52–53, 102

superscript, 52–53, 102

swash characters, 105

symbol fonts, 9

symbols, 55, 94, 97



styles, 18, 214–215

working with, 152–165

tabs, 168–170

terminal characters, 105

text. See also fonts; typefaces

aligning. See alignment

bitmapped, 16

body, 48, 62, 69, 196, 198

capitalizing. See capitalization

centering, 110, 117–118, 120, 123

cleaning up, 38–40

color, 65, 67, 116

converting to tables, 155

copying/pasting, 33–35

dragging/dropping, 26–27

flowing, 23–27

formatting. See formatting

highlighting, 54

hyphenating, 112, 116, 119, 136–145

importing, 22, 23, 35–36

justified, 65, 80, 111, 136, 139, 144

Keep Options, 81, 147–149

kerning, 12, 76–87, 176–177

leading, 10, 11, 61–71

modifying, 25, 36

No Break attribute, 81, 82, 138, 145–146

overset, 24, 26, 38

placeholder, 32, 33

placing, 23, 24, 26, 34

scaling, 46–47

selecting, 42

size. See text size

spacing. See spacing

styles. See styles

tracking, 11, 12, 74–82, 85

widows/orphans, 70, 77–82

width, 205

wrapping, 71, 163, 217–229

zooming in/out, 15, 16

text frames. See also frames

creating, 22

deleting, 27

editing text in, 25, 36

flowing text in, 23–27

moving, 25

removing text from, 28

resizing, 25

scaling, 47

threading, 27–36

text insets, 132

text size, 46–48

auto leading and, 68–69

changing, 11, 46–47

common sizes, 48

considerations, 9, 10, 12

displaying “real” sizes, 47

guidelines, 48

keyboard shortcuts, 46–47

leading and, 62, 63, 68

optical sizes, 107

picas/points, 11–12

preferences, 11

on screen, 48

text wrap, 217–229

threading text frames, 27–36

thumbnails, 17, 32–33, 34

titling alternates, 106–107

titling characters, 106

Tools panel, 12–13

tracking, 11, 12, 74–82, 85. See also kerning

transparency, 205, 225, 253

TrueType fonts, 43, 101, 102

type. See fonts; text; typefaces

Type 1 fonts, 43, 97, 102, 194

type area, 68, 235–236, 238, 250, 252

type cursor, 22

type scale, 47

Type Tool, 12–13

typefaces. See also fonts; text

characteristics of, 66–68

classifications, 4–10

combining, 194–196

condensed/extended, 56

considerations, 2–4, 194

decorative, 7

described, 4

historical connotations, 2–3, 194

identifying, 43

monospaced, 8

sans serif, 4–5, 7

script, 6

serif, 4–5

terminology, 2, 4–5

transitional, 6

typewriters, 53, 96

typographer’s quotes, 90

typographical ornaments, 8, 105


asymmetrical, 112

getting started, 1–19

multilingual, 100

overview, 2–4

relative units, 12

typography workspace, 16–19


underlining, 53–54

unicase fonts, 48–49

Unicode, 97, 99–102

user dictionaries, 142–143


vector shapes, 223

versals, 172

vertical alignment, 70, 123–124


white space characters, 95–97

widows, 70, 77–82, 147–149

Windows systems, 96, 99–100, 101

Word. See Microsoft Word

words. See also text

hyphenating, 136–145

No Break attribute, 81, 82, 138, 145–146

space between, 65, 74–82, 114–116

workspace, customizing, 16–19

wrapping text, 71, 163, 217–229


x-heights, 4, 66, 67, 197


Zapf Dingbats, 94

zoom controls, 15, 16

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