After the Game

In one sense, the chapters in this part are supplemental to the broader innovation challenge process—at least with respect to generating ideas. The primary focus of Part I was on planning, setting up, and conducting competitive and noncompetitive idea challenges. However, once ideas are captured and organized, they still need to be evaluated and turned into viable solutions for resolving innovation challenge objectives. Part II begins with a description of major idea management software programs designed specifically to structure and facilitate the capturing and processing of large quantities of ideas (Chapter 7). This chapter also includes brief descriptions of software programs for generating ideas by individuals or groups. The remaining chapters focus on more traditional idea generation methods, some basics of designing and facilitating traditional brainstorming retreats. (Yes, face-to-face idea generation still has advantages over computer-assisted innovation!) The last two chapters deal with some basic guidelines and techniques for smoothing out the evaluation, selection (Chapter 11) and implementation of ideas (Chapter 12).

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