

Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.



access drivers, 221


administrative, 153–154

character set compatibility, 87

OSA, 182, 183, 186–187


ASM, 32, 34

downtime and, 122

lockdown profiles, 98–101

new features, 122–131, 155, 196

online table redefinition, 122–128

partitioned tables and, 129–131

separation of duties, 153–154

SYSRAC role, 5

user/password management, 154

administrative actions, 153–154

ADO (Automatic Data Optimization), 208–209

Advanced Index Compression, 204–208

Advanced Replication, 29

agility, 108

ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE command, 88, 97, 113, 116

ALTER SYSTEM command, 116

application common objects, 112–113

application containers, 108–119. See also CDBs

creating, 109–111

creating application in root container, 111–113

described, 108

hints, 118–119

installing, 116

patching, 116–117

PDBs and, 93

root of, 108, 109, 111–119

starting, 110–111

upgrading, 116, 117

application PDBs, 108, 113–116

application seed, 117–118


compatibility, 52–53

e-commerce, 212

OLTP, 136, 212

partitions and, 212

PL/SQL, 245, 252

APPROX_* functions, 246


approximate query processing, 245–247

approximation, 245–247

archive files, 89, 97, 158, 164, 271

archived redo logs, 54, 159

ARCHIVELOG mode, 158, 159, 163

archives, 89, 97, 158, 164, 271

ARIA algorithm, 138

array inserts, 208

ASM (Automatic Storage Management)

administration, 32, 34

asmca utility, 29, 39–41

considerations, 29

disk space requirements, 7

GI feature and, 2, 25, 28–34

new features, 122, 134–136

oracleasm command, 29

password, 31, 33

prioritized rebalancing, 135–136

RAC. See RAC entries

setting up, 29–41

starting up, 30–39

ASM Configuration Assistant (ASMCA), 29

ASM disk groups, 28, 30, 134–136, 198

ASM Flex, 30, 43, 134–135

ASM instances, 31–33, 37–41, 43

ASMCA (ASM Configuration Assistant), 29, 39–41

asmca utility, 29, 39–41

ASMLib driver, 29

ATO (Authority to Operate) certification, 155

auditing, 149–151

AUDSYS schema, 151

Authority to Operate (ATO) certification, 155

Automatic Data Optimization (ADO), 208–209

AUTOMATIC keyword, 218–219

automatic list partitioning, 214, 217–219

Automatic Storage Management. See ASM

Automatic Workload Repository (AWR), 180

auxiliary instances, 160


global, 134

high. See high availability

maximum, 93

normal, 93

AWR (Automatic Workload Repository), 180



BACKUP command, 163


on Exadata, 163–164

incremental, 94, 95–96, 161

PDBs, 95–96

physical, 54–55

RMAN, 60, 158–169, 173, 174

source database, 54–55

sparse, 163–164

base release, 2

base tables, 227

BEGIN INSTALL option, 113, 116

big data, 212–226, 228, 245

binutils, 8



cache, 187–193, 194

CAST function, 238–240

CDB profile directives, 104, 105

CDBs (container databases). See also multitenant entries

application containers. See application containers

considerations, 41, 108

creating, 42–43

local undo mode, 83–85

moving PDBs between, 92–94

new features, 104–106

pluggable databases. See PDBs

Resource Manager changes, 104–106

root CDB, 108–109, 117, 118

seed, 73, 83, 85, 117–118

upgrading, 71–76

character sets, 86–88

cloning, 83–85, 90, 162–163, 174

Cloud Control, 253–272

application containers and, 110

configuring repository, 254–259

considerations, 61, 254

installing, 260–271

new features, 271–272

plugging in PDBs via, 166–174

RMAN and, 164–174

unplugging PDBs via, 164–166

Cloud Control instances, 31

cluster resource activity log, 132–133

Cluster Verification Utility (CVU), 132, 134

clusters, 47, 132–134. See also RAC entries

Clusterware/RAC upgrades, 47


compression and, 205, 206

copying, 131

hidden/unused, 131

In-Memory and, 187–193, 194

multicolumn list partitioning, 213, 214, 219–221

redacted, 142

virtual, 189, 190–191

COMPATIBLE parameter, 53–56, 66, 162, 208, 248

composite partitioning, 213

COMPRESS ADVANCED HIGH option, 204, 206–208

COMPRESS ADVANCED LOW option, 204, 206, 208

compress join groups, 192–193

COMPRESS option, 205–208

compression, 195–210

Advanced Index Compression, 204–208

Hybrid Columnar Compression, 208–209

In-Memory feature, 187, 192–193

join groups, 192–193

configuration files, 26, 68

connectivity, 49

container databases. See CDBs; multitenant entries

containers, application. See application containers

CONTAINERS hint, 119

CONTAINERS query, 118–119

CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE command, 85–86, 92–93, 109–110

CREATE TABLE AS SELECT (CTAS) command, 67, 131

CREATE TABLE statement, 224

cross-container queries, 108

CSV files, 222–226

CTAS (CREATE TABLE AS SELECT) command, 67, 131

CVU (Cluster Verification Utility), 132, 134



data. See also metadata

aggregate, 118–119

backing up. See backups

big, 212–226, 228, 245

compressed. See compression

encrypted, 122, 137–145

Exadata, 163–164

redacted, 137, 142–145

replication, 115

seed, 115

sharing, 115

data dictionary views, 204, 248, 249–251

data disk group, 29, 30–32, 43

DATA option, 115

Data Pump, 65, 230–232, 233

data types, 188, 238–245, 248–249

data warehouses, 29, 130, 208, 252

Database Configuration Assistant. See DBCA

Database Express, 54, 61

Database File System. See DBFS

Database Resource Manager, 101, 104–106, 194

Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA), 46, 52, 55–63, 67–70

Database Vault (DBV), 145–148

databases. See also Oracle Database 12c

cloning, 83–85, 90, 162–163, 174

container. See CDBs

migration, 162–163

multitenant. See multitenant databases

pluggable. See PDBs

scalable, 108

seed, 73, 83, 85, 117–118

sharded, 136

snapshot copies of, 163

source, 54–55

sparse, 163–164

standby, 47

tuning, 204

Virtual Private Database, 122, 151

dba (OSDBA group), 9


DBA_INDEX_USAGE option, 248

DBA_INDEX_USAGE view, 177, 178–180, 250

DBA_STATEMENTS option, 248


DBCA (Database Configuration Assistant), 41–45

DBCA templates, 254–255

DBFS (Database File System), 196, 197–200

DBFS file systems, 196, 197–200

DBMS_REDEFINITION package, 123–128

DBUA (Database Upgrade Assistant), 46, 52, 55–63, 67–68

dbupgrade command, 64, 70, 72–73, 76

DBV (Database Vault), 145–148

decryption, 137–138

DEFAULT clause, 239

DEFAULT partition, 217, 218–219

DEFAULT_SHARING parameter, 116

deinstalling Oracle Database, 26

DFB files, 164

diff utility, 151


file system, 222

Oracle inventory, 20–21, 34, 36

ORACLE_BASE, 11, 19, 33, 35


directory objects, 223

disk groups, 134–135, 163

documentation, 5–6, 28–29, 49

downloading Oracle Database, 2–3

dynamic memory, 188–189

dynamic performance views, 177, 180, 204, 250



eDelivery service, 3


encryption, 122, 137–145

encryption algorithms, 138

END INSTALL option, 113, 116

ETL (extract, transform, and load), 130, 131

exachk utility, 132–134

Exadata, 163–164


exporting items

with Data Pump, 230–232, 233

tables, 230–232, 233

expressions, 240–242

EXTENDED DATA option, 115

external partitioning, 212

external tables, 221–226, 232–233



FastStart, 191–192

features, new. See new/enhanced features

file attributes, 132–134

file groups, 134–135

file system directories, 222

file systems

DBFS, 196, 197–200

HDFS, 221

OFS, 196, 197, 200–204


archive, 89, 97, 158, 164, 271

configuration, 26, 68

CSV, 222–226

DFB, 164

flat, 221, 222

installation, 3, 13

listener.ora, 69

log. See log files

NFS server, 196, 199–204

Readme, 5–6, 28–29

recovery-related, 39, 43

temporary, 160, 164

time zone, 89

XML, 163, 164

Flashback features, 91–92

flat files, 221, 222

FOR EXCHANGE clause, 131

function library, 238


APPROX_*, 246

approximate query processing, 245–247

new/enhanced, 238–245

password complexity, 155

PL/SQL, 190



GI (Grid Infrastructure)

ASM and, 2, 25, 28–34

configuring, 30–39

installation, 25–26, 29–41

RAC and, 132–134

storage requirements, 6–7

GI instances, 2

GOST algorithm, 138, 140

grid disks, 32

Grid Infrastructure. See GI entries

grid user, 9 script, 30

GROUP BY clause, 242

groups. See also users

creating, 5, 9

file, 134–135

oinstall, 9

OS, 32



privileges, 21–22

quota, 134–135

rows, 242

guides/manuals, 5–6, 28–29



HA. See high availability

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), 221

hardware compatibility, 53

hardware requirements, 5, 6–9

hash partitioning, 212, 213

HAVING clause, 244

HCC (Hybrid Columnar Compression), 208–209

HCC array inserts, 208

HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System), 221

hidden parameters, 180

high availability (HA)

considerations, 7, 122

new features, 131–136

NFS and, 203

RMAN, 161–164

hints, 118–119

home directories, 26, 33

Hybrid Columnar Compression (HCC), 208–209



identifier length, 248–249

identifiers, 248–249, 251

IM expressions, 189–190, 194

IM (In-Memory) feature

cache, 187–193, 194

described, 176

enhancements, 187–193, 194

FastStart, 191–192


scheduler jobs, 233–235

IM objects, 188, 189–191

importing items

with Data Pump, 230–232, 233

tables, 230–232, 233



Advanced Index Compression, 204–208

local, 130

migrating, 130

monitoring usage of, 176–181

partitioned, 130

tables, 130

updating, 130

infrastructure compatibility, 52–53

initialization parameters, 187–188

In-Memory. See IM entries

INMEMORY_SIZE parameter, 188–189

installation, 12–26

Cloud Control, 260–271

completing preinstall steps, 11–12

configuring kernel parameters, 10

Create and configure a database, 14

creating groups/users, 5, 9, 139

creating Oracle environment, 9

deinstalling Oracle Database, 26

deprecated/desupported features, 29, 76–79

environment setup, 13

filenames, 3

Grid Infrastructure, 25–26, 29–41

Install database software only, 15, 16

install progress, 22, 23

keyfile systems/devices, 4

memory requirements, 7

options, 14–17

Oracle RAC database, 16–17

Oracle RAC One Node database, 17

with Oracle Universal Installer, 13–24

OS updates and, 6

OS versions, 5

overview, 28–29

package descriptions, 3

patches, 10–11

preparing OS for, 4–12

prerequisite checks, 32, 34–37, 57–58, 262

procedure for, 12–24

Single instance database installation, 16, 17, 18

specifying location for, 11, 12, 19, 20

storage requirements, 6–7

system requirements, 5, 6–9

Upgrade an existing database, 15, 16

installation files, 3, 13

installation guides, 5–6, 28–29

installation task list, 4–12

instance caging, 105


ASM, 31–33, 37–41, 43

auxiliary, 160

Cloud Control, 31

GI, 2

INTERVAL clause, 214–215

interval partitioning, 213, 214–216

interval subpartitioning, 213



job scheduler, 233–235

join groups, compress, 192–193

joins, 181, 192–193, 221



kernel parameters, 10



Linux packages, 3

Linux systems

DBFS file system, 197–198

deinstalling Oracle Database, 26

installing Oracle Database, 4, 12–24

OFS and, 197

Oracle Linux, 6

packages, 8–9

Red Hat Linux, 8

system requirements, 6–9

updates, 6

versions supported, 8–9

list partitioning, 212, 213, 216–221

LISTAGG function, 242–245

listener.ora files, 69

listeners, 61

local undo mode, 83–85

lockdown profiles, 98–101

log files

archived redo logs, 54, 159

ARCHIVELOG mode, 158, 159, 163

cluster resource activity log, 132–133

DBUA, 70

moving, 23

RESETLOGS option, 92

upgrades, 52

lsof utility, 26



manuals/guides, 5–6, 28–29

materialized views, 226–227, 228

MAX_IOPS parameter, 105, 106

MAX_MBPS parameter, 105, 106


cache, 187–193, 194

dynamic, 188–189

Grid Infrastructure, 7

In-Memory. See IM entries

installation requirements, 7

PDBs, 101–104

swap space, 7

system global area, 101–104

metadata. See also data

Data Pump, 230–232

PDB, 167

XML, 163

METADATA option, 115, 116

migrated tables, 130

migration, 48, 130, 162–163


multicolumn list partitioning, 213, 214, 219–221

multitenant databases

container databases. See CDBs

creating, 41–45

new features, 81–106

performance, 101–106

pluggable databases. See PDBs

RMAN and, 160

upgrades, 70–76

My Oracle Support documentation, 6

My Oracle Support portal, 5



new/enhanced features

administration, 122–131, 155, 196

ASM, 122, 134–136

auditing, 149–151

CDBs, 104–106

Cloud Control, 271–272

data dictionary views, 204, 249–251

Flashback, 91–92

high availability, 131–136

multitenant databases, 81–106

PDBs, 82–106

performance, 175–194

RAC, 132–134

rcovery, 157–174

RMAN, 157–174

security, 98–101, 137–155

NFS server, 196–204

NONE option, 115




application common, 112–113

application containers, 116

application PDBs, 113–116

directory, 223

identifiers and, 248

IM, 188, 189–191

names, 248

partitioned, 129–131

rules, 184–185

schemas, 114

ODB12c. See Oracle Database 12c

OEM Cloud Control. See Cloud Control

OEM Database Control, 54

OFA (Optimal Flexible Architecture), 12, 19

offline encryption, 141–142

OFS (Oracle File System), 196, 197, 200–204

oinstall (Oracle inventory group), 9

OL (Oracle Linux), 6, 8, 9

OLH (Oracle Loader for Hadoop), 232–233

OLTP applications, 136, 212


ON OVERFLOW TRUNCATE clause, 243, 244

online encryption, 138–142

online table redefinition, 122–128

oper (OSOPER group), 9

operating system (OS)

compatibility, 53

file system, 222–223

file system directories, 222

installing Oracle Database. See installation

kernel parameters, 10

Linux. See Linux systems

new features. See new/enhanced features

OS groups, 32

patches, 10–11

system passwords, 259

system requirements, 5, 6–9

updates to, 6

versions, 5

Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA), 12, 19

Optimizer Statistics Advisor (OSA), 181–187

orachk utility, 132–133

Oracle ASM. See ASM

Oracle Data Pump, 230–232

Oracle Data Pump dump file, 160

Oracle Database 12c (ODB12c). See also databases

compatibility issues, 52–54

creating new multitenant database, 41–45

deinstalling, 26

deprecated/desupported features, 29, 76–79

downloading, 2–3

editions, 18

getting started with, 1–26

installation guides, 5–6, 28–29

installing. See installation

new features. See new/enhanced features

preparing operating system for, 4–12

Readme files, 5–6, 28–29

system requirements, 5, 6–9

upgrading. See upgrades

Oracle Database Express, 54, 61

Oracle Database Upgrade Guide, 28–29

Oracle eDelivery service, 3

Oracle Enterprise Manager. See OEM entries

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. See Cloud Control

Oracle File System (OFS), 196, 197, 200–204

Oracle inventory directory, 20–21, 34, 36

Oracle inventory group (oinstall), 9

Oracle Linux (OL), 6, 8, 9

Oracle Loader for Hadoop (OLH), 232–233

oracle OS account, 9

Oracle Scheduler, 233–235

Oracle software owner, 9

Oracle Technology Network (OTN), 2–3

Oracle Universal Installer (OUI), 12, 13–24, 30–39

oracleasm command, 29

ORACLE_BASE directory, 11, 19, 33, 34

ORACLE_BASE parameter, 12, 20


ORACLE_HDFS access driver, 221

ORACLE_HIVE driver, 221

ORACLE_HOME directory, 12, 26

ORACLE_HOME parameter, 20

ORACLE_LOADER driver, 221

ORDER BY clause, 242


OS. See operating system

OSA (Optimizer Statistics Advisor), 181–187

OSA actions, 182, 183, 186–187

OSDBA group (dba), 9

OSOPER group (oper), 9

OTN (Oracle Technology Network), 2–3

OUI (Oracle Universal Installer), 12, 13–24, 30–39

OVERWATCH schema, 142



PA (privilege analysis), 151–153

package descriptions, 3

package versions, 5


deinstaller, 26

Linux distributions, 8–9

parallelism, 231–232


CDB-level, 101–102

deprecated, 78

desupported, 78–79

hidden, 180

initialization, 187–188

kernel, 10

memory-related, 101–102

PARTITION BY clause, 223–224


partition mapping, 212

partitioning, 212–226

automatic list, 214, 217–219

benefits of, 212

composite, 213

converting nonpartitioned tables, 129–130

creating new partitioned table, 130–131

extensions, 213–214

external, 212

external tables, 221–226

hash, 212, 213

interval, 213, 214–216

lists, 212, 213, 216–221

multicolumn list, 213, 214, 219–221

range, 212, 213, 214

reference, 213

subpartitions, 214–216

system, 212

types of, 212–213

virtual column-based, 214


ASM, 31, 33

case sensitivity, 78

complexity of, 155

management, 154

system, 259

patch sets, 2, 10–11


application containers, 116–117

compatibility issues and, 53

considerations, 11, 15

OS patches, 10–11

Software Updates, 261

PATH environment, 12

PDB archives, 89, 97, 158, 164, 271

PDB file sets, 171

PDB metadata, 167

PDB profile directives, 104, 106

PDB resource plans, 106

PDBs (pluggable databases), 41, 42, 43

application containers and, 93

application PDBs, 108, 113–116

character sets, 86–88

cloning, 83–85, 90

considerations, 89

creating, 83, 85–86

creating application containers from, 108, 111

Flashback features, 91–92

limiting I/O rates for, 105–106

lockdown profiles, 98–101

maximum number of, 83

memory, 101–104

moving across platforms, 94–97

naming, 169

naming convention, 118

new features, 82–106

plugging/unplugging, 73–75, 97, 164–174

provisioning options, 164, 165, 174

rebalancing and, 135–136

refreshing, 90–91

relocating, 92–94

Resource Manager changes, 104–106

security features, 98–101

SGA space and, 101–104

tablespaces, 85–86, 96–97

time zones, 88–89

unplugging, 164–166

upgrading, 71–76


DBA_INDEX_USAGE view, 178–180

described, 176

dynamic views, 177, 180, 204, 250

In-Memory enhancements, 187–193

materialized views, 226–227, 228

monitoring index usage, 176–181

multitenant databases, 101–106

new features, 175–194

Optimizer Statistics Advisor, 181–187

per-process PGA limits, 193–194

tuning databases, 204

V$INDEX_USAGE_INFO view, 180–181

PGA (program global area), 193–194

physical backups, 54–55

PL/Scope, 251

PL/SQL applications, 245, 252

PL/SQL functions, 190

pluggable databases. See PDBs

plug-in compatible, 88

point-in-time recovery, 160

Pre-Upgrade Information Tool, 51–52

preupgrade_fixups.sql, 52

preupgrade.jar file, 51

preupgrade.log, 52

preuprd.sql file, 51

PRIVATE_DBAAS profile, 99

privilege analysis (PA), 151–153


auditing by role, 149

groups, 21–22

users, 151–153

program global area (PGA), 193–194

ps utility, 26

PUBLIC_DBAAS profile, 99




approximate query processing, 245–247


cross-container, 108

partitioned external tables, 224–225

query expressions, 189–190

quota groups, 134–135

quota management, 134–135

quoted identifiers, 249



RAC (Real Application Clusters). See also clusters

ASM. See ASM entries

considerations, 122

disk space requirements, 7

Grid Infrastructure and, 132–134

high availability and, 132–134

new features, 132–134

SYSRAC role, 5

RAC database installation option, 16–17

RAC One Node database installation, 17

RAC upgrades, 47

range partitioning, 212, 213, 214

READ WRITE mode, 90

Readme files, 5–6, 28–29

Real Application Clusters. See RAC

real-time materialized views, 212, 227, 228

rebalancing capabilities, 135–136

RECO disk group, 29–30, 39–41


on Exadata, 163–164

Flashback features, 91–92

options for, 60–61

point-in-time, 160

table recovery enhancements, 158–161

Recovery Manager. See RMAN

recovery-related files, 39, 43

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), 6

Red Hat Linux, 8

redacted columns, 142

redaction, 137, 142–145

reference partitioning, 213

rekeying, 137–138

replication, 47, 115

report writer, 238, 246

repository, 180, 254–259

RESETLOGS option, 92

Resource Manager, 101, 104–106, 194

resource plans, 106

restoring partially upgraded database, 68–69

restoring tablespaces, 158–161

RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), 6

RMAN (Recovery Manager)

Cloud Control and, 164–174

cross-platform transport via, 162–163

high availability, 161–164

multitenant databases and, 160

new features, 157–174

overview, 158

plugging in PDBs via, 166–174

point-in-time recovery, 160

security, 161–164

table recovery enhancements, 158–161

TDE tablespace duplication, 162

unplugging PDBs via, 164–166

RMAN backups, 60, 158–169, 173, 174

RMAN RECOVER command, 159–160


auditing by, 149–151

SYSRAC, 153–154

ROLLBACK procedures, 122, 128

rollbacks, 125–128

root CDB, 108–109, 117, 118

root user, 6, 34

rows, grouping, 242

rpm command, 8

RPM package, 9

runInstaller program, 13–14

RUN_NAME parameter, 151

runtime jobs, 234–235



SAAS profile, 99

scalability, 108, 226

scheduler, 233–235

scheduler job, 164

schemas, 158–159, 161, 174



auditing features, 149–151

Database Vault, 145–148

encryption, 122, 137–142

lockdown profiles, 98–101

new features, 98–101, 137–155

passwords. See passwords

pluggable databases, 98–101

privileges. See privileges

redaction, 137, 142–145

RMAN, 161–164

separation of duties, 153–154

updates, 14, 15

Virtual Private Database, 122, 151

Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIG), 155

SEED algorithm, 138

seed data, 115

seed database, 73, 83, 85, 117–118

separation of duties, 153–154


cross-platform transport, 162

Exadata, 162

NFS server, 196–204

parallel, 162

SGA (system global area), 101–104

SGA_MIN_SIZE parameter, 101, 102–103

SGA_TARGET parameter, 101, 102–104

sharding, 136

SHARING parameter, 115

snapshot copies, 163

software requirements, 5, 6–9

Software Updates, 261

source database, backups, 54–55

sparse databases, 163–164

SQL Developer, 161

SQL hints, 118–119

SQL*Loader utility, 221

staging tables, 131

standby databases, 47


statistics, 181–187, 245

STIG (Security Technical Implementation Guides), 155

subpartitions, 214–216

swap space, 7

SYSRAC role, 5, 153–154

system global area (SGA), 101–104

system partitioning, 212

system requirements, 5, 6–9




accepting/rejecting changes, 127–128

base, 227

creating, 67, 115, 131, 139, 220

dropping, 116, 127, 149–150

external, 221–226, 232–233

importing/exporting, 230–232, 233

indexes, 130

INMEMORY, 190–191, 192

joins, 192–193

migrated, 130

partitions. See partitioning

recovery enhancements, 158–161

redefinitions, 122–128

rollbacks, 125–128

staging, 131

syncing, 126


default, 85–86

encryption, 137–142

PDBs, 85–86

TDE, 162

transportable, 65–67, 96–97

UNDO, 83–85

TDE (Transparent Data Encryption), 122, 137–145

TDE key, 162

TDE tablespaces, 162

temporary files, 160, 164

testing process, 49–51

TFA (Trace File Analyzer), 23

time zones, 88–89

/tmp directory, 7

Trace File Analyzer (TFA), 23

Transparent Data Encryption. See TDE

transport, 48

transportable tablespaces, 65–67, 96–97

tuning databases, 204



UEK (Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel), 8, 9

Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK), 8, 9

UNDO tablespace, 83–85

unified audit trail, 151

unified auditing, 149–151

UNTIL TIME clause, 159–160

UPDATE INDEXES clause, 130


operating system, 6

security updates, 14, 15

Software Updates, 261

Upgrade an existing database, 15, 16

upgrade paths, 46–48

upgrades, 46–76

application containers, 116, 117

compatibility issues, 52–54

considerations, 47, 67–68

container databases, 71–76


defined, 48

direct, 46

failures, 68–70, 76

indirect, 47

listeners, 61

log files, 52

manual, 63–64, 116

methods, 55–67

pluggable databases, 71–76

preparing for, 48–67

Pre-Upgrade Information Tool, 51–52

restarting, 69–70

restoring partially upgraded database, 68–69

scenarios, 67–68

testing process, 49–51

via transportable tablespaces, 65–67

upgrades, multitenant, 70–76

upgrades, traditional, 46–70

U.S. Government Sector (USGS), 155


creating, 5, 9, 139

grid, 9

groups of. See groups

lockdown profiles, 98–101

locking out, 99, 154

management, 154

materialized views and, 226–227

oracle OS account, 9

passwords. See passwords

privileges, 151–153

USERS tablespace, 124–126

USGS (U.S. Government Sector), 155

utlupkg.sql file, 51



VALIDATE_CONVERSION function, 240–242

VALUES clause, 226

V$INDEX_USAGE_INFO view, 177, 180–181

virtual column-based partitioning, 214

virtual columns, 189, 190–191

virtual machines (VMs), 3

Virtual Private Database (VPD), 122, 151

VMs (virtual machines), 3

V$OBJECT_USAGE view, 177

VPD (Virtual Private Database), 122, 151



WHERE clause, 225



X terminal session, 12

X Windows session, 13

XML files, 163, 164

XML metadata file, 163



yum command, 6, 9

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