
Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.

401(k)/403(b) accounts, 384

considerations, 537

overview, 234–235

setting up, 196–198, 240

updating, 257

457 plan, 234–235

529 plan, 235, 390

Image   A

AAR (average annual return), 349, 350–352

About Quicken, 39

access keys, 36

Account Bar, 15–16, 29–33

Account Details dialog, 72–75, 80–83

Account List window, 32, 78–88, 444

Account Overview window, 259–262

account registers. See registers

accounts. See also specific accounts

account/transaction types, 70–71

adding, 10–14, 42–44, 75–78

adding account information, 71–75

balance. See balances, account

balancing. See reconciling

changing location of, 30

changing order of, 85

closing, 83

considerations, 41–42

vs. data file, 40

deleting, 81

display options, 83, 85–87

gathering data for, 41–42

hiding/displaying, 15–16, 83, 85

included in reports, 472, 476, 477

including tax information in, 444–445

intent for use, 84

keeping separate, 83

manual setup, 41–42

manual-entry account, 78

names/naming, 30, 42, 80

net worth by account type, 321, 324–325

overview, 17, 27, 40, 41

participating financial institutions, 10–12

reorganizing, 85

retirement, 28

setting up, 66–71

setting up online services, 146–148

syncing on mobile devices, 12, 49–52

transferring money between, 167–169

types of, 27–29

updating in Quicken Mobile, 52–53, 58

viewing, 30, 31, 85

viewing in Quicken Mobile, 61

viewing information about, 79–84

working with downloaded, 77–78

working with in Accounts List, 85–87

working with in Quicken Mobile, 48–53

Accounts drop-down list, 200–201, 322–323

Acrobat Reader, 450

Action Bar, 258, 318

Action gear, 257–258, 316–318

Actions menu, 106–108

Add Account dialog, 10–13

Add-on Services tab, 34

Address Book, 204–207, 506, 536


account balances, 54, 209

alert groups, 208–211

banking-related, 54, 209

check reorder, 209

credit limit, 72, 209

debt accounts, 334–335

deleting, 210–211, 367

email, 54

general alerts, 209

insurance reappraisal, 209

investments, 366–367

large deposits/purchases, 54

low balance, 54

managing, 208–210

mortgage reappraisal, 209

overview, 208

preferences, 532

property accounts, 334–335

Quicken Mobile, 42–43, 51, 53–54

registers, 138

savings/savings accounts, 209

setting up, 210, 286

Summary view, 521

tax-related, 462, 464

text, 54

transactions, 138

viewing, 210

working with, 210–211

Alerts Center, 208–211, 532

All Bills & Deposits, 189, 190

All Reports menu, 469–471

All Transactions register, 543

Allocations view, 352–356

Analysis & Reports view, 523

animation, 531

annual view, budgets, 432–435

archive data file, 510

asset allocation, 346, 352–361

Asset Allocation Guide, 276, 353, 359, 360

asset classes, 274, 282–283

assets/asset accounts, 291–335

adding/disposing of, 318, 319

adjusting for market value, 319–320

allocating assets, 346, 352–361

basics, 292–298

creating house account, 295, 296–298

creating property/debt alerts, 334–335

creating propery/debt accounts, 294–298

Debt view, 328–333

described, 28

income from, 386

ledger type, 26

loan information, 298–299

loan/debt graphs, 330–333

net worth by assets, 321, 323–324

other assets, 295

planned assets, 386

Property & Debt tab, 320–333

Property view, 326–328

property/debt registers, 333

recording depreciation, 320

recording improvements, 319

tax information, 308

transactions, 318–320

types of, 28, 274

understanding assets and debts, 292–294

updating asset values, 319–320

viewing asset register, 307–308

ATM transactions, 110

Attachment utility, 543

attachments, 138–140, 255, 258

auto accounts, 295

auto loans, 293, 294, 301

automatic budgets, 424–435. See also budgets/budgeting

adding categories, 426, 428–430

adding/changing budget name, 425, 429, 435

deleting budget, 430, 435

Graph view, 426–431, 432

overview, 426

working with, 426–431

Automatic Transaction Entry, 84, 150

average annual return (AAR), 349, 350–352

Image   B

Back button, 36

backups, 41, 451–452, 498–506

Balance of Selected Debt Accounts graph, 330

balances, account

alerts, 54, 209

beginning/ending, 468

displaying, 30, 86

ending, 32

projected, 179–180

reports, 321, 325–326, 437

balancing accounts. See reconciling

balloon mortgage, 293, 294

bank routing number, 147

banking/bank accounts. See also accounts

adding accounts, 10, 14

alerts, 54, 209

choosing bank during setup, 76–77

participating financial institutions, 10–12

reconciling, 214–225

setting up, 66–71

working with, 71–75

benchmarks, 347

Bill & Income reminders. See also bill reminders

adding bills, 182, 183

button options, 188–189

creating reminders, 175–180

entering bill information, 184–187

linking online bills with billers, 180–182

managing reminders, 188–192

overview, 105, 174, 182

repeating online payments, 189, 190–192

Schedule These? list, 189

scheduling depreciation reminder, 322

setting up, 183–187

viewing bills in Bills Center, 187–188

What’s Left section, 179–180

working in Home tab’s Main view, 178–179

working with scheduled transactions, 188–189

Bill Pay, 82, 86, 144–146, 148

bill reminders. See also Bill & Income reminders

adding, 178

calendars, 188, 189

creating from downloaded transactions, 175–180

deleting, 179, 189

displaying, 178, 438

editing, 179

managing, 188–192

overview, 174

projected balances, 179–180

setting up, 183–187

Billminder feature, 195, 532


adding, 182, 183

All Bills & Deposits, 189, 190

entering information, 184–187

managing, 182

monitoring, 195

Monthly Bills & Deposits, 188–189

online, 182, 189, 190–192

paying, 82, 86, 144–146, 148

reminders. See bill reminders

Schedule These? list, 189

Stay On Top Of Monthly Bills list, 178–179

updating, 182

view options, 187–188

Bills Center, 181–182, 187–188

Bills & Income tab, 34

bonds, 274, 358, 367

bookkeeping, 25, 26–27

brokerage accounts, 235

Budget Actions button, 429–430

Budget Amount Options tool, 430–431

Budget Your Spending, 523

budgets/budgeting, 424–436

additional tools, 430–431

annual view, 432–435

budget actions, 429–430

budget name, 425, 429, 435

Budget Your Spending, 523

categories, 426, 428–430, 431, 433

creating alternative budget, 430, 435

creating automatically. See automatic budgets

deleting budget, 430, 435

details for future months, 433

duplicating a budget, 430

Everything Else amount, 430

forecasting, 436–438

Graph view, 426–431, 432

overview, 424

preferences, 430

Projected Balances tool, 437

reports, 427, 429

rollovers, 434–435

setting time period, 425, 427–428

showing budget in Home tab, 436

working with multiple budgets, 435

business loans, 301

buying shares, 266–267

Buy/Sell Preview, 363–364

Image   C

calculators. See financial calculators


adding notes, 192

bill reminders, 188, 189

displaying, 189

Financial Calendar buttons, 192–194

Go To Date option, 192–194

Help, 192, 194

navigation, 192

options, 192, 531

printing, 192

transactions, 194

camera icon, 65

Capital Gains Estimator, 364–366, 460

capital gains/losses

estimating, 364–366, 460

reports, 357–358, 362, 447

tax implications, 362, 447

cash balance, 252

cash expenditures, 125

cash receipts, 125

cash transactions, 265–266

cash/cash accounts

creating, 76–77

entering transactions, 125

tracking expenditures, 72

types of transactions, 71

categories, 88–99

adding, 90–91

in budgets, 426, 428–430, 431, 433

connecting tax information with, 444, 445–447, 463

deleting, 95, 96

editing, 95

entering multiple, 112

entering payee instructions, 165

hiding, 96, 428

history, 431, 433

merging, 95

organizing into groups, 91–96

overview, 88

registers and, 110–112

reports, 96, 468, 471, 474, 475, 477

Spending By Category snapshot, 62–63

split transactions and, 114, 119–121

subcategories, 88, 89, 96, 112

tax reporting options, 90–91

transactions, 534, 538

transfers, 92

types of, 88

Category drop-down list, 111

Category List window

adding multiple categories, 91

creating new categories, 90–91

tax information, 444, 445–447, 463

working with, 88–91

CDs (certificates of deposit), 70, 236, 358, 367

charge cards, 409. See also credit cards

charges, 70–71, 123–124

chart of accounts, 42

charts. See graphs/charts

check numbers, 536

check reorder alert, 209

checking accounts, 76–77, 256


attaching image files to transactions, 138–140

entering transactions, 128

ordering, 127

preferences, 537

printing, 110, 127, 128–129, 513–515

registers. See registers

writing, 125–129, 537

Classic menu, 287, 544–545

“click-through” bug, 501

clipboard, 138, 139, 483

cloud, 46, 49–50, 52

Cloud Accounts, 540, 541

college expenses, 390, 399–401

commercial loans, 301

construction loans, 301

consumer loans, 301

context menus, 29, 32–33, 36

copy command, 134

Coverdell ESA account, 235


credit score, 140–141

entering transactions, 123–124

limits on, 72, 209, 332–333, 408

linking to property accounts, 328

transactions, 71

credit cards/credit card accounts

charge cards as alternative to, 409

creating, 76–77

entering transactions, 123–124

finance charges, 124

information about, 332–333

interest, 332

limits on, 72, 209, 332–333, 408

making payments, 227–228

minimum payments, 413–418

monitoring with Quicken Mobile, 48, 53–54

number field, 109–110

one-time payment, 422

overview, 29, 409

payoff options, 422

rebates, 124

reconciling, 226–230

recording strategies, 122–123

shopping for better interest rates, 408

tracking, 121–122

transactions, 70–71

transfers, 71

credit score, 140–141

CSV files, 507

currency, 247, 531–532

Current Value graph, 331–333

custodial accounts, 237

customer ID number, 147

customization, 517–545. See also preferences

Account Bar, 32–33

Action Bar, 318

creating Analysis & Reports view, 523

creating Home tab views, 518–520

creating Summary view, 520–523

overview, 517

Reports & Graphs, 539

tips for, 541–543

Toolbar, 37, 310–311, 524–528

Customize dialog, 474, 476–479

Image   D

data files, 489–516

vs. accounts, 40

archive, 510

backing up. See backups

checking integrity of, 510–512

comparing data with, 247

considerations, 17, 40

converting older files, 542–543

copying, 508–510

creating, 491–492

current, 509–510

damaged, 512

file formats, 139, 506–507

importing files into Quicken, 506–507

moving between computers, 505–506

opening, 492–493, 495

overview, 40–41, 490

printing. See printing

protecting/securing, 494–498

removing personal data from, 38

restoring, 504–506

sanitizing, 38

saving, 493–494

sending to Quicken Care team, 38

showing, 494

single vs. multiple, 40

upgrades and, 6, 9

working with multiple, 490–494

year-end copy, 509–510

debt load, 413, 422

debt reduction. See also Debt Reduction Planner

existing debt accounts, 411–419

identifying what you owe, 412–413

modifying the plan, 419–420

new debt accounts, 423

overview, 407–408

taking control, 407–409

Debt Reduction Planner

applying to existing debt accounts, 411–419

applying to new debt accounts, 423

considerations, 410, 411

determining what you owe, 412–413

entering debt details, 413–415

Existing Debt tab, 388

making a plan, 415–419

modifying the plan, 419–420

overview, 410

What If tool, 421–422

Debt view, 328–333

debt/debt accounts. See also liabilities; loans

alerts, 334–335

considerations, 295

consolidating debt, 409

creating debt accounts, 294–298

debt options, 330

described, 29

graphs, 330–333

living debt free, 409

loan information, 298–299

minimum payments, 413–418

reducing debt. See debt reduction

registers, 333

tax information, 308

understanding assets and debts, 292–294

viewing debt register, 307–308

Deduction Finder, 456–458, 463

deductions. See also tax entries

finding, 456–458, 463

itemized, 459–460

maximizing, 456–460

paycheck setup, 445

payroll taxes and, 196, 198

tax-related expenses, 462–463

Delete Account option, 81


All Bills & Deposits, 189, 190

bank transactions, 70

Bill and Income Reminders, 189

large deposit alerts, 54

Monthly Bills & Deposits, 188–189

scheduled, 189

depreciation, 320

detecting transfers between accounts, 169

dialogs, 36

Direct Connect

connecting to financial institution, 152–153

selecting connection method, 150

setting up, 148

Transaction Download and, 144, 145

dividend payments, 269–270

domestic bonds, 274

donut charts, 324

Downloaded Posting Date, 222

downloaded transactions, 104–105, 537–538


Account List options, 86

asset class information, 282–283

historical information, 282, 351–352

online quotes, 279–283

Quicken installation program, 8

transactions. See transaction downloads

working with downloaded accounts, 77–78

Dropbox storage, 500, 503

Image   E

EasyAnswer reports/graphs, 466, 467, 476

Education IRA, 235

EFT (electronic funds transfer), 110

e-mail, 169–170

email alerts, 54

Emergency Records Organizer, 543–545

Employee Stock Option and Sold (ESPP) shares, 264, 271

ending balance, 32

equity, 293, 294, 295, 301, 314

Equity button, 314–315

error messages, 497–498

ESPP (Employee Stock Option and Sold) shares, 264, 271

estimators, tax planning, 456–464

Event Status snapshots, 394

Everything Else amount, 430

Excel format, 472, 483–484

exchange rates, 247


adjustments to, 389–390

college expenses, 390, 399–401

ledger type, 26

personal expenses, 92

special expenses, 390–391

tax-related, 462–463

exporting items

graphs/reports, 472, 474, 483–484, 486

portfolio, 284–285

TurboTax reports, 452

Express Web Connect

connecting to financial institution, 152–153

costs of, 146

selecting connection method, 150

setting up, 148

transaction downloads, 144, 145, 152

Image   F

file formats, 139, 506–507

File menu, 490

files. See also data files

attachments, 138–140

importing into Quicken, 506–507

Rental Property Manager, 507

TurboTax, 451–452, 507

Filter button, 37

finance charges, 124

financial calculators

accessing, 396

College Calculator, 399–401

Loan Calculator, 403–405

overview, 396

for planning, 396–405

Refinance Calculator, 401–402

Retirement Calculator, 397–399

Savings Calculator, 402–403

tax calculators, 449–450

Financial Calendar, 192–194

financial institutions

Account List options, 80

Direct Connect, 152–153

e-mailing, 169–170

Express Web Connect, 152–153

participating, 10–12

problems downloading transactions, 155

routing number, 147

updating, 20

financial planners, 34

financial position, 337–367

assets. See asset entries

Average Annual Return chart, 350–352

estimating capital gains, 364–366, 460

Growth Of $10,000 chart, 349–350

Investing tab. See Investing tab

investments. See investments/investment accounts

Performance view, 347–352

portfolio. See portfolio entries

previewing buy/sell decisions, 363–364

reports, 357–358

Tax Optimizer, 355–356

Find and Replace dialog, 131, 132

Find command, 131

flags, 138

fonts, 37, 529, 535

forecasting, 436–438

Forward button, 36

Image   G

global bonds, 274

goals, 278, 438, 439–442

graph window, 472–476

graphs/charts. See also reports; Reports & Graphs Center

asset allocation, 353–354

Average Annual Return, 350–352

Balance of Selected Debt Accounts, 330

colors, 530

Current Value, 331–333

donut charts, 324

Growth Of $10,000, 349–350

loan/debt graphs, 330–333

Multiple Security Charting, 287

Net Worth by Account Type, 321–326

portfolios, 347–352, 358, 360, 363

Projected Balances, 179–180

Show Graph option, 189

Spending, 199–202

groups, 91–96, 204, 209

Image   H

help features, 38–39

accessing Help, 38, 85

Address Book, 205

calendars, 192, 194

Online Center, 247

Onscreen Help, 38–39

Quicken Mobile, 48, 52, 54, 62

Tips & Tutorials tab, 34

historic performance, 356–357

historical quotes, 282

holdings, 254, 257, 361

home equity lines of credit (HELOC), 294, 295

home equity loans, 293, 294, 301

Home icon, Quicken Mobile, 58

Home page, 14, 15

Home tab, 33, 178–179, 518–520

house/home accounts

creating house account, 295, 296–298

creating property/debt accounts, 294–298

described, 295

home value, 296–298

refinancing home, 401–402

tracking loans for houses, 298

Image   I

icons, 524


files into Quicken, 506–507

TurboTax file, 451–452, 453


from assets, 386

dividend payments, 269–270

investment income, 269–270, 357

ledger type, 26

net income over time, 63

personal income, 92

reminders. See Bill & Income reminders

income tax, 82, 254, 442, 452, 453

indexes, market, 275

inflation, 382, 399, 403

installing Quicken, 5–10

insurance reappraisal alerts, 209, 335

interest rates

Account List options, 80

credit card payoff and, 422

on loans, 293–294

shopping for, 408

Interval drop-down list, 323

Investing Activity report, 357

Investing Goal List, 278

Investing & Requirements accounts, 235

Investing tab, 34, 338–358, 284–287, 357, 533

investment accounts, 28

Investment Analysis tools, 358–367

investment goals, 278

investment transaction dialog, 262–266

Investment Transaction list, 255–258, 271, 532–533

investment transactions

actions, 263–265

buying shares, 266–267

cash transactions, 265–266

completing, 266

details about, 254

dividend payments, 269–270

downloading, 239–242, 248

editing, 258, 271

entering, 257, 258, 262, 266–271

recording, 254

selling shares, 267–269

showing/hiding, 533

working with transaction buttons, 257–258

investments/investment accounts, 233–287

actions, 257–258, 263–266

adding investment accounts, 238

alerts, 366–367

Allocations view, 352–356

analyzing investments, 358–367

attributes, 262

basics, 234–254

checking status of, 261

choosing account type, 236, 238

considerations, 237

creating investment accounts, 237–247

current holdings, 241–242

customizing portfolio views, 340–343

detailed information about accounts, 259–262

dividend payments and other income, 269–270

downloading online quotes, 279–283

entering investment information, 239–247

evaluating investment position, 337–338

LifeYield Tax Optimizer, 355–356

linked checking accounts, 256

managing portfolio, 236

Morningstar mutual fund ratings, 354

online research tools, 286–287

options, 261

overview, 234

performance, 260, 347–352, 357

Quicken brokerage account, 234

Quicken Premier enhancements, 236–237

reconciling investment accounts, 252–253

reports, 258, 357–358, 478, 479

returns on investments, 384

Security List, 272–278

stock quotes, 257, 279–283, 533, 536

tax implications, 260

top ten holdings, 361

transactions. See investment transactions

types of investment accounts, 234–236, 238

updating investments, 284–287, 356–357

value, 260

viewing investment accounts, 254

Watch List, 272, 273, 283–284

working with, 254–271

IRA accounts, 235, 240, 384

IRS, 450, 462

Itemized Deduction Estimator, 459–460

Image   K

Keogh account, 235, 240

Keyboard Mappings, 516, 531

keyboard shortcuts, 36, 501, 515–516, 528

Image   L

large cap stocks, 274

ledger types, 26, 27

Lender Loans, 305–306

liabilities. See also debt entries

creating property and debt accounts, 294–298

ledger type, 26

net worth by liabilities, 321, 323–324

other liabilities, 295

Property view, 326–328

unlinking from properties, 328

license agreement, 6

life expectancy, 377–378

Lifetime Planner, 374–394

About You section, 376–378

expense assumptions, 386, 388–391

home/asset assumptions, 384–386

income assumptions, 378–381, 386

inflation and, 382

investment assumptions, 382–384

life expectancy, 377–378

living expenses, 389–390

loans/debt assumptions, 385, 386–388

overview, 374–375

retirement, 380–381

returns on investments, 384

reviewing/changing assumptions, 391–392

savings assumptions, 382–383

Savings & Investments section, 382–394

setting plan assumptions, 375–382

spouse/partner, 377

tax rate assumptions, 381–382

viewing plan results, 392–394

What If alternatives, 394–396

LifeYield Tax Optimizer, 355–356

lines of credit

HELOC, 294, 295

home equity loans, 293, 301

linking to properties, 328

Property view, 326–328

list windows, 35

living expenses, 389–390

loan accounts, 299–318

Loan Calculator, 403–405

Loan Details dialog, 300–303

loan payments

making, 308–311

payment schedule, 313–314

reminders, 303–305, 308–309

viewing payment details, 313–314

loans. See also debt/debt accounts

Action Gear options, 316–318

changing loan information, 300–303, 311–313

college loans, 390

creating property and debt accounts, 294–298

current value, 331–332

Debt view, 328–333

graphs, 330–333

interest rates and term, 293–294

Lender Loans, 305–306

linking to properties, 327

Loan Calculator, 403–405

making loan payments, 308–311

minimizing cost of, 294

minimum payments, 413–418

New Loan option, 328

options, 330

payments. See loan payments

personal loans, 293

planned loans, 387

Property view, 326–328

reminders, 303–305, 308–309

reviewing, 292–293

tracking loans for houses, 298

types of, 293–294, 300–301

viewing equity amount, 314–315

viewing loan information, 301–303, 308, 387–388

What If tool applied to, 315–316

log files, 39

Image   M

market indexes, 275

market values, 319–320

memorized payees, 114–117, 534, 535, 536

memos, 114, 128, 165

menus, 29, 35–37

Microsoft Money, 507

military loans, 301

Mobile & Alerts tab, 34

mobile applications (apps), 45–46

mobile devices. See also Quicken Mobile

getting started on, 55–56

installing Quicken Mobile on, 48, 55–56

syncing accounts, 12, 49–52

viewing accounts, 61

viewing transaction details, 62–63, 64

working with accounts, 48–53

working with transactions, 58–65

Monthly Bills & Deposits, 188–189

Monthly Savings Targets snapshot, 394

More Actions menu, 133

Morningstar mutual fund ratings, 354

mortgage reappraisal alerts, 209


balloon mortgage, 293, 294

Break Even Analysis options, 402

considerations, 299, 300

creating loan accounts, 299–308

reappraisal alerts, 335

refinancing, 401–402

tracking, 298

types of loans, 293, 294

mutual funds, 354

Image   N

net worth

Account List options, 86

by account type, 321, 324–325

by assets/liabilities, 321, 323–324

graphs/charts/reports, 321–326, 463

Taxable Income YTD snapshot, 463–464

viewing, 322–326

notes, 138, 192

Notify options, 536

Image   O

One Step Update

downloading transactions/balances, 18

online services, 18, 82

overview, 17

scheduling updates, 19–20

sending payment instructions, 166

setting up, 17–20

updating investments, 357

online account services, 144–151

online bills, 182, 189, 190–192

Online Center, 151–170

basic actions/information, 151–152

connecting to financial institutions, 152–155

downloading transactions, 152–163, 247–248

making online payments, 163–170

renaming downloaded payees, 155–161

working with downloaded transactions, 155–161

online financial services, 16

Online Payment

canceling payments, 166–167

e-mailing financial institution, 169–170

entering payee information, 163–166

overview, 110, 143, 144–146

process of, 146

repeating payments, 189, 190–192

sending payment instructions, 166

transferring money between accounts, 167–169

online quotes, 279–283

online research tools, 286–287

online services, 82, 209

online tax tools, 448–450

online transfers, 110

Outlook calendar, 18

Image   P

Password Vault, 20, 21–23


best practices, 23, 495, 497

changing, 495

considerations, 21, 144, 495, 498

data files, 494–498

error messages, 497–498

forgetting, 497, 498

Password Vault, 20, 21–22

removing, 495

security options, 20

setting up online services, 144

transactions, 496

working with, 497–498

payable, defined, 293

Paycheck Setup Wizard, 196–199

paychecks, setting up, 196–199, 242, 445


assigning to groups, 205

editing Address Book records, 206

entering payee information, 163–165, 538

included in reports, 477

memorized, 114–117, 534, 535, 536

renaming downloaded, 161–163

Payment Details tab, 313–314

payment schedule, 313–314


Account List options, 86

bank transactions, 70

changing monthly payment, 421

credit card transactions, 71

dividends, 269–270

entering, 124

making loan payments, 308–311

minimum payment, 413–418

one-time payment, 422

online. See Online Payment

reminders, 303–305, 308–309

payroll, 196–199. See also paycheck

PDF format, 253, 450, 472, 484

pension, 381


average rate of return, 361

investments, 260, 347–352, 357

securities, 351

Performance view, 347–352

personal expenses, 92

Personal Identification Number (PIN), 147

personal income, 92

personal loans, 293

personal property, 295

PIN (Personal Identification Number), 146–148

placeholder entries, 242–247

planning for future. See Lifetime Planner; retirement

Planning tab, 34

pop-up registers/windows, 37, 529, 531, 535

Portfolio view, 339–344

Portfolio X-Ray, 237, 345–347


analyzing, 361–363

customizing, 472

described, 234

downloading quotes, 356

exporting, 284–285

graphs/charts, 347–354, 358, 360, 363

holdings, 361

managing, 236

overview, 234–237

performance, 361

preferences, 343–344

rebalancing, 353, 361, 362

reports, 349, 357–358, 472

risk profile, 361

tracking value of, 284–285

view options, 339–340, 343–344, 472

preferences, 528–541. See also customization

alerts, 532

backups, 499–501

budgets/budgeting, 430

colors, 530

data entry, 535

downloaded transactions, 104–105, 537–538

font settings, 529, 535

Investment Transaction lists, 532–533

keyboard mappings, 516

mobile devices, 51

navigation, 530

notifications, 536

portfolios, 343–344

Quicken Mobile, 51

QuickFill, 535–536

registers, 104–116, 127, 258, 533–538

reports/graphs, 538–539

setup options, 531–532

startup, 528–530

transactions, 534–535

warnings, 253

writing checks, 537

Preferences button, 37

Price and Volume alerts, 366


Account List, 85–86

Address Book information, 206–207

calendars, 192

checks, 110, 127, 128–129, 513–515

deduction summary, 458

Investing Goal List, 278

options, 514

PDF files, 253

reconciliation reports, 230–231, 253

register reports, 127

registers, 107

reports/graphs, 472, 474, 485–486, 513

Security Type List, 277

setting up printers, 512–515

transactions, 152, 258

privacy statement, 6

PRN files, 486

projected balances, 179–180, 436–438

Projected Balances tool, 437

properties, 327, 328

property accounts, 294–298, 333, 334–335

Property & Debt menu, 35

Property & Debt tab, 34, 320–333

Property view, 326–328

purchases, 54

Image   Q

QDF extension, 490

QFX files, 506

QIF files, 506, 507


customizing. See customization

described, 4

exiting, 23

help for. See help features

importing files into, 506–507

installing, 5–10

interface, 14–16

keyboard shortcuts, 36, 501, 515–516, 528

license agreement, 6

membership, 39

preferences. See preferences

privacy statement, 6

product key/terms of use, 39

starting, 10

subscription model, 9–10

system requirements, 5

upgrades, 6, 9

uses for, 4–5

versions, 4–5, 39, 542

Quicken brokerage account, 234

Quicken Cloud, 49–50, 52

Quicken Deluxe, 4–5

Quicken Home, Business & Rental Property, 5

Quicken Home page, 14, 15

Quicken ID

considerations, 8, 9, 41, 490, 492

creating, 5–6

data files and, 40–41

overview, 21

Quicken Mobile and, 46, 48, 51, 56

Quicken Live Community, 38

Quicken Mobile, 45–65. See also mobile devices

alerts, 42–43, 51, 53–54

considerations, 5, 7, 46, 56

downloading app, 50, 55

getting started from desktop, 48–53

getting started on mobile device, 55–56

help features, 48, 52, 54, 62

logging out, 62

Mobile Overview (home) page, 48–53, 57–65

overview, 45–47

passcode, 61–62

preferences, 51

Quicken ID and, 46, 48, 51, 56

Search field, 58

setting up, 46, 48–53

signing in, 56

spending views/reports, 62–64

syncing accounts, 12, 49–52

taking pictures of transactions, 65

tools, 58–60

viewing accounts, 61

working with accounts, 48–53

working with cloud, 46, 48–52

working with transactions, 58–65

Quicken Premier, 4–5, 236–237

Quicken services, 34

Quicken Starter, 4–5

Quicken Support, 38

Quicken websites, 8, 38, 284–287, 357, 533

Quicken window, 14–16, 29–35


entering transactions, 109–112, 114–117

memorized payees, 114–117

preferences, 535–536

QuickZoom feature, 479, 539

quotes. See stock quotes

.qxf extension, 506, 507

Image   R

real estate, 319–320. See also property accounts

receipts, 138–140

reconciliation reports, 230–231, 253, 536


adjusting register, 229, 231

bank accounts, 214–225

to a bank statement, 221–222

button options, 219–220

canceling/finish later, 220

cash accounts and, 215

cleared items, 222, 223, 224, 227, 232

comparing transactions to paper statement, 219–223

considerations, 213, 214, 225

correcting errors, 221

credit card accounts, 226–230

described, 214

displaying balances, 220

entering omitted transactions, 221

finishing up, 224–225

hidden fields and, 222

identifying reconciled items, 223–224

investment accounts, 252–253

marking/modifying transactions, 220

navigation, 220

with online account access, 215–218

opening balance, 218

problems balancing, 224–225

reconciled items, 224

removing transactions, 220

sorting entries, 219–220

starting a reconciliation, 214–218

streamlining reconciliations, 229–230

uncleared items, 222, 224, 232

undoing reconciled transactions, 232

using online balance, 218, 222–223

without downloading, 217–218

without online account access, 215

records, 205, 543–545

Refinance Calculator, 401–402

refinancing home, 401–402

registers, 102–130

account, 30

adding downloaded transactions, 104–105

adjusting based on reconciliation, 229, 231

alerts, 138

All Transactions, 543

appearance, 535

asset, 307–308

attaching images to transactions, 138, 139

basic entry techniques, 109–114

bill/income reminders, 105–106

category use and, 110–112

comparing transactions in, 155–161

debt account, 307–308, 333

entering cash transactions, 125

entering credit card transactions, 123–124

entering finance charges, 124

entering payments, 124

entering transactions into, 102, 109–114

flags, 138

icon/button options, 109–114

memos, 114

notes, 138

Notify options, 536

number field, 109–110

opening, 30

payee drop-down list, 110

payment details, 314

pop-up, 37, 529, 535

preferences, 104–116, 127, 258, 533–538

printing, 107

printing checks, 127, 128–129

property account, 333

QuickFill, 109–112

range selection options, 103–104

recording transfers, 129–130

register columns, 112–113

reminders, 105, 106

reports, 127

searching for transactions, 130–137

sorting transactions, 132, 133

Spending, 202–204

tags, 113–114

transaction activities, 106–107

transaction buttons, 114

transaction entry options, 534

using, 103–114

view options, 107–108

reminders. See also Bill & Income reminders

bills. See bill reminders

depreciation reminders, 322

displaying, 178

loan payments, 303–305, 308–309

transactions, 180, 189

Reminders menu, 106

Renaming Rules options, 161–163, 252, 538

Rental Property Manager files, 507

Report Toolbar, 539

report windows, 35, 472–476

reports. See also graphs/charts; Reports & Graphs Center

account balances, 321, 325–326, 437

asset allocation reports, 357

budget, 427, 429

capital gains/losses, 357–358, 362, 447

categories, 96, 468, 471, 474, 475, 477

investments, 258, 357–358, 478, 479

managing, 481–483

net worth, 324, 463

portfolios, 349, 357–358, 472

reconciliation, 230–231, 253, 536

register, 127

security, 277, 281

spending, 63–64

tags, 98

tax, 90, 447, 448, 452, 463, 479

Reports And Graphs window, 468–469

Reports button, 204, 466

Reports & Graphs Center, 465–486. See also graphs/charts; reports

accessing, 466

accounts included in, 472, 476, 477

All Reports menu, 469–471

Analysis & Reports view, 523

categories, 468, 471, 474, 475, 477

considerations, 467

copying/pasting, 483

creating, 468–472, 479

customizing, 474, 476–479, 539

date ranges, 470, 539

deleting, 473, 479, 482, 483

display options, 468–470, 473, 474, 477

displaying list of, 468–469

EasyAnswer, 466, 467, 476

Excel format, 472, 483–484, 486

exporting, 472, 474, 483–484, 486

finding/replacing in, 474

hiding/showing details, 474

history, 473

managing, 481–483

overview, 466–472

PDF format, 472, 484

preferences, 470, 473, 479, 538–539

previewing, 486

printing, 472, 474, 485–486, 513

PRN format, 486

QuickZoom feature, 479

Reports And Graphs Center, 468–469

saving, 467, 474, 479–483, 539

securities, 478

shortcuts, 472, 483

Spending Trends report, 475–476

standard, 466–467, 469

subreports, 473, 479

tax reports, 467, 479

toolbar icons, 472–474

viewing, 480–481, 486


age at, 380

calculating options, 397–399

Lifetime Planner, 380–381

pension, 381

planning for, 372–374, 397–399

Social Security benefits, 381

retirement accounts, 28, 235

Retirement Calculator, 397–399

return on investment (ROI), 349, 384

reverse equity loan (reverse mortgage), 293

risk profile, 361

ROI (return on investment), 349, 384

rollovers, budget, 434–435

Roth IRA, 235

Image   S

Sanitize Data File Copy option, 38

Savings Calculator, 402–403

Savings Goals feature, 438, 439–442

Savings & Investments, Lifetime Planner, 382–394

savings/savings accounts

alerts, 209

college savings, 399–401

creating accounts, 76–77

described, 28

effect of inflation on savings, 403

goals/methods for saving, 438, 439–442

Monthly Savings Targets snapshot, 394

number field, 109–110

reasons for saving, 438

saving for retirement. See retirement

Savings Calculator, 402–403

setting up banking accounts, 70

Spending And Savings Accounts, 521–522

types of savings accounts, 439

withdrawing funds, 441, 442

scanners/scanning, 134, 137, 139, 140

Schedule These? list, 189–190

scheduled transactions, 188–194, 209. See also bill reminders

Screen Share option, 38–39

Search field, 37, 130–131


Quicken Mobile, 58

spending-related, 202

for transactions, 130–137

securities. See also shares

adding, 272–275

charting, 287

considerations, 234

cost information, 244–247, 282

current holdings, 241–242

customizing portfolio views, 340–343

deleting, 277

described, 234

downloading historical prices, 351–352

editing, 276, 281

examples of, 234

matches to, 251

names, 241, 256

performance, 351

reports, 478

selling shares, 267–269

showing/hiding, 275

tax information, 260

ticker symbols, 241, 273, 285, 286, 342

updating, 281, 282

Watch list, 272, 273, 283–284

working with individual securities, 276–278

Security Detail View, 280–282

Security List, 272–278, 283

security reports, 277, 281

Security Type List, 277–278

SEP-IRA, 235

share balance, 256

shares. See also securities

buying, 266–267

ESPP, 264, 271

estimating average cost, 246–247

number of, 267, 285

price per share, 254

selling, 267–269

short sales, 267

ticker symbols, 241, 273, 285, 286

total cost, 254, 267


small cap stocks, 274

Snap and Store feature, 65

Social Security benefits, 381

sound effects, 531

spending, 76–77, 409

spending accounts, 28, 521–522

Spending And Savings Accounts snapshot, 521–522

Spending By Category snapshot, 62–63

Spending graph, 199–202

Spending register, 202–204

spending reports, 63–64

Spending tab, 33, 199–207

Spending Trends report, 475–476

split transactions

considerations, 26–27, 114

entering multiple categories, 112, 119–121

overview, 119–121

on Quicken Mobile, 64

startup preferences, 528–530


comparing transactions to paper statement, 219–223

reconciling bank accounts to bank statement, 221–222

reconciling to paper statements, 215, 217, 218

Stay On Top Of Monthly Bills list, 178–179

Stock Evaluator, 287

stock quotes, 257, 279–283, 533, 536

stocks, 274

student loans, 301

subcategories, 88, 89, 96, 112

subreports, 473, 479

Summary view, 520–523

syncing accounts, 12, 49–52

system requirements, 5

Image   T

tabs, 16, 33–35

tags, 97–99, 113–114, 477

tax assumptions, 399

tax calculators, 449–450

Tax Calendar snapshot, 462

Tax Center, 461–464

tax forms/publications, 450

Tax Optimizer, 355–356

Tax Planner, 448, 452, 453–455

tax planning

avoiding surprises, 452–455

categories and, 444, 445–447, 463

creating scenarios, 455

deductions. See deductions

estimators. See estimators, tax planning

implications of capital gains/losses, 362

including tax information in accounts, 444–445

online tax tools, 448–450

projected taxes, 461–462

tax calculators, 449–450

Tax Center, 448

Tax Optimizer, 355–356

Tax Withholding Estimator, 452, 460–461

tax rates, 344, 381–382

tax reporting options, 90–91

tax schedule, 82, 444–445, 447, 463

Tax Summary report, 447, 462

Tax Withholding Estimator, 452, 460–461

Taxable Income YTD snapshot, 463–464

taxes, 443–464

alerts, 462, 464

asset and debt accounts, 308

common tax questions, 449–450

deductions. See deductions

depreciation as deductible, 320

forms/publications, 450

implications of capital gains/losses, 362

income tax, 82, 254, 442, 452, 453

planning for. See tax planning

projected, 461–462

reports, 90, 447, 448, 463, 467, 479

securities, 260

TurboTax, 450–452

withholding, 452, 460–461

Tax-Related Expenses YTD snapshot, 462–463

term, loans, 293, 294

text alerts, 54

text (.txt) format, 483–484, 486

ticker symbols, 241, 273, 285, 286, 342

Time Period drop-down list, 323

Tips & Tutorials tab, 34

title bar, 37

To Do bars, 37

Toolbar, 36–37

adding saved reports to, 526

customizing, 37, 310–311, 523–528

displaying, 530

keyboard shortcuts, 528

making payments from, 310–311

reports, 539

restoring defaults, 527

transaction buttons, 114, 257–258

Transaction Download feature, 143, 144

transaction downloads, 247–254

accepting, 157, 159–160, 161

adding to register, 104–105

applying for, 238

automatic download of, 150

balances, 18

comparing to register, 155–161

connection options, 144, 145, 239–240

creating reminders from, 175–180

deleting transactions, 153–155

described, 143

Express Web Connect, 144, 145, 152

investment transactions, 239–242, 248

manual entry, 240

marking as reviewed, 13

One Step Updates, 18

online services, 18, 152–163

options for, 152–163

preferences, 104–105

problems during, 155

procedure for, 248

reconciling bank accounts and, 215–218

reconciling to paper statements, 215, 217, 218

renaming downloaded payees, 161–163

setting up for, 239–242, 247–254, 257

splitting, 64

Transaction Download feature, 143, 144

Web Connect, 144, 145, 153–155

working with in Online Center, 152–163, 247–248

Transaction List, 255–258, 271

Transaction tool, Quicken Mobile, 58, 59–60


accepting, 157, 159–160, 161

adding, 194

adding notes, 138

adjusting holdings, 254

alerts, 138

assets, 318–320

attachments, 138–140, 255, 258

automatic entry of, 84, 248–251

automatically add to registers, 537

bank account, 70

calendar, 194

cash accounts, 71

categories, 534, 538

changing, 132–137

changing account of, 536

changing multiple transactions, 542–543

closed, 261

common, 266–271

comparing to paper statement, 219–223

completing, 266

corrections to, 253

credit card accounts, 70–71

deleting, 158, 194

details about, 255–256

editing, 194, 258, 271

entering, 257, 258, 262, 271

entering for credit cards, 123–124

entering into register, 102, 109–114

estimated, 437

filtering by transaction type, 202

flagging, 138

investments. See investment transactions

manual entry of, 78

marking, 252

matched, 156, 157–158, 159

missing, 244–246

moving, 159–160

new, 157, 158

one-time transactions, 174

out-of-date, 536

password-protecting, 496

placeholder entries, 242–247

preferences, 534–535

printing, 152, 258

reconciled, 536

reconciling to paper statements, 215, 217, 218

recurring, 174

reminders, 180, 189

renaming, 251–252

restoring, 133, 134

reviewing/accepting, 248, 250, 251

saving, 133, 134

scheduled, 188–194, 209

searching for, 130–137

sorting, 132, 133

split. See split transactions

taking pictures of in Quicken Mobile, 65

tracking, 25–27

types of, 70–71

unaccepted, 250

uncategorized, 536

undoing reconciled transactions, 232

unmatching, 157–158

updating, 257

viewing on Quicken Mobile app, 62–63, 64

working with in register, 106–107

working with on mobile devices, 58–65

Transactions window, 193–194

Transfer Detection option, 538

transfers (TXFR)

bank transactions, 70

cash account transactions, 71

categories, 92

credit card transactions, 71

money between accounts, 167–169

online, 110

recording in account register, 129–130

Transfer Detection feature, 169

TurboTax, 450–452

txt. (text) format, 483–484, 486

Image   U

Update button, 37

Update Now command, 155

Update Now, Web Connect, 106

Update tool, Quicken Mobile, 58

updates. See also One Step Update

asset values, 319–320

checking for, 39

investments, 284–287, 356–357

linked bills, 182

scheduling, 19–20

upgrades, 6, 9

Image   V

Validate And Repair command, 510–512

vehicle accounts, 295

vehicle loans, 293, 294, 301

Image   W

warnings, 253, 532

Watch List, 272, 273, 283–284

Web Connect

costs of, 146

downloading transactions, 144, 145, 153–155

selecting connection method, 150

setup options, 532

Transaction Download and, 144, 145

Update Now, 106

What If tool

applying to debt reduction, 421–422

applying to loan payment decisions, 315–316

applying to planning assumptions, 394–396

What’s Left section, 179–180

Write Checks window, 125–129, 537

Image   X

.xlsx (Excel), 483–484

X-Ray Interpreter, 346–347

Image   Y

Year-End-Copy command, 509–510

Image   Z

Zillow, 297

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