



Above-eye-level camera position, 192

A/B roll editing, 367

AC (alternating current), 99

AC adapters, 104

Accelerated-motion effects, 321


breaking into component parts, 186

repeating, if possible, 186187

sequence direction, maintaining continuity of, 309311

Active mixers, 279280

Actors/actresses, professional, 48

Additive primary color, 73, 205206

Address track, 126, 336

Advanced Television System Committee. See ATSC

Aesthetic factors, 19, 43, 232236

AFTRA (American Federation of Television and Radio Actors), 48

AGC (automatic gain control), 109110

Alternating current (AC), 99

Alternating current adapters, 104

Alternating-current power formula, 227

Aluminum foil, 230

Ambient noise, 288

Ambient sound, 281, 297

American Federation of Television and Radio Actors (AFTRA), 48

America’s Funniest Home Videos, 80

Amplitude, 252253

Analog audio

peak-level settings, 257

vs. digital audio, 257

Analog recording, 130

Analog signals, 64, 130, 378

Analog VCRs, 121

Animation, 401

Aperture, 160162

Aperture control, 165167

Aperture fade, 161

Aperture ring, 160162

Aperture size, f-stop and, 161

Apple Soundtrack and Garage Band, 52

Arc, 183184

A-roll, 328

Aspect ratio

aesthetics and, 172173

ATSC standards, 6869

graphics and, 393

NTSC standard, 65

Aspect ratio converter, 163

Assemble editing, 358

on linear editing systems, 372

in insert mode, 364

method for, 359

overlapping edits for, 361362

problems with, 362

vs. insert editing, 364365

Asymmetrical balance, 181

At-eye-level camera position, 191

ATSC (Advanced Television System Committee)

standards, 64, 6870

sync and blanking pulses in, 70

video, 6870

Attachable microphones, 263264

Audience, 17, 18, 23


analog vs. digital, 254255

connectors, 277278

monitoring, during editing, 375376

multiple sources, for cuts-only editing system, 373378

recording, standardized procedures for, 281283

Audio connectors, 107108

Audio dub, 290

Audio dub button, 98

Audio editing, 290

Audio filters, 289290

Audio in, 99

Audio input selector, 101

Audio-level meters, 109110, 256257

Audio line out, 111

Audio manipulation, linear editing systems, 373375

Audio meters, 109110

Audio mixer, 278281

Audio mode selector, 101

Audio monitor control, 101, 367, 370

Audio out, 99

Audio patch bay, 373

Audio portion of program, construction of, 300302

Audio tone, recording, 281

Audio track chart, 302303

Audio tracks, 126

Auto-edit control, 355

Automatic aperture, 165

Automatic aperture lock, 167

Automatic backspace editing, 103

Automatic focus (auto-focus), 159

Automatic gain control (AGC), 110, 276

Automatic transition rate control, 355



brightness of, 204205

coincident lines, 179180

Background light, 239240

Background shadows, 240

Backlight, 239

Backspacing (backtiming; cueing), 353

Backup copies, 389

Balance, framing and, 180181

Balanced line, 273

Barn door, 222

Base illumination, 202203, 233234

Baselight, 202204

Batch capture, 344, 386

Batteries, camcorder, 103104

Battery meter, 100

Bayonet connector (BNC), 108

Bayonet mount, 157

Beauty shot, 331

Below-eye-level camera position, 192

Betacam SP, 137

Betacam SX, 136

Bidirectional microphones, 258

Bin, 383

Bit, 254

Black balance, 95

Blanking pulse, 70

Blast filter, 288

Blimp-type windscreen, 288

Blocking diagram, 248

Blue-screen technique, 246247

BNC connector (bayonet), 108

Body pack, 272

Boom, 270

Both edit, 322

Bounce light, 239

Brightness, 71, 320, 396

Broadband distribution technologies, 13

Broadcast, 110

Broadcast market, 1314

Broadcast quality, 7980

Broadcast television, video usage in, 1112

B-roll, 187, 328329

Budget, in formal program proposal, 2933

Built-in camera microphones, 263

Bulk eraser, 143

Cablecast, 110

Cable News Network (CNN), 11

Cable television, video usage, 1112


auxiliary components, 9293

baselight requirements, 203

components of, 9196

dockable, 85

image stabilizers, 96

motion, minimizing during recording, 117

noise, 288

one-piece, 8485

power, 103

recording, monitoring of, 109112

RF output, 111

section controls, 9396

sound recording on, 274278

special effects, 96

system setup, 106107

tape movement inside, 105

types of, 8487

viewfinders, 8789


hand-held vs. tripod-mounted, 185

smoothness of, 184

support unit for, 184

lighting and, 235236

for on-site interview, 194197


lighting and, 235236

for on-site interview, 194197

configurations, 8487

movement, 182185

hand-held vs. tripod-mounted, 185

smoothness of, 184

support unit for, 184

performance characteristics of, 8083

position, 191192, 196197, 235236

tilting, 405

Camera cards, 397

Camera control unit (CCU), 7172

Camera head, movement of, 182184

Camera image sensor, 6263

Camera microphones, 263265

Camera-mounted lights, 226

Camera-mounting equipment, 112116

Camera operator (shooter; videographer), 15, 54

Camera viewfinder systems, 8789

Capstan, 122

Capstan servo, 123

Cardioid pickup pattern, 258

Carrying case with strap, 117

Carts, for carrying equipment, 117

Cassette, 142


food for, 46

talent releases for, 4649

Cathode ray tube (CRT), 17, 7778

CCDs. See Charge-coupled devices

CCU (camera control unit), 7172

CD-ROM, 12, 147

CDs (compact disks), 291

Center of interest, 166, 318

Character generators (CGs), 398399

Charge-coupled devices (CCDs)

image problems, 83

one vs. three, 80

principles, 6263

size of, 81

Chroma key, 246, 403404

Chrominance, 73

Clarity, of graphics, 392

Cleaning, video heads, 145

Client-based production, 22

Client consultation, in postproduction planning, 348

Clips, 383

Close-up (CU), 17, 126, 177

Clothespins, 230

Coda, 331

CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor), 62


additive, 205206

in editing, 320

graphic materials and, 396

subtractive, 206

white balance and, 208210

Color bars, 76, 95, 364

Color burst, 75

Color correction filters, 9495

Color encoder, 75

Color reproduction, 8283

Color signal, 7380

Color television display (picture tube system), 77

Color temperature, 206208

Communication media, video as, 1418

Communication process, feedback in, 18

Compact disks (CDs), 291

Compatibility, 138139

Complementary angles, 312

Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), 62

Component recording, 129130

Composite recording, 129

Composite signal, 71


rule of thirds, 181182

through framing, 178180

Compression, 132, 385

Compression ratio, 132

Computer-based nonlinear editing systems, problems with, 387389

Computer-based video graphics systems, 397400

animation, 401

character generation, 398

chroma key, 403404

compositing, 402

effects from, 401

three-dimensional graphics, 400

two-dimensional graphics, 400

Computer crashes, 387

Computer hard disks, 145146

Computer programs, for storyboards, 33, 37

Condensor microphone, 260261

Connectors, 107109, 277278

Consumer equipment, 13

Contact microphone, 269

Continuity, consideration during editing, 317318

Continuity editing, 308316


direction of view, 311313

position of target object, 311313

screen position, 309311

lighting and, 315


continuity in direction of action, 313314

screen position, 309311

sound and, 315

subject’s appearance and, 316

using shot content to motivate cuts, 314315

Contrast range, 166

Contrast ratio, 166

Control, 20

Control track, 122124, 126

Control track editing, 355

Control track pulses, 357

Convertible studio/field cameras, 8586

Copyright, 58

Copyrighted material, use of, 49

Corporate video, 10

Counter, for cuts-only editing systems, 369370

CPS (cycles per second), 254

Creative editor, 306

Creative problem solving, 19


assignments for, 5556

size of, 55

Crossfade, 322

Cross-keying, 245


controlling, at remote location, 46

video appearances in, 46, 48

CU (close-up), 17, 176, 177

Cueing (backspacing; backtiming), 353, 356

Cue track, 126

Cut, 318

Cutaway, 187

Cut-in, 187, 309

Cut-out, 309

Cuts-only editing systems

assemble edit for, 372

audio manipulation, 373375

audio monitor, 367, 369

counter, 369370

editing leader, 370

editing strategy, 371372

editing VCR setup, 369370

insert editing, 362365

pause mode overuse, prevention of, 372

record levels, 370

remote control, 367, 369

source VCR setup for, 367368

sync switch for, 368369

tracking, 369370

video input signal selector for, 368, 369

videotapes for, 367

Cycles per second (CPS), 254

Cyclorama (Cyc), 247


D-3, 137

D-5, 137

Data tracks, 126

DAT recorders (digital audiotape recorders), 291

DAW (digital audio workstations), 292295

Daylight outdoors, depth of field for, 167171

Decibel (dB), 252253

Degrees Kelvin (°K), 207208


focus and, 175

shooting for, 198199

Depth of field, 167171

Desk stands, 269

Destructive editing, 379

Dew lamp, 100

Dialogue, 296

Dichroic filters, 211

Diffusers, 225, 229

Digital audio

file format, 255256

peak-level settings, 257

vs. analog audio, 254255

Digital audiotape recorders (DAT recorders), 291

Digital audio workstations (DAW), 292295

Digital Betacam format, 136

Digital 8 format, 136

Digital image stabilizer, 96

Digital nonlinear video editing. See Nonlinear editing

Digital recording, sampling rate, 130131, 254255

Digital recording process, 130

Digital S format, 136

Digital signal, 68, 130

for digital nonlinear video editing, 378

recording, advantages of, 133

Digital subscriber line (DSL), 13

Digital television broadcasters, public-interest obligations of, 411

Digital VCRs, 121

Digital videocassette (DV), 134135

Digital video effects (DVE), 319

Digital videotape formats, 133137

Digital zoom, 96, 156

Digitize list, 345


footage selection for, 385

shot by shot, 385386

Dimmers, 228229

Direct current (DC), 99

Directional continuity, 313314

Directional light, 234235

Direction of view, establishing, 311313

Director, responsibilities of, 5556

Dissolve, 318319

Distribution, 5960

DOC (dropout compensators), 151

Documentary approach, 24

Dolly (in or out), 183184

Downward compatibility, 138

Drawing systems, two-dimensional, 400

Drop-frame time code, 338

Dropout, 144

Dropout compensator (DOC), 144, 151

DSL (digital subscriber line), 13

Dub, 138

audio, 290

window, 342344

Dubbing, 138139

DVCAM camcorders, 133135

DV camcorders, 133135

DV camcorders, time code for, 340

DVCAM tape format, 134

DVCPRO 50, 134

DVCPRO camcorders, 133135


DVCPRO tape format, 128, 134

DVDCAM format, 147

DVD, 12, 147

D-VHS, 137

DV tape format, 126, 128

DV VCRs, 121

Dynamic editing, 316318

Dynamic microphone, 260


Earphone, 284

Ear shot, 197

Earspeaker, 109

ECU (extreme close-up), 176, 177

Edit decision list (EDL), 345346

Edit entry points, 356, 371

Edit exit points, 356, 372

Editing, 305306

audio, 290

captured material, 386387

electronic, 351352

interformat, 366

nondestructive vs. destructive, 379

rhythm, 317

sound in, 373376

systems (See specific editing systems)

time, budgeting of, 389

types of

continuity (See Continuity editing)

dynamic, 316318

voice tracks, 326327

Editing control units, 353355

Editing leader, 371372

Editing master tape, 359

Editing systems, electronic, components, 352. See also specific electronic editing systems

Editing to music, 317

Editing VCR, 140, 352

Editing voice-driven pieces, 326329

Editing window, 383

Edit master tape, 367

Edit mode controls, 354

Editor. See Video editor

Edit point controls, 354355

EDL (edit decision list), 345346

Education, video usage for, 9

EFP (electronic field production), 11

8mm format, 137

Eject button, 9697

Electret condensers, 261

Electrical circuits

and outlets, 227228

overloading, 232

Electrical interference, radio frequency and, 288

Electronic editing, 351352

Electronic field production (EFP), 11

Electronic news gathering (ENG), 11, 30

Electronic shutter, 6263

Electronic viewfinders, 87

Ellipsoidal spotlight, 222

Emotion, consideration during editing, 318

Encoded color signal, 75

ENG (electronic news gathering), 11, 30

EP (extended play), 121

Equalizers, 289


carrying, 116118

checklist for remote production, 54

lighting, 212222

needs, in production planning, 53

Erase head, 143

Essential area, 394

Establishing shots, 185, 309

Ethics, code of, 409410

Evaluation, formative and summative, 26, 28

Evaluation of program effectiveness, in formal program proposal, 29

Evening Magazine, 15

Event, breaking into component parts, 186

Exposure, for zoom lens, 164165

Extended play (EP), 121

External camera control unit, 7172

External microphones, 265271

External sync, 71

Extreme close-up (ECU), 176, 177

Extreme long shot (XLS), 176, 177

Extro, 55

Eyelines, 311313

Eyepiece viewfinder, 8788

Eyeroom, 179


Fade, 318

Fast forward button, 98

FC (foot-candle), 202

FCC (Federal Communications Commission), 64, 68

F-connector, 109

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 64, 68

Feedback, 18, 112

Field, 66

Field checks, 284285

Field monitors, 110112

Field of view, 175179

Field production, 15

Field production crew. See Crew

File format, 255

Fill light, 238239


copyrighted, use of, 49

usage for remote production, 7

Film-style lighting, 235

Filters, in editing, 319

Filters, gel, 210

Filter wheel, 94, 209, 210

Final edit, 348

FireWire (IEEE 1394), 109

First-generation tape, 138

Fish-eye lens, 157

Fishpoles, 270

Fixed-beam spotlights, 215216

Fixed-focal-length lens, 156

Fixing problems in postproduction

changing a pan, zoom or tilt, 325326

color and brightness, 324

eyeline problems, 324

reframing a shot, 324

Flags, 223

Flash memory, 148, 292

Flashback, 317

Flashforward, 317

Flatbed scanner, 405

Floodlights, 214217

Floor stands, 225, 270

Fluid heads, 114

Fluorescent lamps (lights), 213214, 218219

Flying erase heads, 365

Focal length, 154

Focus, 174

depth and, 175

zoom lens, 163

Focus ring, 158159

Fog filters, 163

Foil, 230

Fonts, for character generators, 398, 399, 51, 52

Footage selection, for digitization, 385

Foot-candle (FC), 202


coincident lines, 179180

Format. See Tape format

Forward frame by frame button, 98

Forward search button, 98

Frame, 66

Frame accuracy, 357

Frame rate, for NTSC video, 66

Frame synchronizers, 151


balance and, 180181

composition and, 178180

Free-run mode, of time code generator, 339

Frequency of sound, 254

Frequency response, 261

Fresnel spotlight, 221222

Friction heads, 113114

F-stops, 161

Full scripts, 35, 3739


Gaffer’s tape, 230

Gain, 72

Gain boost, 94

Gain control, 109110, 276

Gamma, 204

Gap, 120

Gels, 210

Generation, 138

Gen-lock, 71

Go-to control, 355

Government, video usage, 10

Grand Alliance, 68

Graphic materials, 391

aspect ratio, 393

brightness and, 396397

clarity and, 392

color and, 396

screen size and, 393

sources of, 397405

style and, 392

unity and, 392


adding, in nonlinear editing, 405

essential area of screen and, 394395

intelligibility of, 395396

nonelectronic, 397

three-dimensional, computer-generated, 400

two-dimensional, computer-generated, 400

Gray scale, 397

Gyroscopic camera support systems, 115116


Hand-held external microphones, 265266

Hand-held microphones, 265266

Handheld camera, 116

Handheld supports, for lights, 226

Handles, 385386

Hard disk, 145146

Hard light, 212

HD-D5, 137

HD-DVD (high definition or high density DVD), 147148

HDTV (high-definition television), 68

HDV (high definition video), 135136

Head, 120, 140

Head clog, 144

Head drum, 105, 120

Head drum servo, 123

Headphones, 284

Headroom, 178179

Heads, 140

cleaning, 145

Helical scan, 121

Hertz (Hz), 254

Hi8 format, 137

High definition or high density DVD (HD-DVD), 147148

High-definition television (HDTV), 6870

High definition video (HDV), 135136

High-impedance (high-Z), 262

HMI (hydragyrum medium arc-length iodide lights), 214, 219221

Hook, 330

Horizontal resolution, 8182

Horizontal sync, 70

Hot spots, 164

House sync, 369

Hue, 73


IEEE 1394 (FireWire), 109

iLink, 109

Illumination, 233234

Image compositing, 246247

Image compression, 319

Image expansion, 319

Image stabilizer, 96

Impedance, 262

Incandescent lamps, 212

Incident light, 202

Independent video production, 89, 22

Indoor/outdoor filter, 94

Input, 274

from camera microphone, 276

Input level, 274

Input overload distortion, 267

Insert and track information (ITI), 125

Insert editing

on linear editing systems, 372

method for, 362

overlay edits and, 379380

vs. assemble editing, 364365

Insert mode, for assemble editing, 364

Interformat editing, 366

Interlaced scanning, 6667

Internal camera control unit, 7172

Internal sync, 71

Interview, on-site

principle action axis for, 196197

setup for, 194198

Interviewee, identifying, 327328

Interviewer position, for on-site interview, 195196

Intro, 55

Inverse square rule, 229

Iris, 160

ITI (insert and track information), 125


Jog, 354

JPEG ( Joint Photographic Expert Group) compression, 132

Jump cuts, 309311

°K (degrees Kelvin), 207208

Kelvinometers, 208

Keyframe, 401

Keying, 398399

Key light, 235, 236238

Kinescopes, 119


Labeling, of field tapes, 5657

Lamps, 212214

Lamp-to-subject distance, 229

Lavalier microphones, 266267

Layers, in editing, 320321

LCDs (liquid crystal displays), 78

LCD viewfinder, 88

Lead, 330

Leader sequence, 370

Legal factors, 43

Legal issues, 4650

Legal video, 10

Lens cap, 162

Lens care, 163

Lenses, 153157

Lens extenders, 157

Lens filters, 163

Lens flare, 162

Lens hood, 162

Lens mounts, 157


color and, 205212

color temperature of, 206208

contrast range, 204205

directional, 234235

incident, 202203


definition of, 202

quality, 212

reflected, 202203

visible, frequencies of, 205

white balance, 208209

Lightboxes, 218


base illumination, 202

continuity of, 315

equipment, 212222

fluorescent, 213214, 218219

instruments, portable, 214222

intensity, controlling, 228229

motivated, 240241

physical factors of, 201

power requirements, 226227

problems, 243246, 249

image compositing, 246247

multiple subjects, 243246

prevention/planning and, 247248

remote survey and, 43

safety, 231232

supports for, 225226

for texture, 241242

three-point, 236243

unmotivated, 240241

Lighting plots, 248

Lighting umbrellas, 223

Light meter, 164, 202

Light sensitivity, 83

Li-Ion (lithium ion batteries), 103

Limiters, 276

Linear editing, 358366

Linear time code (LTC), 128, 336337

Linear videotape editing, 351, 358366

Line-level audio signal, 274

Lines, 66

Liquid crystal displays (LCDs), 78

Lithium ion batteries (Li-Ion), 103


access, 44

acoustics of, 287

conditions similar to shoot, surveying, 44

in formal program proposal, 26

releases, 49

remote surveys, 4244

safety, 49

Location sound, 297


analog or digital field footage, 384385

tapes, 341345

from window dub, 342

Long shot (LS), 176,177

Low-cut filters, 287

Low-impedance (low-Z), 262

Low light indoors, depth of field for, 171

Lower third titles, 394

LS (long shot), 176177

LTC (linear time code), 128, 336337

Luminance, 73. See also Brightness

Lux, 202


Macro lens, 157

Macro lever, 157

Magnetic recording process, 120

Magnetic stripe, 328

Master gain control, 279

MCU (medium close-up), 176, 177

ME (metal evaporated tape), 140

Medical video, 9

Medium close-up (MCU), 176, 177

Medium shots (MS), 176, 177

Memory cards, 148150

Message design, 1617

Metal evaporated tape (ME), 140

Metal particle tape (MP), 140

Microphone in (mic in), 99

Microphone-level signal, 274

Microphone proximity effect, 285286

Microphones, 258

balanced vs. unbalanced line, 273

bidirectional, 258

camera-mounted, 263265

characteristics, 258262

external, 265271

frequency response, 261262

impedance, 262

obtrusive vs. unobtrusive, 303

omnidirectional, 258

pickup patterns, 258259

placement, 285286

selection, 285

types of, 259261, 304

visual impact of, 303304

wired, 271

wireless or radio, 271273

Microphone stands, 269271

Minidisc (MD), 292

MiniDV, 134, 141

Mini-plugs, 108, 277278

Mix, in sound layering, 323

Modeling, 232233

Moiré, 83

Monitoring the recording, 109112

Monitor-receiver, 111

Monitors, 111

Monopod, 114

Montage, 331

Mood, indicating, using background light for, 242

Motion effects, in editing, 321

Motivated lights, 240241

Mounting devices, for microphones, 269271

MP (metal particle tape), 140

MPEG-1 (Motion Picture Experts Group) compression, 132

MPEG-2 (Motion Picture Experts Group) compression, 132

MPEG-3 (Motion Picture Experts Group) compression, 132

MPEG-4 (Motion Picture Experts Group) compression, 132

MS (medium shots), 176, 177

Multimedia programs, 1213

Multispeed VCRs, 121


adding, in nonlinear editing, 386

copyrighted, use of, 49

original, obtaining, 51

stock, sources of, 51

usage of, 297298, 301302


NAB (Natsional Association of Broadcasters), 6, 410

Narration, 296

Narrator, vs. no narrator, 300

National Archives, Washington, D.C., 51

National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), 6, 410

National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C., 51

National Television System Committee (NTSC), 64, 79

Natural sound, 296297, 301

Neutral-density filter, 210

Neutral-density gels, 211

Nickel cadmium batteries (NiCad), 103

NLE. See Nonlinear editing

Noise, 72

ambient, 288

camcorder, 288

vs. sound, 252

wind, 287

Noncomposite signal, 71

Nondestructive editing, 379

Non-drop-frame time code, 337

Nonlinear editing (NLE)

digital vs. analog signals, 378

insert edits and, 379380

models for, 382384

overlay edits and, 379380

process of, 377380, 384389

random access, 379

system components, 380382

titling in, 405407

transitions, 384

user interfaces, 382384

vs. linear editing, 379

Noseroom, 179

Notch filters, 289

NTSC (National Television System Committee), 64, 79


Objective camera, 192

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), 49

Off-camera questions, 300301

Off-line editing, in postproduction planning, 348349

Ohms, 262

Omnidirectional microphones, 258

On-camera questions, 300301

On-camera talent, 55

180-degree rule, 193

1-shot, 177

On-line editing, 348349

On-site interview setup, 194198

Open-reel tape, 142

Operating light level, 83

Optical discs, 147148

Optical-video transducer, 62

Optical zoom, 156

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Act), 49

Outboard patch panel, 373

Outlets, electrical, 227228

Overlapping edits, 187, 361362

Overlay edit, 380

Over-the-shoulder shots, 190191, 246


PA (production assistant), 15, 55

Page pull, 319

Page push, 319

Page turn, 319

Paint, 400

Painting systems, two-dimensional, 400

PAL (Phase Alternation by Line), 79

Pan, 182183

Panning handles, 85

Parabolic microphones, 286

Parallel cutting, 317

Parking arrangements, at remote location, 45

Passive mixers, 279

Pause button, 98

Pause mode, for linear editing systems, 372

PDP (plasma display panel), 78

Peak limiter, 276

Peak program meter (PPM), 257

Peak white, 73

Pedestal, 72

Perform edit or edit start, 355, 373

Periscope lens, 157

Personal video, 78

Phantom power, 261

Phone plugs, 277278

Pickup pattern, microphone, 258

Picture icon (picon), 383

Pistol grips, 268

Pitch, 254

Pixels, 62

Planning, preproduction, 2252

Plasma display panel (PDP), 78

Playback devices, sound, 291292

Play button, of VCR, 97

Point of view (POV), 192

Pop filters, 288

Portable VCR, 67

Portable video equipment

history of, 58

production uses of, 713

Postproduction, 21

Postproduction planning

client consultation, 348

final program, 348

on-line and off-line editing, 348349

preliminary editing decisions, 345346

rough cut, 346347

tape logging, 341342

Poststriping, 337

Potentiometer (Pot), 110


camcorder, 103

remote survey and, 43

requirements, for lighting, 226227

Power inputs, 99

Power switch, for camcorder, 93

PPM (peak program meter), 257

Preinterview, 3940, 42

Preliminary edit decision list, 345346

Preproduction, 21

Preproduction planning, 22

feasibility and, 25

formal program proposal, 2530

legal issues, 4650

preinterview, 3940

program idea for, 2223

remote survey, 4246

scripts, 3039

subject, visual potential of, 2425

Prerolling (backspacing), 356

Preroll time, 357

Pressure zone microphone (PZM), 268

Preview control, 355

Primary colors, additive, 73, 205206

Principal voice, recording on channel 1, 281

Principle action axis, 193194

Principle vector line, 193194

Print to tape, 387

Prism block camera systems, 7475

Pro Tools workstation, 293295

Processing amplifiers (proc amp), 151


responsibilities of, 55

role of, 15, 411

unexpected problems for, 22


independent vs. client-based, 22

planning, 5258

stages, 2122

Production assistant (PA), 15, 55

Production organization, 1516

Production planning, 5258

crew assignments and, 5456

equipment needs and, 5354

labeling tapes in field, 5657

Production resources, 25

Production slate, formal, 56

Production stage, 21

Professional/broadcast equipment, 1314


audio portion, construction of, 300302

conceptualization, 23

design, 23

elements, in formal program proposal, 2530

feasibility, 25

formal proposal for, 2530

format/treatment of subject, 24

idea, getting/developing, 2223

subject, 2324

Program window, 384

Progressive scanning, 69

Proposal, program, 2530

budget in, 29, 30

example of, 27, 28

Prosumer equipment, 13

PSAs (public service announcements), 24

Public access videos, 10

Public interest obligations, of digital television broadcasters, 411

Public service announcements (PSAs), 24

PZM (pressure zone microphone), 268


Quantizing (sampling), 132, 154

Quartz light, 213

Question re-ask, 190

Quick-record button, 94

Quick-release plate, 114


Radio frequency (RF), 288

Radio microphones, 271273

Radio Television News Directors Association (RTNDA), 409410

Rain diffusers, 288

Range extenders, 157

RCA/phono connector, 108, 277278

Reaction shots, 17, 187

Receiver, 110

Record button, of VCR, 98

Recording devices, sound, 291295

Record-run mode, of time code generator, 339

Record safety, 143

Record safety devices, 143

Record VCR, 138

Reference white, 73

Reflected light, 202

Reflectors, 223225


location, 4950

talent, 4649

Remote control

for cuts-only editing systems, 367, 369

of VCR, 102

Remote production, 57

Remote survey, 4246

aesthetic factors, 43

conducting, guidelines for, 4446

equipment/supplies for, 4445

form, 4445

legal factors, 43

safety factors, 43

technical factors in, 4243

Rendering, 387

Resolution, 8182

Resolution chart, 8182

Reverse frame by frame button, 98

Reverse search button, 98

Reverse shots (reversals), 190191

Review control, 355

Rewind button, of VCR, 98

RF (radio frequency), 288

RF interference, 288

RGB signal, 74

Rhythm, consideration during editing, 318

Ribbon microphone, 261

Rifa light, 218

Room tone, 281, 288

Rough cut, 347

RTNDA, (Radio Television News Directors Association), 409410

Rule of complementary angles, 312

Rule of six, 317318

Rule of thirds, 181


Safe-title area, 394395

Safety factors, 43

lighting, 231232

location, 49

SAG (Screen Actors’ Guild), 49

Sampling (quantizing), 130

Sampling rate, 130131

Satellite television, 1112

Saturation, 73

Scanned images, 405

Scene impact, maximizing through editing, 317


essential area, 394

lower third titles, 394395


aspect ratio and, 173

graphic materials and, 393394

space, consideration during editing, 318

Screen Actors’ Guild (SAG), 48

Scrim (diffuser), 225, 229


breakdown of, 39

in formal program proposal, 2628

full, 35, 3739

storyboard, 33, 35

story outline, 30, 33

SDTV (standard definition television), 69

SECAM (Système Électronique pour Couleur avec Mémoire), 79

Segue, 322

Selective focus, 175

Sensitivity to light, 83

Servo-lock indicator, 123

Servomechanism (servo), 123

Setups, in formal program proposal, 26

SFX. See Sound effects

Shadows, background, 242

Shock mount, 268

Shooter (camera operator; videographer), 15, 54


for depth, 198199

essential details, 187188

interviews, suggestions for, 189190

segments long enough for editing, 188189

utilizing matched camera movements, 189

Shooting material, for transitions, 188

Shooting schedule, 2526

Shooting to edit, 185190

Shotgun microphones, 259, 267268

Shot list, 39, 40

Shoulder mount, 112113

Shutter speeds, 63

Shuttle, 354

Signal processing, 150151

Signal recording, 286

Signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), 83

Silhouetting, caused by bright background, 166

Silk, 225

Single-camera field production, 16

Single-camera lighting, 235236

Slant-track recording (helical scan), 121

Slate, 57, 283

Slow-motion effects, 321

Slow-speed playback button, of VCR, 98

SLP/EP (standard long play/extended play), 121

Smear, 83

SMPTE time code, 336341

advantages of, 336

counter, 101

editing, 356

S/N (signal-to-noise ratio), 83

Snorkel lens, 157

Snow, 72

Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), 409410

Softbanks, 218

Soft light, 215218

Sony, first small-format recording system, 6

SOT (sound on tape), 327


adding to prerecorded videotape, 290

amplitude, 252253

analog vs. digital audio, 254255

continuity of, 315

in editing, 290, 321323

frequency or pitch, 254

intensity, 252253

layering, 323

microphone characteristics and, 258262

mixers, 278281

monitoring, 283284

natural, 296

playback devices, 291292

processing, 323324

quality, improving, equalizing and filtering for, 289290


on camcorder, 274278

suggestions for, 285286

recording devices, 291295

remote survey and, 42

selection, for editing, 322

sequencing, 322323

technical factors, 252257

types of, 296298

in video field production, 251

volume, 252253

vs. noise, 252

Sound and visual image libraries, 51

Sound bites, 301

Sound effects (SFX)

adding, in nonlinear editing, 386

need for, 298

sources of, 51

use of, 298

Sound on tape (SOT), 296

Sound perspective, 298299

Sound presence, 299300

Sound recording

signal for, 286

special problems, 287289

Source VCR, 138

SP (standard play), 121

Special effects, camcorder, 96

SPJ, Society of Professional Journalists, 409410

Split edit, 322

Spotlights, 214217

Spreader, 114

Standard controls, for edit control units, 353355

Standard definition television (SDTV), 69

Standard long play/extended play (SLP/EP), 121

Standard play (SP), 121

Stand-up, 282283

Star filters, 163

Steadicam®, 115116, 184

Sticks (tripod), 113114

Still picture effect, 96

Stock footage, sources of, 50

Stop button, 98


characters, 332

conflict and change, 332333

structure, 329331

Story, consideration during editing, 318

Storyboards, 33, 3536

Story outline script, 30, 33, 34

Stripe filters, 74, 75

Strobe effect, 96

Studio cameras, 8687

Studio production, multi-camera, 16

Studio viewfinder, 87

Style, of graphics, 392


multiple, lighting problems with, 243246

physical appearance of, continuity of, 316

position, for on-site interview, 195

of program, research on, 2324

treatment, in formal program proposal, 2526

visual potential of, 2425

Subject-camera relationships

above-eye-level camera position, 192

at-eye-level camera position, 191

below-eye-level camera position, 192

on-site interview setup, 194198

principle action axis, 185186, 193194

subjective vs. objective camera and, 192

Subjective camera, 192

Subtractive color, 206

Supercardioid pickup pattern, 258

Surface-mounted microphones, 268

S-VHS, 137

S-Video, 129

S-video connectors, 99, 109

Symmetrical balance, 181

Sync, 70, 71, 368, 369


Talent releases, 4649

Tally light, 100

Tape. See Video tape

Tape counters, VCR, 100

Tape end warning, 100

Tape format, 124137. See also specific tape formats

Tape log, 341345

Tape measure, for remote survey, 4445

Tapeless video recording devices, 145149

Tapes, slating, 57

Tape speed, controlling, 122

Tape-to-tape editing, on DV format, 134

Target object, 311313

TBC (time base corrector), 150

Teamwork, 19

Technical editor, 307

Technical factors, 1819, 43

Technical feasibility, in formal program proposal, 26

Technical standards, for television and video, 6470

Telecine, 328

Telephoto lens, 154


development of, 6

magazine feature programs, 12

Television programs, close-up detail in, 17

Television scanning, 6667, 6970

Television standards

ATSC video, 64, 6870

NTSC video, 64, 79

worldwide, 67

Test recordings, 284285

Texture, lighting for, 241242

Three-point lighting, 236243

background light for, 239240

backlight for, 239

fill light for, 238239

ideal vs. real, 240

key light for, 236238

3-shot, 177

Three-to-two prong AC adapter, 230231

Tight close-up (TCU), 176, 177

Tilt, 182183

Time, using background light as indication of, 239240

Time base, 150

Time base corrector (TBC), 6, 8, 150

Time code, 282

displaying, 341

drop-frame, 337338

non-drop-frame, 337378

problems, working around, 340341

recording, 338339

SMPTE (See SMPTE time code)

types of, 336337

Time code character generator-inserter, 341

Time code reader, 338, 341

Time code generator, 338340

Timed cut, 317

Time-lapse recording effect, 96

Time line, 383

Time-of-day time code, 339

Titles, lower third, 394395


in nonlinear editing system, 405407

in the camera, 405

Tone generator, 280

Track chart, audio, 302303

Tracking control, 102, 123124

Tracking meter, 124

Tracking shots, 184

Transitions, 318319

in nonlinear editing, 386

shooting material for, 188

Treatment, 2526

Trim controls, 355

Tripod, camera, 113114

Tripod dolly, 114

Truck (left or right), 183184

Tungsten-halogen lamps, 213

Turnkey systems, 281

Two-column split-page format, for full scripts, 35, 3739

2-shot, 177


U-matic, ¾″, 6

Umbrellas, 223

Unbalanced line, 273

Unity, 392

Unmotivated lights, 240241

Upward compatibility, 138

U.S. Copyright Office

copyrighted material and, 49

short form PA, 58

User interfaces, for digital nonlinear editing, 382384


Variable-beam spotlights, 215216, 218

Varied beam width, 229

VCRs. See Videocassette recorders

Vectorscope, 75, 76, 231

Velocity microphone, 261

Vertical interview time code (VITC), 128, 336337

Vertical sync, 70

VHS, 126127, 137

Video, as communication medium, 1418

Video art, 9

Video black, 363

Video cameras

CCD, 6263

component parts of, 61

Videocassette recorders (VCRs)

audio inputs and outputs, 99

audio input selector, 101

audio mode selector, 101102

audio monitor control, 102

automatic backspace editing, 103

heads, cleaning, 145

inserting videocassette, 105

meters, 100

multispeed, 121

power inputs, 99100

remote control, 102

tape counters, 100

tape transport controls, 9698, 353

tracking control, 102, 123124

trigger, 93

types of, 139140

video input selector, 101

video insert, 103

warning lights, 100

Video compression rate, 132, 385

Video connectors, 108109

Video display, 64

Video editor, 15

creative, 306

as graphic artist, 307308

role of, 306308

as sound designer, 307308

technical, 307

Video field production, 1112

Videographer (shooter; camera operator), 15, 52, 54

Video heads, number of, 121122

Video inputs, 99

Video input signal selector, 101, 368, 369

Video insert (video dub; video add), 103. See also Insert editing

Video line out, 111

Video medium, 17

Video monitors

cathode ray tube (CRT), 7778

EDTV (enhanced definition television), 79

HDTV (high definition television), 7879

plasma display panel (PDP), 78

SDTV (standard definition television), 7879

Video outputs, 99

Video player-recorders, 139

Video players, 139

Video production, changing nature of, 57

Video recording, 119

Video resolution chart, 82

Video servers, 145

Video signal control, 7073

Videotape, 120, 140145

care of, 143144

configuration, 125, 142143

copyrighted, use of, 49

for cuts-only editing systems, 367

location of signals on, 125128

prerecorded, adding sound to, 290

recording, 120124

recording formats, 124137

size, 141

storage of, 143144

Videotape formats

analog, 137

Betacam SP, 137

Hi8, 137

VHS/S-VHS, 137

digital, 133137

Digital Betacam/BetacamSX, 136

D-3, D-5, HD-D5, 137

Digital 8, 136

Digital S, 136

DV (digital videocassette), 134135

Videotape recorder

2″-wide tape format, 6

1″-wide tape format, 6

Videotape recorders (VTRs), 143

Video technology, history of, 58

Video track, 126

Video waveform, 71

Viewer, for remote survey, 44

Viewfinder, 68, 8589, 110

Virtual sets, 247

Visual composition, aesthetics of, 172181

VITC (vertical interview time code), 128, 336337

Voice, 296

Voice-over (VO), 282283, 296, 326

Volume, 252

Volume unit meter (VU), 100, 254, 283284

VTR. See Videocassette recorders; Videotape recorder


Warm balance, 210

WarmCards® system, 210, 211

Warning lights, 100

Waveform, 73

Waveform monitor, 73, 231

Waveform/picture monitor, 231

White balance, 95

adjustment of, 208209

automatic, 88, 208

cooler, 210211

manipulation of, 210

manual, 209210

preset, 208209

Wide-angle lens, 154

Wind noise, 287

Window dub, 342344

Windscreen, 268, 287

Wipe, 319

Wired microphones, 271

Wireless microphones, 271273

World color television standards, 79

World Wide Web (WWW), 1213

WWW (World Wide Web), 1213


XDCAM Camcorder, 147

XLR connector (Cannon connector), 108, 277278

XLS (extreme long shot), 176177


Y/C signal processing, 129


Z-axis, 245

Zebra-stripe exposure indicator, 164

Zoom, 183

Zoom lens, 154155

components, 158163

correct exposure for, 164165

how it works, 158

movement of, 184

operation, 163165

Zoom ratio (range), 155

Zoom ring, 159160

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