

Abbott and Costello 192

ability to decode news stories 113115

abrasive, humor as 100

Absolut Vodka 136

acceptance of proposals 181182, 185, 186, 187

accountability 86, 93, 94

action, level of 3336

activism: activist–business engagement xxvii, 4255; CCSMs xxvii, 2941; use of humor in 4445

adaptive humor 9

Adorno, T. 3

advertising 127; categorization of adverts 134135; controversial humor in xxix, 132145; Foody xxix, 117131; humor in 134136; newsjacking xxviii–xxix, 111116; TV adverts recast on YouTube xxviii, 5980; typology of humor for content marketing xxviii, 5980

Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) 138

affiliative humor 810, 150152, 153, 162163

affirmation 3334

aggressive humor 810, 150152, 162163; derogatory 150, 153159

allusional pretense theory 205206

ambivalent social gesture, humor as 192195

American pragmatism 2324

amusement 11

animated cartoons xxix, 118127

anthropomorphism 119, 127

anti-nuclear movement 43, 4553

Antoine, T. 217, 223

anxiety 67, 6869

appropriateness 136

Arabella cartoon 123124

Arcimboldo, G. 118

armed forces xxxi, 191, 198200, 201

arousal–safety (relief) theory 31, 59, 60, 6770, 71, 82, 83, 135136, 217

Asmuss, B. 179

Association against Domestic Violence 87

atomic individualism 18, 23

Attardo, S. 133, 134

attitudes to work xxx, 161176

Australia 4553

authentic happiness 5

authority 179

Avolio, B. 170

awkwardness 70, 71, 7779

Axe 77

Balmer, J.M. 85

banter 219

Beard, F.K. 81, 82, 136

belittling humor 223

belonging 219

beneficial attribute, humor as 163164

Benjamin, W. 3

Berger, A.A. 132

Berger, J. 111

Bergson, H. 229

Billig, M. 190

Bisio, C. 122

Blendtec 73

Blyton, P. 165

BMW Mini 114115

bonding 192193, 219

‘Boobsgate’ 90, 91, 92, 93

boss’s buttocks photo 231232

Boxer, C.F. 222

boycotting 140141

Brady Corporation 164

Brand, R. 29

brand-building, ethical xxviii, 8198

brand mascots xxix, 117131

Breton, G. 23, 24

Brooklyn 99 197

Brunner, P. 190, 191

Buchholz, R.A. 18, 2324

Bud Light 111, 112, 113

bullying 211212, 223

Burger King (BK) 140, 143

Business and Society 17


business and society discourse xxvii, 1426

business communication 4344

business in society perspective 2325

business models workshops 179187

Butler, N. 229

buttocks photo 231232

Cacioppo, J.T. 111

Canada xxxi, 191, 195200

Canadian Armed Forces xxxi, 191, 198200, 201

canonical irony 206

capitalism, free 1421

Carroll, A.B. 18

cartoons, animated xxix, 118127

cavalier humor beliefs 158

centrally processed information 112

CEO-imposed humor 231234

challenging 33, 35

Chenier, E. 196

Chiellini, G. 111

children 76

clarification 3334, 126

Clinton, H. 217

close relationships 207208, 212

clowning 42, 48, 124125

clumsiness 124125

co-creation of brands 9596

cognitive linguistic perspective 120, 121

cognitive-perceptual perspective 120121

cohesion 33, 3435, 44, 50

collaborative innovation processes xxx, 177189

collective aspect of laughter 229

collective identity 3435

collective intelligence (c) factor 216217

comic wit 60, 6263, 82, 83, 8990, 9293, 135

common ground 207

communication: brand mascots and communicative functions 119, 120127; role of humor in business communication 4344; styles and activist–business engagement 4255

computer-mediated communication 210212

computer-oriented humor 219220

condemnation 33, 35

congruence 113

content marketing xxviii, 5980; digital xxviii, 8198

contradiction 209

control 228, 229, 232234, 239; management controlling humor 234236

controversial humor xxix, 132145

conversation analysis 179187

corporate brand identity 8496

corporate social responsibility (CSR) 1719, 24

corporate zombies walk 35

corrective aspect of laughter 229

Coser, R.L. 194

Costello, M. 190, 191

counter-corporate social movements (CCSMs) xxvii, 2941

creativity 209210

Critchley, S. 193, 229

critical analysis of workplace humor xxxi–xxxii, 228240

criticism 206207

cross-cultural distinctions 152

Cruthirds, K.W. 99, 219, 222

cultural change 199200, 201

customer contact xxviii, 99110

cyberbullying 211212

Darges, F. 224

dark humor 228229, 230236, 238

Davies, W. 34

de Blasio, B. 217

decoding news stories 113115

deep acting xxviii, 101102, 103, 104108

democracy 20; in markets 2123

denigration 156

derogatory aggressive humor 150, 153159

Deschamps Report xxxi, 191, 198200

designation 33, 3536

Dickson, E.J. 220

Dickson, T. 73

differentiation 33, 3536, 126

digital content marketing xxviii, 8198

DiGormo Pizza 113

Disney Italia cartoons xxix, 118127

disparagement (superiority) theory 11, 31, 59, 6066, 70, 71, 82, 83, 135136, 217

distancing 50

diversity 86, 93, 94

dominance 238, 239

domination 156

dongles 223

double-edged sword 3839, 113, 149, 199

dramatic irony 205

Duncan, W.J. 218

Duncker candle problem 210

echoic mention theory 205

echoic reminder theory 205

ego depletion theory 100, 107

Ehrenreich, B. 1011

elaboration likelihood model (ELM) 112

e-mail 210211

emergency workers 166

emoticons 211

emotion work strategies xxviii, 99110


emotions 178, 204; communication of 204205

Engler, R.K. 224

environmental change 168169

equality 1920, 2122

ethical branding xxviii, 8198

ethics 86

ethnic humor 220224

ethnographic approach 229230

‘Everywear – Burton Menswear’ advert 137

exaggeration 211; see also hyperbole

exclusion 208

exclusionary workplace cultures xxx–xxxi, 190203

exclusivity 112113

Expo Milan 2015 Foody mascot xxix, 117131

External Review into Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Harassment in the Canadian Armed Forces (Deschamps Report) xxxi, 191, 198200

Facebook 81, 84, 8894, 95

Fair Work Australia 208

Fan, Y. 95

‘FawKing great offers’ advert 137138

‘Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life’ 117, 118

Feisal, J.P. 218

FIFA World Cup 111

financial institution 235236

Finnish online army store xxviii, 81, 8795

firefighter training xxxi, 191, 197198, 201

fit 113

fitting in 233234

Fleming, P. 230

Foody xxix, 117131

Forceville, C. 139

Ford, T.E. 222

Frankfurt School 3, 5

Frederick, W.C. 17

Fredrickson, B. xxvi, 5, 11

freedom 1516, 19, 20, 2122

Freud, S. 7, 10, 218

Friedman, M. xxvii, 14, 1520, 24

‘From Sharp minds come Sharp products’ advert 137

full comedy 70, 83, 89, 9293, 135

fun: environment 167; humor imposed by management 230231; management controlling humor 234236

functionalist approaches 228

functions of humor xxv, 8, 32

Geico 77

gender-based stereotypes 141142

general theory of verbal humor (GTVH) 133134, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143

‘Genocide beret’ 87

George, Prince 111

Gérin, A. 134

German retail stores 103108

global contrariety 121, 124

global market 136143

Golf Channel 113

government, role of 1920

Graf, L. 194, 200

Graham, E. 32

grassroots activism 4553

grounded theory approach 46

groups: banter and bonding 219; cohesion 165, 218219; evolution 195; formation 192193; in-group aggressive humor 153, 155; maturity 199; out-group aggressive humor 153154, 155

Gruner, C.R. 221222

Guagliò cartoon 123, 124

Haibo 119

Hall, J. 197

halo effect 132

handmade signs 34, 35

happiness 34, 169; formula 5

hash tags 211

Hatch, M.J. 178179

Hemmasi, M. 194, 200

hierarchies 194, 209

Hiller, H. 36, 37

Hiscock, V. 198

Hitler, A. 224

Hobbes, T. 31

Holmes, J. 49, 195, 199

honesty 86, 93, 94

hope 170

Horita, M. 178

Horkheimer, M. 3

hostile work environments xxx–xxxi, 190203, 221, 222

Hudson, K.M. 164

Huggies advertisements 140142

Hughes, L.W. 170

human resource development 164, 168169

humor climate approach 153154

Humor Climate Questionnaire (HCQ) 153, 154, 156

humor scores 67

humor styles 99, 162163; in the workplace xxix–xxx, 149160

Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ) 89, 10, 150151, 162, 163

Hurricane Sandy 113

hyperbole 6061, 63, 64, 6566, 73, 7879

hyperdetermination 134; punctual 141142

I Love Lucy 75

ideological positivism 4, 9, 10; humor and 68


imposition of humor 230234

Imus, D. 217, 223

in-group aggressive humor 153, 155

incongruity-resolution 82, 83, 123126, 133, 135136

incongruity theory 31, 59, 6061, 6263, 217; Foody cartoons 120121, 123126

individual differences 157158

individual-level psychological roles of humor 3638

infantilism 67, 6869

inferability, heuristic of 207208

information processing 111

innocent jokes 7, 218

innovation processes xxx, 177189

inside-out perspective 8485

integrity 86, 93, 94

international NGOs 45

International Society for Humor Studies 164

inter-organizational relationships 186187

interpersonal humor 89

intimacy 207208, 212

intrapsychic humor 89

ironic juxtaposition 6061, 62, 64, 6566, 7273, 7879

irony 44, 49; dramatic 205; situational 205; verbal xxxi, 204215; visual 72

IT organizations 231234, 237238

Italy 141142

James, L. 138

Jewish jokes 7, 220, 222, 224

Johnson, S. 75

Johnson & Johnson 111

jokers 236238

justice 17, 19, 22

Kant, I. 86, 95

Karim, K.H. 193, 201

Key Flag Symbol 91

Kiccoro 119

Kier, E. 199

Kimberly-Clark 140142

knowledge resources (KRs) 133134

Kraus, K. 3

Kutz-Flamenbaum, R.V. 3233

language (LA) 134, 138

laughter 133, 162, 163, 229; collaborative innovation processes 185, 187; types of 162

law firm 234235

leadership 166

‘Less bread. No jam’ advert 137

level of action 3336

level of resistance 3638

libertarian thought xxvii, 1426

Lievrouw, L.A. 44

Lightoman 179187

Lindholm, V. 87

Little Hans 7

local market 136143

logical discord 61, 6263

logical mechanism (LM) 133, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142

logical positivism 4

London Transport 137

Luthans, F. 170

Maemura, Y. 178

maladaptive humor 9

malicious joy 64, 66, 71, 75, 7879

management/managers: changing work environment and management practices 168169; controlling humor 234236; ethical branding by SMEs 9495; humor in customer contact 107108; humor and innovation processes 187; humor and leadership 166; humor as a tool of 187; imposition of humor 230234; resistance to directives through joking 236238, 238239

Marcuse, H. 3, 4, 9

markets 1920; democracy in 2123; free 1517

Marra, M. 49

Martin, R.A. 89, 10, 99, 150, 162

Martineau, W.H. 100, 154155, 157

mascots, brand xxix, 117131

Matten, D. 18

Max Mais cartoon 123, 124, 125

McGhee, P.E. 218

meat adulteration scandal 114115

mediation-analysis 105106

Menchion, T. 198

Meyer, J.C. 126

Mini John Cooper Works Roadster advert 114115

mobilization 33, 3435

mockery 6164, 6566, 70, 71

Montemurro, B. 196197

Moon, J. 18

Morizo 119

Morreall, J. 31, 163

Moss, E.M. 221

movement-level strategic roles of humor 3336

Mulkay, M. 194

multimodal discourse analysis 121122

multimodal metaphors 139

multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA) 114115

mutual coping 3637

mutual stirring 36, 37


narrative strategy (NS) 133, 138, 141

narratives 8687, 8893

Nash, W. 132

Nazism 220

negative humor 89; customer contact 99, 100101, 102103, 104108; in the workplace 149150, 167168, 220222; see also toxic workplace humor

Negative Humor Questionnaire (NHQ) 156157

negative thinking 3

negotiations 178

New Public Management 23

newsjacking xxviii–xxix, 111116

Noah, T. 217, 220

non-canonical irony 206

non-consequentialist theories of ethics 86

Noon, M. 165

Obama, B. 111

Occupy Movement (OM) 30, 3339

odd behaviors 61, 6263

Office, The 223

olive in a glass problem 210

Onkila, T.J. 23

online clothing store xxviii, 81, 8795

online verbal irony 210212

open innovation 186187

optimism 170

Oreo 111

organizational commitment 151

orientation of humorous messages 3338

Oshima, S. 179

out-group aggressive humor 153154, 155

outside-in perspective 8485

paradoxical conflicts 187

Parker, M. 231

passive-aggressive behavior 208

Peale, N.V. 5

Penn Resilience Program 6

Peppers, D. 84

perceived norm theory 157

perceptual displacement 6061, 62, 64, 6566, 7072, 7879

perceptual mapping 7879

performance, work xxx, 161176

peripheral information processing 112

personification 119, 122123

persuasion 49

Pesqueux, Y. 23, 24

Peterson, M.A. 192193

Petty, R.E. 111

Pitbull 138

Plato 162

PlayStation Portable (PSP) 139140, 143

playfulness and humor signature strength 6

Plester, B.A. 219

police 197, 199

politeness theory 206207

Pollyanna principle 205, 206

Pomina cartoon 124, 125

pornography xxxi, 191, 197198, 201

positive humor 89, 149150; benefits in the workplace xxx, 161176; customer contact 99, 100101, 102103, 104108

positive organizational behavior (POB) 169

positive organizational scholarship (POS) 169

positive psychology xxvi–xxvii, 313, 169; science of 46

power 910, 49, 51, 157; critical analysis of workplace humor 228, 229, 232234, 238, 239; exclusionary workplace cultures 194, 195, 201202

pragmatic insincerity 205206

prejudice 158

pretense theory 208

PROCESS software 104

proposals for future action 179187

psychological capital (PsyCap) xxx, 161, 170171

psychological roles of humor 3638

public mourning 36, 3738

public protesting 36, 38

public relations perspective 43

punctual hyperdetermination 141142

puns 182185, 187

putdowns 64, 65, 71, 74, 7879

PyCon technology conference 223

qualitative analysis of cartoons 120126

quality 86, 93, 94

Quinn, B.A. 200, 222223

racism 158, 220224

rape 223

Raskin, V. 132, 133

reception of proposals 181182

redundancy programs 168

referential humor 133

relief (arousal–safety) theory 31, 59, 60, 6770, 71, 82, 83, 135136, 217

Remote Association Task (RAT) 210

resilience 170

resistance: level of resistance and roles of humor in CCSMs 3638; to managerial directives 236238, 238239

resonant humor (sentimental humor) 67, 69, 76, 7879, 8283, 89, 9091, 9293, 135, 136

resonant wit (sentimental comedy) 83, 89, 9091, 9293, 135, 136

respect 86, 93, 94


responsibility 86, 93, 94

Restaurant Day 91

Richards, Adria 217, 223

Richards, Ann 223

ridicule 232

Riessman, C.K. 86, 88

Rodolfo cartoon 123

Rogers, M. 84

Rogerson-Revell, P. 4950

Romero, E.J. 99, 219, 222

Roosevelt University 224

Rosenthal, S.B. 18, 2324

Rousseau, J.-J. 21, 22

Routhly, C. 141

Roy, D.F. 161162

Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 199

Russ, G. 194, 200

Ryanair 137138, 138139, 142

Sacco, J. 224

sales meeting 237

Sandel, M. 21, 22

Sanders, T. 218

Sanghani, R. 140

sarcasm xxxi, 205, 206, 207, 209210

satire 83, 89, 9192, 9293, 135

satisfaction with co-workers 151

Sayers, J. 219

schadenfreude (malicious joy) 64, 66, 71, 75, 7879

Schein, E.H. 195, 199

Scott, D.M. 112

Scott, H. 200

script opposition (SO) 133, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142

Seinfeld 223

self-defeating humor 89, 150152, 163, 219220

self-efficacy 170

self-enhancing humor 89, 150152, 163

self-report questionnaires 67, 810

Seligman, M. xxvi, 45, 56, 7, 1011

semantic script theory of humor (SSTH) 133

sense of humor 190, 193194

sensorial aspects 123124

sentimental comedy (resonant wit) 83, 89, 9091, 9293, 135, 136

sentimental humor (resonant humor) 67, 69, 76, 7879, 8283, 89, 9091, 9293, 135, 136

Setii, S.O. 24

sex workers 166, 218

sexism 156, 157, 220224

sexual harassment xxxi, 191, 195201, 208, 231232

sexual innuendo 140

Seymour, B. 197198, 201

Sharp advert 137

Sheet Energy Straps 138139

Shocker, A.D. 24

signature strengths 6

Siltaoja, M.E. 23

Simon Fraser University xxxi, 191, 195197

Singapore 140; Public-Sector Leadership and Management program 166

situation (SI) 133, 138, 139, 140, 141

situational irony 205

Skalski, P.D. 217218

skills 216

small and medium enterprises (SMEs) xxviii, 8198

Smith, J. 218

social adeptness 216

social bonds 192193

social cohesion 33, 3435, 44, 50

social currency theory 217

social hierarchies 194, 209

social lubricant, humor as 100

social movements 2930; counter-corporate (CCSMs) xxvii, 2941; humor and 3233; movement-level strategic roles of humor 3336

social order deviancy 70, 71, 77, 7879

social sensitivity 216217

soft skills 216

softball dads 192193

Solomon, R. 24

Sony 139140, 143

Sorensen, M.J. 32

Southwest Airlines 78, 164

Spaniard’s Bay Fire Department 191, 197198, 201

Speck, P.S. 135

staff meetings 209

stakeholder theory 17

State, the 2223, 25

stereotypes 224; gender-based 141142

strategic roles of humor 3336

street theater 42, 4753

stress management 165166

Stubbe, M. 195, 199

Suarez, L. 111, 112, 113

subjectivity in humor perception 200, 232

subversive humor 167168

superiority (disparagement) theory 11, 31, 59, 6066, 70, 71, 82, 83, 135136, 217

supervisor–subordinate relationships 151152

surface acting 101, 102103, 104108

surprise 6061, 63, 64, 6566, 7374, 7879

Sutton, B. 217

‘Sweater Day’ video xxxi, 191, 195197

Swift, J. 10


taboos 67, 6869

Tacitus 228

target (TA) 133, 134, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142

task persistence 152

TBWA 139

team building 218

teasing 910, 208, 219

tendentious jokes 7, 218

theories of humor 3031, 6070, 8283, 132134, 217218; general theory of verbal humor (GTVH) 133134, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143; incongruity 31, 59, 6061, 6263, 120121, 123126, 217; incongruity-resolution 82, 83, 123126, 133, 135136; relief/arousal–safety 31, 59, 60, 6770, 71, 82, 83, 135136, 217; superiority/disparagement 11, 31, 59, 6066, 70, 71, 82, 83, 135136, 217

Thompson, D. 216

tickle adverts 135143

time pressure xxviii, 99110

timing 112113

Tocqueville, A. de xxvii, 14, 2122

Toxic Office Clean Up 4750

toxic workplace humor xxxi, 217, 222224

Trump, D. 5, 217

Tsakona, V. 134

TV adverts recast on YouTube xxviii, 5980

Twitter 211

types of humor: content marketing xxviii, 5980; origins of 8283; SMEs’ ethical branding 8696

tyranny 1516

University of Pennsylvania Positive Psychology Center 6

unlaughter 229

unmotivated looking 179

unruliness 67, 68, 7576, 7879

uranium 46

Urban Outfitters 113

Urde, M. 82, 84, 85

values 8485; ethical 86; SMEs and ethical branding 8994, 9495

vampire effect 135

Van Leeuwen, T. 122

Varol, O. 32, 34, 35

Varusteleka 81, 8795

Veet 111

verbal humor 133, 137139; and visual humor 139142

verbal irony xxxi, 204215; benefits and drawbacks 212; varieties of 205207

‘Vertumno’ (Arcimboldo) 118

VIA scale (values-in-action) scale 6, 10

Vice Magazine 198

visual aberrations 61, 6263

visual humor 139142

visual irony 72

weight judging paradigm 120121

well-being 151

Wendy’s 74

‘We’re Dads, Huggies. Not Dummies’ petition 141

West Australian anti-nuclear movement (WA ANM) 4553

Wicks, A.C. 17

‘Wifebeater shirt’ 87

Williams, C. 223

Wolfe, L. 222

Wolinski, G. 29

Wood, D.J. 18

WorkJoke 219

workplace 204; critical analysis of workplace humor xxxi–xxxii, 228240; effects of humor in xxxi, 216227; humor styles in xxix–xxx, 149160; negative humor 149150, 167168, 220222; outcomes from the use of humor 164165; toxic workplace humor xxxi, 217, 222224; value of positive humor xxx, 161176; verbal irony in 209212

workplace culture 167; exclusionary xxx–xxxi, 190203

workshops on business models 179187

Young, C. 200201

Youssef, C. 170

YouTube recasts of TV adverts xxviii, 5980

Zapata, G. 217

zombies walk 35

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