Chapter 14. Particle Systems

In this chapter, you’ll get back to work on the 3D game you’ve been building throughout most of the 3D section of this book. Specifically, you’ll be adding some particle effects to your game. Particle effects allow game developers to create exciting and realistic special effects such as smoke, fire, explosions, magic, and other effects that can make the gameplay experience more exciting and attractive.

To start with, let’s talk about particles. What is a particle? In game development terms, a particle typically represents a single component in a particle effect. A single spark in a firework, a single element in a smoke plume, and a single flickering light in a magical effect are all examples of particles. The combination of multiple particles flowing in a single special effect is what’s called a particle effect.

Particle engines are the driving mechanism behind particle effects. A particle engine manipulates multiple particles to create a particle effect by applying forces such as gravity and momentum to make the particles move and react in realistic ways.

Throughout this chapter, you’ll create a particle engine that creates explosion particle effects that you’ll plug into your game when a shot strikes an enemy ship.

Creating a Particle Engine

So let’s get to it. First, let’s examine what each individual particle will look like so we can get a better handle on what we’re trying to do. Each individual particle will be represented by four vertices, forming a square. You’ve done this before, so it shouldn’t be anything revolutionary. Also, you’ll be drawing a texture onto that square. The texture you’ll use is shown in Figure 14-1.

Texture for your particles
Figure 14-1. Texture for your particles

The actual texture file is simply a white shaded dot, as shown in Figure 14-1, but with a transparent background. The image in Figure 14-1 has a black background to give it some context in this book. If you haven’t already, download the source code for this chapter of the book. In the 3D Game3D GameContentTextures folder, you’ll find an image file called particle.png. Add it to your project by right-clicking the 3D GameContentTextures folder in Solution Explorer, selecting AddExisting Item…, and then navigating to the particle.png file and selecting it.

Each of your particles will be a ball of light, shaded like the texture shown previously. But what fun is an explosion of white particles? You’ll want to add some random color to each particle. To do this, you’ll use another texture, which is shown in Figure 14-2.

Texture containing random colors for your particles
Figure 14-2. Texture containing random colors for your particles

This texture will be used as a color map representing all the possible colors of your particles. Each time a particle is created, you’ll be pulling a random pixel from this texture, getting its color data, and assigning that to the new particle. Why use a picture of a red-hot sun? Simply because the reds, blacks, whites, and yellows in this texture represent a lot of colors you’d typically see in an explosion. In truth, you could swap this texture out for any texture you prefer and use those colors for your pixels. Go ahead and add this texture to your solution. In the 3D Game3D GameContentTextures folder, you’ll find an image file called ParticleColors.png. Add it to your project by right-clicking the 3D GameContentTextures folder in Solution Explorer, selecting AddExisting Item…, and then navigating to the ParticleColors.png file and selecting it.

OK, now that we have an idea of how this will work, let’s get to the code. You’ll be creating three new classes in this section: ParticleSettings, which will hold settings for individual particles; ParticleExplosionSettings, which will hold settings for individual explosions; and ParticleExplosion, which represents a single explosion effect and will be responsible for moving, updating, and drawing all the particles involved in an explosion effect.

Create a new class within your project called ParticleSettings, and replace the contents of the ParticleSettings.cs file with the following code:

namespace _3D_Game
    class ParticleSettings
        // Size of particle
        public int maxSize = 2;

    class ParticleExplosionSettings
        // Life of particles
        public int minLife = 1000;
        public int maxLife = 2000;

        // Particles per round
        public int minParticlesPerRound = 100;
        public int maxParticlesPerRound = 600;

        // Round time
        public int minRoundTime = 16;
        public int maxRoundTime = 50;

        // Number of particles
        public int minParticles = 2000;
        public int maxParticles = 3000;

As you can see, the only setting at the particle level is the maximum size of each particle. When the ParticleExplosion class creates particles, it will create them with a size greater than zero and less than this maximum size.

In the ParticleExplosionSettings class, located in the same code file, there are more settings. (In C#, it’s perfectly legal to have multiple classes within the same file, and because these two classes are so closely related, it makes sense to put them both in your ParticleSettings.cs file.) The settings in this class define different aspects of the particle effect, such as how long the effect lasts, how many particles are used in the effect, etc. All of this is explained in more detail in the following list.

Essentially, your ParticleExplosion class, when completed, will function as follows:

  • Each particle in your explosion will be represented by four vertices, forming a square, with a colored texture drawn on the square.

  • When an instance of ParticleExplosion is created, you’ll fill a VertexBuffer which will contain the vertex data for your particles. The number of particles created by the explosion will be between the minParticles and maxParticles values you defined. Therefore, the size of your vertex array will be the number of particles times four (four vertices for each particle).

  • Your ParticleExplosion class will function in what we’ll call “rounds” of particles. A round is simply a time period indicating when new particles will be released from the explosion. Rounds will begin every X milliseconds, where X is between your minRoundTime and maxRoundTime settings. Every round, some number of particles between minParticlesPerRound and maxParticlesPerRound will be released from the explosion.

  • Once the number of particles released by the ParticleExplosion class reaches the max number of particles, the explosion will not create any more particles.

  • Every time the Update method is called in the ModelManager class, the Update method of the ParticleExplosion class will be called. This method will cycle through all active particles and update their positions. Because we’re in outer space, there are no external forces such as gravity to deal with, so the particles will just move in a straight line designated by the direction stored in another array.

  • A particle engine is also responsible for killing off particles once they expire. That is the purpose of the minLife and maxLife settings in your code. Each ParticleExplosion will be given a lifetime value greater than minLife and less than maxLife. Once the lifetime time limit has been reached for an explosion, it begins retiring particles in each round.

  • Once all particles are retired, the explosion is over and will be deleted.

OK, now that you have an idea of how the ParticleExplosion class will work, let’s throw it together. Create a new class within your project called ParticleExplosion. Make sure that you have the following namespaces at the top of the file:

using System;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;

Next, add the following class-level variables:

// Particle arrays and vertex buffer
VertexPositionTexture[] verts;
Vector3[] vertexDirectionArray;
Color[] vertexColorArray;
VertexBuffer particleVertexBuffer;

// Position
Vector3 position;

// Life
int lifeLeft;

// Rounds and particle counts
int numParticlesPerRound;
int maxParticles;
static Random rnd = new Random();
int roundTime;
int timeSinceLastRound = 0;

// Vertex and graphics info
GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice;

// Settings
ParticleSettings particleSettings;

// Effect
Effect particleEffect;

// Textures
Texture2D particleColorsTexture;

// Array indices
int endOfLiveParticlesIndex = 0;
int endOfDeadParticlesIndex = 0;

Here’s a rundown of what these variables will be used for:


An array of VertexPositionTexture objects that will store all vertices for all particles.


An array of Vector3 objects that will store the direction of each particle.


An array of Color objects that will store the color of each particle.


The vertex buffer you’ll use to draw the particles.


The position of the explosion, or the position from which new particles will emanate. This is also the position of the ship that was shot, triggering the explosion.


How much life is left in the explosion before particles start being deleted.


How many particles to create each round, and how many to remove each round once the explosion has no more life left.


The total number of particles to be created by this explosion.


A random object from the Game1 class passed in via the constructor. This object is static because you want only one of these to exist for all explosion instances.


The amount of time between particle rounds.


A counter to keep track of how much time is left until the next round begins.


The graphics device passed in from the Game1 class.


An instance of the ParticleSettings class, to apply those settings to particles being created.


The HLSL effect that you’ll be using to draw your particles.


This texture will contain a Texture2D object that is actually a picture of an explosion. It will be used to determine random colors for each of your particles.

endOfLiveParticlesIndex and endOfDeadParticlesIndex

Indices into the array of Particles. The entire array is instantiated when the explosion class is instantiated, but the only particles that are drawn are those that exist between the endOfDeadParticlesIndex and the endOfLiveParticlesIndex. As new particles are “created” each round, the endOfLiveParticlesIndex moves down the array. As new particles are “deleted” each round, the endOfDeadParticlesIndex moves down the list. Each time particles are drawn, the only ones being drawn are those that reside between the two indices.

Figure 14-3 provides a graphical explanation of how the array of Particles in the ParticleExplosion class functions. As the endOfDeadParticlesIndex and endOfLiveParticlesIndex move from left to right, particles between the two indices are drawn. Particles to the left of both indices are dead, whereas particles to the right of both indices are not yet alive.

The Particle array
Figure 14-3. The Particle array

You’ll also need to provide a way for the ModelManager class to determine when an explosion is finished. Add the following public property to the ParticleExplosion class:

public bool IsDead
    get { return endOfDeadParticlesIndex == maxParticles; }

Next, add a constructor to the ParticleExplosion class, as shown here:

public ParticleExplosion(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Vector3 position,
    int lifeLeft, int roundTime, int numParticlesPerRound, int maxParticles,
    Texture2D particleColorsTexture, ParticleSettings particleSettings, 
    Effect particleEffect)
    this.position = position;
    this.lifeLeft = lifeLeft;
    this.numParticlesPerRound = numParticlesPerRound;
    this.maxParticles = maxParticles;
    this.roundTime = roundTime;
    this.graphicsDevice = graphicsDevice;
    this.particleSettings = particleSettings;
    this.particleEffect = particleEffect;
    this.particleColorsTexture = particleColorsTexture;



As you can see, there’s not a lot of magic happening here. Most of the logic in the constructor is there just to copy the data from the parameters to the class-level variables. At the end of the constructor, there’s a call to InitializeParticles. This method will instantiate the particle arrays and vertex buffer, setting positions, random directions, random colors, and random sizes for each particle. Add the InitializeParticles method next, as follows:

private void InitializeParticleVertices()
    // Instantiate all particle arrays
    verts = new VertexPositionTexture[maxParticles * 4];
    vertexDirectionArray = new Vector3[maxParticles];
    vertexColorArray = new Color[maxParticles];

    // Get color data from colors texture
    Color[] colors = new Color[particleColorsTexture.Width *

    // Loop until max particles
    for (int i = 0; i < maxParticles; ++i)
        float size = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * particleSettings.maxSize;

        // Set position, direction and size of particle
        verts[i * 4] = new VertexPositionTexture(position, new Vector2(0, 0));
        verts[(i * 4) + 1] = new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(position.X, 
            position.Y + size, position.Z), new Vector2(0, 1));
        verts[(i * 4) + 2] = new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(position.X + size, 
            position.Y, position.Z), new Vector2(1, 0));
        verts[(i * 4) + 3] = new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(position.X + size, 
            position.Y + size, position.Z), new Vector2(1, 1));

        // Create a random velocity/direction
        Vector3 direction = new Vector3(
            (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 2 - 1,
            (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 2 - 1,
            (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 2 - 1);

        // Multiply by NextDouble to make sure that
        // all particles move at random speeds
        direction *= (float)rnd.NextDouble();

        // Set direction of particle
        vertexDirectionArray[i] = direction;

        // Set color of particle by getting a random color from the texture
        vertexColorArray[i] = colors[(
            rnd.Next(0, particleColorsTexture.Height) * particleColorsTexture.Width) + 
            rnd.Next(0, particleColorsTexture.Width)];


    // Instantiate vertex buffer
    particleVertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(graphicsDevice, 
        typeof(VertexPositionTexture), verts.Length, BufferUsage.None);

There’s a lot going on here, so let’s walk through it.

First, you’re instantiating the three arrays that will store the data for your particles (verts, vertexDirectionArray, and vertexColorArray). Note that the direction and color arrays are set to the size of maxParticles, whereas the vertex array is set to maxParticles * 4. This is because the vertex array will actually store four vertices for each particle.

Next, you’re creating an array of Color objects and using the GetData method from the particleColorsTexture object to fill the array. The GetData method of the Texture2D object will copy the color data from the texture into an array of type Color. You’ll be using this colors array later on to assign random colors to particles.

Then, in the for loop, you build four vertices for each particle, using a random size and setting the texture UV coordinates accordingly. You also build a random direction for each particle and assign it to the direction array.

You may have noticed the call to Normalize the direction vector, after the random XYZ values are generated. Why would you need to do that? If you didn’t, instead of your explosion particles exploding in a nice sphere, they would explode in a cube formation. The reason? The range of random values used to create the vector in the first place is from −1 to 1 in X, Y, and Z. This will result in the longest vector horizontally being (1, 0, 0) and the longest vector diagonally being (1, 1, 1), which, when hundreds of particles are created using these random direction vectors, will result in a cube formation. Remember that Normalize will make all vectors have a length of 1, so normalizing the vectors will maintain the random directions, but will change the magnitude of all the vectors to 1. That means you’ll have a nice spherical shape—but it also means that all the particles will have the same speed, which is not what you want. To fix that problem, you multiply the vectors by a call to the NextDouble method from the Random object, which will vary the lengths of the vectors.

Finally, at the end of the for loop you pull a random color from the texture color array you built earlier in the method and assign it to each particle via the vertexColorArray.

At the end of the InitializeParticleVertices method, you instantiate the vertex buffer you’ll use to draw the particles.

Now you’ll need to code the Update method of the ParticleExplosion class. This method will be responsible for moving the particles, as well as adding new particles each round and removing old particles each round. Add the method as follows:

public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
    // Decrement life left until it's gone
    if (lifeLeft > 0)
        lifeLeft -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;

    // Time for new round?
    timeSinceLastRound += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
    if (timeSinceLastRound > roundTime)
        // New round - add and remove particles
        timeSinceLastRound -= roundTime;

        // Increment end of live particles index each
        // round until end of list is reached
        if (endOfLiveParticlesIndex < maxParticles)
            endOfLiveParticlesIndex += numParticlesPerRound;
            if (endOfLiveParticlesIndex > maxParticles)
                endOfLiveParticlesIndex = maxParticles;
        if (lifeLeft <= 0)
            // Increment end of dead particles index each
            // round until end of list is reached
            if (endOfDeadParticlesIndex < maxParticles)
                endOfDeadParticlesIndex += numParticlesPerRound;
                if (endOfDeadParticlesIndex > maxParticles)
                    endOfDeadParticlesIndex = maxParticles;

    // Update positions of all live particles
    for (int i = endOfDeadParticlesIndex;
        i < endOfLiveParticlesIndex; ++i)
        verts[i * 4].Position += vertexDirectionArray[i];
        verts[(i * 4) + 1].Position += vertexDirectionArray[i];
        verts[(i * 4) + 2].Position += vertexDirectionArray[i];
        verts[(i * 4) + 3].Position += vertexDirectionArray[i];


Let’s take a closer look at the logic in this method. The method first decrements the lifeLeft variable by the amount of time that has passed since the last call to Update. Remember that when the lifeLeft variable hits zero, you’ll start removing particles each round.

Next, the timeSinceLastRound counter is incremented and checked to determine whether a new round should begin. If it is time for a new round, new particles are added to the list of drawn particles by incrementing the value of the endOfLiveParticlesIndex variable. If the index variable is already at the end of the array (designated by maxParticles), no more particles are added to the list of particles to draw.

Then, the lifeLeft variable is checked to see whether its value is less than 1 (indicating that the explosion’s life is over). If that is the case, the endOfDeadParticlesIndex variable is incremented, which will cause particles to be removed from the list of drawn particles. Once the endOfDeadParticlesIndex variable reaches the end of the array, it will not move any further, and the IsDead property you added earlier will return true (indicating to the ModelManager that the explosion has run its course and is ready for deletion).

Finally, the method updates the positions of all particles that are in the list to be drawn (i.e., all particles between the endOfDeadParticlesIndex and endOfLiveParticlesIndex variables).

Very nice. We’re getting close to the end! All you have to do now is code up a Draw method for the explosion. This code should be pretty straightforward, as it’s no different than the code that you’ve written to draw with previously:

public void Draw(Camera camera)

    // Only draw if there are live particles
    if (endOfLiveParticlesIndex - endOfDeadParticlesIndex > 0)
        for (int i = endOfDeadParticlesIndex; i < endOfLiveParticlesIndex; ++i)
                camera.view * camera.projection);

            // Draw particles
            foreach (EffectPass pass in particleEffect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)

                    verts, i * 4, 2);


The camera data is passed into the method as the only parameter. The first thing the method does is assign the vertex buffer to the graphics device.

Then, you’ll check to see whether there are any particles left to draw in this explosion. You’ll want to draw only if there are actually particles that need to be drawn (meaning that there are some particles in the array between the two index variables). If there are particles to draw, you begin looping through all live particles in the array.

For each live particle, you set the parameters of the Effect. There are two effect parameters: one you should be familiar with by now, representing the world, view, and projection matrices; and another representing the color for that particle.

Next, you loop through each of the passes in the effect and begin the pass by calling Apply. Notice the call to DrawUserPrimitives and the fact that it uses PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip for drawing. Also, notice that the index of the particle (the variable i from your for loop) provides the key to find the spot where you should start pulling data from your vertex array. There are four vertices per particle, so i * 4 will give you the starting point for each particle. The final parameter is how many primitives (in this case, two) you want to draw.

That’s all there is to it. You now have a custom vertex, some settings classes to help determine how things will function, and an explosion class to manipulate and draw your particles. Very impressive! Now it’s time to create the effect file you’ll use to draw your particles.

Adding a Particle Effect File

First, you’ll want to create a folder for your effects. Right-click the Content node in Solution Explorer and select AddNew Folder. Name the folder Effects. Then, right-click the new ContentEffects folder and select AddNew Item…. Select the Effect File template on the right side of the window and name the file Particle.fx, as shown in Figure 14-4.

Creating a new effect file for your particles
Figure 14-4. Creating a new effect file for your particles

Replace all of the code in your new Particle.fx file with the following effect code:

float4x4 WorldViewProjection;
Texture theTexture;
float4 particleColor;

sampler ColoredTextureSampler = sampler_state
	texture = <theTexture> ;
	magfilter = LINEAR;
	minfilter = LINEAR;
	mipfilter= POINT;
	AddressU = Clamp;
	AddressV = Clamp;

struct VertexShaderInput
	float4 Position : POSITION0;
	float2 textureCoordinates : TEXCOORD0;

struct VertexShaderOutput
	float4 Position : POSITION0;
	float2 textureCoordinates : TEXCOORD0;

struct PixelShaderInput
	float2 textureCoordinates : TEXCOORD0;

VertexShaderOutput VertexShaderFunction(VertexShaderInput input)
	VertexShaderOutput output;
	output.Position = mul(input.Position, WorldViewProjection);
	output.textureCoordinates = input.textureCoordinates;
	return output;

float4 PixelShaderFunction(PixelShaderInput input) : COLOR0
	float4 color = tex2D( ColoredTextureSampler, input.textureCoordinates);
	color.r = particleColor.r * color.a;
	color.g = particleColor.g * color.a;
	color.b = particleColor.b * color.a;
	return color;

technique Technique1
	pass Pass1
		VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VertexShaderFunction( );
		PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PixelShaderFunction( );

Most of this code should be somewhat familiar to you, as it’s very similar to some of the examples in the previous chapter. Notice that you have a texture and a texture sampler. The texture coordinates are sent into the vertex shader input, then sent out to the vertex shader output, and finally into the pixel shader input.

Also notice the particleColor variable at the top of the file. This is the variable to which you assigned a random color for each particle. In your pixel shader function you can see that the method first pulls the color of the pixel from the texture for the particle. Remember earlier in the chapter when we discussed the two textures you’ll use for each particle? The texture we’re talking about now is the particle.png texture—the shaded white circle. Next, the pixel shader function modifies the color pulled from the particle.png texture by assigning it the RBG values from the color you passed into the effect (which was the random color you assigned it from the particleColors.png texture) and multiplying those values by the alpha value from the pixel. This allows you to keep the nice, round, shaded circle for each particle but also give the pixel the random color you wanted.

Why multiply the pixel color by the alpha value? Remember, your particles are square: you’re just putting a circle-shaped texture on them so they don’t look square. If you ignore the alpha (transparent) value for each pixel and simply slap a color on them, each pixel in the square will be drawn with that color, and you’d end up with lame-looking square particles. And come on, admit it, nobody wants square particles.

Adding Your Particle Engine to Your Game

Now that you have an effect and a particle engine, you need to modify your code to create explosions when ships are hit.

Open the ModelManager class, and let’s get to work on adding some cool explosions to your game. Add the following class-level variables:

List<ParticleExplosion> explosions = new List<ParticleExplosion>();
ParticleExplosionSettings particleExplosionSettings = new ParticleExplosionSettings();
ParticleSettings particleSettings = new ParticleSettings();
Texture2D explosionTexture;
Texture2D explosionColorsTexture;
Effect explosionEffect;

These variables are all pretty self-explanatory: you have a list of ParticleExplosions so your class can update and draw them; an instance of both settings classes for your particles; and Effect and Texture2D objects for drawing your particles, an explosion texture, an explosion colors texture, and an effect.

Next, you’ll need to load the resources for your particles, set the current technique of your particle effect, and set the texture for that effect as well. Modify the LoadContent method in your ModelManager class as follows:

protected override void LoadContent()
    // Load explosion textures and effect
    explosionTexture = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"TexturesParticle");
    explosionColorsTexture = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"TexturesParticleColors");
    explosionEffect = Game.Content.Load<Effect>(@"effectsparticle");

    // Set effect parameters that don't change per particle
    explosionEffect.CurrentTechnique = explosionEffect.Techniques["Technique1"];


In addition to loading your texture and effect, this code sets the current technique and the texture parameters of the effect, as those will not change throughout the course of the game.

Now, in the UpdateShots method of the ModelManager, you’ll need to find the place where you determine whether a shot hits a ship. It’s the only place in the class where you’re calling the BasicModel CollidesWith method. The current code should look something like this:

if (shots[i].CollidesWith(models[j].GetModel,
    models[j].GetWorld(  )))
    // Collision! remove the ship and the shot.

Add the following lines of code at the top of the block, within that if(... CollidesWith...) statement (added lines are in bold):

if (shots[i].CollidesWith(models[j].GetModel,
    models[j].GetWorld(  )))
    // Collision! add an explosion.
    explosions.Add(new ParticleExplosion(GraphicsDevice,
        explosionColorsTexture, particleSettings,

    // Remove the ship and the shot

This might look like a lot of code, but really all it’s doing is creating a new ParticleExplosion using the location of the ship (via the ship’s world matrix Translation method) and using random values for the settings, as defined in your settings classes.

Although this will create an explosion, your class still needs to update the explosion and draw it in each frame. Add the following method to the ModelManager class to update explosions and remove them once they are finished:

protected void UpdateExplosions(GameTime gameTime)
    // Loop through and update explosions
    for (int i = 0; i < explosions.Count; ++i)
        // If explosion is finished, remove it
        if (explosions[i].IsDead)

Then, call the UpdateExplosions method at the end of the Update method, just before the call to base.Update:

// Update explosions

This code will update each explosion in the list by calling the explosion’s Update method. In addition, if an explosion is finished (determined by the IsDead accessor), it is removed from the list.

Finally, in the Draw method of your ModelManager class, add the following code to loop through all explosions and call their Draw methods immediately before the call to base.Draw:

// Loop through and draw each particle explosion
foreach (ParticleExplosion pe in explosions)

Boom! You’re ready to go! Nice work. Compile and run the game and see what happens when you blow an enemy to oblivion. You should see a cool explosion effect like the one pictured in Figure 14-5.

Luke: “Got ‘im! I got ‘im!” Han: “Great, kid. Don’t get cocky.”
Figure 14-5. Luke: “Got ‘im! I got ‘im!” Han: “Great, kid. Don’t get cocky.”

Adding a Starfield

Given the way that you’ve created your particles and your particle engine, you’re perfectly set up for creating a field of stars in the background to make this look more like outer space. To do this, you’ll need to create a new version of your ParticleExplosion class that treats the particles a little bit differently. For example, the particles you use for stars in the background won’t move around the screen the way the ones in the explosions do. You also won’t be deleting stars from the list of stars to draw, nor will your star particle engine die out at some time: the stars will be the same at the end of the game as they were at the beginning.

Add a new class to your project by right-clicking the solution and selecting AddClass…. Name the class ParticleStarSheet. Then, replace the code in the file that is generated with the following:

using System;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;

namespace _3D_Game
    class ParticleStarSheet
        // Particle arrays and vertex buffer
        VertexPositionTexture[] verts;
        Color[] vertexColorArray;
        VertexBuffer particleVertexBuffer;

        // Behavior variables
        Vector3 maxPosition;
        int maxParticles;
        static Random rnd = new Random();

        // Vertex and graphics info
        GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice;

        // Settings
        ParticleSettings particleSettings;

        // Effect
        Effect particleEffect;

        // Textures
        Texture2D particleColorsTexture;

        public ParticleStarSheet(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice,
            Vector3 maxPosition, int maxParticles, Texture2D particleColorsTexture, 
            ParticleSettings particleSettings, Effect particleEffect)
            this.maxParticles = maxParticles;
            this.graphicsDevice = graphicsDevice;
            this.particleSettings = particleSettings;
            this.particleEffect = particleEffect;
            this.particleColorsTexture = particleColorsTexture;
            this.maxPosition = maxPosition;



        private void InitializeParticleVertices()
            // Instantiate all particle arrays
            verts = new VertexPositionTexture[maxParticles * 4];
            vertexColorArray = new Color[maxParticles];            // Get color data from colors texture
            Color[] colors = new Color[particleColorsTexture.Width *

            // Loop until max particles
            for (int i = 0; i < maxParticles; ++i)
                float size = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * particleSettings.maxSize;

                Vector3 position = new Vector3(
                    rnd.Next(-(int)maxPosition.X, (int)maxPosition.X),
                    rnd.Next(-(int)maxPosition.Y, (int)maxPosition.Y),

                // Set position and size of particle
                verts[i * 4] = new VertexPositionTexture(position, new Vector2(0, 0));
                verts[(i * 4) + 1] = new VertexPositionTexture(
                    new Vector3(position.X, position.Y + size, position.Z), 
                    new Vector2(0, 1));
                verts[(i * 4) + 2] = new VertexPositionTexture(
                    new Vector3(position.X + size, position.Y, position.Z),
                    new Vector2(1, 0));
                verts[(i * 4) + 3] = new VertexPositionTexture(
                    new Vector3(position.X + size, position.Y + size, position.Z), 
                    new Vector2(1, 1));

                // Set color of particle by getting a random color from the texture
                vertexColorArray[i] = colors[(rnd.Next(0,
                    particleColorsTexture.Height) * 
                    particleColorsTexture.Width) + 
                    rnd.Next(0, particleColorsTexture.Width)];


            // Instantiate vertex buffer
            particleVertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(graphicsDevice,
                typeof(VertexPositionTexture), verts.Length, BufferUsage.None);


        public void Draw(Camera camera)

            for (int i = 0; i < maxParticles; ++i)
                    camera.view * camera.projection);

                // Draw particles
                foreach (EffectPass pass in particleEffect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)

                        verts, i * 4, 2);


I won’t go into a lot of detail about this class, because there’s nothing here that you didn’t see in the previous class you created. One key difference is that this class accepts a Vector3 parameter called maxPosition. Whereas the ParticleExplosion class used the position of the exploding ship as an initial position for all its particles, this class will instead use random X and Y values and a constant Z value for the positions of all of its particles. This maxPosition variable is used in such a way that all star particles will have positions between -maxPosition.X and +maxPosition.X, -maxPosition.Y and +maxPosition.Y, and maxPosition.Z.

The other key difference between this class and the ParticleExplosion class is that this class draws all particles in the array and doesn’t move or delete them (notice the Update method is missing altogether). All the logic for rounds is gone as well.

To use this class, you’ll want to add a different texture for the stars. Stars will be more white and yellow than the particles in your explosions, which are often red and brown. In the 3D Game3D GameContentTextures folder included with the source code for this chapter, there is a file called Stars.png. Add it to your project by right-clicking the 3D GameContentTexturesfolder in Solution Explorer, selecting AddExisting Item…, and navigating to the Stars.png file and selecting it.

Now, add the following class-level variables to your ModelManager class:

ParticleStarSheet stars;
Effect starEffect;
Texture2D starTexture;

Next, in the LoadContent method of your ModelManager class, add the following code just before the call to base.LoadContent:

// Load star texture and effect
starTexture = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"texturesstars");
starEffect = explosionEffect.Clone();
starEffect.CurrentTechnique = starEffect.Techniques["Technique1"];

// Initialize particle star sheet
stars = new ParticleStarSheet(
    new Vector3(2000, 2000, -1900),
    1500, starTexture,

In this code, you first load the texture into the Texture2D object, and then you take the explosion effect and make a copy of it using the Clone method. This will create a duplicate (but separate) effect. You do this so you can set the theTexture variable within the HLSL file differently for stars and explosions.

The other thing you’re doing here is creating an initial starfield. This is done here because stars will exist throughout the game, rather than only at certain times such as with the explosions. Notice also that you’re assigning the explosionTexture to the theTexture parameter of the star effect. This is because you’ll still use that texture to create the round shape of the stars. You’re using the new starTexture only for the color of the stars, which is why you pass it into the constructor of the ParticleStarSheet object.

Your stars never need to be updated because they won’t ever move, so all that’s left to do is to add a line of code that will draw the stars. Add the following line to the Draw method of your ModelManager class just before the call to base.Draw:


Not bad at all. You’re now using your Particle struct for stars and explosions. Compile and run the game and see how much better it looks with some stars in the background. You should see something like the image shown in Figure 14-6.

Well, you’re almost done. The game is looking nice, and things are really coming together. All that’s left now is to add some scoring and make your game levels work, and you’ll have finished your first awesome XNA 3D game!

Stars make the game look much more realistic
Figure 14-6. Stars make the game look much more realistic

What You Just Did

Before we get into all of that, let’s review what you did this chapter:

  • You learned about particles and particle systems.

  • You created a particle engine that moves, adds, and removes particles to create a sphere-shaped explosion.

  • You created an HLSL effect file that sets the shape of a particle based on one texture and the color based on a different texture.

  • You created a starfield background using a modified particle engine that draws particles but doesn’t remove them or move them around.


  • A particle is simply a way of representing a single element within a group of elements that form a particle effect, such as an explosion or some magical spell effect.

  • A particle engine is a mechanism that manipulates, adds, removes, and draws particles to make up a particle effect. Often, particle engines simulate gravity and other external forces to make particle effects look more realistic.

  • Particle engines can be used for more than just cool effects. You can build things such as star sheets with a very similar model.

  • Anyone who knows XNA and can create sweet particle effects will have more friends than they know what to do with.

Test Your Knowledge: Quiz

  1. What is a particle engine?

  2. Why were there two textures used for the particles in your explosion? What was the purpose of each?

  3. What are texture (U, V) coordinates?

  4. According to Napoleon Dynamite’s Uncle Rico, how far could Uncle Rico throw a “pigskin” back in 1982?

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