

Aarhenius law, 224

AC/AC direct converter, 514

AC/AC matrix converters, 455, 456, 479; see also Current commutation; Direct AC/AC converter analysis

All Electric Aircraft concept, 455

bi-directional power switches, 458, 459

clamping reactive energy, 461

designing PWM algorithm, 458

Frenic-MX, 455

inductive load, 456

null-states, 458

possible space vector positions, 457458

power switch implementation, 458459

rotating vectors, 457

stationary vectors, 457

Varispeed F7, 455

voltage sources, 456

Yaskawa’s AC7 Matrix Converter, 455

Accelerated tests, 229; see also Lifetime

acceleration factor, 230

activation energy method, 229231

for electronic equipment, 229

intermittent operating life test, 233

for power cycling, 232234

principle power cycling, 233

temperature cycling, 231232

for thermal related wear-out, 230

time-to-failure, 230

voltage related acceleration factor, 231

Acceleration factor, 228, 230

voltage related, 231

Accelerator TM, 265

AC/DC converter, 9; see also Adjustable speed drives (ASD)

AC/DC current source converter, 437, 439

AC/DC grid interface, 363; see also Closed loop current control methods; Diode rectifier; Grid synchronization; Pulse width modulation control

AC side inductance, 364365, 367

bridge converter and output voltage waveforms, 366

conduction time interval, 365

DC bus voltage, 364, 367

DC side inductance, 364

exercises, 405406

GTO device uses, 366

high harmonic grid currents, 363

output voltage control, 363

overvoltage at switching, 364

power converters, 363

power semiconductor devices, 363

pulses within grid current, 367

PWM controller, 364

rectifier bridge output, 367

AC/DC SCR-based rectifier, 433

AC filter, 492

Activation energy, 224225

method, 229

Active filter, 383, 385

Active gate drivers, 48; see also High-power semiconductor devices; Insular gate bipolar transistor (IGBT)

active voltage balancing circuit, 48

implementation, 50

modern gate drivers, 49

principle circuits for, 49

unequal voltage sharing across IGBTs, 48

Active injection circuits, 383, 385

Adjustable speed drives (ASD), 8; see also Power electronics

AC/DC converter, 9

brake circuit, 1112

controller, 1314

DC capacitor bank, 10

DC reactor, 11

intermediate circuit, 10

motor connection, 13

protection circuits, 12

sensors, 12

soft-charge circuit, 11

three-phase, 9

three-phase inverter, 12

Advanced control systems, 222

Advanced Electrical Power Systems (AEPS), 293

AEPS, see Advanced Electrical Power Systems (AEPS)

All Electric Aircraft concept, 455


capacitors, 9192

heat-sink, 296

Analog Devices’ ADMC201/./331, 265

Application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC), 13, 245, 282

ASD, see Adjustable speed drives (ASD)

ASIC, see Application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC)

Automotive sector, 4; see also Transportation electrification systems


Back-EMF voltage, 450

Bartlett window, 538

Bi-directional power switches, 458, 459

Bi-directional power transfer with ZVT, 325; see also Zero-voltage transition (ZVT)

output filter effect on resonant operation, 326

power stage with dual module, 326

resonant capacitors voltage, 327

resonant operation, 326

three-phase system with resonant circuits, 327

B4 inverter, 346; see also Z-source inverter

asymmetrical phase voltages, 350

constraints, 351

controlling through sinusoidal references, 348

definition of PWM algorithms, 351353

drawback of, 350

phase shifted references, 349

phase voltage generation, 346

pole voltages, 347

states and voltages, 347

topology, 342

vectorial analysis of, 346351

vectorial representation, 349

voltage variation influence and compensation, 353355

voltage vector on circular trajectory, 350

waveforms in fundamental frequency, 347

Blackman window, 538

BLDC motor, see Brushless DC motor (BLDC motor)

Boltzman constant, 224

Boost converter, 369; see also Insular gate bipolar transistor (IGBT)

grid interface control, 369

second harmonic in reference signal, 369370

single-switch three-phase, 372

Boost DC/DC converter, 421

power transfer through, 423

Boost inductance, 368369


capacitor, 302

diode, 302

power supply, 302, 303

Brake circuit, 1112; see also Adjustable speed drives (ASD)

Brushless DC motor (BLDC motor), 245

BSIMProPlus, 236

BTABERT, see RelXpert

Buck converter, 194


Capacitance, 91

Capacitor, see Voltage sources

Capacitor impedance, 92

Carrier signal, 63

Cauer model, 218

Central Processing Unit (CPU), 256

Ceramic substrate, 409

Choke, see DC reactor

Circuit with grid-side inductance, 368

Circular chain control, 430

Circular corona, 447

Circulation currents, 424, 425

PWM references, 426

PWM sequence generation, 427

Clamping device, 187

Clamping reactive energy, 461

Clarke transform, 134; see also Space vector modulation theory

exercises, 174

Closed-loop control practical aspects, 279, 290; see also Current control; Current measurement

Closed loop current control methods, 386; see also Proportional-Integrative-Sinusoidal controller (P-I-S controller)

applying voltage on d-axis, 392393, 394

cross-coupling terms, 390391

minimum time current control, 388, 390

phase current tracking methods, 395

PI control system, 386

PI current loop, 386387

step-down current modification effect, 393

switch table and hysteresis control, 393, 395, 396, 397

transient response times, 387

voltage limitations, 388, 389

Coffin-Manson model, 232

Combination converters, 490, 491

Compensation with virtual negative inductance, 452

Computer run time reduction, 535; see also Processing power

Conduction intervals, 470

Conduction loss, 309, 411

Constantane, 280

Control circuitry, 383, 384, 385

Controller, 13; see also Adjustable speed drives (ASD)

Conventional back-to-back converter, 530

Conventional topology of power filter, 501

Converter; see also AC/AC matrix converters; Boost converter; Inverter

AC/AC direct converter, 514

AC/DC converter, 9

AC/DC current source converter, 437, 439

back-to-back, 530

boost DC/DC converter, 421

buck converter, 194

combination converters, 490, 491

power converters, 363

Z-source converter, 356357

Converter control system, 515, 518

for capacitor voltage, 452

changes in cross-currents, 419, 420

with compensation, 452

solutions, 418

switching table, 419

voltage vectors from switching states, 419

CoolMOS devices, 23, 5354

Copper, 280


signal decoding, 251

timing manipulation, 258259

CPU, see Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Critical energy, 227

Cross-currents, 419, 420

Crowbar technique, 187

CSI, see Current Source Inverters (CSI)


calculated with moving average, 505

transforms, 286287

Current commutation, 434, 459, 460

change in pulse shape, 435

control for, 435

factors in, 435

multistepped switching, 459

overlap, 435, 436

state transition, 460461

Current control, 420421; see also Feed-forward controller; Proportional-Integrative-Sinusoidal controller (P-I-S controller)

accumulator method, 288

algorithm, 501

anti wind-up protection, 289290

in coordinates, 284

in (d, q) components, 287289

feedback signal error, 285

feed-forward algorithm, 501

harmonic reference, 284, 285, 286

incremental controller, 288

open-loop transfer function, 284285

rotating-reference frame, 284

steady-state value of time function, 285

system stability, 286

time-domain error signal, 285

tuning proportional-integral-derivative controllers, 288289

ultimate sensitivity method, 289

Current controller with voltage limitation, 389

Current feedback compensator, 124; see also Deadtime interval

Current measurement, 279; see also Current sampling; Shunt resistor

current sensing transformer, 282283

Hall-effect current sensors, 282

Kelvin method, 279280

open-loop Hall sensor, 282

PWM synchronization, 283284

Current sampling, 283

sampling frequency, 284

Current Source Converters, 433, 449, 452, 470; see also Current commutation; Pulse width modulation algorithm; Pulse width modulation control

AC/DC SCR-based rectifier, 433

AC-side of, 449

advantages and disadvantages, 433

back-EMF voltage, 450

control system for capacitor voltage, 452

control with compensation, 452

DC/AC current source topology, 433

to eliminate LC resonance, 451

grid currents, 440

harmonic coefficient, 449

harmonics cancellation, 449

HCF, 450

High-Pass Filter, 451

output phase voltages after LC filter, 438, 439

resonance prevention, 449, 451

resonance with CSI-filter assembly, 449, 451

switching functions to define operation, 436441

switching states and currents for, 434

system level waveforms, 437, 438, 440

Current Source Inverters (CSI), 525

algorithm, 526

converters, 526

resonance with CSI-filter assembly, 449, 451

Cyclo-converters, 511; see also Multilevel converters; Pulse width modulation generator

comparison, 518

four-quadrant, 513

four quadrant direct AC/AC converter, 515, 517

load-side current, 515

operation of, 513

performance comparison, 515

phase current, 514

power stage for 4-quadrant converter, 515, 517

two-quadrant, 513, 514, 515, 516


Datasheet, 55

DBC substrate, see Direct Bonded Copper substrate (DBC substrate)

DC/AC current source topology, 433

DC bus capacitor, 90; see also Three-phase inverter

aluminum capacitors, 9192

capacitance, 91

capacitor impedance, 92

electrolytic capacitor equivalent circuit, 91

ESL, 92

ESR, 92

parameters in selection of, 92

DC capacitor bank, 10; see also Adjustable speed drives (ASD)

DC coils, see DC reactor

DC Link, see Intermediate DC circuit

DCM, see Discontinuous mode of operation (DCM)

DC reactor, 11; see also Adjustable speed drives (ASD)

Deadtime digital controllers, 253

Deadtime generator, 269

circuit time diagram, 253

Deadtime interval, 120; see also Pulse width modulation, carrier-based

compensation, 123124

drawbacks, 123

generation of, 121

IGBTs, 120

length estimation, 121

effect of load current during, 122

modified corrective voltage, 124

MOSFETs, 120

voltage error, 122, 123

Defuzzification approach, 261; see also Fuzzy logic

Desat protection, 182, 183; see also Three-phase power converter

Design for reliability (DFR), 222, 238

solutions, 236

Design of experiments method, 223

DFR, see Design for reliability (DFR)

DFT, see Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)

Digital hardware implementation, 250

Digital processor in power converter control, 253; see also Fuzzy logic

analog devices, 256257

DSPs, 256257

microcontrollers, 254255

microprocessors, 253254

motor control DSPs, 256

multiprocessor system, 257258

transputer devices, 258

Digital PWM controllers with counter, 246; see also FPGA implementation of SVM controllers

pulse width control, 247, 248

three-phase PWM generation with counter, 247

Digital signal processor (DSP), 8, 249, 281, 405

D-I-H method, see Direct-inverse-half method (D-I-H method)

Diode-clamped multilevel converter, 489490

Diode rectifier, 363, 501

DC/DC converters, 368

inductive filter on DC side, 367

performance of, 365

topologies of, 364

voltage on DC intermediary circuit, 364

voltage ripple, 367

D-I-O method, see Direct-inverse-one method (D-I-O method)

DIP, see Dual inline package (DIP)

Direct AC/AC converter analysis, 532, 540; see also Intelligent power modules in direct AC/AC converter; Intelligent power modules in network of switches

accuracy, 537

acquired time signal sampling, 534

Bartlett window, 538

Blackman window, 538

choice of window function, 540

computer performance, 545

computer processing power, 545

computer run time reduction, 535

DFT, 533534, 536

Euler-Fourier integral, 534

feed-forward compensation of grid voltage, 540

FFT in MATLAB, 540

Hamming window, 538

Hanning window, 538

harmonic analysis, 532

harmonic component calculation, 534

HCF for output voltage, 545

interleaved carriers, 543, 544

multipoint THD and HCF analysis automation, 543

output voltage spectra, 541

processing power evolution, 533

PWM control signals, 538

resolution, 535, 536

space vector modulation, 540

spectral results in different time windows, 537

stochastic ripple cancelation, 542, 543

synchronized PWM, 543

THD for output voltage, 544

THD of input current, 546

waveforms for switching frequency, 539

Direct Bonded Copper substrate (DBC substrate), 296, 297; see also Intelligent power modules (IPM)

advantages of, 297

alumina, 298

aluminum nitride, 298

beryllium oxide, 298

Direct-inverse-half method (D-I-H method), 153; see also Switching sequence

pulse generation, 154

three-phase voltage waveforms, 155

Direct-inverse-one method (D-I-O method), 153; see also Switching sequence

pulse generation, 154

three-phase voltage waveforms, 155

Direct Memory Access (DMA), 271

Direct transfer function, 463

Discontinuous mode of operation (DCM), 210

Discrete devices, 409

Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), 533534

Displacement factor control, 473

Distributed generation, see Grid interfaces

DMA, see Direct Memory Access (DMA)

Drain-source (Emitter–collector), 315

Drain-source voltage, 328

DSP, see Digital signal processor (DSP)

Dual inline package (DIP), 203

Dumping effect, 422

Duty cycles, 421

with AC variation, 62

to inductor current transfer function, 422423

Dyadic matrix converter theory, 509


EconoPACK modules, 203

EconoPIM modules, 203

Electrolytic capacitor, 529

equivalent circuit, 91

Electromagnetic inference (EMI), 5, 49, 279, 198

standard requirements, 16

Emitter–collector, see Drain-source (Emitter–collector)

Enclosures, 205

cooling, 206

Energy transfers, 370

Equivalent series inductance (ESL), 92

Equivalent series resistance (ESR), 92

ESL, see Equivalent series inductance (ESL)

ESR, see Equivalent series resistance (ESR)

Euler-Fourier integral, 534

Event Manager, 266

deadtime generator, 269

hardware implementation of SVM, 268269, 270, 271

individual PWM channels, 270

software implementation of carrier-based PWM, 267

software implementation of SVM, 267268

structure, 266267

External periodic signal, 250


FACTS, see Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS)

Failure, physics of, 238

Failure rate, 221; see also Power electronics

component, 223225

for diverse components, 225226

for electronic components, 225

system, 223

Failure Rate Based Spice (FaRBS), 236

Failures-in-time (FIT), 221

FaRBS, see Failure Rate Based Spice (FaRBS)

Fastest Fourier Transform in the West (FFTW), 540

Fault management system, 222

Feedback control loop, 244

Feed-forward controller, 399, 401; see also Proportional-Integrative-Sinusoidal controller (P-I-S controller)

for additional degree of freedom, 399

operation synchronization, 402, 403

FFTW, see Fastest Fourier Transform in the West (FFTW)

Field programmable gate array (FPGA), 13, 197, 245

Field-Stop (FS), 36

FIT, see Failures-in-time (FIT)

Flash memories, 270

benefits, 272

chips, 272

comparison, 275

hardware architecture with, 272

memory look-up tables, 272

for power conversion control, 273

for PWM waveforms optimization, 273, 274

serial peripheral interface principles, 271

state sequences, 273

Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS), 499

Flyback power converter, 209; see also Three-phase power converter

features, 211

right-half-plane zero frequency, 211

waveforms for, 210

Flying capacitor multilevel converter, 487489

Foster model, 219

Fourier series, 74

Four leg inverter, 201; see also Three-phase power converter

4-level converter, 488

4-Q converter circuit, 517

Four quadrant direct AC/AC converter, 515, 517

Four quadrant IGBT Cyclo-converter comparison, 518

4-Wire method, see Kelvin method

FPGA, see Field programmable gate array (FPGA)

FPGA implementation of SVM controllers, 250; see also Digital PWM controllers with counter

counting signal decoding, 251

digital hardware implementation, 250

external periodic signal, 250

logic decoder, 250, 252

memory look-up table, 250

SVM algorithm implementation, 251

SVM digital synthesis, 252

switching sequence, 250, 251

Free-wheeling diodes, 29; see also Power MOSFET device

Frenic-MX, 455

Frequency changer, 462463, 509

FS, see Field-Stop (FS)

Fuse, 183; see also Three-phase power converter

action on high fault current, 184

branch-circuit rated class, 185

DC circuit, 185

IGBT-based circuit, 185

for medium voltage applications, 186

melting of, 184

placement of, 185

rated current of, 184

RK, 185186

selection, 184

UL classification, 185, 190

Fuzzy logic, 260

-based control relations, 261

controller rule, 264

fuzzy estimation of time intervals, 263

fuzzy subsets, 261

linear defuzzification approach, 261


Galvanic isolation, 416

Gate control designs for equal current sharing, 415416

Gate driver, 32, 296; see also Power MOSFET device

control for current sharing, 416

Gate turn-off (GTO), 165; see also High-power semiconductor devices

devices, 312

thyristors, 5, 51, 363

Generalized vector transform, 521; see also Intelligent power modules in network of switches

direct transfer function, 521522

intermediary factor, 522523

orthonormalized base vectors, 522

sinusoidal waveform, 521

vector space dimension, 521, 522

to work with non-sinusoidal references, 523525

Glue logic circuitry, 477


currents, 440, 504; see also Total harmonic distortion (THD)

voltage as feed-forward component, 520

Grid interfaces, 14; see also Power electronics

control, 369

DC current injection, 1516

EMI interference, 1617

EMI standard requirements, 16

for extended power range, 501

frequency and voltage variations, 17

grid harmonics, 15

maximum power connected at low-voltage grid, 17

operation modes, 14

power converter switching nature, 14

power factor, 15

Grid synchronization, 403; see also AC/DC grid interface

circuit, 403, 404

PLL circuit principle, 404

PLL control issues, 405

for three-phase converters, 405

Ground fault, 181182; see also Three-phase power converter

GTO, see Gate turn-off (GTO)


Hamming window, 538

Hanning window, 538

Harmonic component calculation, 534

Harmonic content of grid current, see Total harmonic distortion (THD)

Harmonic current factor (HCF), 76, 100, 145, 450; see also Vectorial PWM

for different number of sampling intervals, 163

exercises, 175

harmonic coefficient, 449

for modulation methods, 163

output voltage, 496, 545

variation with modulation index, 77

Harmonic elimination, 498499

Harmonics cancellation, 449

Harmonic signal injection, 376

advantages, 377

Harmonic spectrum calculation; see also Three-phase inverter

decomposition in quasi-rectangular waveforms, 7980

decomposition in simple square-waves, 80

exercises, 93

from inverter waveforms, 78

PWM waveform decomposition, 80

vectorial composition, 81

vectorial method, 8081

waveform with parameter α, 79

H-bridge converter, 485487

Heat capacity, 218

Heatsink, 415

Heat spreader, 217

HEV, see Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV)

Higher power delivery, 381

High modulation index, 475, 477, 479

High-Pass Filter, 451

High-power converters, see High-power semiconductor devices; Power electronics

High-power devices, 61

High-power semiconductor devices, 23; see also Active gate drivers; Insular gate bipolar transistor (IGBT); Power loss estimation; Power MOSFET device

advanced power devices, 51

datasheet information, 5556

exercises, 5657

GTOs, 51

high-frequency, high-voltage devices, 5354

IGBT-RB, 5253


IGCT, 5152

using new substrate materials, 5455

power semiconductor market, 2326

specialty devices, 51

technology evolution, 2425

High-voltage DC (HVDC), 5, 485

lines, 499

High voltage motor drives, 499500

H-infinityloop-shaping method, 222

Homopolar vector, see Zero vector

HVDC, see High-voltage DC (HVDC)

Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), 26

Hybrid IGBTs, 409


IGBT, see Insular gate bipolar transistor (IGBT)

IGBT-RC, see Reverse Conducting IGBT (IGBT-RC)

IGBTs paralleling constraints, 411; see also Insular gate bipolar transistor (IGBT); Power converters

current mis-sharing avoidance, 411

current sharing during transient, 413

current unbalance dependence, 415

dynamic and static derating factor, 414

effective gate voltage decrease, 414

emitter connection for reduced parasitics, 414

emitter resistance, 413

gate control voltage, 413

heatsink, 415

parasitic oscillation avoidance, 414

parasitic resistances, 413

to reduce current imbalance, 413

static derating factor, 412

steady-state current imbalance, 411

temperature imbalance, 411, 414

transconductance characteristics, 413

turn-on and-off imbalances, 411

voltage-current characteristics, 411412

IHM, see Integrated hybrid modules (IHM)

IM, see Induction machine (IM)

IMS technology, see Insulated metal substrate technology (IMS technology)

Indirect matrix converter, 476477, 481

Induction machine (IM), 345

Inductive load, 456

Insular gate bipolar transistor (IGBT), 5, 24, 34, 101, 246, 309, 370; see also Active gate drivers; High-power semiconductor devices; IGBTs paralleling constraints; Power loss estimation; Power MOSFET device; Reverse Conducting IGBT (IGBT-RC); Zero-voltage transition (ZVT)

advantages of, 34

chip, 295296

cross-conduction avoidance, 44

current within gate circuit, 42

deadtime, 120

derating of different, 412

digikey offer for, 25

dv/dt at turn-on, 4142, 43

energy transfer, 370

equivalent model of, 35

exercises, 5657

FS, 36

gate drivers, 39

gate resistor effect, 41

for high-current applications, 409

high-power single-die, 409

hybrid, 409

ideal SOA and limitations, 45

IGBT-RB device, 5253

induced gate voltage peak, 44

inverter loss over time, 38

laminated bus bar at IGBT module connection, 205

limits of, 35

market, 25

maximum current, 38

modules, 204

NPT, 36

operation, 3439

optimal design of gate resistor, 4145

packages, 202

parallel, 410

peak voltage at diode turn-off, 4344

performance evolution, 24

Powerex IGBT technologies, 53

principle of, 37

protection, 45

PT, 36

requirements, 3941

short-circuit in, 185

SOAs, 45

static derating factor dependence on, 413

switching characteristics of, 34

technology launch year, 37

trench gate technology, 38

turn-off waveforms, 29

turn-on waveforms for, 27

unequal voltage sharing across, 48

voltage equation for gate circuit, 42

Insulated metal substrate technology (IMS technology), 298; see also Intelligent power modules (IPM)

Integrated circuit (IC), 243, 376; see also Three-phase power converter

high-voltage, 281

for power supplies, 207

PWM control IC, 208

Integrated gate commutated thyristor (IGCT), 7, 5152; see also High-power semiconductor devices

Integrated hybrid modules (IHM), 203

Intelligent power modules (IPM), 280, 293, 527; see also Intelligent power modules in direct AC/AC converter; Varistors; Voltage source inverter

advantages, 294295

aluminum heat-sink, 296

bootstrap capacitor, 302

bootstrap diode, 302

bootstrap power supply, 302, 303

conventional, 305

DBC substrate, 296, 297298

to de-energize load, 304

device review, 298301

drawbacks, 295

dual diode bridge circuitry, 304

gate driver, 296

history, 293

IGBT chip, 295296

IMS technology, 296, 298

IPM/IRAMS modules implementation, 505

local power supplies using, 301304

nonlinear gate resistance, 297

other approaches, 298

packaging, 296

substrate, 296

switch-mode unregulated dc/dc converter, 303, 304

transfer mold technology, 296

VLSI, 293

Intelligent power modules in direct AC/AC converter, 525; see also Intelligent power modules in network of switches; Thermal performance

converter operation with constant DC current, 527

CSI, 525, 526

electrolytic capacitor, 529

hardware development, 525

IPM implementation, 527

performance, 529

product requirements, 528529

PWM algorithm, 526

Intelligent power modules in network of switches, 501; see also Cyclo-converters; Direct AC/AC converter analysis; Generalized vector transform; Intelligent power modules in direct AC/AC converter; Pulse width modulation generator

control system, 515, 518

current control algorithm, 501

currents calculated with moving average, 505

diode rectifier, 501

grid current, 503, 504

grid interface, 501

IPM/IRAMS modules implementation, 505

light third harmonic, 503, 505

multilevel converter, 511, 512

power conversion, 501

power filter topology, 501, 502

power loss distribution, 503, 505507

synchronization with grid voltage, 501502

Interleaved carriers, 543, 544

Interleaved operation of power converters, 424425

interleaving possibilities, 427, 428

topologies used, 426

Intermediate DC circuit, 10; see also Adjustable speed drives (ASD)

Inter-phase reactors, 417

connections of, 417

Inverter; see also B4 inverter; Converter; Current Source Inverters (CSI); Voltage source inverter; Z-source inverter

leg, 6263

switching states, 171

three-phase, 12

four leg inverter, 201

voltage gain, 126

Isolation circuits, 158


Junction temperature, 55


Kelvin method, 279280


Lifetime, 221; see also Accelerated tests; Power electronics; Reliability

acceleration factor, 228

activation energy, 224225

bathtub curve for, 221

calculation and modeling, 228

capacitor, 226

component failure rate, 223225

failure and, 223

failure modes for power semiconductor device, 226

failure rate for diverse components, 225226

fault tree for power converter, 228

improvisation, 222223

modeling with physics of failure, 234

multiple mechanism model, 229

problem setting, 228

system failure rate, 223

wear-out mechanisms, 226227

Limit cycles in power supplies, 274

Line-to-line voltage (VLL), 9, 365

Liquid thermal conductivity, 219

Load sharing, 12; see also Adjustable speed drives (ASD)

Logic decoder, 250, 252

Low harmonics reduction from geometrical locus, 447

Low modulation index, 475, 478, 480

Low-pass filter (LPF), 63, 76, 370

LPF, see Low-pass filter (LPF)


Manganin wire, 280

Marine power systems, 56

Master-slave control, 430

Matrix converter; see also Cyclo-converters; Multilevel converters

AC/AC, 507, 508

dyadic, 508

implementation with IPM/IRAMS, 509

load voltage, 511

topology with unidirectional switches, 508511

with VSI modules, 507

Maximum modulation index, 145

Mean time between failures (MTBF), 221

Medium-power converters, see Power electronics

Memory look-up table, 250, 272

Metal oxide varistors (MOVs), 187, 188

Microcontrollers in power converter control, 254255; see also Software implementation in microcontrollers

counter timing manipulation, 258259

with power converter interfaces, 263, 264265

reference signal approximation, 260

SIN look-up table, 260

SVM software implementation, 259, 260

Microprocessors in power converter control, 253254; see also Fuzzy logic

Miller effect, 315

Miller plateau, 26

Minimum squared error, 447

Mixed-mode motor controller ICs, 245246

m-level multilevel converter, 487, 489

3-phase converter, 493

MLV, see Multilayer Varistor (MLV)

Modulation function, 461, 462; see also Switching reference function

Modulation index, maximum attainable, 469

MOSFET device, 209

latch-up, 30; see also Power MOSFET device

Most significant bits (MSB), 250

Motor connection, 13; see also Adjustable speed drives (ASD)

Motor control coprocessors, 265266

Motor control DSPs, 256

Motor drives, 179; see also Three-phase power converter

MOVs, see Metal oxide varistors (MOVs)

MSB, see Most significant bits (MSB)

MTBF, see Mean time between failures (MTBF)

Multiconverter power electronic systems, 18; see also Power electronis

advantages, 1819

applications, 18

drives, 18

Multilayer Varistor (MLV), 187

Multilevel converters, 485, 511, 512; see also Cyclo-converters; Matrix converter; Pulse width modulation generator

combination converters, 490, 491

diode-clamped multilevel converter, 489490

dual-IPM based, 512

flexible AC transmission system, 499

flying capacitor multilevel converter, 487489

4-level converter, 488

Fuji IPM modules, 52

harmonic spectra for un-modulated, 495

H-bridge converter, 485487

High voltage motor drives, 499500

HVDC lines, 499

m-level 3-phase converter, 493

m-level multilevel converter, 487, 489

passive filters, 492

principle, 485

semiconductor ratings, 491

three-level converter, 486, 487

voltage levels in 4-level flying capacitor converter, 488

waveform optimization, 486

Multilevel waveform, 486

Multistepped switching, 459


NanoHenries (nH), 188

Natural sampling method, 95

NERC, see North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)

Network of switches, 501

New inverter topologies, 341

alternative solution, 344

B4 inverter topology, 342

DC/DC converter, 344

loss estimation, 345

machine operation, 344

reduced component count, 342

rotating magnetic field, 343

sinusoidal wave, 343

unidirectional load current, 342, 343

nH, see NanoHenries (nH)

Nonlinear gate resistance, 297

Non-punch through (NPT), 35

approximate launching year, 37

IGBT, 36

maximum current achievable, 38

principle of, 37

North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), 235

NPT, see Non-punch through (NPT)

Null-states, 458

time allocated to, 468469


OEM, see Organization of Electronics Manufacturers (OEM)

Office of Naval Research (ONR), 293

ONR, see Office of Naval Research (ONR)

Operating temperature, 55

Operation of two-quadrant power converter, 515, 516

Organization of Electronics Manufacturers (OEM), 1

Output–input relationship, 462

Output phase voltages after LC filter, 438, 439

Output voltage vectorial positions, 497

Overmodulation, 125126

for SVM, 164165


Parallel converters, 409

Paralleling inverter legs, 416; see also Converter control system; Small-signal model

control system, 418

current control, 420421

direct connection, 417

(d, q) vs. (d, q, 0) control, 423424

galvanic isolation, 416

inter-phase reactors, 417

load types, 418

PI control, 424

Parasitic bipolar transistor, 31; see also Power MOSFET device

Park/Clarke set of transforms, 286287

Park transform, 135; see also Space vector modulation theory

exercises, 174

Passive filters, 492

Passive injection circuits, 383

PCBs, see Printed circuit boards (PCBs)

PEBB, see Power Electronics Building Block (PEBB)

Performance indices, 73, 76

content in fundamental (z), 76

current distortion factor, 78

DF2 for regular SVM, 78

frequency analysis, 7476

HCF, 7677

modulation index, 76

output with filter of power supply, 78

spectral function, 75

THD coefficient, 76, 77

Phase control, 9

Phase locked-loop (PLL), 376

Phase voltages, 373

PI, see Proportional-integral (PI)

P-I-S controller, see Proportional-Integrative-Sinusoidal controller (P-I-S controller)

PLC, see Programmable logic circuit (PLC)

PLL, see Phase locked-loop (PLL)

Pole voltage, 335336

Power conversion, 501

Power converters, 1, 89, 501; see also Adjustable speed drives (ASD); Grid interfaces; High-power semiconductor devices; Intelligent power modules (IPM); Multiconverter power electronic systems; Power electronics; Transportation electrification systems

advanced efforts in, 2

core of, 8

energy conversion towards load, 364

fault tree for, 228

grid harmonics, 15

grid-tied power supplies, 67

medium voltage, 7

microprocessors/microcontrollers, 253255

motor drives, 6

peak current for compensation, 503

performance of, 279

power removal, 215

60°-wide intervals, 503

technology status, 1

traditional industrial applications, 6

working on grid application, 101

Power converters, component-minimized three-phase, 341, 360; see also B4 inverter; New inverter topologies; Z-source inverter

cost reduction, 341

direct converters, 345346

dual-stage automotive motor drive, 357

grid interfaces with power factor correction, 341

IGBT-based AC controller, 346

two-leg converter, 355356, 357

Power converters, parallel and interleaved, 409, 431; see also Circulation currents; IGBTs paralleling constraints; Interleaved operation of power converters; Paralleling inverter legs; System controller

built of high-power vs. lower-power devices, 409411

circulation currents, 424

conduction loss, 411

exercises, 431

gate control for current sharing, 415416

paralleling power semiconductor switches, 410

PWM algorithm selection, 427, 428, 429

switching loss, 410

zero-sequence current, 424

Power electronics, 19; see also Failure rate; Lifetime; Reliability; Thermal management

application areas, 1

circuits, 7

failure categories in, 226

power switch availability, 8

technologies, 381

Power Electronics Building Block (PEBB), 293

Powerex IGBT, 53, 180

Power filter, conventional topology of, 501

Power filter topology, 501, 502

Power loss, 530

distribution, 532

for IPM package, 503, 505507

Power loss estimation, 46; see also High-power semiconductor devices; Insular gate bipolar transistor (IGBT); Power MOSFET device

conduction loss, 47

diode turn-off, 47

switching characteristics, 46

switching-loss energy, 46

turn-off energy, 47

Power modules, 203

Power MOSFET device, 23, 26; see also High-power semiconductor devices; Insular gate bipolar transistor (IGBT); Power loss estimation

additional diodes, 30

capacitances, 2627

control, 32

deadtime, 120

evolution of, 30

exercises, 5657

figure of merit, 32, 33, 34

free-wheeling diodes, 29

Fuji device performance, 31

gate-drain capacitance variation, 28

gate drivers, 32

gate-source capacitance, 28

gate switching characteristics, 28, 29

internal structure of, 30

Miller plateau, 26

ohmic region analysis model, 27

operation, 2632

parasitic bipolar transistor, 31

performance index, 26

SOAs, 45

technology evolution, 31, 33

transient analysis model, 27

transistor base, 30

turn-off waveforms, 29

turn-on waveforms for, 27

Power semiconductor

components, 23; see also High-power semiconductor devices

devices, 186

paralleling, 410

Power source, nonconventional, 6

Power stage for 4-quadrant converter, 515, 517

Power switch implementation, 458459

Power transfer, 463

Preprogrammed PWM, 81; see also Three-phase inverter

advantages and disadvantages, 81

binary-programmed PWM, 87

bipolar and unipolar PWM waveforms, 82

eliminated harmonics, 84

Fourier coefficients, 85

Fourier series, 82, 83

fundamental component, 82

line-to-line voltage with eliminated harmonics, 86

for single-phase inverter, 8284

for three-phase inverter, 8487

Printed circuit boards (PCBs), 202, 236

Processing power, 545

evolution, 533

performance, 545

Programmable logic circuit (PLC), 8

Proportional-integral (PI), 380

compensator, 123

controller, 284, 420

control system, 386, 424

Proportional-Integrative-Sinusoidal controller (P-I-S controller), 395, 397; see also Feed-forward controller

compensated controller, 398

control system principles, 401

drawback of, 399

enhancing PI regulator, 398

Laplace transform for error signal, 396

open-loop transfer function, 398

steady-state error, 399, 400

use of PI controllers, 402

Protection circuits, 12; see also Adjustable speed drives (ASD)

PT technology, see Punch-through technology (PT technology)

Pulse-based deadtime compensator, 124; see also Deadtime interval

Pulse width modulation (PWM), 8, 12, 63, 95, 131, 243, 346, 364, 418; see also Pulse width modulation, carrier-based; Sinusoidal carrier based PWM; Space vector modulation (SVM); Three-phase inverter; Vectorial PWM; Voltper-Hertz control

asymmetrical, 96

bus compatible digital interfaces, 249250

discrete, 281

exercises, 127, 175

generation in three-phase system, 99

harmonic elimination and regular-sampled, 107

harmonic spectra for sinusoidal, 496

HCF for, 105

high frequencies, 106

modulator references for discontinuous, 102

module role, 243

operation in low-frequencies, 104106

pulses on different intervals, 104

PWM control IC, 208

sampling frequency vs. output frequency, 105

sequence generation, 427

sinusoidal, 96, 493496

software inputs, 478

staircase, 115

symmetrical, 96

synchronized, 543

for three-phase resonant converters, 337338

time intervals involved, 144

uniform-sampled, 96

voltage generation, 494

Volt/Hertz drives, 101, 103

analog PWM controllers, 243

bus compatible digital PWM interfaces, 249250

counter timing manipulation, 258259

deadtime digital controllers, 253

feedback control loop, 244

limit cycles in power supplies, 274

mixed-mode motor controller ICs, 245246

motor control coprocessors, 265266

Pulse width modulation algorithm, 6368, 441, 461, 492, 526; see also Pulse width modulation control; Sinusoidal carrier based PWM; Space vector modulation; Voltage source converter

to avoid shoot-through, 525

designing, 458, 479, 481

harmonic elimination, 498499

harmonic spectra for sinusoidal PWM, 496

HCF of output voltage, 496

to improve efficiency, 495

indirect matrix converter, 476477, 481

modulation function, 461, 462

output voltage vectorial positions, 497

principle, 492493

PWM voltage generation, 494

quasi-rectangular waveforms decomposition, 498

rectified AC input voltages, 477, 480

selection, 427, 428, 429

sine-triangle PWM, 494

sinusoidal PWM, 493496

space vector modulation, 497498

switching sequence, 495

third harmonic injection in reference signal, 494

Pulse width modulation algorithm implementation, 243, 275; see also Digital processor in power converter control; Digital PWM controllers with counter; Event Manager; Flash memories

accuracy of PWM generator, 274

quantization resolution effect, 276

resolution and accuracy, 273

Schmitt trigger comparator, 243

single-channel pair PWM control, 249

SLE4520 circuit, 249

steady-state output oscillations, 274

step-by-step motor, 245

Pulse width modulation algorithm optimization, 446

circular corona, 447

comparative results, 447449

low harmonics reduction from geometrical locus, 447

minimum squared error, 447

Pulse width modulation control, 368, 441; see also Pulse width modulation generator; Single-switch applications; Six-switch converters; Space vector modulation; Topologies with current injection devices

analog controllers, 243; see also Digital PWM controllers with counter

harmonic elimination programmed modulation, 441442

phase current after LC filter, 442444

reference signal, 441

shutdown pins, 244

signal determination, 443

signals for logic circuitry, 444

single-channel pair, 249

sinusoidal modulation, 442

switching state selection, 443

trapezoidal PWM, 441

Pulse width modulation control implementation, 477479, 481

glue logic circuitry, 477

numerical values for time intervals, 478, 481

PWM software inputs, 478

Pulse width modulation generator, 103, 243, 244, 518521; see also Cyclo-converters; Pulse width modulation control

accuracy of, 274

grid voltage as feed-forward component, 520

load current, 518

output voltage, 518519

shutdown pins, 244

space vector, 519, 520

three-phase, 245

unbalanced grid voltage, 520

voltage vector control, 520

Punch-through technology (PT technology), 35

approximate launching year, 37

IGBT, 36

maximum current achievable with, 38

principle of, 37

Pulse width modulation, carrier-based, 95, 127; see also Deadtime interval; Pulse width modulation (PWM); Three-phase inverter

algorithms, 95101

component on fundamental frequency, 113

control voltage compensation, 112

exercises, 127128

Fourier coefficient relationship, 112

harmonic reduction implementation, 106108

harmonic results for load current, 115

maximum modulation index, 97

minimum pulse width, 108114

modulation index and voltage reference magnitude, 112

motor drive applications, 101

operation limits, 120

overmodulation, 125126

polynomial equation, 117, 118

pulse dropping avoidance, 114119

pulse dropping effect, 109

pulse dropping interval effect, 110, 111

pulse dropping region, 111

pulse limitation effect, 110

reference function, 100

reference signal sampling, 99

reshaping control voltage, 114

sinusoidal PWM, 96

staircase PWM, 115

switching waveforms for short pulse, 109

third-harmonic injection, 100, 116

trapezoidal and staircase references, 98

triangular waveform shapes, 95

vector control operation waveforms, 119

voltage dependency on modulation index, 111

voltage gain linearization, 126127

zero current clamping, 124125


Quasi-rectangular waveforms decomposition, 498

Quasi-resonant circuit for ZCT, 329

Quasi-resonant converter topologies, 335; see also Resonant three-phase converters

pole voltage, 335336

resonant DC bus, 336337


Radiation emissivities, 206

Rail propulsion systems, 5; see also Transportation electrification systems

Ram Air Turbine system (RAT system), 5

RAMP, 236

RAT system, see Ram Air Turbine system (RAT system)

RB-IGBT, see Reverse blocking IGBT (RB-IGBT)

RCD, see Resistance-Capacitance-Diode (RCD)

Rectified AC input voltages, 477, 480

Rectifier, 470

as current source converter, 470, 474

waveforms for, 473

Reference modulation waveforms, 466

Reference waveform, 434

Regeneration, 12; see also Adjustable speed drives (ASD)


Relex Reliability Studio, 236

Relex Scandinavia, 236

Reliability, 220, 239; see also Lifetime; Power electronics; Thermal management

DFR, 238239

factory reliability testing, 237238

failure rate, 221

FIT, 221

improvisation, 222223

mathematical models, 239

MTBF, 221

power electronics specifics, 236237

software tools, 235

standards, 234235

Telcordia model, 235

tools from theory of, 235236

RelXpert, 236

Resistance-Capacitance-Diode (RCD), 192


with CSI-filter assembly, 449, 451

prevention, 449, 451

Resonant controller, see Proportional-Integrative-Sinusoidal controller (P-I-S controller)

Resonant converter topologies, 312

Resonant DC bus, 336337

Resonant snubber, 194

Resonant three-phase converters, 309; see also Quasi-resonant converter topologies; Zero current transition (ZCT); Zero-voltage transition (ZVT)

applications of, 314

exercises, 338

IGBTs, 312, 313

PWM for three-phase resonant converters, 337338

resonant-converter topologies, 312

silicon-controlled rectifier, 311

soft-switching operations, 313

switching loss comparison, 313, 314

switching loss reduction, 309311

system implications of resonant circuits and efficiency improvements, 312313

turn-off waveforms, 311

turn-on waveforms, 310

Reverse blocking IGBT (RB-IGBT), 459

Reverse Conducting IGBT (IGBT-RC), 52; see also High-power semiconductor devices; Insular gate bipolar transistor (IGBT)

devices, 345

RK fuses, 185186; see also Fuse

RMS, see Root mean square (RMS)

Root mean square (RMS), 61

Rotating vectors, 457


Safe operating area (SOA), 45

Schmitt trigger comparator, 243

SCR, see Silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR)

S-D-H method, 154; see also Switching sequence

pulse generation with, 155

Semiconductor devices, 61; see also Insular gate bipolar transistor (IGBT)

equivalent model of thermal system, 216

failure modes for power, 226

reliability testing, 237238

wear-out mechanisms in power, 226227

Semiconductor ratings, 491

Sensors, 12; see also Adjustable speed drives (ASD)

S-G-S method, see Symmetrically generated SVM method (S-G-S method)


Shunt resistor, 279

integrated power modules, 280

less waveform distortion, 281

low-pass filter on measurement path, 281

made of, 280

sensing resistors, 280

signal from, 280

voltage drop, 281

Shunts, 279

Shutdown pins, 244

SiC, see Silicon-carbide (SiC)

Silicon-carbide (SiC), 7

device technology, 5455

Silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR), 9, 311, see Thyristor

Simple direct SVM, see S-D-H method

Sine-triangle PWM, 494

Single inline package (SIP), 203

Single-switch applications, 368

bend-point value, 374

boost converter grid interface control, 369

boost inductance, 368369

circuit with grid-side inductance, 368

converter input currents and voltages, 371

current average relationship, 374

current levels, 370

DC/DC converters, 368

discharge interval, 373, 374

double DC stage, 368

duty cycle modulation results, 375

energy transfer, 370

harmonic signal injection, 376, 377

input current theoretical waveform, 376

low harmonics content of input currents, 378

low-pass grid filter, 370

mathematical expressions for currents, 373

modulation function, 375

negative effects of input filter, 376

output voltage on input current harmonics, 376

reference signal for PWM control, 372

sinusoidal waveform grid current, 368

six order harmonic, 372

THD for input current, 376, 377

three-phase boost converter, 372, 369

ON time of switch, 372

SIN look-up table, 260

Sinusoidal carrier based PWM, 461; see also Pulse width modulation algorithm

direct transfer function, 463

frequency changer, 462463

output–input relationship, 462

power transfer, 463

static VAR compensator, 462, 464465

Sinusoidal waveform grid current, 368

SIP, see Single inline package (SIP)

Six-step operation, 7172, 137

output voltage waveforms and state coding for, 138

Six-switch converters, 377; see also Vectorial PWM

bidirectional power flow, 378

controllable power factor, 380

DC bus voltage utilization, 381

delta control of power converters, 379

grid voltages, 378379, 380

to obtain three-phase voltages, 381

PI controller, 380, 381

scalar control of DC voltage, 379

switching vectors, 381, 382

three-phase grid interface with six switches, 379

vectorial methods, 379

voltage equations, 379, 380

waveforms characterizing modulation with no-switching, 382

SLE4520 circuit, 249

Small-signal model, 421

boost DC/DC converter, 421

duty cycle to inductor current transfer function, 422423

power transfer through boost DC/DC converter, 423

Snubber circuits, 188; see also Three-phase power converter

active snubbering, 197

active voltage overshoot protection, 197

capacitor voltage, 195

charging time interval, 195

circuit examples, 194

collector–emitter voltage, 189

component selection, 192

distributed resonant snubber, 197

exercises, 212

losses in snubber resistor, 192

maximum desired voltage, 191

moment of time, 196

regenerative, 193

resistor, 191

resonant snubbers, 193197

snubber and switch equivalent circuit, 189

snubber capacitor, 190, 191, 192

snubber resistor, 192

theory, 188192

trajectories during operation, 188

undeland, 192193

SOA, see Safe operating area (SOA)

Soft-charge circuit, 11; see also Adjustable speed drives (ASD)

Soft shutdown method, 183; see also Three-phase power converter

Soft-switching operations, 313

Software implementation in microcontrollers, 258; see also Microcontrollers in power converter control

algorithm, 262263

counter timing manipulation, 258259

time interval constants calculation, 259

Space vector generation, 466

Space vector modulation (SVM), 131, 250, 419, 444, 465, 497498, 540; see also Pulse width modulation (PWM); Rectifier; Space vector modulation theory; Symmetrically generated SVM method (S-G-S method); Time intervals; Vectorial PWM

adaptive, 146

with adaptive compensation, 150

algorithm, 147, 251, 520

averaging theory, 152, 157

conduction intervals, 470

converter states, 445

current source converter, 470

current space vector positions, 445

digital synthesis, 252

displacement factor control, 473

hardware implementation of, 268269, 270, 271

high modulation index, 475, 477, 479

low modulation index, 475, 478, 480

maximum output voltage reduction, 146

overmodulation for, 164165

phase shift, 467

pulse generation within, 446

as rectifier-inverter back-to-back system, 470, 480

reference modulation waveforms, 466

sinusoidal input currents with phase shift, 475

software implementation of, 267268

space vector generation, 466

space vector PWM strategy, 445

state sequence, 466, 467

switching combinations, 470, 471

switching reference function for, 151

switching vectors, 472

third harmonics in SVM generation, 152

vectorial positions, 476

vectors selection, 467

vector states, 475, 476

voltage space vector generation by, 146

Space vector modulation theory, 131; see also Space vector modulation (SVM); Three-phase inverter; Vectorial PWM

application, 136

base vector selection, 133

Clarke transform, 134

exercises, 174

history and evolution of concept, 131132

maximum modulation index, 145

orthogonal base vectors, 133

Park transform, 135

pulse width calculation, 144

review of, 131

three-phase system, 132

time interval derivation, 143145

vectorial transforms and advantages, 132134

zero vectors, 144

Space vectors, 131; see also Space vector modulation theory

generation of voltage, 146

positions, 457458

Sparse converter, see Indirect matrix converter

SPC, see Statistical process control (SPC)

Spectral analyzers, 536

Spectral function, 75

STATCOM, see Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM)

State sequence, 466, 467

State transition, 460461

Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM), 499

Static VAR compensator, 462, 464465, 509510

Stationary vectors, 457

Statistical process control (SPC), 222

Stator voltage equation, 168169

Steady-state output oscillations, 274

Step-by-step motor, 245

Step-down conversion with ZCT, 329; see also Step-up conversion with ZCT

capacitor discharge, 332

current through output diode, 330

load current through power switch, 331

output diode turns-on, 332

output voltage and resonant period, 332

sinusoidal variation in current, 331

voltage across capacitor, 331

voltage and current waveforms, 330

Step-down conversion with ZVT, 317322; see also Step-up power transfer with ZVT

conduction loss, 322

current through output diode, 320321

current through resonant circuit, 320

impedance, 319

load current, 322

output diode current, 321

resonant frequency, 319

switching loss for light load, 322

voltage across diode, 319

voltage across resonant capacitor, 320

voltage across resonant inductor, 321

voltage across power switch, 322

voltage and current waveforms, 318

Step-up conversion with ZCT, 332; see also Boost converter; Step-down conversion with ZCT

step-up converter, 333

voltage across capacitor and inductance, 335

voltage across parallel resonant circuit, 334

voltage and current waveforms, 333

Step-up power transfer with ZVT, 322; see also Step-down conversion with ZVT

current through anti-parallel diode, 324

current through capacitor, 323324

voltage across capacitor, 323

voltage and current waveforms, 325

Stochastic ripple cancelation, 542, 543

Storage temperature, 55

Stress factors, 224

Subcycle method, see Natural sampling method

Suboscillation method, see Natural sampling method

Surge arrestors, 187

SVM, see Space vector modulation (SVM)

Switched-Mode Rectifier, see AC/DC current source converter


combinations, 470, 471

processes distribution, 530, 531

states and currents, 434

table, 419

vectors, 472

Switching functions, 87; see also Three-phase inverter

DC current, 88, 89

to define operation, 436441

exercises, 93

load voltages, 88

Switching loss, 410

comparison, 313, 314

reduction, 309311

Switching reference function, 150; see also Vectorial PWM

derivation, 150151

for PWM generation, 158

for regular SVM, 151

third harmonic, 151, 152

Switching sequence, 152, 250, 251, 495; see also Vectorial PWM

continuous reference function, 152157

discontinuous reference function, 157162

exercises, 175

with four states, 159

harmonic results for PWM, 156

modified space vector modulation, 160

output phase current, 162

pulse generation, 154, 155, 160

selection, 159161

sharing of zero-state intervals, 153

spectra for PWM, 157

switching loss, 161

three-phase voltage waveforms, 155

vectorial discussion, 161

Switch-mode unregulated DC/DC converter, 303, 304

Switch operation, basic, 62

Symmetrically generated SVM method (S-G-S method), 154

pulse generation with, 156

System controller, 429431

to achieve control S/H, 430

circular chain control, 430

communication link loss, 431

master-slave control, 430

System implications of resonant circuits and efficiency improvements, 312313

System level waveforms, 437, 438, 440


Tail effect, 51

T-Cube systems, 236

Telcordia model, 235

Thermal management, 215, 239; see also Power electronics; Reliability

Cauer model, 218

equivalent model of thermal system, 216

Foster model, 219

freezing point of cooling agents, 218

heat capacity, 218

heat spreader, 217

liquid thermal conductivity, 219

theory, 215217

thermal calculations, 215

thermal conductivity of different materials, 218

thermal efficiency of cooling methods, 217

thermal time constant, 219

transient equivalent circuit and temperature evolution, 220

transient thermal behavior, 220

transient thermal impedance, 218220

transient thermal model, 219

Thermal performance, 529

conventional back-to-back converter, 530

new topology based on multiple-IPM modules, 531

power loss, 530, 532

switching processes distribution, 530, 531

Thermal time constant, 219

Third harmonic injection in reference signal, 494

Three-level converter, 486, 487

Three-phase AC–AC matrix converter, 456

Three-phase boost converter, 369

Three-phase converter, 9697; see also Pulse width modulation (PWM); Three-phase inverter

parallel connection of six-switch, 429

3-phase converter, m-level, 493

Three-phase grid interface with six switches, 379

Three-phase inverter, 12, 61, 92, 101; see also Adjustable speed drives (ASD); DC bus capacitor; Harmonic spectrum calculation; Preprogrammed PWM; Pulse width modulation (PWM); Pulse width modulation, carrier-based; Space vector modulation theory; Switching functions; Vectorial PWM

basic switch operation, 62

braking leg in power converters, 89

circuit equations, 69

circulation for converter leg control, 63

control of each switch, 64

current source inverter, 434

current space vector trajectory derivation, 137142

current vector trajectory, 140, 141

DC and phase currents, 90

DC current spectrum, 91

derating based on temperature, 90

derived from single-phase topology, 69

duty cycle with AC variation, 62

exercises, 93, 128, 175

flux trajectory, 143

harmonic results, 68

high-power devices, 6162

inverter leg, 6263

leakage inductance, 142

load connections, 69

modulation index, 76

operation and functions, 6872

output phase current, 139

output voltage, 66, 138

PWM algorithm, 6368

six-step operation, 7172

spectra of different operation modes, 67

star-connected three-phase load, 68

step-down DC/DC conversion, 61

switching angles for harmonic cancelation, 107

switching frequency, 72, 73

switching vectors, 137, 138

vector flux, 142

vectorial analysis of, 137

voltage construction on load, 70

voltage-source inverter, 137

voltage space vector, 140

voltage waveforms, 139

waveforms characterizing converter operation, 65

zero vector, 142

Three-phase phase-controlled rectifier, 7

Three-phase power converter, 9, 179, 212; see also Adjustable speed drives (ASD); Flyback power converter; Fuse; Intelligent power modules (IPM); Multilevel converters; Snubber circuits

active control, 200

auxiliary power, 207

building structures of conventional inverter, 202

common mode current, 199

common mode EMI reduction, 198201

common mode transformer, 200

converter packaging, 204205

desat protection, 182, 183

enclosures, 205206

exercises, 212

four leg inverter, 201

gate driver faults, 197

grid applications, 180

ground fault, 181182

IC for power supplies, 207208

IGBT modules, 204

laminated bus bar at IGBT module connection, 205

motor drives, 179

neutral point voltage variation, 198

neutral voltage and inverter operation states, 199

overcurrent protection, 180183

overtemperature protection, 186187

overvoltage protection, 187188

packages for power semiconductor devices, 202204

power device selection, 179

power distribution, 204

power modules, 203

power to, 501, 502

protection, 180

PWM without zero states, 202

references for three phase currents, 501, 503

shoot through, 182

short-circuit between two phases, 181

single-switch flyback power supply, 209

soft shutdown method, 183

system protection management, 198

Three-phase PWM generation with counter, 247

Three-phase single-switch boost converter, 369

Three-phase system, 132

Thyristor, 131; see also Integrated gate commutated thyristor (IGCT); Silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR)

circuit, 7

GTO thyristors, 5, 51, 363

Time interval constants calculation, 259

Time intervals, 467469; see also Pulse width modulation generator

calculation of, 468

maximum attainable modulation index, 469

numerical values for, 478, 481

for SVM based on stationary vectors, 470, 472, 475

time allocated to null-states, 468469

waveforms at matrix converter terminals, 469

Timer interface module, 265

Topologies with current injection devices, 381

active filter, 383, 385

active injection circuits, 383, 385

control circuitry, 383, 384, 385

passive injection circuits, 383

Topology based on multiple-IPM modules, 531

Total harmonic distortion (THD), 15, 100, 262, 363

coefficient, 76

exercises, 93

of input current, 546

for output voltage, 544

variation with modulation index, 77

Transfer mold technology, 296

Transient thermal model, 219

Transportation electrification systems, 4; see also Power electronics

automotive sector, 4

aviation, 45

marine power systems, 56

propulsion systems, 4

railways, 5

Transputer devices, 258

Trench-gate IGBTs, 309

Trench gate technology, 38

Turn-off characteristics, 328

Turn-off waveforms, 311

Turn-on waveforms, 310


UL, see Underwriters Laboratory (UL)

Unbalanced grid voltage, 520

Underwriters Laboratory (UL), 185

classification of low-voltage fuses, 185, 190

Unfiltered grid current, 503, 504

Uninterruptible power supply (UPS), 1

UPS, see Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)


Varispeed F7, 455

Varistors, 187

VCO, see Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO)

Vectorial positions, 476

Vectorial PWM, 131, 174; see also Harmonic current factor (HCF); Pulse width modulation (PWM); Space vector modulation theory; Switching reference function; Switching sequence; Three-phase inverter; Voltper-Hertz control

active power, 169

comparison, 162163

distortion factor vs. modulation index, 164

exercises, 174175

inverter switching states, 171

link to vector control, 147150

loss performance, 162

overmodulation for SVM, 164165

power transfer during transients, 169, 170

RMS of additional voltage, 173

stator voltage equation, 168169

switching performance, 162

transient response improvisation, 168174

voltage vectors generation, 171, 172

Vector space, 131

dimension of, 132

transformations, 133

Vector states, 475, 476

Very-large-scale integrated circuits (VLSI), 293

VLL, see Line-to-line voltage (VLL)

VLSI, see Very-large-scale integrated circuits (VLSI)

Voltage and current waveforms, 318, 325, 330, 333

Voltage compensator, 123; see also Deadtime interval

Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), 404

Voltage feedback through PI compensator, 123; see also Deadtime interval

Voltage levels in 4-level flying capacitor converter, 488

Voltage source converter, 433

reference waveform, 434

Voltage source inverter, 525

PWM generator for, 443

Voltage sources, 456

Voltage vectors, 419

control, 520

Voltper-Hertz control (V/Hz control), 101, 165; see also Pulse width modulation (PWM); Vectorial PWM

circular corona, 166

high-frequency operation mode, 167168

low-frequency operation mode, 165167

operation modes, 165, 166

operation within 30° sector, 167

pulse width changes, 167

spectra for different PWM patterns, 168



at matrix converter terminals, 469

for operation without modulation of rectifier, 473

for switching frequency, 539

Wear-out mechanisms, 226

in semiconductor die, 227

thermo-mechanical, 227


Yaskawa’s AC7 Matrix Converter, 455


ZCT, see Zero current transition (ZCT)

Zero current clamping, 124

dependence on current frequency and magnitude, 125

Zero current switching, 312

Zero current transition (ZCT), 328; see also Step-down conversion with ZCT; Step-up conversion with ZCT

drain-source voltage, 328

loss reduction at turn-off, 328, 329

quasi-resonant circuit for, 329

tail current, 328

turn-off characteristics, 328

Zero-sequence current, 424

Zero vector, 142, 144

voltage vectors generated during, 171

Zero-voltage switching (ZVS), 34, 283, 312

Zero-voltage transition (ZVT), 315; see also Bi-directional power transfer with ZVT; Resonant snubber; Step-down conversion with ZVT; Step-up power transfer with ZVT

equivalent circuit for IGBT device, 316

gate characteristics comparison, 316

gate voltage at turn-on, 315

Miller effect, 315

power semiconductor devices, 315

quasi-resonant circuit for, 317, 318

tail current, 316

turn-off process, 316

Z-source converter, 356357

Z-source inverter, 356, 358

as boost converter, 357

boost factor, 359360

control signals, 359

global voltage gain, 359

second harmonics in capacitor voltage, 357, 358

short-circuit interval, 359

ZVT, see Zero-voltage transition (ZVT)

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