3D contours, 551
3D graphs, 322–323
for esthetic purposes, 323
with three axes, 322
See also graphs
3D steps, 549, 551


abbreviations, column heading, 213
accessibility, 46–57
checkboxes, 92–93
color blindness and, 47–48
CSS support, 55
defined, 46
design checklist, 583–584
images, 583
Java options, 220
quality testing, 565
radio buttons, 92–93
resources, 611–614
style changes, 48–49
text, 584
text use, 49–50
universal design principles, 47
accuracy, 504–506
defined, 504
false, 507
positional, 504–505
questions, 504
standards, 506
See also map data; maps
buttons for, 136
embedded in rows, 137, 138
interactions between, 136
placing, 138–139
primary, 136
secondary, 136
showing, 136
active server pages (ASPs), 597
ActiveX, 597
ad hoc reports, 200–203
column headings, 212
printing, 200–203
reformatting, 201
See also reports
Adobe PDF, 253–254
advanced searches, 148–156
“All” selection, 151–153
ANDs, 151
blank entries, 153, 154
Boolean logic, 151
defined, 148
design issues, 148
help, 154–156
meta criteria, 153
multiple criteria, 149–151
multiple fields, 150
opposite criteria, 154
ORs, 151
See also search (es)
affordance, 106
aggregate elements, 381–382
defined, 381
illustrated, 382
opening, with zooming, 389–390
progressive disclosure and, 392
uses, 381
See also diagrams
defined, 530
example illustration, 531
for map problem management, 530–534
for non-visual separation, 530–531
opening, by zooming, 532
opening methods, 531–532
at same location, 530
Allen, Thad, 81
ALT text, 49
ANDs, 151
angles, units of measurement, 213
angular (polar) scales, 285
diagrams, 370–371
personal, 370
public, 370
restricted, 370
appearance, 22–24
Appel, Kenneth, 501
application programming interfaces (APIs), 537, 597
Apply button, 100
archiving output, 251
area charts, 344–347
cumulative, 344–347
defined, 344
formatting, 347
line graphs vs., 347
proportional, 345
quantitative, 345
See also graphs
aspect ratio
changing, 273
hard coding, 275
attribute bread crumbs
defined, 50
illustrated, 53
See also bread crumbs
defined, 597
resources, 620–621
defined, 597
resources, 620
automated entry fields, 72–73
defined, 72
ECML ship-to, 74
Google, 73, 74
illustrated, 72
settings in Internet Explorer, 73, 75
automatic save, 147, 149
axes, 270–283
data rectangle size and, 271–272
distorting, 272–275
double X, 276
double Y, 278
extra, 276
multiple with two datasets, 277
offset, 287
peaks and valleys, 274
radar graph, 281–282
rates of change, 274
reversing, 271
scales/logarithms comparison on, 279–280
squaring data and, 272
three, 280–281, 322
triangle graph, 280–281
X, 270, 271
Y, 271
axis labels
defined, 293
rules of thumb, 294
X-axis, 293, 294
Y-axis, 293, 294
See also labels (graph)
azimuthal projections
defined, 487
illustrated, 488
selecting, 489
See also projections


Back button, 7, 12
Bainbridge, Alex, 101
Baldino, Anna, 202, 203, 447–449
area, 28
in multiple spots, 34
bar charts, 325–331
axes, 270–271
bar differentiation, 304
bar format problem, 306
bar spacing, 325
clustered, 327
defined, 325
with histogram format, 335
horizontal, 326
illustrated, 326
multiple dataset display, 301
multiple dataset separation, 301–307
paired horizontal/vertical, 351, 354
pictorial, 328, 329–331
radar graphs vs., 283, 284
scaling practices, 286–287
segmented, 350–351
with two datasets, 303
zero-lin, 327, 351, 355
See also graphs
Bator, Erik, 8
Bayesian analysis, 552
Bederson, Benjamin B., 395
Belam, Michael, 143
bell curves. See frequency polygons
Bernard, Michael, 143
Bertin, Jacques, 376
bidirectional, 597
Blair, David C., 142
books. See resources
Boolean terms, 151
boxed lists
checkboxes, 86
defined, 86
illustrated, 89
two-list system, 86
See also lists
bread crumbs, 23
attribute, 50, 53
creating, 50
location, 50
path, 50, 51–53
trails, 50
control, 220, 221
page, 220, 221–222
types of, 220
Brown, John Seeley, 187, 253
controls, striping, 113–115
design issues, 34–57
desktop platforms vs., 8–12
embedded fonts and, 230
framework, 25–57
functionality, restricting, 27
incompatibilities, 7
thumbnail, 194
Unicode-enabled, 46
zoomable image, 198
browser window, 25–34
conceptual model, 25–26
content area, 25, 27–34
Internet Explorer, 26
parts of, 26–27
browsing, 177–198
benefits, 177–178
clustering/concept mapping, 183
database overviews, 182–183
defined, 177
e-commerce sites, 178
expanded thumbnails, 183–184
ratings/reviews/recommendations, 184–190
thumbnails, 189
use of, 178
bubble charts, 340–343
defined, 340
illustrated, 342
qualitative bubbles, 344
quantitative bubbles, 343
uses, 340
See also graphs
buttons, 106–116
for actions, 136
Apply, 100
Cancel, 100, 177
clarity, 110
Close, 114
command, repeating, 108–109
fields and, 107
Filter, 177
Find, 112–113
gravity, 108–109
guidelines for, 106–115
labels, 109
multiple presses, 109
OK, 100, 177
on frames, 109
on tabs, 109
Order, 109
popups, 100
Reset, 111–112
Search, 177
separated, 107
sizing, 106
Submit, 109, 111
uses, 106
window-level, 139
Buyukkokten, Orkut, 395


Caldwell, Lori, 101
Cancel button, 100, 177
candle charts, 333–334
candle symbol, reading, 333
defined, 333
illustrated, 334
See also graphs
“canned” reports. See management reports
cascading style sheets (CSSs), 40, 54–55
accessibility support, 55
defined, 54, 597
development and, 55
maintenance and, 55
for page formatting, 55
resources, 614–615
text sizes, changing with, 57
uses, 55
well-designed, 258
casual users, 34–35
category scales, 285
cause—and—effect diagrams, 413–414
categories, 414
defined, 413
resources, 626
uses, 413
See also diagrams
multiline, 219
wrap, 219
centered design, 37, 38
Chadwick-Dias, Ann, 68
character sets, 42
advantages, 42
defined, 597
using, 45
charts. See graphs
checkboxes, 86–91
accessibility, 92–93
in boxed lists, 86
defined, 86
groups, 90
labels, 89, 91, 93
negatives and, 91
opposites, 90–91
shape, 89
toggles, 90
uses, 89
See also input forms
Chen, Chaomei, 581
class intervals
arbitrary, 544
defined, 542
illustrated, 543
See also statistical maps
Cleveland, William, 267, 273, 275, 298, 299–300
Close button, 114
clouds, 363–364
defined, 364
illustrated, 363
See also diagrams; shapes
clustered bar charts, 327
clustering, 183, 187
code pages, 597
code points, 597
cognitive psychology, 615
collective intelligence, 188–190
color blindness, 47–48
color confusion, 302
color problem, 302–307
color confusion and, 202
detail, 303
grayscale separation and, 307
illustrated, 305
luminance, 303, 304
red lettering, 303
solution, 304–307
See also graphs
dithering, 40
live diagram, 399, 400, 401
row change based on contents, 57
using, 40–41
web-safe, 40, 41
colors (map), 498–502
customary, 498
for enlivening/decorating, 501
false, 498–500
four, 501–502
for labeling, 500
Landsat 7 bands, 499
for measuring/quantifying, 500
muted, 501
for reality representation, 500
resources, 628
uses, 500–501
column charts. See bar charts
column headings, 212–213
abbreviations, 213
defined, 212
order, changing, 248–250
sorting, 244–248
comma—delimited files, 254, 256
commercial reporting software, 206–207
advantages, 206
disadvantages, 206–207
finding, 207
complex searches, 157–161
controls/operations, 157
database view, 160–161
defined, 157
design issues, 157
field visibility, 158–161
progressive disclosure, 157–158, 159
security, 158–160
See also search (es)
concept mapping, 183
conformal projections
defined, 486
illustrated, 487, 488
See also projections
conical projections
defined, 487
illustrated, 488
selecting, 489
Tissot, s indicatrices on, 491
See also projections
defined, 434
illustrated, 435
content area, 27–34
banner ads area, 28
defined, 25
illustrated, 28
left side navigation area, 28
main page content, 28
parts of, 27–34
top navigation bar area, 28
See also browser window
content management system (CMS), 253
analyses, adding, 253
resources, 615
control breaks, 220, 221
complexity, 220
defined, 597
with page breaks, 221
See also breaks
browser, 113–115
complex search, 157
filter, 174
form, 60
HTML, 4–5
prebuilt, 5
conversation style, 14, 17
Cooper, Alan, 3, 12
coordinated views, 314–316
defined, 314
display, 315
example, 315
credit card numbers, 105
critical-path method diagrams, 380
defined, 446
illustrated, 446
cross sections, 415
currency, 103
customer relationship management (CRM), 555–556
cutaway view, 415–416
defined, 415
illustrated, 416
See also diagrams
cylindrical projections
defined, 487
illustrated, 487
selecting, 489
Tissot, s indicatrices on, 491
See also projections
Czerwinski, Mary, 581


daemonic programs, 2
age, 509
capture, 621
categorization, 510
crunching, over time, 168, 169
density, 578, 579
feeds, 59
for graphs, 267
internationalized, 44–46
localized, 44
noisy, 316
not in database, 209
old, saving, 252
reports, 208
resolution, 506
scraping, 265, 625
secondary, popups for, 139
selection, 579
squaring up, 272
underlying, showing, 319–323
designs, starting from reports, 201–203
large, 164
map, 457, 460
overviews, 182–183
report generation and, 239
searching, 142
view, 160–161
data-collection popups, 98
data-flow diagrams, 436–439
defined, 436
flows, 438
illustrated, 438
levels, 438–439
processes, 437
stores, 438
terminators, 438
See also diagrams
data input, 59–122
data feeds, 59
defined, 59
design checklist, 586
lists, 59, 60, 123–139
losing, danger of, 113–115
manual, 59
quality testing, 566–568
resources, 620–622
usability testing, 573–574
validating, 115–116
views, 59–60
data-input applications
back/forward actions, 27
cut, copy, paste, 65
data labels
defined, 293
excentric, 296–297
rules of thumb, 295–296
show methods, 296
too many, 296
See also labels (graph)
Data Mountain, 178–179
defined, 178
illustrated, 179
thumbnails, 178–179
versions, 178
data output, 199–224
communication and distribution, 252–257
design checklist, 586–588
flexibility, 203
generating, 239–244
interacting with, 235–263
printed forms, 223–233
quality testing, 569–570
reports, 199–224
resources, 623–625
saving, 250–252
tables, 199
types of, 199
usability testing, 574–575
data rectangles, 267–327
axes, 270–283
defined, 267
grids, 267–270
illustrated, 268
labels, 293–297
multiple datasets, 297–323
scales, 283–292
sizing, 271–272
squaring data, 272
symbols, 297–301
tooltips, 298
data retrieval
filtering/browsing, 173–198
quality testing, 568–569
resources, 622–623
search, 141–172
uncomplicated, 144–148
usability testing, 574
calendar popups, 101
format, 101–102
resources, 621
Davis, Joshua, 421
decision-support maps, 552–559
defined, 552
GIS/MLS, 552
land use, 552–555
problem solutions, 552
See also maps
Dempster-Shafer updating, 552
dendrograms, 434–435, 437
accessibility, 46–57
color blindness and, 47–48
palettes, 241, 374
style changes and, 48–49
text use, 49–50
universal principles, 47
design checklists, 583–596
accessibility, 583–584
data input, 586
data output, 586–588
diagrams, 591–594
forms, 588
graphs, 589–590
internationalization, 584–585
labels (diagram), 593
labels (map), 595
lines, 593
live diagrams, 594
maps, 594–596
palette, 592
reports, 586–587
shapes, 592
titles and labels, 590
tooltips, 595
design worksheets, 561–563
look-and-feel continuum, 562–563
page-to-application continuum, 561–562
detailed reports, 204, 207
development platforms, 9–11
diagramming software
characteristics/requirements, 358–359
diagram display, 383–412
diagram saving, 383
diagram window, 359–360
drawing area, 372–374
filtering options, 384
grid pattern, 374
label placement algorithms, 368
open-ended direct manipulation, 372
overviews, 390–396
palettes, 374–382
panning, 384–385
tools and commands, 382
user redisplay, 383
wizards, 372
zooming, 385–390
diagrams, 357–452
aggregate elements, 381–382
annotation, 370–371
cause-and-effect, 413–414
chaotic, 376
creating, 371–383
creation checklist, 591
creation effort levels, 371
critical-path method, 380, 446
cross section, 415
cutaway view, 415–416
data-flow, 436–439
dendrogram, 434–435, 437
design checklist, 591–594
designing, 357–412
direct connections, 378
elements of, 360–371
elevation view, 416, 417, 418
engineering/scientific, 414–428
entity-relationship, 439–442
exploded view, 416–419
family tree, 434, 436
filtering, 384
fishbone, 359, 414
flowcharts, 358, 361, 376–377, 379, 428–429
formats, 379–380
Gantt chart, 364, 379–380, 445–446
importance of, 357
labels, 366–371
layering, 410
layout, user selection, 376
levels, 411
line drawing, 419–420
lines, 364–365
live, 397–408
network, 377, 380, 429
organization, 429–435
overviews, 390–396
PERT, 446–447
photograph, 420–423
plan view, 423, 426
printing, 408–410
quality testing, 570
redisplaying, 383
resources, 626–628
saving, 383
schematic, 423–428
shapes, 361–364
showing, 383–412
shrinking, 409
software design, 357–371, 435–444
state-transition, 442–444
symbol sets, 380–381
telecommunications, 397, 398
treemaps, 450–452
types of, 357–358, 413–452
units of measurement, 368–370
usability testing, 576
when to use, 357
workflow, 359, 360, 397
Yourdon-Coad data-flow, 365
digital elevation models (DEMs), 465
digital wallets, 232–233
displaying reports, 262–263
buffer use, 262
overview, 262–263
what makes sense, 262
See also reports
distribution, 252–257
access, 253
email, 252–253
export to data files, 255–257
export to text files, 253–255
knowledge, 253
dithering, 40
Document Object Model (DOM), 598
domains, 598
donut charts, 312, 350
downloads, preventing, 27
drilling down, 308
illustrated, 310
overlaid, translucent, 312
zooming, 309
zooming illustration, 311
See also nested graphs
dropdown lists, 83–86
for changing settings, 136
checking, for typos, 84
data consistency and, 83
defined, 83
drawbacks, 84
functionality and, 29
illustrated, 87
menu, 87
order, 85
populating, 83
quality, 84
regular lists vs., 85–86
uses, 83–84
See also input forms
Duguid, Paul, 187, 253
dynamic HTML (DHTML)
defined, 597
pros/cons, 9


browsing, 178
form labeling, 66–67
look-and-feel, 24
recommendations, 187
required fields, 76–77
standard browser behaviors, 26–27
edges. See lines
Electronic Commerce Modeling Language (ECML), 233, 598
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), 256
electronic wallets, 232–233, 598
elevation view, 416
building, 418
defined, 416
illustrated, 417
See also diagrams
email, 252–253
forms, 232–233
mail-to links, 252–253
embedded fonts, 230–231
browsers and, 230
problems, 230–231
process, 230
with WEFT, 230
See also fonts
encoding schemes, 42–43
indicating, 43
Unicode, 42
engineering/scientific diagrams, 414–428
cross sections, 415
cutaway view, 415–416
defined, 414
elevation view, 416
exploded view, 416–419
line drawings, 419–420
photographs, 420–423
plan view, 423
schematics, 423–428
See also diagrams
entity-relationship diagrams, 439–442
components, 440
defined, 439
illustrated, 439
object types, 440
primary symbols, 440
relationships, 440
UML logical/physical data models, 440–442
uses, 439–440
variations, 440–442
See also diagrams
equidistant projects
defined, 486
illustrated, 488
error bars, 317–319
defined, 317
illustrated, 319
uses, 317–318
error messages, 168–171
helpful, 169
“HTTP 404 - File not found, 168
informational, 170
types of, 168
warning, 170
input, preventing with checkboxes, 86–91
input, preventing with dropdown lists, 83–85
input, preventing with radio buttons, 91–92
management, 615
not recognized, 579
spelling, 145
standard, 317
expanded thumbnails, 183–184
expert users, 35
explicit save, 148, 150
exploded view, 416–419
component alignment, 419
illustrated, 418
photographic, 417, 419
uses, 416
See also diagrams
exporting, 253–257
in Adobe PDF, 253–254
to comma-/tab-delimited files, 254, 256
to data files, 255–257
styles, 253–254
to text files, 253–255
extranets, 30, 598


false colors, 498–500
family trees, 434, 436
Farkas, David K., 379
Favorites, 7
required fields, 80–82
search results, 164
select all, 152, 153
field labeling, 66–70
data input forms, 66
e-commerce forms, 66–67
ending, 67
international forms, 69
left-aligned, 67
less experienced users, 68
right-justified, 67
tying, 69
fields, 62–82
automated entry, 72–73
buttons and, 107
cut, copy, paste, 65
defined, 62
grouping, 70–72
help in, 155, 156
protected, 62, 73–76
required, 62, 76–82
search, 144, 161
standard, 62–65
types of, 62
unprotected, 62
See also input forms
Filter button, 177
filtering, graphs, 312–314
filters, 173–177
authorization, 176–177
buttons, 177
canned, 165
controls/operations, 174
criteria, saving, 177
danger, 174–175
defined, 173
diagram, 384
hard-coded, 260–261
location, 175–177
map, 527
report, 243
saving, 177
security, 176–177
spam, 174
systems with/without, 174
in “too many records” problem, 165, 174
trouble-ticket system example, 173
Find button, 112–113
finding locations, 535–539
defined, 535
distance measuring, 537–538
with interactive way-finding maps, 536–537
travel times, 538–539
See also maps
Find operation, 112–113
fishbone diagrams
illustrated, 359, 414
uses, 359
See also diagrams
fish-eye lenses, 179–182
advantages, 179–182
defined, 179, 395
organization chart display with, 395
for overviews, 395
site map illustration, 167
text-search shortcuts, 179
use of, 167, 182
See also browsing
for interaction simplification, 117–118
pros/cons, 10–11
SWF (Shockwave Flash), 457–458
uses, 118
flowcharts, 428–429
complex procedural, 379
for decision making, 379
defined, 428
format, 379
illustrated, 358, 428
live, 397
for ordering telephone service, 361
primary symbols, 428
use efficiency, 376–377
uses, 428
See also diagrams
fluid design, 38, 40
focus, 63
access/download method documentation, 45–46
embedding, 230–231
monospaced, 214, 215, 216
proportional, 215, 216
report, 214–215
resources, 624–625
footers, 211–212
defined, 211
illustrated, 212
minimum requirements, 212
page numbers in, 231
printed form, 231
type size, 211
See also management reports
forecasting, 188–190
accuracy/reliability, 188
defined, 190
examples, 189–190
illustrated, 192, 193
See also recommendations
formats, diagram, 379–380
formatting reports, 235–239
for complicated reports, 237–238
with programming by example, 238
with report-formatting wizards, 235–236
resources, 623
formatting window, designing, 235–239
Forward button, 7, 12
Fowler, Susan L., 400
buttons on, 109
for diagram overviews, 391, 393
graph comparison in, 277–279
frequency polygons, 337–338
defined, 337–338
illustrated, 338
multiple, 339
smoothed, 338
See also graphs
front view. See elevation view
fuzzy matches, 145
fuzzy set procedures, 552


games, look-and-feel, 24
Gantt charts
defined, 445
format, 379–380
illustrated, 364, 445
with legend, 373
primary symbols, 445
user transformation, 451
See also diagrams
Gardner, Carolyn, 458
Gardner, Howard, 182, 407
generating reports, 239–244
count display, 261–262
database implications, 239
elements, 239
format selection, 239
record selection, 240–242
saving criteria for, 251–252
scheduling, 242–244
See also data output; reports
geographic information system (GIS) maps, 477
defined, 598
ratio scales, 477
scale bar, 478
scales on, 477–479
text scales, 478
geographic maps. See maps
georeferencing, 467
global positioning system (GPS), 520, 598
Goode’s projection, 494
Gopnik, Adam, 467
graphical displays, 403
graphical information system (GIS), 552
graphical objects
finding, 193–194
illustrated, 195
indexing, 193–194
graphic lists, as search results, 164
accessibility design checklist, 583
large, printing, 408–410
layering, 410
resources, 615
shrinking, 409
tiling, 409–410
area, 344–347
aspect ratio, 273, 275
automatically updated, 590
axes, 270–283
bubble, 340–343
candle, 333–334
changes over time, 331–334
color problem on, 302–307
comparing, in same frame, 277–279
coordinated views, 314–316
data-driven, 265
data for, 267
data rectangles, 267–327
defined, 265
design checklist, 589–590
donut, 312, 350
error bars, 317–319
filtering, 312–313
frequency polygons, 337–338
grids, 267–270
guidelines, 265–267
high/low/close, 332–333
histograms, 334–337
interactive, 590
jitter, 298
labels, 293–297
logarithmic, 289–290
multiple datasets, 297–323
nested, 308–309
paired horizontal/vertical bar, 351, 354
Pareto diagrams, 328–329
peaks and values, 274
proportion, 343–355
pyramid histograms, 338, 340
quality testing, 570
queries, 314
rates of change, 274
reference lines, 316–317
resources, 625–626
scales, 283–292
scatterplots, 270–271, 286–287, 297, 298–301, 340
segmented bar, 350–351
semilogarithmic, 289
squaring data, 272
statistical analysis, 334–343
steam-and-leaf, 339–340
symbols, 297–301
transforming, 266
trendlines, 316
triangle, 280–281
types based on use, 325–355
underlying data, showing, 319–323
usability testing, 575–576
user manipulation of, 265
visualization, 267
zero-line bar, 351, 355
charts, 412
checking for, 307
in color graph, 307
grids, 267–270
as background, 268
comparisons, 270
diagramming software, 374
good, 269
graphs with, 270
graphs without, 270
overdone, 269
turning on/off, 268
use hints, 268
grouping fields, 71
complexity, 71–72
examples, 72
illustrated, 71
required, 82
simplicity, 71
See also fields
groups. See aggregates


Haken, Wolfgang, 501
Hall, Bennett, 458
hard-coded filters, 260–261
hardcopies, 203
Harper, Richard H.R., 203, 250, 251
Harris, Robert L., 281, 286, 328, 337, 429
defined, 210
forms, 229–231
illustrated, 211
minimum requirements, 210
See also management reports
help, 118–122
advanced search, 154–156
fields, 155, 156
illustrated, 121
needed, 15, 19
onscreen, 118, 122
resources, 615
text, 122
“What, s this?, ”, 122
wildcards, 171
heterogeneous windows, 126–127
hierarchical trees. See network diagrams
high/low/close graphs, 332–333
bar, reading, 332
defined, 332
illustrated, 333
See also graphs
histograms, 334–337
defined, 334
evened-out bins, 337
format rules, 334–337
illustrated, 335
interval adjustment, 334
pyramid, 338, 340
uneven bins, 337
uses, 334
See also graphs
Home, 7
home applications, Iook-and-feel, .23
horizontal bar charts, 326
horizontal segmented bar charts, 350–351
defined, 350–351
illustrated, 352, 353
Horton, Sarah, 13
controls, 4–5
defined, 598
pros/cons, 9
reports, moving columns on, 247
table cell text wrap, 219–220
“HTTP 404 - File not found” error message, 168
Huber, Bill, 552
Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL), 182–183
query previews, 182–183
visualization tools, 183
Husmann, Darrin, 451
hybridization, 7
hyperbolic browsers. See fish-eye lenses


pictures, 193–194
for public, 194
informational popups, 97–98, 100
information kiosks
look-and-feel, 24
standard browser behaviors, 26–27
information messages, 170
input. See data input
input errors
preventing with checkboxes, 86–91
preventing with dropdown lists, 83–85
preventing with radio buttons, 91–92
input forms, 59–122
addresses, 102–103
basics, 60–61
buttons, 106–116
checkboxes, 86–91
controls, 60
data-entry personnel use, 62
data-input, 66
dates, 101–102
dropdown lists, 83–86
e-commerce, 66–67
English version, 68
fields, 62–82
illustrated, 61
names, 102–103
numbers, 103–105
pop-ups, 96–100
public web site use, 62
radio buttons, 91–92
resources, 621–622
Spanish version, 69
tabs, 94–96
text boxes, 60
user activities, 61
intensity, 22
nature of, 14, 17
style, 15, 19–20
time, 15, 19
interactive dataset separation, 307–323
error bars, 317–319
methods, 307–308
nested graphs, 308–309
reference lines, 316–317
trendlines, 316
cultural/political issues, 585
data display, 44–46
defined, 41, 598
design checklist, 584–585
encoding scheme indication, 43
encoding scheme use, 42
field labels and, 66
labeling strategies, 69
mismatches and, 46
quality testing, 565–566
resources, 615–618
slow performance and, 166
technical issues, 584–585
tools, 45
international mathematical formats, 104
collaboration, 7
communication, 7
searching, 142
intranets, 598
isograms, 549, 550


Jagiello, Greg, 160
Jansen, Bernard, 141, 142, 143
Jarrett, Caroline, 223
accessibility options, 220
defined, 598
pros/cons, 10
servlets, 599
Swing, 253
defined, 598–599
pros/cons, 9
reports, moving columns on, 247
Java server pages (JSPs), 599
Java virtual machine (JVM), 599
JAWS screen reader, 220
Jensen, Mike, 35
jittering, 298
Johnson, Jeff, 79, 164
illustrated, 119
usability tests for, 117
warning, 116–117


Kalbach, James, 31, 37
Kania, Chris, 82
keyboard navigation, 65
defined, 293
illustrated, 295
rules of thumb, 295
See also labels (graph)
keys (map), 515–522
defined, 515
geographic location, 520
illustrated, 516
labels, 520–522
layers, 518
legend, 518
north arrow, 518–519
overviews, 516–518
scale bar, 518–519
types of, 515–516
See also maps


button, 109
checkbox, 89, 91, 93
problem resolution, 521–522
radio button, 93
rules, 522
scale, 283–285
standard field, 63, 66–70
too few, 577
labels (diagram), 366–371
defined, 366
design checklist, 593
display methods, 368
expanding, 368
generation, 366
location of, 366
messy, 369
no, 370
overlapping, 368
positioning, 366
reorganization, 369
toggling, 368
tooltips, 368, 371, 372
types of, 366
zooming, 368
See also diagrams
labels (graph), 293–297
axis, 294
data, 295–297
design checklist, 590
excentric, 296–297
keys, 295
titles, 293–294
types, 293
See also graphs
labels (map), 520–522
characteristics, 520
design checklist, 595
excentric, 523, 529
hidden, 522
tooltip-style, 529
too many, 529–530
Lambert projection, 494, 495
Landsat 7 bands, 499
Lash, Jeff, 8
latitude/longitude, 479–485
defined, 472, 479, 481
grid illustration, 483
grid systems, 485
for pointer, 521
UTM grid, 484
V&H coordinates, 484–485
variations, 483–485
See also maps
layered graphs
checkboxes, 312, 313
defined, 309
toggle buttons, 312, 313
layering, 410
layers (map), 473–476
defined, 472, 473
detail and, 475
illustrated, 476, 477
as plastic overlays, 475
representations, 474
scales and, 474
themes, 473, 474, 475
user selection, 518
See also maps
layouts (diagram), 376–379
compact, 376–379
direct connections, 378
right angle connections, 378
user selection, 376
See also diagrams
learning curves, 580–581
left-oriented design, 37, 39
legends, 518, 519
Lewenstein, Marion, 30
linear scales, 285
rate of change, 291
tick marks, 287–288
See also scales
line drawings, 419–420
defined, 419–420
illustrated, 420
views, 420
See also diagrams
line graphs, 331–332
axes, 270–271
defined, 331
illustrated, 332
keys, 295
multiple dataset separation, 297–307
scaling practices, 286–287
symbols, 297–301
See also graphs
lines, 364–365
ambiguous vs. unambiguous, 377
characterizations, 375
choosing, 375
connection rules, 376
defined, 364
design checklist, 593
direct connections, 378
directionality symbols, 364
endpoints, 375
intersecting, 376
length, 364
in network diagrams, 365
rejection, 375
right angles, 378
shape attachment, 36
See also diagrams
lines (vector maps)
cartographic, 462
defined, 459
hash, 462
marker, 463
multilayer, 463
storage, 460
styles, 462–463
“Add Line, ”, 162
mail-to, 252–253
“More Like This, ”, 188, 192
object, 132
to outside sites, 116–117
“printer-friendly, ”, 257–259
repeat, on bottom, 33
list+object strategy, 126–127
potential problems, 129–130
selecting, 130–131
solutions, 129–130
testing, 131
tree problem, 129, 130
list objects, 125–132
changing, 135–139
heterogeneous rows, 132
links to, 132
multiple rows, selecting, 133–134
opening, 132–134
selecting, 132–134
lists, 123–139
alphabetic organization, 88
changing, 135–139
chronological organization, 88
defined, 59
dropdown, 83–86
frequency of use, 88
graphic, 164
heterogeneous window, 126–127
left-hand, 125–126
multiple selection, 133–134
numeric organization, 88
object, 59, 60
for object parts, 127
organizing, 88
picture, 127–129
random organization, 88
semantic similarity, 88
sequential processing, 88
simple, 123–125
split windows for, 125–126
standardization, 88
“too many results” solution, 165–166
types of, 123
See also input forms
Liu, Micky, 84
live diagrams, 397–408
blinking, 401
colors, 399, 400, 401
decisions, 398
design checklist, 594
examples, 397
flowchart, 397
graphical displays, 403
motion, 401
organization charts, 432–433
patterns, 399
recorded vs., 402
rotation, 401
rule editor, 402–405
state changes, 398–399
symbols, 399
texture, 402
updates, 399
workflow, 397
live time-and-activity charts, 450
defined, 599
mismatch, 45
picking up, 45
cultural aspects, 42
data storage, 44
defined, 41, 599
technical aspects, 42
localize pictures, 46
location bread crumbs, 50
location maps, 535–539
defined, 535
interaction maps, 536
MapQuest, 536
travel times, 538–539
finding, 535–539
measuring between, 539
overlay information on, 539–541
logarithmic graphs, 289–290
illustrated, 291
logarithmic scales, 290
uses, 289
See also graphs
logarithmic scales, 279–280, 285
illustrated, 290
for readability, 290–291
ticks, 289
See also scales
logarithms, 279–280
log files, 8
analysis resources, 619–620
uses, 8
logical data models (LDMs), 441
logos, as shortcuts, 29
look-and-feel, 22–24
e-commerce, 24
games, 24
home applications, 23
information kiosks, 24
marketing sites, 23
matrix, 23–24
portals, 23
reports, 23, 199
resources, 620
visualizations, 23
work desktops, 23
look-and-feel continuum, 562–563
defined, 562
illustrated, 563
Lynch, Patrick, 13
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