Have Fun Despite the Naysayers

When you work with complainers, it’s hard to work up the nerve to celebrate anything positive in the office. But that’s exactly what you should do: Focus on the positive. Celebrate promotions, birthdays for those who still acknowledge them, impending weddings or births. Don’t let the occupants in the “ahem” corner discourage you from providing a temporary reprieve from their moodiness.

Just observe a few etiquette rules to avoid giving the naysayers something else to complain about. Establish a suggested minimum for the collection envelope. Be reasonable so that people don’t feel plundered. As an alternative you could ask people to bring in food.

On the day of the party start promptly so you don’t have knots of people just milling around and keep the noise to a minimum so you don’t disturb the colleagues who are determined to work rather than attend an office party.

After the party don’t forget to send out an e-mail thanking all who contributed and helped brighten the office atmosphere, if only for a day.

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