When a Problem Employee Becomes Your Boss

If ever there were a workplace equivalent of Purgatory, you enter it when your worst nightmare becomes your supervisor.

It could happen. Many companies promote people despite their shortcomings, including an obvious lack of people skills.

Just half the business executives surveyed by DDI, a global human-resources consulting firm, said they were satisfied with their company’s efforts to develop leaders. And only 61 percent considered themselves skilled enough to “bring out the best in people.”

You best offense will be your best defense in handling the coworker-from-hell cum boss-from-hell. Meet with the manager and ask what you can do to make his job easier. Your new situation will call for managing up to avoid problems you may have had with the new supervisor in the past. When you have an idea, publicly attach your name to it as soon as possible. Write a memo to your boss explaining the idea and if necessary send a copy to other supervisors, with the idea of sharing. Being proactive might be your best weapon for dealing with the same old foe that has changed his title but maybe not his stripes.

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