Don’t Forget About Your Other Employees

Difficult employees in some sense are like the squeaky wheel. They get the oil, or in their case, the attention. You may focus so much on resolving their issues that you forget you are the leader of the entire office. Even if you eventually dismiss the problem employee, you want to keep the office functioning as normally as possible until you do. During those trying times, it helps to remind yourself of your responsibilities to the rest of the staff. You should always strive to:

image Create an environment in which productivity and creativity thrive.

image Be a fierce guardian of employee morale.

image Show your appreciation for good work.

image Show your gratitude for self-starters.

image Thank employees who go the extra mile in turbulent times.

image Create a workplace known for fairness.

Some employees are so low maintenance they are easy to take for granted. Make sure you avoid that.

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