Nip Managers’ Favoritism in the Bud

Favoritism often leads to the wrong people for the job, sometimes with tragic consequences. Michael Brown, the former director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, had little emergency-management experience when he took over the reins of the agency. His predecessor, who is also a longtime friend, recommended him for the job. Brown resigned following fierce criticism about FEMA’s relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Your managers may be eager to surround themselves with loyal employees or longtime friends. Nothing is inherently wrong with that plan as long as it furthers your business objective to find the best person for the job. But if the narrow views thwart your attempts to bring diversity into your office and to find the most qualified people, tell the managers to cast a wider net. When they recommend candidates, evaluate the choices and compare them with others who have interviewed for the job. Always lean more toward talent than familiarity.

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