Don’t Take Disputes Personally

A dictionary definition of a cubical office could read: “A fragile ecosystem prone to instant flare-ups.” The closeness produces an environment that crackles with tension from repeated interruptions, shouting, and other discourtesies. It’s not surprising that a Cornell University study concluded that “open-office environments, especially cubicles, reduce individual performances and productivity.”

The key to handling conflict in this compressed environment is to give yourself a wide berth mentally. Start by remembering that a compact environment exaggerates disputes. If a colleague has a difficult personality to begin with, her reactions will probably be even more dramatic in the sardine-like environment of a cube farm.

If a colleague who is given to high drama lashes into you, tell yourself not to take it personally. So often in a tense environment an attack far outweighs the offense. If you did indeed commit a slight that prompted the tirade, acknowledge it, apologize, and move on. If the colleague ratchets up the hostility, disarm her with: “What do you need me to do?” That puts the onus on her and keeps you focused on a solution. Most importantly it takes a positive approach to a very negative situation.

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