Outing the Backstabber

Backstabbers are the office termites. They cause a great deal of damage behind the scenes. They live to make a name for themselves at the expense of others. Their modus operandi is to talk themselves up to the boss while badmouthing others. They speak first and check their facts later, if ever. The way to put a stop to their hurtful ways is to challenge them. They can seldom withstand the openness.

A colleague known for spreading unkind gossip once announced to a group of coworkers, including Sherry, that the company cafeteria owner was mean to his wife. Some in the group grumbled that maybe they should think twice about patronizing the place. Sherry asked the gossiper what he based his conclusion on since the man spoke to his wife in Arabic. The language has some full, explosive sounds that could leave the impression that people are arguing even when they aren’t. He had no response to that.

Backstabbers seldom survive head-on confrontations. That’s why they’re called backstabbers. If you don’t challenge them, eventually you will have a bull’s eye on your back.

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