
3D effects, 291

3D LE plug-in, 193-194

3D Pack filters, 157

3D track motion tools, 306-309

4:2:2 MPEG capability, 455-457

5.1 surround sound, 266-277, 421-422

24p DVDs, 472

24p HD avi files, 471-472

24p media

DVDA, 420-422

features, 453

HDCAM/DVCAM workflow, 463-472

plug-ins, 160-161, 165

timecode, 469-470

29.97 interlaced DV, 466-468

60i video, 466-468


AC-3 files

inserting, 403, 421-422

mixing, 278-279

outputting, 441

AC3 format, 419-420

ACID loops, 228-229

action areas, 397

Add Noise filter, 154

Advanced Television Standards Committee (ATSC), 201

aliasing, credit rolls, 316

alpha channels, 317

analog camera/deck, 111

analog video, 111, 395

artifacts, 244, 291

ASIO drivers, 202, 215

aspect ratio, 162-163, 303, 374, 394

assets, 398

ATSC (Advanced Television Standards Committee), 201

audio, 197-279

ACID loops, 228-229

advanced techniques, 202-218

background, 403

bandwidth, 375

bus assignments, 207-208

bus routing effects, 209-211

compression, 257-261

De-Ess preset, 261-262

dithering, 432-433

DVDA, 408-409

editing. See audio editing

equalization. See EQ (equalization)

extracting from CDs, 220-227

fitting compilations to, 414-415

FX-automated, 242-243

FX packages, 211-214

Internet delivery of, 370, 374-378

levels, 377-378

looping, 203, 206

markers, 230-234

mixing. See mixing audio

multiple tracks, 202, 215-218

music, 60, 228-229, 392, 413-415

muting, 95, 171, 251, 253-254

noise reduction, 244-247, 370

normalizing, 377-378

plug-ins, 239-250

preprocessing, 375

preproduction tasks, 376

punch-ins, 206-207

recording. See recording

reverb, 264-265, 370

speed control, 235-236

streaming media, 370, 374-378

stretching, 234

surround sound, 266-277, 421-422

takes, 61-62, 203-205

thinning, 254-255

volume, 201, 265, 377-378

audio editing, 219-239

extracting audio from CDs, 220-227

markers, 230-234

placing on timeline, 219-220

ripple edits, 238-239

Rubber Audio, 234

speed variation, 235-236

audio events. See also video events

cutting, 221

deleting, 238

described, 197

fading, 222-224

grouping, 239

looping, 226-227

muting, 171

normalizing, 172, 225-226

pasting, 221

ripple editing, 238-239

selecting, 222

snapping, 236-238

splitting, 222

trimming, 236-238

audio files, 421

audio streams, 420, 440-441

Audio tab, 381

audio tracks, 408-409, 470-471

audio waveforms, 375-378

auto ripple, 93-94


FX, 211-214, 242-243

mixes, 210, 279

modes, 252-253

new features, 250-254

overview, 252-254

plug-ins, 242-243

.avi files, 389, 434-435, 471-472

AVI format, 375


Back buttons, 393


audio, 403

color, 283

inserting, 400-401

menu, 389-390

streaming media, 372-373

bandwidth, 242, 374-375, 378

Bezier curves, 180-181

Bezier masks, 294-296, 413

bi, cubic stretching, 422

bins, 114-115, 121, 124-126

bit rates, 381, 388, 421-422, 440

black, color correction, 355

Black and White filter, 339

black bars, 414

bluescreening. See chromakey

blurring, 345-348

BMP format, 132

BorisFX plug-in, 189-190

Broadcast Colors filter, 291, 352, 366-367

bump mapping, 334-336

Burn CD option, 88


CDs, 88, 429-430

DVDs, 397, 417-419

errors during, 429

master CDs, 429-430

projects, 386-388

bus assignments, 207-208


assigning, 207-208

mixes and, 209-210

routing effects, 209-211

viewing as tracks, 272-273

button masks, 410-413

buttons, 393, 402, 410, 412


cadence, 160


analog, 111

output, 164-165

PAL vs. NTSC, 160

shooting modes, 164

still images, 117

transferring video to hard drive, 105-118

captioning, 349. See also titles

capturing video. See video capture

CBR (constant bit rate), 381, 388

CDs. See also DVDs; projects

burning, 88, 429-430

errors, 429

extracting audio from, 220-227

master, 429-430

streaming media and, 382

track-at-once (TAO), 430,

track numbers, 56


alpha, 317

separating, 225

chapter links, 387

chapter markers, 387, 399

Child/Parent feature, 321-326

child tracks, 309-311, 318-319

Chromakey filter, 155

chromakey tools, 336-339

ChromaWarp plug, in, 157, 185

chrominance, 351

clips, 62, 114, 125-127

closed caption, text, 381

codecs, 374, 380, 436, 456-457


background, 283

broadcast, 366-367

buttons, 402

chromakey, 336-339

compositing, 312

curves, 360

gradients, 312, 362-363

illegal, 352-353, 355, 365

legal, 352, 365-367

masks, 318, 321

preferences, 102

RGB, 352

saturation, 359, 363-364

SMPTE, 353, 355

subtitles, 407

titles, 283-284

web media, 371

color bars, 353-357, 434

color correction, 349-367

film-like effects, 160-161, 364-367

FX, 363-364

Histogram tool, 352

illegal colors, 352-353, 355

overview, 349-351

Primary Color Corrector tool, 355, 357, 361-362

Secondary Color Corrector tool, 357-361

tools, 349-351, 355-361

vectorscope, 349, 351, 358

viewing, 158

Color Corrector tool, 159, 354, 356, 362

Color Curves tools, 360

color pass, 339

color sets, 402

color wheel, 358

command markers, 231, 234

Compilation window, 385

compilations, 385, 392, 413-415

compositing, 281-348

chromakey tools, 336-339

credit rolls, 314-316

envelopes, 168, 311

garbage matte, 339-343

generated media, 312-314

holograph effect, 343-345

masks, 292-296, 317-326

modes, 327-336

nested, 309-311

overview, 281-288

Pan/Crop tool, 288-296

parent/child tracks, 311

super sampling, 347-348

text effects, 285-288

title properties, 283-285

Track Motion tool, 297-309


audio, 257-261

DVD Architect, 388, 420

streaming media, 377-378

video export and, 430-432

compressors, 257-261

constant bit rate (CBR), 388

contrast, 371, 373

controller devices, 250-251

Convolution Kernel filter, 155

Cookie Cutter FX plug-in, 312-313

Copy to Clipboard command, 415

copyright information, 382

credit rolls, 314-316

credits, text styles, 314-315

cropping, 78-81, 288-293, 372, 380

crossfades, 93, 134-139, 223-224

cursors, 97-98, 231

curves, 180-181, 360, 365


DAO (disc-at-once) CDs, 429-430

De-Ess preset, 261-262

DebugMode plug-ins, 190-195

Define Effect Range, 358


events, 238

markers, 232-233

pages, 393

digital cameras. See cameras

digital rights management (DRM), 382

digital video. See DV; video

disc-at-once (DAO), 429-430

displacement map, 329-331

dissolves, 134

distortion, 352

Dither plug-in, 275-276

dithering, 432-433

dockable windows, 41-50, 385-386

Doppler effect, 240

downmixing, 277-279

drives, hard, 105-118

DV (digital video). See also video

capturing. See video capture

converting to analog, 395

editing. See editing

film-like effects, 160-161, 364-367

progressive scan, 365, 440

rendering. See rendering

DV cameras. See cameras

DVCAM dubs, 467

DVCAM media, 463-472

DVD players, 85-86, 380, 422

DVD Start item, 399-400

DVDA (DVD Architect), 383-422

24p media in, 420-422

AC-3 audio file formats, 421-422

audio tracks, 408-409

bit rates, 422

building compilations, 413-415

burning projects/DVDs, 386-388, 417-419

described, 383

DVD previews, 415-416

editing in, 409

Explorer view, 384-385

external monitor option, 394-398

highlight masking, 403-407

inserting backgrounds, 400-401

masks, 410-413

menu flow, 383

menu options, 386-394

mixing file formats in, 419-420

new features, 384-385

preferences, 396-398

project creation, 387

Project Overview window, 398-400

project playback, 385

project previews, 390-391

project setup, 383

project transport, 416-417

Properties window, 401-403

remote control actions, 415

saving projects, 386, 416-417

setting up, 385-394

subtitling, 403-407

themes, 389-390

Vegas used with, 460-461

DVDs. See also CDs; projects

24p, 472

burning, 397, 417-419

optimizing, 388

previewing, 415-416

dynamic ranges, 240, 370, 432


Edit menu, 57-62

Edit window, 390


audio. See audio editing

in DVDA, 409

ripple edits, 58, 238-239

slip-editing, 134

for streaming media, 372-374

timeline events, 133-142

trim-editing, 133-134

Editing tool, 60-61, 390

EDLs, 437-439, 471-472


3D, 291

bus routing, 209-211

Doppler, 240

film-like effects, 160-161, 364-367

glow, 285, 304-305, 311, 314-315

holograph, 343-345

shadow. See shadows

text, 285-288

Empty buttons, 393, 412

encoding streaming media, 379

end actions, 387

envelope points, 142-143, 254


compositing, 168, 311

locked, 94

opacity, 165-168

transitional, 142-143

working with, 66-67

EQ (equalization)

events, 427-428

graphic equalizers, 262-264

mastering, 432

mixing, 376, 427-428

parametric equalizers, 262-264

rendered files, 376

event switches, 171-174

events. See audio events; video events

Excalibur tool, 90-91

Explorer toolbar, 119, 384-385

Explorer window, 42, 384-385


4:2:2 MPEG capability, 455-457

24p EDLs, 471-472

codecs, 456-457

dithering audio, 432-433

EDL support, 437-439

equalizers and, 432

formats, 423-424

high-definition video, 453-455

master CD, 429-430

mastering audio for video, 430-432

mastering process, 424-429

regions, 405-406

rendering process. See rendering

scripting, 457-460

video events, 436-437

external devices, 216-218

external monitors, 159, 394-398, 416

Eyedropper tool, 283, 358-359


faders, 209, 255


crossfades, 93, 134-139, 223-224

events, 222-224

routing effects, 209

fast forward function, 397

feathering masks, 295-296

file mapping, 450-451

File menu, 51-57


24p HD avi, 471-472

AC-3. See AC-3 files

.avi, 389, 434-435, 471-472

location of, 418-419

.mov, 389, 403

.MP3, 403

MPEG, 419, 439-441

.mpg, 389

names, 396

.ogg, 403

.pca, 403

.psd, 389

QuickTime, 120

size of, 374, 388

TGA, 437

.txt, 406

.wav, 375, 403

.wma, 403

.wmv, 380, 389

filters, 150-165 See also plug-ins

3D Pack, 157

Add Noise, 154

adding to events, 151

audio, 375

Black and White, 339

Broadcast Colors, 291, 352, 366-367

Chromakey, 155

Convolution Kernel, 155

film-like effects, 160-161, 364-365

functionality, 154-161

HSL, 372

Lens Flares, 156

Mirror, 156

overview, 150, 154-158

Plug-inPac, 190-195

Saturation Adjust, 363-364

Sony Timecode, 469-470

SpiceFILTERS plug-in, 185-189

types of, 154-158

velocity, 169-171

First Play action, 399-400

Fit to Disc option, 388

flames, 314

Flash format, 102-104

FlowTexture plug-in, 185-186

folders, specifying, 418-419

fonts, 281-282, 407

formats. See also specific formats

DVDA, 419-420

for exporting, 423-424

Flash, 102-104

slideshows, 392

frame rates, 364-365, 374, 380

Freewheel mode, 218

frequencies, 240, 256, 376-377


automated, 211-214, 242-243

color correction as, 363-364

properties, 151

track, 73-75, 213-214

video, 75-77

FX chains, 75-77, 211-214

FX packages, 211-214


gain, 226, 242

gamma, 163, 354

Gamma adjustment, 163

gamma curve, 365

garbage matte, 339-343

generated media, 314-316

Get Media from the Web option, 388

GIF format, 132

glow effect, 285, 304-305, 311, 314-315

gradient masks, 321, 333-334

gradients, color, 312, 362-363

graphic equalizers, 262-264

graphics. See also images

inserting, 391

masks, 411

placing on timeline, 131-133

greenscreening. See chromakey

grid settings, 91-92, 394

groups, 62, 172-173, 239


handles, thinning, 254-255

hard drives, 105-118, 198

Hard Light mode, 328

HDCAM media, 463-472

height map, 332-334

high, definition video, 453-455

highlight masks, 403

histograms, 351-352

holograph effect, 343, 345

HSL filter, 372


Image compilations, 413-415

images. See also graphics

compilations, 413-415

interlaced, 364-365

picture-in-picture, 302-303

progressive scan, 365

rotating, 414

scanned, 131-132

still, 116-117, 131-133, 415

stretching, 414

zooming, 414


media to timeline, 119-125

spreadsheets, 380-382

In and Out points, 409

Input Monitor option, 198-199

input monitoring, 198-199, 215

Insert menu, 66-71, 391-393

installation, Vegas, 33-34

interlacing, 364-365, 440

Internet distribution, 370, 374-378

Invert Mask feature, 159, 357, 364

IRE scale, 352, 355


JavaScript, 457

JPEG format, 132


kerning, 285

keyboard shortcuts, 100-102


SpiceMASTER plug-in, 173-183

thinning, 254-255

working with, 144-150

keys. See masks


languages, subtitle, 405

latency, 200, 202, 215

layouts, saving, 50-51

lead-ins, 427

leading, 285

Lens Flares filter, 156

LensPro plug-in, 194

letterboxing, 161-162, 374, 414

lighting, 371

limiters, 257-259


AC3 files, 422

assets, 398

audio files, 421

chapters, 387

end actions, 387

media, 393

pages, 393

to scenes, 393

video, 393

logging, 108

Loop tool, 94


ACID loops, 228-229

audio, 203, 206

events, 226-227

video, 387

luminance, 351-352


.M2V extension, 421

Mackie Control devices, 247-250, 255

Macromedia Flash format. See Flash format

Magic Bullet plug-in, 195

MainConcept MPEG-2 encoder, 420-422


audio editing and, 230-234

command, 231, 234

deleting, 232-233

described, 231

inserting, 70, 231-234

naming, 232

navigating, 232-233

scene, 393

working with, 130-131


alpha channel, 317

Bezier, 294-296, 413

button, 410-413

chromakey, 336-339

color, 318, 321

creating, 317-324

DVDA, 410-413

feathering, 295-296

garbage matte, 339-343

gradient, 321, 333-334

highlight, 403-407

Invert Mask feature, 159, 357, 364

Mask Generator modes, 323-324

opacity of, 294

overview, 317

Pan/Crop tool, 292-296

Parent/Child feature, 321-326

shadows, 318-320

split screens and, 321-326

text reflection, 324-326

titles, 317-318

using, 317-326

mastering, 424-429

audio for video broadcast, 430-432

burning to master CDs, 429-430

overview, 424-428

mattes. See masks

media. See also video

generated, 312-316

high-definition video, 453-455

importing to timeline, 119-125

inserting, 70, 391-392

links to, 393

offline, 115

placing on timeline, 127-131

recapturing, 115

transferring to hard drive, 105-118

Media Bin, 114-115

Project Media, 89, 119-127, 150, 162, 220


backgrounds, 389-390

DVDA, 383, 386-394

Edit, 57-62

File, 51-57

flow, 383

Insert, 66-71, 391-393

inserting, 399

Options, 91-98

properties, 401-403

submenus, 391

Tools, 72-91

View, 63-65, 390-391

metadata, 278, 374, 378-379

metronomes, 95, 202

microphones, 198, 215, 225, 370

Microsoft.NET framework, 457-460

MIDI clock, 96

MIDI devices, 250

MIDI timecode, 216-217

Mirror filter, 156

mixdown process, 423

mixer, 207-208

mixing audio, 255-274

automation, 210, 279

buses and, 209-210

compression, 257-261

De-Ess preset, 261-262

downmixing, 277-279

equalization, 262-264

overview, 255, 424

reverb, 264-265

submixes, 208, 211

surround mix, 276-277

surround sound, 266-277, 421-422

techniques for, 256-273

volume, 265


computer, 159

dual, 386

external, 159, 394-398, 416

laptop, 386

mono events, 224-225

motion. See track motion

motion blur, 345-348

.mov files, 389, 403

movies, 355. See also video

.MP3 files, 403

MPEG-2/video, 421

MPEG files, 419, 439-441

MPEG format, 455-457

.mpg files, 389

multiple bit rate (MBR), 381

music (See also audio), 60, 228, 392, 413-415

Music compilations, 392, 413-415

Musical Notes Values feature, 60

muting audio, 95, 171, 251, 253-254


nested tracks, 309-311

nesting composites, 309-311

.NET framework, 457-460

network rendering, 445-452

NewNoise plug-in, 185-186

Next button, 393

noise reduction, 244-247, 370

Noise Reduction plug-in, 244-247

normalization process, 377-378, 425

NTSC cameras, 160

NTSC DVD players, 422

NTSC standards, 352

NTSC video, 364-365


.ogg files, 403

OHCI card, 395, 397

opacity envelopes, 165-168

optimizing DVDs, 388

Options menu, 91-98

outputting. See exporting

Ozone compressor, 430-433


pages, working with, 392-393

PAL cameras, 160

PAL DVD players, 422

PAL video, 364-365

Pan/Crop tool, 78-81, 288-296, 311

parade display, 352, 355

parametric equalizers, 262-264

Parent/Child feature, 321-326

parent/child tracks, 309-311, 318-319

Parent Track Overlay, 328-329

.pca files, 403

PCM format, 419-420

peaks, 425

pedestal, 355

performance, 416

Picture compilations, 392, 413-415

picture-in-picture image, 302-303

pillar boxes, 414

pitch, 229-230, 234

Pixelan SpiceFILTERS plug-in, 185-189

Pixelan SpiceMASTER 2 plug-in, 175-184

PixelStretch plug-in, 191-192

playback, 226-227, 385

players, DVD, 85-86, 380, 422

playhead, 231

Plug-in Migration wizard, 241

Plug-inPac filters, 190-195

plug-ins (see also filters), 175-195

3D LE, 193-194

adding to events, 151

audio, 239-250

automated, 242-243

BorisFX, 189-190

ChromaWarp, 157, 185

Cookie Cutter FX, 312-313

DebugMode, 190-195

DirectX, 243

Dither, 275-276

dynamic range, 240

FlowTexture, 185-186

frequency-based, 240

functionality, 154-161

FX automation, 242-243

LensPro, 194

Mackie Control, 247-250

Magic Bulletin, 195

NewNoise, 185

Noise Reduction, 244-247

order of, 152

overview, 150, 154-158

Ozone, 430-433

PixelStretch, 191-192

presets, 152

Shatter3D, 191-193

SpiceFILTERS, 185-189

SpiceMASTER, 175-184

StepMotion, 187-188

StepTime, 187

surround-sound, 274-277

time-based, 241

Track EQ, 275-276

types of, 154-158

Vegas upgrades and, 241

Volume Maximizer, 275

Wave Hammer, 274-276

WinMorph, 190-195

Zenoté, 163, 195

PNG format, 132, 436-437

.png masks, 411

post, roll settings, 205

pre, roll settings, 205

preamplifiers, 200, 215


color, 102

cursors/selections, 97-98

custom tools, 96-97

DVDA, 396-398

prerendered video, 86-87

Preview from Timeline tool, 379

Preview in Player tool, 85-86, 380

Preview window, 65, 384-385, 415-416


on external monitor, 394-398

projects, 390-391, 394-398, 415-416

RAM, 87, 158-159, 326-454

split screens, 152-154

transitions, 139

Primary Color Corrector tool, 355, 357, 361-362

Print Video to DV Tape option, 87, 164

production tools, streaming media, 370-371

progressive scans, 365, 440

Project Overview window, 384, 398-400

Project Properties window, 401-403

projects. See also CDs; DVDs

24p, 464-466

burning, 386-388

creating, 387

described, 197

menu flow, 383

names, 52

opening, 52

playback, 385

previewing, 390-391, 394-398, 415-416

properties, 53-57, 388-389, 401-403

saving, 386, 416-417

SpiceMASTER, 184

transporting, 416-417


events, 145

FX, 151

menus, 401-403

projects, 53-57, 388-389, 401-403

SpiceFILTERS, 187

titles, 283-285

.psd files, 389

PSD format, 132

punch-ins, 206-207


QuickTime files, 120

QuickTime format, 132, 378, 436-437

QuickTime media, 382



previews, 87, 158-159, 326, 454

rendering to, 454

REAL media, 370, 378, 382

recompression settings, 420

recording, 197-218

advanced techniques, 202-218

basic setup, 198-202

bus assignments, 207-208

bus routing, 209-211

FX packaging, 211-213

multiple tracks, 202, 215-218

punch-ins, 206-207

takes, 61-62, 203-205

track FX, 213-214


defining, 130, 233

described, 70-71, 231

exporting, 405-406

uses for, 233

working with, 130-131, 233

remote control actions, 412, 415

Remote Control buttons, 412

render farming, 445-452

rendering, 433-441

AC-3 files, 441

AVI files, 434-435

Clients, 447-448

distributed, 446

EDL support, 437-439

exporting video to third parties, 436-437

file mapping, 450-451

monitoring progress, 449-450

MPEG files, 439-441

network, 445-452

to new tracks, 85

non-distributed, 446, 449

options, 433-435, 444-445, 452

overnight, 435

overview, 433

prerendered video, 86-87

RAM renders, 158-159, 454

VCDs/SVCDs, 441-443


artifacts and, 291

output, 416

performance and, 416

scanned images, 131-132

reverb, 264-265, 370

rewind function, 397

RGB color, 352

RGB Parade display, 351

ripple editing, 58, 238-239

rippling, 407

RMS value, 377

rotating images, 414

Rubber Audio, 234

rulers, 93


safe areas, 283, 394, 397, 415

sample rates, 423

sampling, 347-348, 454


adjusting, 359, 363-365

streaming media, 372-373

web media, 371

Saturation Adjust filter, 363-364


in DVDA, 416-417

projects, 386, 416-417

templates/layouts, 50-51

scaling, 285

scanned images, 131-132

scene detection, 109, 117

scene markers, 393

scenes, 109, 117, 393

Screenshots, 361

scripting, 89-91, 457-460

Secondary Color Corrector tool, 357-361, 364

Select Adjustment Color eyedropper, 361

Select Complementary Color eyedropper, 362

selections, 97-98

semitones, 229, 234

Set Background Media function, 389


assigning to tracks, 311

credit rolls, 315

masks, 318-320

text, 286

track motion, 298, 303

Shatter3D plug-in, 191-193

sibilance, 261

slideshows, 392

slip, editing, 134

SMPTE color bars, 353, 355, 434

SMPTE timecode, 216-217

SMPTE video, 464-465


audio events, 236-238

to gridlines, 91-92, 394

Sony JH-3 deck, 466-467

Sony Timecode filter, 469-470

Sony XPRI, 472

sound. See audio

sound cards, 198-200, 202, 215

Sound Forge editing software, 375

Source Alpha mode, 327

speakers (see also surround sound), 272, 376

SpiceFILTERS plug-in, 185-189

SpiceMASTER plug-in, 175-184

split screens, 152-154, 321-326

Split tool, 60

spreadsheets, importing, 380-382

StepMotion plug-in, 187-188

StepTime plug-in, 187

stereo events, 224-225

still images, 116-117, 131-133, 415

storyboarding, 174

streaming audio, 370, 374-378

streaming media, 369-382

audio for Internet delivery, 374-378

delivery, 379-380

editing, 372-374

overview, 369-370

production, 370-371

spreadsheet import, 380-382

styles, text, 314-315

sub-audio tracks, 408

subclips, 125-127

submenus, 391

submixing, 208, 211

subtitle tracks, 403-407

subtitles (see also text; titles), 399, 403-407

Summary tab, 382

super sampling, 347-348, 454

super video compact discs (SVCDs), 441-443

surround sound, 266-277, 421-422

SVCDs (super video compact discs), 441-443

switches, event, 171-174

Sync Cursor button, 303


takes, 61-62, 203-205

TAO (track-at-once) CDs, 429-430

Targa (TGA) files, 437

television, 283

templates, 50-51, 382-390

tempo, 202-203, 228

tempo maps, 202-203

text. See also subtitles; titles

adding effects to, 285-288

credit rolls, 314-316

distorting, 286-287

fonts, 281-282, 407

inserting, 391

keyframing, 287

reflections, 324-326

shadows, 286

size of, 281-282

styles, 314-315

subtitles, 403-407

TGA format, 132

themes, 99-100, 389-390

thinning, 254-255

TIFF format, 132


24p, 469-470

broken, 109

generating, 95, 217

HDCAM 24p, 466

synchronization, 216-218

viewing, 218


24p, 470-471

deleting events from, 238

editing events on, 133-142

importing media to, 119-125

placing audio on, 219-220

placing images/graphics on, 120, 131-133

placing media on, 127-131

trimming events on, 236-238

views, 38-40, 408

Title tool, 281-282

titles. See also subtitles; text

color, 283-284

Flash format, 102-104

fonts, 281-282, 407

inserting over images, 281-283

masks, 317-318

names, 396

positioning, 283

properties, 283-285

text size, 281-282

tools. See also specific tools

3D track motion, 306-309

basic, 35-50

chromakey, 336-339

color correction, 349-351

Color Curves, 360

production, 370-371

video capture, 113-118

Tools menu, 72-91

Track Control pane, 36-38

Track EQ plug-in, 275-276

track FX, 73, 213-214

track motion, 297-309

3D, 306-309

centering images, 300-301

Enable Snapping, 298

generated media, 313-314

glows, 304-305

image manipulation, 302-305

Lock Aspect Ratio, 299-300

picture-in-picture image, 302-303

shadows, 298, 303

zooming, 298

Track Motion tool, 82-84, 193, 297-311

Track view, 399

tracking, 285


audio, 408-409, 470-471

described, 197

glows, 311

names, 36-38

nested, 309, 311

opacity, 165-168

parent/child, 309-311, 318-319

rendering, 85

shadows, 311

stereo, 225

subtitle, 403-407

working with, 36-38

transitional envelopes, 142-143


crossfade, 134-139

options, 139-140

previewing, 139

Spice, 176-183

types of, 137-142

triggers, 96, 218

trim, editing, 133-134

Trim feature, 60

Trimmertool, 125, 128-131, 219-220


24p projects, 464-465

audio, 219-220

audio events, 236-238

tripods, 370

.txt files, 406


Undo All option, 390

undos, DVDA, 397

upsampling, 454


VBR (variable bit rate), 381, 388

VCDs (video compact discs), 441-443

vectorscopes, 349, 351, 358

Vegas, 1-104

automation in, 252-255

basic tools, 35-50

installation, 33-34

key features, 100-102

menus. See menus

saving templates/layouts, 50-51

synchronizing to external devices, 216-218

themes, 99-100, 389-390

Track Control pane, 36-38

upgrades, 242

windows, 41-50

Vegas Project Media, 89, 119-127, 150, 162, 220

velocity filters, 169-171

video. See also DV; media; movies

analog, 111, 395

capturing. See video capture

editing. See editing

film-like effects, 160-161, 364-367

high-definition, 453-455

interlacing, 364-365, 440

links to, 393

looping, 387

NTSC, 364-365

out-of-focus, 328

PAL, 364-365

placeholders, 115

prerendered, 86-87

previewing, 415-416

progressive scans, 365, 440

rendering. See rendering

sampling, 347-348, 454

SMPTE, 464-465

standard-definition, 453

stretching, 444-445

video cameras. See cameras

video capture, 105-118

24p HDCAM footage, 466-467

advanced tools, 113-118

analog camera/deck, 111

animation, 110

batch capture, 113-115

drive specifications, 108, 110

future changes to, 117-118

manually, 106-112

Project Media, 89, 119-127, 150, 162, 220

methods for, 109

options, 110

overview, 105

scene detection, 109

Verify Tape Name, 108

Video Capture utility, 105-118

video clips, 62, 114, 125-127

video compact discs (VCDs), 441-443

video compilation, 392

video converters, 111, 395

video events. See also audio events

aspect ratio, 172

editing on timeline, 133-142

exporting, 436-437

groups, 172-173

locking, 171

properties, 145

video FX, 75-77

video streams, 420, 440-441

Video tab, 381

View menu, 63-65, 390-391

VMR (virtual MIDI router) utility, 96

voice-overs (VOs), 206

Volume Maximizer plug-ins, 275


walla, 257

.wav files, 375, 403

Wave Hammer plug-in, 274-276

waveform monitor (WFM), 350-351

waveforms, 375-378

webstreaming (see also streaming media), 370, 374-378

white balancing, 362

windows, 41-50, 385-386

Windows Media, 370-371, 378, 380, 382

Windows Media Player, 380

WinMorph plug-in, 190-195

.wma files, 403

.wmv files, 380, 389

working directory, 398


XP themes, 99-100


Zenoté plug-in suite, 163, 195

Zoom to Fit option, 400

Zoom tool, 298

zooming images, 298, 400, 414

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