Table of Contents


Brief Table of Contents

Table of Contents



About this Book

1. ArcGIS JavaScript Foundation

Chapter 1. GIS as a tool

1.1. GIS: here, there, everywhere

1.1.1. The GIS tools landscape

1.1.2. Introducing the ArcGIS platform

1.1.3. Why care about spatial applications?

1.1.4. Trends in the GIS industry

1.2. Understanding the GIS bits

1.2.1. The what and the where of GIS data

1.2.2. Serving GIS data: ArcGIS Server and the REST API

1.2.3. Choosing an ArcGIS web API

1.3. Things to know

1.3.1. JavaScript, Dojo Toolkit, and Dijit

1.3.2. Introducing a tad of GIS

1.3.3. Interacting with the ArcGIS REST API

1.4. Summary

Chapter 2. Introducing core API concepts

2.1. From data to map

2.1.1. Parts of a basic map

2.1.2. Specifying common map options

2.2. Understanding layers and accessing data

2.2.1. Layer types for raster-based data

2.2.2. Layer types for vector-based data

2.2.3. Getting to know the GraphicsLayer

2.2.4. Creating graphics with the QueryTask

2.3. Working with the FeatureLayer

2.3.1. Advantages of a FeatureLayer

2.3.2. Creating a FeatureLayer

2.3.3. Optimizing application performance

2.3.4. Selecting items in the FeatureLayer

2.4. Summary

Chapter 3. Working with the REST API

3.1. Introducing the ArcGIS Server REST API

3.1.1. Exploring how the API works

3.1.2. Interacting with ArcGIS Server pages

3.2. Building your own widget

3.2.1. Building the legend root menu

3.2.2. Retrieving legend details

3.2.3. Displaying details in the custom legend widget

3.2.4. Working with multiple symbols in a feature

3.3. Working with the geometry service

3.3.1. Buffer your heart out

3.3.2. Buffer and select

3.3.3. Buffer and intersect

3.4. Summary

2. Sample Use Case

Chapter 4. Building an application

4.1. What are you going to build?

4.1.1. Using a tablet or phone

4.1.2. Collecting points

4.1.3. Performing disconnected editing

4.2. Working with ArcGIS Online

4.2.1. ArcGIS Online vs. ArcGIS Server

4.2.2. Setting up an ArcGIS Online account

4.2.3. Defining a feature service

4.2.4. Accessing your ArcGIS Online feature service

4.3. Building a real-world application

4.3.1. Setting up Dojo and organizing modules

4.3.2. Tying the application together

4.4. Adding layers and using the renderer

4.4.1. Adding layers with a module

4.4.2. Using the renderer

4.4.3. Applying the renderer

4.4.4. Setting up the editing tools

4.4.5. Assigning an action to a button

4.5. Summary

Chapter 5. Developing a custom data-collection application

5.1. Performing default web map editing

5.1.1. Finding feature service information

5.1.2. Adding your feature service to the map

5.1.3. Adding the TemplatePicker and default Editor widgets

5.2. Building a custom edit tool

5.2.1. Working with the custom edit functionality

5.2.2. Refining the custom edit tool

5.3. Enabling disconnected editing

5.3.1. Local storage

5.3.2. Caveats

5.3.3. Other storage options

5.4. Summary

Chapter 6. Building a desktop browser application

6.1. The project ahead

6.1.1. Goals of the RequestViewer

6.1.2. Freedom of the desktop browser

6.2. Setting up and configuring the RequestViewer

6.2.1. Creating index.html

6.2.2. Configuring run.js

6.2.3. Starting the RequestViewer

6.2.4. Defining map services

6.2.5. Setting up the application controller

6.3. Setting up authentication with OAuth 2.0

6.3.1. Using your developer account to create an application

6.3.2. Updating main.js

6.3.3. Saving credentials

6.4. Building the user interface

6.4.1. Working with the Measurement widget

6.4.2. Working with the BasemapToggle widget

6.5. Editing requests

6.5.1. Editing a request’s location

6.5.2. Editing a request’s attributes

6.5.3. Incorporating a nonspatial service

6.6. Summary

Chapter 7. Advanced techniques

7.1. Using a single configuration file

7.1.1. Defining a map

7.1.2. Loading the Geocoder widget

7.1.3. Looking for the patterns

7.2. Dynamic widget loading

7.2.1. Widget path and options

7.2.2. Building a widget loader

7.2.3. Testing the widget loader

7.2.4. Adding HTML elements

7.3. Adding a web map

7.3.1. Creating the web map

7.3.2. Adding the web map to an application

7.3.3. Using the web map specification

7.4. Advanced techniques for offline mode

7.4.1. Creating an application cache

7.4.2. Storing data locally with the PouchDB library

7.5. Summary

Appendix A. Setting up your environment

A.1. Visual Studio Express for Web


A.3. Python

Appendix B. Dojo basics

B.1. AMD loader

AMD’s define and require methods

B.2. Dijit lifecycle

B.3. Common Dojo modules




Appendix C. Configuring a proxy

C.1. Setting up the proxy page

C.2. Using the proxy in your application


List of Figures

List of Tables

List of Listings

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