
Text Summary

Creating a Macro Variable during DATA Step Execution

When you create or update a macro variable with the %LET statement, all macro processing takes place before the execution of the DATA step. The SYMPUT routine enables you to create or update macro variables during DATA step execution. Depending on how the arguments are coded, you can create either a single macro variable or multiple macro variables. You can use the SYMPUT routine with literal strings to create a macro variable and to assign either an exact name or an exact text value to it. You can use the SYMPUT routine with a DATA step variable to assign the value of that DATA step variable to a macro variable.
You can use the SYMPUTX routine to create or update a macro variable during DATA step execution, and to automatically strip leading and trailing blanks from the macro variable name and value. You can also use a DATA step expression as an argument to the SYMPUT routine in order to apply DATA step functions to a value before you assign that value to a macro variable. The PUT function is often useful in conjunction with the SYMPUT and SYMPUTX routines.

Creating Multiple Macro Variables during DATA Step Execution

You can use the SYMPUT or SYMPUTX routine with two DATA step expressions to create a series of related macro variables within one DATA step.

Referencing Macro Variables Indirectly

Sometimes, it is useful to use indirect references to macro variables. For example, you might want to use a macro variable to construct the name of another macro variable. You can reference a macro variable indirectly by preceding the macro variable name with two or more ampersands.

Obtaining Macro Variable Values during DATA Step Execution

The SYMGET function is used by both the DATA step and the SQL procedure to obtain the value of a macro variable during execution. You can use the SYMGET function to assign a macro variable value to a DATA step variable.

Creating Macro Variables during PROC SQL Step Execution

You can access the macro facility in a PROC SQL step by using the INTO clause in the SELECT statement. Various forms of the INTO clause enable you to create a series of macro variables, a varying number of macro variables, or a single macro variable that records a value that is created by concatenating the unique values of an SQL variable. You can use the NOPRINT option to prevent a PROC SQL step from creating output.

Working with PROC SQL Views

When you submit a PROC SQL step, the PROC SQL program code is placed into the input stack, and word scanning is performed for macro triggers in the same process as in other SAS programs.

Using Macro Variables in SCL Programs

SAS Component Language (SCL) also has routines and functions that assign values to macro variables and that obtain values from a macro symbol table. The SYMPUT routine and the SYMGET function can be used in an SCL program in the same way that they can be used in a DATA step program. Also, the SYMPUTN routine can be used to create macro variables and to assign numeric values to those variables during the execution of an SCL program. The SYMGETN function can be used to obtain the numeric value of a macro variable during the execution of an SCL program.

Sample Programs

Using CALL SYMPUT to Create Macro Variables

 options symbolgen pagesize=30;
 %let crsnum=3;
 data revenue;
    set sasuser.all end=final;
    where course_number=&crsnum;
    if paid='Y' then paidup+1;
    if final then do;
       if paidup<total then do;
          call symput('foot','Some Fees Are Unpaid'),
       else do;
          call symput('foot','All Students Have Paid'),
proc print data=revenue;
   var student_name student_company paid;
   title "Payment Status for Course &crsnum";
   footnote "&foot";

Referencing Macro Variables Indirectly

options symbolgen;
data _null_;
    call symput(course_code, trim(course_title));

%let crsid=C005;
proc print data=sasuser.schedule noobs label;
    where course_code="&crsid";
    var location begin_date teacher;
    title1 "Schedule for &&&crsid";

%let crsid=C002;
proc print data=sasuser.schedule noobs label;
    where course_code="&crsid";
    var location begin_date teacher;
    title1 "Schedule for &&&crsid";

Using SYMGET to Obtain Macro Variable Values

data teachers;
   set sasuser.register;
   length Teacher $ 20;

proc print data=teachers;
   var student_name course_number teacher;
title1 "Teacher for Each Registered Student";

Creating Macro Variables with the INTO Clause

proc sql noprint;
   select course_code, location, begin_date format=mmddyy10.
      into :crsid1-:crsid3,
      from sasuser.schedule
      where year(begin_date)=2002
      order by begin_date;

Points to Remember

  • The SYMPUT routine can be used to create or update macro variables during DATA step execution.
  • The values of macro variables are always character values. In the DATA step, SYMPUT performs automatic numeric to character conversion on any numeric value that you attempt to assign to a macro variable.
  • The SYMGET function can be used to obtain the value of a macro variable during the execution of a DATA step, a PROC SQL step, or an SCL program.
  • The INTO clause can be used in the SELECT statement to create or update macro variables during execution of a PROC SQL step.
  • The SYMPUT and SYMPUTN routines can be used to create or update macro variables during the execution of an SCL program.
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