Chapter 5: Creating and Managing Tables Using PROC SQL

  1. Correct answer: b
    The CREATE TABLE statement that includes a LIKE clause copies the column names and attributes from an existing table into a new table. No rows of data are inserted.
  2. Correct answer: a
    The CREATE TABLE statement that includes the AS keyword and query clauses creates a table and loads the results of the query into the new table. The WHERE clause selects only the rows for the level-1 flight attendants.
  3. Correct answer: c
    UNDO POLICY=REQUIRED is the default setting for PROC SQL. This setting undoes all inserts or updates if 1 or more rows violate the integrity constraint criteria, and restores the table to its original state before the inserts or updates.
  4. Correct answer: b
    The NOT NULL integrity constraint specifies that data is required and cannot have a null (missing) value.
  5. Correct answer: d
    The DELETE statement deletes rows that are specified in the WHERE clause from the table. If no WHERE clause is specified, all rows are deleted. The DROP TABLE statement drops (deletes) an entire table; the syntax shown in option c is not valid.
  6. Correct answer: b
    The UPDATE statement that includes a SET clause is used to modify rows in a table. WHEN-THEN clauses in the CASE expression enable you to update a column value based on specified criteria.
  7. Correct answer: a
    The INSERT statement is used to insert new rows into a new or existing table. There is no LOAD statement in PROC SQL, VALUES is a clause, and the CREATE TABLE statement is used to create a table.
  8. Correct answer: d
    The ALTER TABLE statement is used to modify attributes of existing columns (include the MODIFY clause), add new column definitions (include the ADD clause), or delete existing columns (include the DROP clause).
  9. Correct answer: c
    The DESCRIBE TABLE statement lists the column attributes for a specified table.
  10. Correct answer: a
    The CREATE TABLE statement can include column specifications to create an empty table. The entire group of column specifications must be enclosed in a single set of parentheses. You must list each column's name, data type, and (for character columns) length. The length is specified as an integer in parentheses. Multiple column specifications must be separated by commas.
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