Chapter 16: Using Lookup Tables to Match Data

  1. Correct answer: a
    An array is specified using the keyword ARRAY followed by the name of the array and the dimensions of the array. In a two-dimensional array, the two dimensions can be thought of as a table of rows and columns. The first dimension in the ARRAY statement specifies the number of rows. The second dimension specifies the number of columns.
  2. Correct answer: b
    To create temporary array elements, specify the keyword _TEMPORARY_ after the array name and dimension. Remember that if you use an asterisk to count the array elements, you must list the array elements. You cannot use the asterisk and the _TEMPORARY_ keyword together in an ARRAY statement.
  3. Correct answer: d
    To process all of the elements in an array, you can use either the DIM function with the array name as the argument or specify the array dimension.
  4. Correct answer: a
    The ARRAY statement creates the two-dimensional array Score and specifies the dimensions of the array: two rows and four columns. The value of Points for each observation is determined by referencing the array based on the values of Week and Finish in the Work.Contest data set. The row number for the array reference is determined by the value of Week. The column number for the array reference is determined by the value of Finish.
  5. Correct answer: d
    Lookup tables should be stored in a SAS data set when there are too many values to initialize easily in an array, the values change frequently, or the same values are used in many programs.
  6. Correct answer: c
    The IF-THEN statement specifies that the Targets array is loaded only once, during the first iteration of the DATA step. During the first iteration of the DATA step, the condition _N_=1 is true, so the outer DO loop executes three times; once for each observation in Sasuser.Ctargets. After the third iteration of the DO loop, the pointer drops down to the second SET statement and the values from the first observation in Sasuser.Monthum are read into the program data vector. During the second iteration of the DATA step, the condition _N_=1 is false. So, the DO loop doesn't execute again.
  7. Correct answer: c
    The TRANSPOSE procedure creates an output data set by restructuring the values in an input SAS data set. When the data set is restructured, selected variables are transposed into observations. The procedure creates several variable names by default. _NAME_ is the default name of the variable that PROC TRANSPOSE creates to identify the source of the values in each observation in the output data set. The remaining transposed variables are named COL1...COLn by default.
  8. Correct answer: b
    You can use several options with PROC TRANSPOSE to give the variables in the output data set descriptive names. The NAME= option specifies a name for the _NAME_ variable. The PREFIX= option specifies a prefix to use in constructing names for the other variables in the output data set.
  9. Correct answer: b
    A BY statement can be used with PROC TRANSPOSE. For each BY group, PROC TRANSPOSE creates one observation for each variable that it transposes. The BY variable itself is not transposed. The original data set must be sorted or indexed prior to using a BY statement with PROC TRANSPOSE.
  10. Correct answer: d
    The observations in Work.Fishsize are grouped by Location and Date. For each BY group, PROC TRANSPOSE creates four observations, one for each variable (Length1, Weight1, Length2, and Weight2) that it is transposing.
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