
BigQuery supports creating views, but they are not materialized views and the underlying query for a view is executed each time someone runs a query on the view. A view can be defined using legacy SQL or standard SQL, but the limitation is that if a view is defined in legacy SQL, then the queries executed using that view must also be in legacy SQL. The same applies to views that are defined using standard SQL; they can be used only in standard SQL statements. User-defined functions cannot be used in the query to define the views.

The BigQuery web console provides an option to save a query as a view, as shown in the following screenshot. Click on the Save View button as shown in this screenshot and choose the dataset under which the view has to be saved; provide a view name and save it:

To change the view definition, navigate to the view in the BigQuery web console and open the details of the view. Modify the query in the view details and click on the Save View button:

The following documentation explains how to create authorized views in projects. These views cannot be created in the same dataset that has the underlying tables used in the view. Read more about this here:
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