Creating a partition table using Google Cloud SDK

To do the same using Google Cloud SDK, run the commands given as follows. Using your browser, download the file from this URL:

  1. Upload the file to Google Cloud Storage using the gsutil utility. Make sure the gcloud utility is pointing to the correct Google Cloud project.
  1. To see which project the gcloud utility is configured to use, type the following command:
gcloud info
  1. To upload the file to a Google Cloud Storage bucket, run the following command and replace the bucket name and filename as per your needs:
gsutil cp <full path of the file> gs://bucketname/filename 

The bq command-line utility does not have a direct option to create a partition table. The workaround is to create a table with a date as a suffix in its name and move that data to a partition table.

The following command creates a new table with the schema specified and imports data from the Google Cloud Storage files.

  1. Replace the bucket name and filename with your bucket name and filename. The first row in the file is a header row; hence the --skip_leading_rows flag is specified:
bq load --skip_leading_rows 1 PartitionedTablesDemo.Temp_EmployeeDetails_20171101 gs://myfirstprojectbucket201706/employeedetails.csv Employee_ID:INTEGER,Employee_First_Name:STRING,Employee_Last_Name:STRING,Employee_Joining_Date:DATE,Employee_location:STRING
  1. To create a partition table from this table, use the partition command in the bq utility as shown in the next code.
  2. Replace the dataset name in the source table and destination table. In the following command, PartitionedTablesDemo.Temp_EmployeeDetails_ is the source table prefix. From any table in the dataset that starts with this prefix and has date in YYYY/MM/DD format at the end, the data will be copied to the new partition table, PartitionedTablesDemo.Employee_Partitioned_Table. The date in the name of the table will be used to insert into the _PARTITIONTIME column:
bq partition PartitionedTablesDemo.Temp_EmployeeDetails_ PartitionedTablesDemo.Employee_Partitioned_Table
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