Installing Google Cloud SDK on Linux

Depending on the distribution of Linux, the commands and installation of Google Cloud SDK vary:

  1. The Google Cloud SDK can now be installed via the Google Cloud package repository and can also be installed via the following command in Debian-based distributions:
sudo apt-get install google-cloud-sdk
  1. To find out the version of the SDK and the packages that will be installed, type the following command to see the full details:
apt-cache showpkg google-cloud-sdk
  1. To simulate the installation of the package and see what packages will be installed or upgraded, run the following command:
apt-get -s install google-cloud-sdk
  1. To install Google Cloud SDK for other Linux distributions refer to this page: The rest of the steps to configure the SDK are the same as those used for Windows.
It will be helpful to learn file related commands and sed and awk commands to transform and fix problems with the files before uploading them to Google Cloud Storage for importing into Google BigQuery. 
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