Google compute engine

Google compute Engine is a service that provides virtual machines to run the application. The virtual machines charge has the following components; storage charge, CPU charge and Network usage charge. Users can install the software needed to run on their applications. Virtual machines are available for various Linux distributions and Windows Servers. Windows Servers with SQL Server pre-installed are also available in the Google compute engine options. The Compute Engine service provides the most flexible environment to host your applications. Google Cloud's networking infrastructure provides various options to scale the VMs based on the traffic to your application.

Use the Google Cloud Launcher service to find out the VMs with the software you require and add them to your project in minutes. When a VM is shut down, it incurs only storage charges and not CPU charges.

Compute Engine VMs also come in a special flavor called Pre-emptible VMs. When you create VMs in Compute Engine, make sure that they are not pre-emptible because pre-emptible VMs can be reclaimed by Google Cloud anytime with just a 30-second notice and wait time. Pre-emptible VMs provide up to 80% discount in billing. This is best suited to run batch programs that are running multiple instances from multiple machines and are fault tolerant.

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