Map charts in Tableau

One of Tableau's strengths is its ease of use when creating a number of different types of charts. This is true when creating maps, especially because maps can be very painful to create using other tools. Here is the way to create a simple map in Tableau using BigQuery public data. The first few steps are the same as in the preceding example:

  1. After opening Tableau Desktop, select Google BigQuery under the Connect To a Server section on the left; then enter your login credentials for BigQuery.
  1. At this point, all the tables in your dataset should be displayed on the left-hand side.
  2. Click where it says New Custom SQL and enter the following query in the dialog:
SELECT zipcode, SUM(population) AS population
FROM `bigquery-public-data.census_bureau_usa.population_by_zip_2010`
GROUP BY zipcode
ORDER BY population desc

This data is from the United States Census from 2010. The query returns all zip codes in USA, sorted by most populous to least populous.

  1. At the bottom, click on the tab titled Sheet 1 to enter the worksheet view. 
  2. Double-click on the zipcode dimension on the dimensions section on the left navigation. Clicking on a dimension of zip codes (or any other formatted location dimension such as latitude/longitude, country names, state names, and so on) will automatically create a map in Tableau:
  3. Drag the population metric from the metrics section on the left navigation and drop it on the color tab in the marks section:

The map will now show the most populous zip codes shaded darker than the less populous zip codes. The map chart also includes zoom features in order to make dealing with large maps easy. 

  1. In the top-left corner of the map, there is a magnifying glass icon. This icons has the map zoom features. Clicking on the arrow at the bottom of this icon opens more features. The icon with a rectangle and a magnifying glass is the selection tool (The first icon to the right of the arrow when hovering over arrow):
  2. Click on this icon and then on the map to select a section of the map to be zoomed into:

This image is shown after zooming into the California area of the United States. The map now shows the areas of the state that are the most populous.

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