Installing Google Cloud SDK on Windows

Google Cloud SDK for Windows comes with a friendly installer and it also comes with an option to install Python which is a prerequisite to run the commands in Google Cloud SDK:

  1. Download the installer from the link provided: The installer is a GUI-based utility which will install the requisites for the SDK, and the SDK with default configuration.
  1. In the installation wizard, choose the Bundled Python option and, if it is being installed on a developer machine, then enable the Beta Commands option to try out services in beta on Google Cloud:
  1. After the installation, the installer will launch a command terminal with the following command executed. If the command prompt is not launched, then open Command Prompt and type the following command:
gcloud init
  1. Log in using your Google Cloud account credentials and, after successful login, choose the projects available in your account. Kindly, remember the default Google Cloud project and the logged in account every time you run the commands.
  2. To view the saved project and account, run the following command. To use a different project in the Google Cloud Platform, run the same gcloud init command, choose the Re-initialize this configuration [default] with new settings option, and change the project:
gcloud info
  1. To get help on the commands in Google Cloud SDK, use the following command. This command will display the list of options available and a brief description about each:
gcloud help
  1. To update the Google Cloud SDK to the latest version, run the following command. It is better to have a scheduled task to do this once a month:
gcloud components update
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