Connecting using a proxy script

Google provides a proxy script for Windows, macOS, and Linux OS for connecting tot he MySQL instance on Google Cloud. The following section provides an overview of how to install and setup the proxy script for various OS:

  • For Linux, download the script using the following command from the Terminal and make it executable using the command in the second line:
wget -O cloud_sql_proxy
chmod +x cloud_sql_proxy
  • For macOS, download the script using the following command from the Terminal and make it executable using the command in the second line:
curl -o cloud_sql_proxy
chmod +
x cloud_sql_proxy
  • Run the proxy script with the following parameters. The instance parameter accepts both the Cloud SQL instance name and IP address:
./cloud_sql_proxy -instances=<ip address or instance name>=tcp:3306
  • If the proxy starts successfully, the message shown in following screenshot will appear. If the port 3306 that is used by the proxy is already in use by your local instance, then stop the local instance if you can or use a different port for the proxy:
  • Open another Terminal and connect to the Cloud SQL instance using the following command; execute the following commands to see the objects in the server:
mysql --host=<server ip> --user=root --password
show databases;
use EmployeeMgmt;
show tables;
SELECT * FROM EmployeeDetails;
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