Digital Storytelling with Power BI

In the previous chapter, you learned how to explore many of the readily available visuals within Power BI and saw how they can showcase our data. With the assistance of interactive filtering, we can also make it so that the visuals can work with each other. But there is so much more than just simple drag-and-drop reporting within Power BI. I'm referring to its storytelling features. Alongside all of the different visuals, Power BI has a set of features that can tie together not only individual charts and graphs, but that can also allow users to navigate through multiple pages to discover exactly what they want from the data. Using these features, we can weave together our data in a way that allows for interactivity far beyond what we have already seen. This really allows users to take control of how they will view your Power BI report. If they just want to take a quick glance at a summary view of the data, they can, but if they wish to dive deeper, we can grant them multiple paths to take. In this chapter, we will look into the following digital storytelling features:

  • Configuring Drillthrough filters
  • Storytelling with the Selection pane and bookmarks

When using these features, there are many different approaches that can be taken. We will be looking at them in their most basic forms, but they can flourish when you use your imagination. At the time of this book's publication, the idea of digital storytelling has become extremely popular, and will more than likely foster even more features for the future of Power BI, so keep an eye out!

For this chapter, we will be using the completed Power BI file from Chapter 5, Visualizing Data. If you have not completed this on your own, you can open a completed version, located at C:PacktCompleted ExamplesChapter 5 - Visualizing Data Completed.pbix. It is recommended that, upon opening this file, you immediately use the Save As option and name the report Chapter 6 - Digital Storytelling. By doing this, you can preserve your work from chapter to chapter.
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