Implementing Kubernetes Features to Simplify the System Landscape

The current microservice landscape contains several supporting services that implement important design patterns required in a large-scale microservice landscape, for example, an edge server, config server, authorization server, and a service for distributed tracing. For a recap, refer to Chapter 1, Introduction to Microservices. In the previous chapter, we replaced the implementation of the design pattern for service discovery, based on Netflix Eureka, with the built-in discovery service in Kubernetes. In this chapter, we will further simplify the microservice landscape by reducing the number of supporting services required to be deployed. Instead, the corresponding design patterns will be handled by built-in capabilities in Kubernetes. The Spring Cloud Config Server will be replaced with Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets. The Spring Cloud Gateway will be replaced by a Kubernetes Ingress object, which can act as an edge server in the same way as the Spring Cloud Gateway.

In Chapter 11, Securing Access to APIs, we introduced the use of certificates to protect the external API. The certificates were provisioned manually, which is both time-consuming and error-prone, specifically when it comes to remembering to rotate the certificates before they expire. In this chapter, we will learn about the cert-manager and how it can be used to automate the process of creating, provisioning, and rotating certificates.

When more and more features in a platform such as Kubernetes are being used, it is important to ensure that the source code for the microservices doesn't become dependent on the platform. To ensure that we can still use the microservices without deploying them to Kubernetes, we will conclude the chapter by deploying the microservice landscape using Docker Compose and executing the test-em-all.bash test script to verify that the microservices still work from a functional perspective without using Kubernetes.

The following topics will be covered in this chapter:

  • Replacing the Spring Cloud Config Server with Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets
  • Replacing the Spring Cloud Gateway with a Kubernetes Ingress object
  • Using the cert-manager to automatically provision certificates
  • Deploying and testing the microservice landscape on Kubernetes
  • Deploying and testing the microservice landscape using Docker Compose to ensure that the source code in the microservices isn't locked into Kubernetes

Technical requirements

For instructions on how to install tools used in this book and how to access the source code for this book, see:

  • Chapter 21 for macOS
  • Chapter 22 for Windows

The code examples in this chapter all come from the source code in $BOOK_HOME/Chapter17.

If you want to view the changes applied to the source code in this chapter, that is, see what it took to replace the Spring Cloud Config Server and Spring Cloud Gateway with corresponding features in Kubernetes, and use the cert-manager to provision certificates, you can compare it with the source code for Chapter 16, Deploying Our Microservices to Kubernetes. You can use your favorite diff tool and compare the two folders $BOOK_HOME/Chapter16 and $BOOK_HOME/Chapter17.

Replacing the Spring Cloud Config Server

As we have seen in the previous chapter, ConfigMaps and Secrets can be used to hold configuration information for our microservices. The Spring Cloud Config Server adds features such as keeping all configuration in one place, optional version control using Git, and the ability to encrypt sensitive information on the disk. But it also consumes a non-negligible amount of memory (as with any Java and Spring-based application) and adds significant overhead during startup.

For example, when running automated integration tests such as the test script we are using in this book, test-em-all.bash, all microservices are started up at the same time, including the configuration server. Since the other microservices must get their configuration from the configuration server, they all have to wait for the configuration server to be up and running before they can start up themselves. This leads to a significant delay when running integration tests. If we use Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets instead, this delay is eliminated, making automated integration tests run faster. Therefore, it makes sense to use the Spring Cloud Config Server when the underlying platform doesn't provide a similar capability, but when deploying to Kubernetes, it is better to use ConfigMaps and Secrets.

Using Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets instead of the Spring Cloud Config Server will make the microservice landscape start up faster and means it will require less memory. It will also simplify the microservice landscape by eliminating one supporting service, the configuration server. When we perform the replacement, it is important to do it in a way where the source code in the microservices isn't affected, thereby avoiding unnecessary lock-in to Kubernetes.

This change is illustrated by the following diagram:

Figure 17.1: Replacing the Spring Cloud Config Server with Kubernetes built-in ConfigMaps and Secrets

Let's see what is required to replace the Spring Cloud Config Server with Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets!

Note especially that we only change the configuration; no changes are required in the Java source code!

Changes required to replace the Spring Cloud Config Server

The following changes have been applied in the configuration of the source code to replace the Spring Cloud Config Server with Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets:

  1. We have removed the spring-cloud/config-server project and also removed the project in the settings.gradle build file.
  2. We have removed the Helm chart for the configuration server.
  3. We have removed config server-specific tests from the test-em-all.bash test script.
  4. We have removed the following configuration from all microservices:
    • The spring-cloud-starter-config dependency in the build.gradle build files
    • The application.yml files in the src/main/resource folders in each project, which were used to connect to the config server
    • The spring.cloud.config.enabled=false property setting in integration tests, since it is no longer required
  5. Changes to the configuration files in the config-repo folder:
    • We have removed properties with sensitive information, for example, credentials for MongoDB, MySQL, RabbitMQ, and the password for the TLS certificate used by the edge server. Kubernetes Secrets will be used to handle sensitive information.
    • The route to the configuration server API has been removed in the configuration of the edge server.
  6. Changes to the microservices' Helm charts in kubernetes/helm/components:
    • A config-repo folder has been added to each chart. Soft links have been created in Helm chart's config-repo folder for the required configuration files from the common config-repo folder. For each microservice, a soft link has been created to the commons configuration file, application.yaml, and to the microservice-specific configuration file.

      For a recap on how soft links are created, refer to the The components charts section in Chapter 16, Deploying Our Microservices to Kubernetes.

    • The values.yaml file has been updated with the following:
      • An environment variable for a Spring property used for pointing out what configuration files to use. For example, the property looks like the following for the product microservice:
        SPRING_CONFIG_LOCATION: file:/config-repo/application.yml,file:/config-repo/product.yml
      • A ConfigMap that the microservices will use to find their configuration files. The ConfigMap will be made available inside the container on the /config-repo path. The declaration looks like this:
          enabled: true
            mountPath: /config-repo
    • To create the ConfigMap, a template has been added that is based on the named template, common.configmap_from_file, from the common chart.
  1. Changes to the environments' Helm charts in kubernetes/helm/environments:
    • We have removed the dependency on the config server's chart.
    • The values.yaml file has been updated:
      • The Secrets for the config server and its clients have been replaced with Secrets for the resource managers, MongoDB, MySQL, and RabbitMQ, and their clients. For example:
            RABBIT_USER: rabbit-user-dev
            RABBIT_PASSWORD: rabbit-pwd-dev
            SPRING_DATA_MONGODB_USERNAME: mongodb-user-dev
            SPRING_DATA_MONGODB_PASSWORD: mongodb-pwd-dev

        Recap from the previous chapter: Note that this values.yaml file contains sensitive information, like the passwords from the example above. This file must therefore be stored securely. An alternative, if it is inappropriate to store this file securely, is to remove the sensitive information from this file and supply the sensitive information when the helm install command is executed.

        • Each component is assigned the Secrets it requires.

        Recap from the previous chapter: the Secrets will be mapped into each Pod as environment variables.

        For example, the product service needs access to both MongoDB and RabbitMQ and is therefore assigned the following two Secrets:

            - rabbitmq-credentials
            - mongodb-credentials

Most of the changes in the Helm charts' values.yaml files end up in Kubernetes manifests for Deployment objects. For example, the product microservice's Deployment object will look like the following:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: product
        - name: product
          - name: SPRING_CONFIG_LOCATION
            value: file:/config-repo/application.yml,file:/config-repo/product.yml
          - name: SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE
            value: docker
          - secretRef:
              name: rabbitmq-credentials
          - secretRef:
              name: mongodb-credentials
          - name: product
            mountPath: /config-repo
        - name: product
            name: product

Note that parts of the manifest that have not been affected by the changes above have been omitted for improved readability.

If you want to render a component's Kubernetes manifest yourself, you can do that by applying Helm's template command on the chart of interest. You must also add values from the environment's values.yaml file that are applicable for the component to the template command. Take the product service as an example. The dev-env chart's values.yaml file contains the following settings that apply to the product service:

    - rabbitmq-credentials
    - mongodb-credentials

To add these settings to the template command, we can use the --set flag.

There is also a --values flag that can be used to add a values.yaml file when the command is executed.

When adding values from an environment chart, we must remember that they are parent charts to the component charts. This means that the name of the component chart must be removed from the settings when applied directly to the component chart. In this case, it means that we should add the following values to the template command to render the product chart correctly:

    - rabbitmq-credentials
    - mongodb-credentials

YAML arrays like the one above can be defined using the --set flag by listing the elements within curly braces, for example, "{a,b,c}". The product chart can be rendered using the following command:

helm template kubernetes/helm/components/product 
  --set envFromSecretRefs= 
    "{rabbitmq-credentials, mongodb-credentials}"

The result will contain manifests for the product microservice, a ConfigMap, a Service, and finally, a Deployment object.

This is what is required to replace the configuration server with Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets. In the next section, we will learn about how we can replace the Spring Cloud Gateway with a Kubernetes Ingress object.

Replacing the Spring Cloud Gateway

In this section, we will further simplify the microservice landscape by replacing the Spring Cloud Gateway using the built-in Ingress object in Kubernetes, reducing the number of supporting services required to be deployed.

As introduced in Chapter 15, Introduction to Kubernetes, an Ingress object can be used in Kubernetes to act as an edge server in the same way as a Spring Cloud Gateway. The Spring Cloud Gateway comes with a richer routing functionality compared to an Ingress object. However, the Ingress is part of the Kubernetes platform, requiring no extra deployments, and can also be extended using the cert-manager to automatically provision certificates, as we will see later in this chapter.

We have also used the Spring Cloud Gateway to protect our microservices from unauthenticated requests, by requiring a valid OAuth 2.0/OIDC access token from a trusted OAuth Authorization Server or OIDC Provider. See Chapter 11, Securing Access to APIs, if a recap is required. Generally, Kubernetes Ingress objects do not have support for this. Specific implementations of the Ingress controller might, however, support it.

Finally, the composite health check we added to the gateway in Chapter 10, Using Spring Cloud Gateway to Hide Microservices behind an Edge Server, can be replaced by the Kubernetes liveness and readiness probes defined in each microservice's deployment manifest.

Therefore, in the same way as for the Spring Cloud Config server, it makes sense to use the Spring Cloud Gateway where the underlying platform doesn't provide a similar capability. When deploying to Kubernetes, it is better to use Ingress objects.

In this chapter, we will delegate the responsibility for validating that the request contains a valid access token to the product-composite microservice. The next chapter will introduce the concept of a service mesh, where we will see an alternative implementation of an Ingress that fully supports validating JWT-encoded access tokens.

In the Verifying that the microservices work without Kubernetes section, we will still use the Spring Cloud Gateway together with Docker Compose, so we will not remove the project.

The following diagram shows that the Spring Cloud Gateway is removed from the microservice landscape when deploying to Kubernetes:

Figure 17.2: Replacing the Spring Cloud Gateway with the Kubernetes built-in Ingress controller

Let's see what is required to replace the Spring Cloud Gateway with a Kubernetes Ingress object!

Note especially that we only change the configuration; that is, no changes are required in the Java source code!

Changes required to replace the Spring Cloud Gateway

The following changes have been applied to the configuration of the source code to replace the Spring Cloud Gateway with a Kubernetes Ingress object:

  1. We have removed the Helm chart for the Spring Cloud Gateway.
  2. We have added a named template for Ingress manifests and some default values for the Ingress in the common chart.

    The named template, kubernetes/helm/common/templates/_ingress.yaml, begins with a declaration that we recognize from the previous chapter:

    {{- define "common.ingress" -}}
    {{- $common := dict "Values" .Values.common -}}
    {{- $noCommon := omit .Values "common" -}} 
    {{- $overrides := dict "Values" $noCommon -}} 
    {{- $noValues := omit . "Values" -}} 
    {{- with merge $noValues $overrides $common -}}
    apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Ingress
      name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
        app.kubernetes.io/name: {{ include "common.name" . }}
        helm.sh/chart: {{ include "common.chart" . }}
        app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: {{ .Release.Service }}
    {{- with .Values.ingress.annotations }}
    {{ toYaml . | indent 4 }}
    {{- end }}

    The name of the template is common.ingress, and the apiVersion and kind are set to networking.k8s.io/v1 and Ingress to identify it as an Ingress manifest. Most of the remainder of the template above looks the same as seen in other manifests where overriding parameters is required, such as the Deployment or Service template. The only new part is that the template allows the addition of annotations, if required, using the ingress.annotations field in the values.yaml file.

    The rest of the Ingress template contains the main part of the manifest, the spec part. It looks like this:

        - hosts:
            - {{ .Values.ingress.host | quote }}
          secretName: {{ .Values.ingress.tls.secretName }}
        - host: {{ .Values.ingress.host | quote }}
            {{- range .Values.ingress.paths }}
              - path: {{ .path }}
                pathType: Prefix
                    name: {{ .service }}
                      name: http
            {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
    {{- end -}}

    First comes a tls section where the manifest declares that the Ingress only accepts HTTPS traffic and that the accepted hostname will be specified with the key ingress.host in the values.yaml files. The certificate used for serving HTTPS requests will be stored in a Secret named as specified in the values.yaml files using the ingress.tls.secretName key.

    Next are the routing rules declared in the rules section. First is the hostname used for routing. This will be the same hostname as in the tls section above. Next comes a list of routes. They will be filled in using the ingress.paths section in the values.yaml file. Each entry contains a path and a name of the service that requests to that path will be routed to. Each service is expected to have the name of its port set to http.

    The common chart's values.yaml file provides the following default values for the Ingress manifest:

        cert-manager.io/issuer: selfsigned
        secretName: tls-certificate

    First is an annotation, cert-manager.io/issuer, declared for the Ingress object, indicating that the cert-manager should manage the required certificate for this Ingress object using an issuer named selfsigned. More about this below, in the Automating certificate provisioning section. Next is the Secret that will hold the certificate, given the default name tls-certificate.

  3. We have added templates and additional settings in the environment charts, dev-env and prod-env, for Ingress manifests. The templates are named ingress.yml and are based on the named template from the common chart described above:
    {{- template "common.ingress" . -}}
  4. The remaining values required to render an Ingress manifest, a hostname and the actual paths used for routing, are specified in each environment chart's values.yaml files. The declaration looks like this:
      host: minikube.me
        - path: /oauth2
          service: auth-server
        - path: /login
          service: auth-server
        - path: /error
          service: auth-server
        - path: /product-composite
          service: product-composite
        - path: /actuator/health
          service: product-composite
        - path: /openapi
          service: product-composite
        - path: /webjars
          service: product-composite

    From the configuration, we can see that we will use the hostname minikube.me and that three routes are defined for the auth-server, while the rest of the declared paths will be routed to the product-composite service.

We will register the hostname minikube.me in the local /etc/hosts file later, in the Testing with Kubernetes ConfigMaps, Secrets, Ingress, and the cert-manager section.

The changes above will result in an Ingress manifest being rendered by Helm. Since the Ingress template is only used by the environments charts, we need to render one of the environment charts to see the Ingress manifest.

Run the following command to render manifests using the dev-env chart:

helm template kubernetes/helm/environments/dev-env

Look for kind: Ingress in the output and you will find the Ingress manifest. It looks like this:

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: RELEASE-NAME-dev-env
    app.kubernetes.io/name: dev-env
    helm.sh/chart: dev-env-1.0.0
    app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm
    cert-manager.io/issuer: selfsigned
    - hosts:
        - "minikube.me"
      secretName: tls-certificate
    - host: "minikube.me"
          - path: /oauth2
            pathType: Prefix
                name: auth-server
                  name: http
          - path: /product-composite
            pathType: Prefix
                name: product-composite
                  name: http
          - path: /actuator/health
            pathType: Prefix
                name: product-composite
                  name: http

Note that some of the routing rules have been removed for improved readability.

The final missing piece is how the Secret containing the certificate is created; let's look into that next.

Automating certificate provisioning

The cert-manager (https://cert-manager.io/docs/) is a certificate management controller for Kubernetes. It can facilitate the automated creation, provisioning, and rotation of certificates. It supports several sources for the certificates; for example:

For a full list of available issuers, see https://cert-manager.io/docs/configuration/.

Since self-signed certificates don't require communication with any external resources, they are a good candidate for use during development. We will use them within the scope of this book.

Using the cert-manager in production typically requires the use of an issuer, such as Let's Encrypt, which can issue certificates for the external APIs that the API clients, for example, web browsers and external systems, will trust.

After installation of the cert-manager in a Kubernetes cluster, at least one issuer must be registered. An issuer can either be local to a namespace or accessible cluster-wide. We will use a local issuer that is registered in the existing namespace, hands-on.

It will be the responsibility of the environment charts, dev-env and prod-env, to register a proper issuer. Both environments will use the self-signed issuer. A named template, _issuer.yaml, has been added to the common chart. It looks like this:

{{- define "common.issuer" -}}
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Issuer
  name: selfsigned
  selfSigned: {}
{{- end -}}

The apiVersion and kind fields specify that this is an issuer defined by the cert-manager. Its name is set to selfsigned. In the Changes required to replace the Spring Cloud Gateway section above, we saw how this name was used to annotate the Ingress manifest:

    cert-manager.io/issuer: selfsigned
    secretName: tls-certificate

This is all that it takes to get the cert-manager to kick in and provide a certificate for the Ingress object. The cert-manager listens for the registration of Ingress objects that are annotated with cert-manager.io/issuer and starts to issue certificates using the issuer referenced in the value of the annotation, in this case, selfsigned. The cert-manager will use the issuer to create a certificate and will store it in a Secret named by the Ingress object. In our case, the name is set to tls-certificate. A Certificate object will also be created with the same name, containing administrative information like when it is time for the cert-manager to renew the certificate.

Since the named template, common.issuer, does not accept any configuration, all that is required to apply it in the dev-env and prod-env charts is to add a template in each chart that uses the named template. The template is named issuer.yaml and looks like this:

{{- template "common.issuer" . -}}

With this, we have everything that is required to replace the Spring Cloud Config Server and Gateway with native Kubernetes components and the cert-manager. Let's deploy and run some tests!

Testing with Kubernetes ConfigMaps, Secrets, Ingress, and the cert-manager

With the preceding changes described, we are ready to test the system landscape with the Spring Cloud Config Server and the Spring Cloud Gateway replaced by Kubernetes ConfigMaps, Secrets, an Ingress object, and the cert-manager. As before, when we used the Spring Cloud Gateway as the edge server, the external API will be protected by HTTPS. With this deployment, it will be the Ingress controller that uses the certificate provisioned by the cert-manager to protect the external API with HTTPS. This is illustrated by the following diagram:

Figure 17.3: Protecting external access using HTTPS

On macOS, the Ingress controller is exposed on the default HTTPS port, 443, on the Minikube instance. On Windows running WSL 2, where we run the Minikube instance as a Docker container, we communicate with the Minikube instance via localhost. When the Minikube instance was created in WSL 2, port forwarding was configured from port 8443 on localhost to the 443 port in the Minikube instance. The Ingress controller was installed when we performed the minikube addons enable ingress command.

For a recap on the setup of the Minikube instance, see the Creating a Kubernetes cluster section in Chapter 15, Introduction to Kubernetes.

An interesting question here is how can the Ingress controller use port 443 on the Minikube instance? We have seen the use of services of type NodePort that can allocate a port starting from 30000, so how can the Ingress controller use the standard port for HTTPS, 443?

The Ingress controller consists of a Deployment, ingress-nginx-controller, in the kube-system namespace. The answer to the question is that the Deployment configures its Pod using a hostPort to map port 443 in the host, that is, the Minikube instance, to port 443 in the container that runs in the Pod. The central parts in the definition of the Deployment look like the following:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: ingress-nginx-controller
        image: us.gcr.io/k8s-artifacts-prod/ingress-nginx/controller:v0.40.2
        - containerPort: 443
          hostPort: 443

This setup works for a single-node Kubernetes cluster used for development and testing. In a multi-node Kubernetes cluster, external load balancers are used to expose an Ingress controller for high availability and scalability.

The Deployment uses the same type of commands as we used in Chapter 16, Deploying Our Microservices to Kubernetes; refer to the Deploying to Kubernetes for development and test section. In this section, we will also install the cert-manager and add an entry to the/etc/hosts file for the hostname minikube.me.

Execute the following steps to deploy the system landscape and verify that it works as expected:

  1. Install the cert-manager in the cert-manager Namespace and wait for the deployment to complete. Before the cert-manager can be installed, we need to add its Helm repository. Run the following commands:
    helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io
    helm repo update
    helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager 
      --namespace cert-manager 
      --version v1.3.1 
      --set installCRDs=true 

    The cert-manager also comes with a set of Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs), like the Issuer object that was introduced above. CRDs are used in Kubernetes to extend its API, that is, to add new objects to its API. The --set installCRDs=true flag in the command above ensures that these object definitions are installed when installing the cert-manager.

    Verify that three Pods are ready in the cert-manager Namespace with the following command:

    kubectl get pods --namespace cert-manager

    Expect a response like this:

    Figure 17.4: Pods in the cert-manager namespace

  2. Map minikube.me to the IP address we can use to reach the Minikube instance by adding a line to the /etc/hosts file:
    1. On macOS, run the following command to add the line:
      sudo bash -c "echo $(minikube ip) minikube.me | tee -a /etc/hosts"
    2. On Windows using WSL 2, run the following command to add the line:
      sudo bash -c "echo minikube.me | tee -a /etc/hosts"

    Note that the sudo command will probably ask for your password.

    Verify the result with the cat /etc/hosts command. Expect a line that contains the IP address described above followed by minikube.me; for example, minikube.me.

    If your /etc/hosts file contains multiple lines for minikube.me (for example, from earlier attempts), you need to remove the old ones manually.

  3. You can build Docker images from source as follows:
    cd $BOOK_HOME/Chapter17
    eval $(minikube docker-env)
    ./gradlew build && docker-compose build
  4. Pull Docker images to avoid a slow deployment process due to Kubernetes downloading Docker images:
    eval $(minikube docker-env)
    docker pull mysql:5.7.32 
    docker pull mongo:4.4.2
    docker pull rabbitmq:3.8.11-management
    docker pull openzipkin/zipkin:2.23.2
  5. Resolve the Helm chart dependencies:
    1. First, we update the dependencies in the components folder:
      for f in kubernetes/helm/components/*; do helm dep up $f; done
    2. Next, we update the dependencies in the environments folder:
      for f in kubernetes/helm/environments/*; do helm dep up $f; done
  6. Set the hands-on namespace as the default namespace for kubectl:
    kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=hands-on
  7. In a separate terminal window, run the following command to monitor how certificate objects are created by the cert-manager:
    kubectl get certificates -w --output-watch-events
  8. Deploy the system landscape using Helm and wait for all deployments to complete:
    helm install hands-on-dev-env 
      -n hands-on 
  9. Note how the certificate is created by the cert-manager during the deployment. Expect the following output from the kubectl get certificates command:

    Figure 17.5: Events from the cert-manager provisioning a certificate

  10. Stop the kubectl get certificates command with Ctrl+C.
  11. Run the test to verify that the system landscape works as expected:
    1. On macOS, run the following command:
      HOST=minikube.me PORT=443 USE_K8S=true ./test-em-all.bash
    2. On Windows using WSL 2, run the following command:
      HOST=minikube.me PORT=8443 USE_K8S=true ./test-em-all.bash

    Expect output from the tests similar to what we obtained in the previous chapter (in condensed format):

    Figure 17.6: Verifying the system landscape created by the dev-env Helm chart

Before wrapping up the dev-env, let's try out the certificate object that the cert-manager created and see how it can be used to affect the retention time for the certificate.

Rotating certificates

Let's start getting acquainted with the certificate object by issuing the following command:

kubectl describe cert tls-certificate

At the end of the output from the command, we will find the following information regarding the time that the certificate will be valid for:

Figure 17.7: Certificate validation period and renewal time

We can see that the certificate is valid for 90 days (Not AfterNot Before) and that the cert-manager will try to renew it after 60 days (Renewal TimeNot Before). Since the selfsigned issuer we are using doesn't allow any configuration, these are the default values that the cert-manager uses: 90 days lifetime and a renewal process that is initiated after 2/3 of the lifetime.

But we don't want to wait 60 days before we can observe a renewal of the certificate. If we study the API specification for the certificate object at https://cert-manager.io/docs/reference/api-docs/#cert-manager.io/v1.Certificate, we will find a field in the spec section that is of interest. It is named renewBefore and can be used to specify how early the cert-manager should start the renew process. If we want the certificate to be renewed once per minute, we can specify the renewBefore to be 90 days – 1 minute = 90*24 hours – 1 minute = 2160 hours – 1 minute = 2159 hours and 59 minutes.

Start the kubectl get events -w command in a separate terminal window and run the following patch command to add the renewBefore field to the certificate:

kubectl patch certificate tls-certificate --type=json 
-p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/renewBefore", "value": "2159h59m"}]'

Within 1 minute, the get events command should start to report on certificate renewals. For each renewal, the following should be printed by the get events command:

Figure 17.8: Events from the cert-manager rotating a certificate

Wait a couple of minutes to verify that the certificate is renewed once per minute. If you are curious about when the next renewal will happen, you can issue the following command:

kubectl get cert tls-certificate -o json | jq .status.renewalTime

It should respond with a date like 2021-05-02T19:39:06Z.

If you no longer want to have a custom retention time, you can remove the renewBefore field with the following command:

kubectl patch certificate tls-certificate --type=json 
  -p='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/renewBefore"}]'

This concludes the tests we will do in the system landscape deployed using the dev-env chart. We can remove the system landscape with the following command:

kubectl delete namespace hands-on

Let us also recap how to deploy the system landscape using the prod-env chart!

Deploying to Kubernetes for staging and production

Deploying to a staging and production environment using the prod-env chart follows the same steps as we used in the Deploying to Kubernetes for staging and production section in Chapter 16, Deploying Our Microservices to Kubernetes. The steps are recapitulated here in a compact form:

  1. Start MySQL, MongoDB, and RabbitMQ outside of Kubernetes:
    eval $(minikube docker-env)
    docker-compose up -d mongodb mysql rabbitmq
  2. Tag Docker images with v1 versions:
    docker tag hands-on/auth-server hands-on/auth-server:v1
    docker tag hands-on/product-composite-service hands-on/product-composite-service:v1 
    docker tag hands-on/product-service hands-on/product-service:v1
    docker tag hands-on/recommendation-service hands-on/recommendation-service:v1
    docker tag hands-on/review-service hands-on/review-service:v1
  3. Deploy the microservices using the prod-env Helm chart:
    helm install hands-on-prod-env 
      -n hands-on --create-namespace 
  4. Run the test to verify that the system landscape works as expected:
    1. On macOS, run the following command:
      HOST=minikube.me PORT=443 USE_K8S=true ./test-em-all.bash
    2. On Windows using WSL 2, run the following command:
      HOST=minikube.me PORT=8443 USE_K8S=true ./test-em-all.bash

When you are done, clean up the resources created in both Kubernetes and Docker using the following commands:

  1. Stop the kubectl get cert -w and kubectl get events -w commands if they still are running by using Ctrl + C.
  2. Delete the namespace in Kubernetes with the following command:
    kubectl delete namespace hands-on
  3. Stop MySQL, MongoDB, and RabbitMQ with the following command:
    eval $(minikube docker-env)
    docker-compose down

With this, we are done with all tests running on Kubernetes. Let's see how to verify that the microservices still work without Kubernetes.

Verifying that the microservices work without Kubernetes

In this chapter and the previous one, we have seen how features in the Kubernetes platform, such as ConfigMaps, Secrets, Services, and Ingress objects, can simplify the effort of developing a landscape of cooperating microservices. But it is important to ensure that the source code of the microservices doesn't become dependent on the platform from a functional perspective. Avoiding such a lock-in makes it possible to change to another platform in the future, if required, with minimal effort. Changing the platform should not require changes in the source code, but only in the configuration of the microservices.

Testing the microservices using Docker Compose and running the test-em-all.bash verification script will ensure that they work from a functional perspective without Kubernetes. When running microservices without Kubernetes, we will lack the non-functional features that Kubernetes provides us with, for example, monitoring, scaling, and restarting containers.

When using Docker Compose, we will replace the following Kubernetes features:

  • Instead of ConfigMaps, we use volumes that map the configuration files directly from the host filesystem
  • Instead of using Secrets, we keep sensitive information such as credentials in the Docker Compose .env file
  • Instead of an Ingress, we will use the Spring Cloud Gateway
  • Instead of Services, we will map hostnames used by the clients directly to the hostnames of the containers, meaning that we will not have any service discovery in place and will not be able to scale containers

Using Docker Compose this way will result in significant disadvantages from a non-functional perspective compared to using Kubernetes. But this is acceptable, given that Docker Compose will only be used to run functional tests.

Let's go through the changes in the docker-compose*.yml files before we run the tests using Docker Compose.

Changes in the Docker Compose files

To run microservices outside Kubernetes, using Docker Compose, the following changes have been applied to the docker-compose*.yml files:

  • We have removed the configuration server definition
  • We have removed the use of the following configuration server environment variables: CONFIG_SERVER_USR and CONFIG_SERVER_PWD
  • We have mapped the config-repo folder as a volume in each container that needs to read configuration files from the configuration repository
  • We have defined the SPRING_CONFIG_LOCATION environment variable to point to the configuration files in the configuration repository
  • We have stored sensitive information such as credentials and passwords in TLS certificates in the Docker Compose .env file
  • We have defined environment variables with credentials for access to resource managers using the variables defined in the .env file

For example, the configuration of the product microservice looks like the following in docker-compose.yml:

  build: microservices/product-service
  image: hands-on/product-service
    - SPRING_CONFIG_LOCATION=file:/config-repo/application.yml,file:/config-repo/product.yml
    - $PWD/config-repo:/config-repo

Here is an explanation of the source code:

  • The config-repo folder is mapped as a volume into the container at /config-repo
  • The SPRING_CONFIG_LOCATION environment variable tells Spring where to find the property files, in this case, the /config-repo/application.yml and /config-repo/product.yml files
  • Credentials for accessing RabbitMQ and MongoDB are set up as environment variables based on the content in the .env file

The credentials referred to in the preceding source code are defined in the .env file as:


Testing with Docker Compose

To test with Docker Compose, we will use Docker Desktop instead of Minikube. Perform the following steps:

  1. To direct the Docker client to use Docker Desktop instead of Minikube, run the following command:
    eval $(minikube docker-env --unset)
  2. To save memory, you might want to stop the Minikube instance:
    minikube stop 
  3. Start Docker Desktop (if it is not already running).
  4. Build the Docker images in Docker Desktop with the following command:
    docker-compose build
  5. Run the tests using RabbitMQ (with one partition per topic):
    COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.yml ./test-em-all.bash start stop
  6. The tests should begin by starting all the containers, running the tests, and finally stopping all the containers. Expect output similar to what we have seen in the previous chapters (output reduced to improve readability):

    Figure 10.9: Verifying the functionality of the system landscape without using Kubernetes

  7. Optionally, run the tests using RabbitMQ with multiple partitions per topic:
    COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose-partitions.yml ./test-em-all.bash start stop

    Expect output that's similar to the preceding test.

  8. Alternatively, run the test using Kafka with multiple partitions per topic:
    COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose-kafka.yml ./test-em-all.bash start stop

    Expect output that's similar to the preceding test.

  9. Stop Docker Desktop to save memory, if required.
  10. Start the Minikube instance, if it was stopped previously, and set the default namespace to hands-on:
    minikube start
    kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=hands-on
  11. Point the Docker client back to the Kubernetes cluster in the Minikube instance:
    eval $(minikube docker-env)

With the successful execution of these tests, we have verified that the microservices also work without Kubernetes.


In this chapter, we have seen how capabilities in Kubernetes can be used to simplify a microservice landscape, meaning that we reduce the number of supporting services to be developed and deployed together with the microservices. We have seen how Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets can be used to replace the Spring Cloud Config Server and how a Kubernetes Ingress object can replace the Spring Cloud Gateway.

Using the cert-manager allowed us to automatically provision certificates for HTTPS endpoints exposed by the Ingress controller, eliminating the need for manual and cumbersome work.

To verify that the source code of the microservices can run on other platforms, that is, isn't locked into Kubernetes, we deployed the microservices using Docker Compose and ran the test-em-all.bash test script.

In the next chapter, we will be introduced to the concept of a service mesh and learn how a service mesh product, Istio, can be used to improve observability, security, resilience, and routing in a landscape of cooperating microservices that are deployed on Kubernetes.

Head over to the next chapter!


  1. How was the Spring Cloud Config Server replaced by Kubernetes resources?
  2. How was the Spring Cloud Gateway replaced by Kubernetes resources?
  3. What is required to make the cert-manager automatically provision certificates for an Ingress object?
  4. How can the retention time of a certificate be checked and updated?
  5. Where is the actual certificate stored?
  6. Why did we run the tests using Docker Compose?
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