Part 3. Using PostGIS with other tools

In part 2 we covered the basics of solving problems with spatial queries and showed you performance tips for getting the most speed out of your spatial queries. PostGIS is a seductive mistress widely courted by both commercial and open source tools. In part 3, we’ll cover some of the more common open source tools that are used to complement and enhance PostGIS.

Chapter 10 covers SQL add-ons, such as the PostgreSQL procedural languages PL/R and PL/Python that are common favorites in GIS for leveraging the wealth of statistical functions and plotting capabilities of R, and the numerous packages for Python. You’ll learn how to write stored functions in these languages and use them in SQL queries. We’ll also cover the TIGER geocoder, which is a package of scripts, SQL functions, and PostgreSQL types that utilizes U.S. Census TIGER data to build geocoders and reverse geocoders. In addition we’ll cover pgRouting, which is another package of SQL functions used to build routing applications and do various kinds of traveling-salesperson problems.

In chapter 11 we cover the server-side mapping servers and client-side mapping frameworks that are commonly used to display PostGIS data on the web. You’ll learn how to display PostGIS data layered with third-party mapping layers such as OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, and Microsoft Bing. You’ll also learn the basics of setting up GeoServer and MapServer and configuring them as WMS/ WFS services.

Chapter 12 introduces popular open source GIS desktop tools used to display PostGIS layers. We cover OpenJUMP, uDig, Quantum GIS, and gvSIG.

In chapter 13 we venture into the latest addition to PostGIS—raster support. You’ll learn how to use raster data in conjunction with vector data using the new PostGIS raster type.

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