About this Book

This book isn’t a substitute for the official PostGIS documentation. The official PostGIS documentation does a good job of introducing you to the myriad of functions available in PostGIS and provides examples on how to use each. It won’t tell you how to combine all these functions into a recipe to solve your problems. That is the purpose of our book. Although it doesn’t cover all functions available in PostGIS, this book does cover the more commonly used or interesting ones and gives you the skills you need to combine them to solve classic and more esoteric but interesting problems in spatial analysis and modeling.

While you can use this book as a source of reference, we recommend that you do visit the official PostGIS site at http://www.postgis.org.

This book focuses on two-dimensional non-curved Cartesian vector geometries. Although it is primarily about writing spatial queries against 2D vector geometries, we provide introductions to the following ancillary topics:

  • Creating 3D vector geometries
  • Creating curved geometries
  • Creating and querying the geodetic geography data type
  • Working with raster data using the companion raster data type (integrated in PostGIS 2.0)

While the main purpose of this book is the use of PostGIS, we’d fall short of our mission if we neglected to provide some perspective on the landscape it lives in. PostGIS is not an island and rarely works alone. To complete the cycle, we also include the following:

  • An extensive appendix that covers PostgreSQL in great detail from setup, to backup, to security management, as well as the fundamentals of SQL and creating functions and other objects in it
  • Several chapters dedicated to the use of PostGIS in web mapping, viewing using desktop tools, PostgreSQL PL languages commonly used with PostGIS, and extra open source add-ons such as the TIGER geocoder, pgRouting, PL/R, and PL/Python

Who should read this book?

This book provides an introduction to PostGIS and it assumes a basic comfort level with programming and working with data. The types of people we’ve found most attracted to PostGIS and best suited for reading this book are listed here.

Gis Practitioners and Programmers

You know everything about data, geoids, and projections. You know where to find sources for data. You can create stunning applications with ArcGIS, MapInfo, Google Earth, OpenLayers, Adobe Flex, Silverlight, or other Ajax-enabled toolkits. You’re adept at generating data sources in ESRI shapefiles, using MapInfo, and creating cartographic masterpieces. You may even be able to add and extract data from a spatially enabled database, but when asked questions about the data, you’re stuck. Being able to draw all the Wal-Marts in the United States on a map is one thing, but being able to answer the question of how many Wal-Marts are east of the Mississippi without counting individual pushpins is a whole different ball game. Sure, you may have used desktop tools and written procedural code to answer these questions, but we hope to show you a much faster way.

So what does a spatially enabled database offer you that you don’t already have at your fingertips?

  • It provides the ability to easily intermingle spatial data with other corporate data such as financial information, observation data, and marketing information. Yes, you can do these with ESRI shapefiles, KML files, and other output formats, but that requires an extra step and limits your options for joining with other relevant data. A database such as PostgreSQL has features such as a query planner that improves the speed of your joins and many commonly used statistical functions to make fairly complex questions and summary stats relatively fast to run and quick to write.
  • When collecting user data, whether that user is drawing a geometry on the screen and inputting related information or clicking a point on the map, there’s so much infrastructure built around databases that the task is much easier if you’re using one. Take, for example, rolling your own web application whether in .NET, PHP, Perl, Python, Java, or some other language. Each already has a driver for PostgreSQL to make inserting data easy. Add to that mix the text-to-geometry functions, geometry-to-SVG, -KML, and -GeoJSON functions, and other processing functions that PostGIS provides, along with the geometry-generation and -manipulation functions that platforms like OpenLayers, Map-Server, and GeoServer have, and you have a myriad of options to choose from.
  • A relational database provides administrative support to easily control who has access to what, whether that be a text attribute or a geometry.
  • It offers triggers that can allow generation of other things like related geometries in other tables when certain database events happen.
  • PostgreSQL has a multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) transactional system to ensure that when 100 users are reading or updating your data at the same time, your system doesn’t come screeching to a halt.
  • It provides the ability to write custom functions in the database that can be called from disparate applications. PostgreSQL offers several choices of languages to choose from to write stored functions.
  • If you’re married to your preferred GIS desktop tools, don’t worry. Choosing a spatial DBMS such as PostGIS doesn’t mean you need to abandon your tools of choice. Manifold, Cadcorp, MapInfo 10+, AutoCAD, and various commonly used desktop tools have built-in support for PostGIS. ArcGIS does as well via the SDE offering or via Obtuse Software’s zigGIS plug-in. Safe FME, a popular extract, transform, load (ETL) favorite of GIS professionals, has supported Post-GIS for a long time.

Db Practitioners

At some point in your database career, someone might have asked you a spatially oriented question about the data. Without a spatially enabled database, you’re forced to limit your thinking in terms of coordinates, location names, or other geographical attributes that can be reduced to numbers and letters. This works fine for point data, but you’re at a complete loss once areas and regions come into play. You may be able to find all the people named Smith within a county, but if we were to ask you to find all the Smiths living within 10 miles of the county, you’d be stuck.

We want the reader from a pure database background to realize that data is more than just numbers, dates, and characters and that amazing feats of SQL can be accomplished against non-textual data. Sure you might have stored images, documents, and other oddities in your relational database, but we doubt you were able to do much in the way of writing SQL joins against these fields.

Scientists, Researchers, Educators, and Engineers

A lot of highly skilled scientists, researchers, educators, and engineers use spatial analysis tools to analyze their collected data, model their inventions, or train students. Although we don’t consider ourselves the same as them, we admire these people the most because they create knowledge and improve our lives in fundamental ways. They may know a lot about mathematics, biology, chemistry, geology, physics, engineering, and so forth, but they aren’t trained in database management, relational database use, or GIS. If you’re one of these people, we hope to provide just enough of a framework to get you up to speed without too much fuss. What does PostgreSQL/PostGIS hold for you?

  • It gives you the ability to integrate with statistical packages such as R, and you can even write database procedural functions in PL/R that leverage the power of R.
  • PostgreSQL also supports PL/Python, which allows you to leverage the growing Python libraries for scientific research right in the database, where it can work even closer with the data than in a plain Python environment.
  • While many think of PostGIS as a tool for geographic information systems, and that’s implied by the name, we see it as a tool for spatial analysis. The distinction is that while geography focuses on the earth and the reference systems that bind the earth, spatial analysis focuses on space and the use of space. That space and coordinate reference system may be specific to an anthill, or to a map of a nuclear plant whose location is yet to be defined, or it may be used as a visualization tool to model the inherently non-visual, such as in process modeling. So while you may think of your particular area of interest as not being touched by spatial analysis, we challenge you to dig deeper.
  • A database is a natural repository for large quantities of data and has a lot of built-in statistical/rollup functions and constructs for producing useful reports and analysis. If you’re dealing with data of a spatial nature or using space as a visualization tool, PostGIS provides more functions to extend that analysis.
  • Much of this data can be easily collected by machines (GPS, alarm systems, remote sensing devices) and directly piped to the database via automated feeds or standard import formats.
  • Portions of data are easily distributed. A relational database is ideal for creating what we call “data dispensers,” which allow other researchers to easily grab just the subset of data they need for their research or to provide data for easy download by the public.

These profiles are the basic groups of spatial database users, but they’re not the only ones.

If you’ve ever looked at the world and thought, wouldn’t it be great if I could correlate crime statistics with the locations where we’ve planted trees or the locations of police stations or determine what demographic profiles seem to give us the best sales, then PostGIS might be the easiest and most cost-effective tool for you.


This book is divided into three major parts and several supporting appendixes.

Part 1: Learning Postgis

Part 1 covers the fundamental concepts of spatial relational databases and PostGIS/PostgreSQL in particular. The goal of this part is to introduce you to industry-standard GIS database concepts and practices. By the end of this part, you should have a solid foundation in the various geometry types, a basic understanding of spatial reference systems and database storage options, and, most important, the ability to load and query spatial data in a PostGIS-enabled PostgreSQL database.

Chapter 1 exposes you to the idea of a spatial database and shows how PostGIS fits into this category. In this chapter you’ll learn how to load a CSV file into PostgreSQL and convert longitude/latitude coordinates into PostGIS geometry/geography types. You’ll also experience a fast-paced introduction to doing quantitative analysis with spatial functions.

In chapter 2 we go through all the geometry types that PostGIS has to offer, most of which are standard across most high-end spatial databases. You’ll learn how to create these on the fly using well-known text (WKT) representations. You’ll also be exposed to the common standard concepts of polygon validity and linestring simplicity.

Chapter 3 covers various data modeling and storage strategies for storing spatial data with other standard relational data types as well as managing data. PostgreSQL supports additional advanced storage options you won’t find in most other relational databases. In this chapter we explore using table inheritance, examine heterogeneous/homogeneous geometry columns, and take a brief look at the hstore key-value data type. We’ll also demonstrate how to compartmentalize business logic in the database using PostgreSQL rules and triggers.

Chapter 4 discusses the easiest to understand of PostGIS functions—functions that work with only one geometry. We cover the key ones and provide brief demonstrations of their use.

Chapter 5 covers the more advanced PostGIS functions. These are functions that take one or more geometries as input.

Chapter 6 is a basic primer on the very important topic of spatial reference systems. It discusses how to determine which reference system your data is in and how to select suitable reference systems to store your data.

Chapter 7 is a compendium of the various open source tools and PostGIS/Postgre-SQL packaged tools for loading spatial data. It covers how to load various kinds of data from ESRI shapefiles, MapInfo, KML, and OpenStreetMap XML format. It also covers how to export data.

Part 2: Putting Postgis to Work

This part focuses on using PostGIS to solve real-world spatial problems and optimizing for speed.

Chapter 8 covers classic spatial problems and various techniques for solving them.

Chapter 9 provides approaches for improving the speed of your spatial queries. You’ll learn about common mistakes people make when writing queries and how to avoid them. You’ll also learn how to take advantage of the various query planner statistics provided by PostgreSQL to troubleshoot problem areas in your queries.

Part 3: Using Postgis With Other Tools

Part 3 encompasses the tools most commonly used with PostGIS for building applications.

Chapter 10 covers add-ons you can use with PostGIS directly in spatial queries. It demonstrates the TIGER geocoder and pgRouting. In addition, it covers the PL/Python and PL/R PostgreSQL procedural languages that are favorites of GIS analysts. Both PL/Python and PL/R have extensive libraries available for working with spatial data.

Chapter 11 is devoted to using PostGIS in conjunction with web-mapping toolkits. It focuses on the most popular of these, GeoServer and MapServer, provides the fundamentals of the WMS/WFS OGC web services, and discusses using the OpenLayers and GeoExt JavaScript mapping APIs.

Chapter 12 provides a brief survey of the most commonly used open source desktop tools that support PostGIS. You’ll learn the pros and cons of each and you’ll find quick primers on installing and working with each. Covered are OpenJUMP, Quantum GIS, uDig, and gvSIG.

Chapter 13 is an introduction to the PostGIS raster data type. Raster support isn’t packaged in with PostGIS 1.5 or below but is packaged with PostGIS 2.0. This chapter will teach you how to load raster data using GDAL, do intersections with geometries, polygonize rasters, and do basic analysis with raster pixels.


There are four appendixes.

Appendix A provides additional resources for getting help on PostGIS and the ancillary tools discussed in the book.

Appendix B shows how to get up and running with PostgreSQL and PostGIS.

Appendix C is an SQL primer that explains the concepts of JOIN, UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT. It discusses the fundamentals of rolling up data with aggregate functions and aggregate constructs as well as the more advanced topic of using Window functions and frames.

Appendix D covers features of PostgreSQL that are rarely found in other databases.

Code and other conventions

The following typographical conventions are used throughout the book:

  • Courier typeface is used in all code listings.
  • Courier typeface is used within text for certain code words.
  • Sidebars and callouts are used to highlight key points or introduce new terminology.
  • Code annotations are used in place of inline comments in the code. These highlight important concepts or areas of the code. Some annotations appear with numbered bullets like this that are referenced later in the text.

Code downloads

The examples and data for all chapters of this book can be downloaded via http://www.postgis.us. On the book site you’ll also find chapter code downloads, data downloads, and descriptions of each chapter with related links for each chapter. Each chapter page listing has a link where you can download the full data and code for that chapter.

The code can also be downloaded from the publisher’s website at http://www.manning.com/PostGISinAction.

Author Online

The purchase of PostGIS In Action includes free access to a private forum run by Manning Publications where you can make comments about the book, ask technical questions, and receive help from the authors and other users. You can access and subscribe to the forum at http://www.manning.com/PostGISinAction. This page provides information on how to get on the forum once you’re registered, what kind of help is available, and the rules of conduct in the forum.

Manning’s commitment to our readers is to provide a venue where a meaningful dialogue among individual readers and between readers and authors can take place. It’s not a commitment to any specific amount of participation on the part of the authors, whose contribution to the book’s forum remains voluntary (and unpaid). We suggest you try asking the authors some challenging questions, lest their interest stray!

The Author Online forum and the archives of previous discussions will be accessible from the publisher’s website as long as the book is in print. Lastly, there will be additions to the content added to the author’s online website for the book, located at http://www.postgis.us.

You may also visit the authors at the PostgreSQL and Open Source GIS companion sites: http://www.postgresonline.com and http://www.bostongis.com.

About the title

By combining introductions, overviews, and how-to examples, the In Action books are designed to help learning and remembering. According to research in cognitive science, the things people remember are things they discover during self-motivated exploration.

Although no one at Manning is a cognitive scientist, we are convinced that for learning to become permanent it must pass through stages of exploration, play, and, interestingly, retelling of what’s being learned. People understand and remember new things, which is to say they master them, only after actively exploring them. Humans learn in action. An essential part of an In Action book is that it’s example driven. It encourages the reader to try things out, to play with new code, and to explore new ideas.

There’s another, more mundane, reason for the title of this book: Our readers are busy. They use books to do a job or solve a problem. They need books that allow them to jump in and jump out easily and learn just what they want just when they want it. They need books that aid them in action. The books in this series are designed for such readers.

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