List of Tables

Chapter 1. What is a spatial database?

Table 1.1. Result of a spatial query

Chapter 2. Geometry types

Table 2.1. Observe how many more points the LINESTRING equivalent takes to approximate a curve.

Chapter 4. Geometry functions

Table 4.1. Results of the preceding code

Table 4.2. Results of code in listing 4.2

Table 4.3. Results of the code in listing 4.3

Table 4.4. Output results of the code in listing 4.4

Table 4.5. Result of the preceding code comparing 3D and 2D lengths

Table 4.6. Results of query in listing 4.5

Table 4.7. Results of the query in listing 4.6 demonstrating sphere versus spheroid lengths

Table 4.8. Results of listing 4.7

Table 4.9. Results of the code in listing 4.8

Table 4.10. Output of listing 4.9

Table 4.11. Output of query in listing 4.10

Table 4.12. Results of the previous code

Table 4.13. Results of code in listing 4.11

Table 4.14. Results of query in previous code

Table 4.15. Result of query in previous code

Table 4.16. Output from query in listing 4.12

Table 4.17. Results of query in listing 4.13

Table 4.18. Results of the query in the previous code

Table 4.19. Results of query in previous code (split into two sections for readability)

Chapter 5. Relationships between geometries

Table 5.1. Result of query in previous code

Table 5.2. The result of the last query in listing 5.1

Table 5.3. Result of the query: All intersect but not all contain.

Table 5.4. Result of query in listing 5.3: List all where the answer of Covers is different from that of Contains.

Table 5.5. Result of query in listing 5.4: geometries where Contains and ContainsProperly are different

Table 5.6. Result of latest query: geometries that touch each other

Table 5.7. Result of this query: geometries that cross each other

Table 5.8. Query result of listing 5.6: The polygon is cut into three parts.

Table 5.9. Results of query in listing 5.8

Table 5.10. PostGIS operators that can be applied to geometries

Table 5.11. Results of listing 5.10: Even in an invalid polygon is ordering equal to itself in PostGIS.

Table 5.12. Intersection matrix cell possible values

Table 5.13. Results of query in listing 5.14

Table 5.14. Results from query in listing 5.15

Chapter 6. Spatial reference system considerations

Table 6.1. Common ellipsoids

Table 6.2. Common spatial reference systems and their fitness for purpose

Table 6.3. Results of distance calculations in kilometers

Table 6.4. List of different areas in different regions of the world

Chapter 7. Working with real data

Table 7.1. Using uncompress tools in Linux

Table 7.2. Example uses of the 7z command line

Chapter 8. Techniques to solve spatial problems

Table 8.1. Sample records of distances between cities generated by listing 8.6

Table 8.2. Comparing area of cities around San Francisco in different spatial reference systems

Table 8.3. Output of query in listing 8.15

Table 8.4. Area of Oklahoma cut into four equal quadrants

Chapter 9. Performance tuning

Table 9.1. Result of planner statistics query

Chapter 10. Enhancing SQL with add-ons

Table 10.1. Results of geocoding address in listing 10.2

Table 10.2. Result of normalizing our test addresses

Table 10.3. Commands for installing and navigating packages

Table 10.4. Result of r_getgdaldrivers() function

Table 10.5. Result of r_getimageinfo function call

Table 10.6. Results of our Google Maps geocoder

Chapter 11. Using PostGIS in web applications

Table 11.1. Mapping server prerequisites

Table 11.2. Web services support

Table 11.3. Data source formats supported

Chapter 12. Using PostGIS in a desktop environment

Table 12.1. Summary of tools based on architecture, language, OS, setup

Table 12.2. Spatial database support

Table 12.3. Vector file data formats

Table 12.4. Raster file data formats

Table 12.5. Web services support

Chapter 13. PostGIS raster

Table 13.1. Georeferencing raster edit functions

Appendix C. SQL primer

Table C.1. Results of query in listing C.1

Table C.2. Results of window query in listing C.8

Appendix D. PostgreSQL features

Table D.1. PostgreSQL role concepts and parallels to other databases

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