

active image area     Application window that displays the image contained in the currently open file.

active layer     Virtual drawing plane currently selected in an open image.

adjustment layer     In a multilayered image, a layer containing no pixels, inserted to affect the overall appearance of all layers beneath it; in effect, a digital photographic filter.

autofocus     Automatic focusing capability of digital cameras.

automatic white balance     Digital camera function that reproduces colors based on the assumption that the lightest area in the frame is pure white.

autoselect     Procedure whereby selecting a shape or text object with the Move tool automatically causes its layer to be selected, too.


backlight     Photographic light source emanating from behind the subject.

base layer     When layers are grouped, the bottommost layer that sets the boundaries of the upper ones, determined by the boundaries of a shape on that layer.

bitmap     Digital image composed of pixels; raster image; pixel array; in Photoshop Elements color modes, a black-and-white image.

Blending mode     In a multilayered image, a layer option that determines how colors on different layers combine; an option for various tools and filters. Examples: Normal, Dissolve, Hard, Soft.

blow out     To totally overexpose an area of an image so that it is pure white and contains no picture detail.

brush dynamics     Options for the size, shape, and behavior of the Brush tool that control the quality of its brush stroke.

brush tip     Size and shape of the tip of the Brush tool, set in the Options bar after the tool is selected.

burn     A traditional darkroom technique by which you underexpose masked areas of a film negative before making a print.


canvas size     Paper or media size associated with an image file.

caption     Printable text that describes the content of a picture.

capture     To upload image data from a camera, camcorder, or scanner into a computer.

catalog     In Organizer, a collection of image files from which a presentation can be created.

Clipboard     Scratchpad memory area in the system software through which data, including graphics and images, can be exchanged between open applications.

Close box     X button in the top-right corner of any Windows window by which it may be closed, or turned off.

CMYK     Color model and mixing scheme used in Photoshop but not in Photoshop Elements. Based on the components cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. Inkjet printers and printing presses use inks in these four colors to print.

collage     Art term for a composition made from cut-out images pasted onto a board.

color cast     Overall tint of a photograph, particularly noticeable and in need of correction when it creates unflattering flesh tones in the subjects.

color components     Separate channels, or primary colors, within a color model; red, green, and blue in the RGB color model; hue, saturation, and lightness in the HSL model.

color management     Coordination of color devices, such as cameras, computer screens, and printers, so that colors rendered on all of them appear to match.

color matching     Fine-tuning the output of two or more color-reproduction devices, such as a monitor and a printer, so that colors appear the same on both.

color space     The range of all colors available in a color model.

composite     Combination or merging two or more images.

composition     Artistic arrangement of subjects within the picture area.

compression     Mathematical transformation of a digital file so as to describe its contents using less data, thereby creating a smaller file, while degrading its quality or accuracy as little as possible.

constrain     To limit the repositioning or resizing of a shape or text to perpendicular angles; to prevent distortion; to maintain proportions (aspect ratio).

contact sheet     Film photographer’s reference print created in the darkroom by exposing filmstrips in direct contact with a sheet of print paper.

contrast     Range of brightness between the highlights and shadows in a photograph.

crop     To reframe an image, moving its edges to exclude unwanted areas.

crushed blacks     Underexposed areas of a picture that are totally black and contain no picture detail.


default     Preselected program option settings.

digital watermark     Invisible copyright or proprietary notice within the image area of a photograph that can be read by Photoshop Elements or special reader software.

digitize     To convert a film print or analog video clip to a digital file; to scan a photo.

discard layers     To merge and simplify all layers in an image simultaneously, rendering text and artwork uneditable as objects; see also flatten.

dither     To render a subtle color by juxtaposing dots of two or more primary colors.

dodge     In traditional darkroom technique, to overexpose unmasked areas of a film negative before making a print.

dpi     Unit of resolution of a digital printer; dots per inch; equivalent to pixels/inch.

duotone     Two-color image.

DV     Abbreviation of the Digital Video recording standard.

DVD     Abbreviation for Digital Versatile Disc; optical recording medium for videos and movies.

DVD menu     Onscreen selections of DVD chapters, each indicated by a button.


exposure     Length of time light is permitted to strike a camera’s film or sensors (called CCD chips in a digital camera).

extension     In a computer filename, characters to the right of the rightmost period, indicating the file format (for example, .psd, .jpg, .doc, .mpeg).

eyelight     Small photographic light source aimed directly into a subject’s eyes to make the eyes sparkle.


feather     Blurred edges of a shape; vignette.

file format     Indicated by the extension in the filename, the type of file (such as a native Photoshop file).

fill     Solid area or pattern within a shape, text, or image area.

fill flash     Bright photographic light source used to supplement key light and fill in the area surrounding the subject. In Photoshop Elements, the ability to lighten the darkest (usually foreground) areas of a photo, leaving the bright (usually background) areas unchanged.

filter     In Photoshop Elements, a prebuilt artistic effect that can be applied to an image; in conventional photography, a glass covering for a lens that changes the quality of light.

FireWire     Apple trademark for the connection between a camcorder or other device and a computer, designated IEEE 1394; equivalent to Sony’s i.LINK.

flatten     To merge and simplify all layers in an image simultaneously; see also discard layers.

flip     To create a mirror image of a shape, text, or image.

focus     In Photoshop Elements, to sharpen or blur the edges of a selection; in conventional photography, to adjust the camera lens to achieve the same effect.

folder     In a computer file system, a named directory that contains files.

font     In typography, a typeface in a particular point size; in computer applications, a typeface.

f-stop     Camera setting that controls how much light is admitted during an exposure.

FTP     Abbreviation of File Transfer Protocol, a method of uploading files to the Internet.

Full Edit mode     Interface view that enables access to all features of Photoshop Elements. See also Guided Edit mode and Quick Fix mode.


Gaussian blur     Named for mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss, a filter that enables finer control over how an image is blurred than does Blur or Blur More.

gradient     Blended color used to fill a shape or background.

grain     Noise filter applied to a digital image to simulate the grain of photographic film.

grayed out     Dimmed; refers to menu commands or dialog box options that are unavailable based on current settings.

grayscale     Monochrome picture that contains shades of black and white.

group     Combination of palettes or layers so that they can be manipulated as a single palette or object.

Guided Edit mode     Interface view that provides instructions for completing common tasks and restricts access to commands and tools other than those needed for the task at hand. See also Full Edit mode and Quick Fix mode.


halation effect     Artifact of early film that created a beatific glow around close-ups of movie stars.

halftone screen     Dot pattern used in commercial printing to render shaded images using tiny, solid dots of black (B&W) or four primary colors (CMYK).

handle     Corner on a selection that can be dragged to resize or reposition the object.

hard     Quality of light that produces sharp edges and dark shadows.

hidden tool     Any tool in the toolbar that can be selected by right-clicking a related tool.

HSL     Color model and mixing scheme based on components hue (primary color), saturation (tint), and lightness (light-dark value).


ICC     Abbreviation of International Color Consortium, which promotes color standards for the printing industry.

Impressionist brush     Tool used to lay down blurred brush strokes, after the technique of painters who rebelled against doing pictures in painstaking detail.

indexed color     Restricted color tables for specific uses, such as Web or Windows system display.

ink-and-paint     Conventional movie animator’s technique of drawing a cartoon character’s outline in ink on a clear sheet of celluloid and then filling in solid shapes with acrylic paint.

intellectual property rights (IPR)     Copyrights, patents, and trademarks; copyright applies to photographs, to which the photographer is author and rights holder.


key light     Main photographic light source aimed to highlight the subject.

keystoning     Photographic distortion produced by aiming the camera at a steep angle, high or low, in relation to the subject.


landscape     Rectangular image or printer orientation with the long dimension horizontal.

layer     Separate drawing, painting, text, or image plane among multiple planes, or layers, in a Photoshop image.

layer style     Options, such as bevels or drop shadows, that affect all objects on a given layer.

level     Value of red, green, blue, or black input or output channel to produce brightness and contrast.

linking layers     Marking and associating layers so that they can be manipulated together.

lossless     File compression that results in no perceptible loss of quality or accuracy.

lossy     File compression that does result in a loss of quality or accuracy.

LZW     File compression scheme based on a transformation named for mathematicians Lempel, Ziv, and Welch.


mapping     Transformation that bends and spreads an image or texture over the surface of an object.

mask     To cover part of an image so that the area is unaffected by changes made to other areas of the image.

menu bar     Main pull-down program commands in an application such as Photoshop Elements, near the top of the program window, beginning with the File menu on the left and proceeding to the Help menu on the right.

merge     To both simplify and combine layers in a single operation.

midtone     Pixel values in the middle range between highlights and shadows.

mixed media     Art term for works that may combine assemblage, collage, and painting or drawing.

mode     Image rendering as either grayscale or color.

monochrome     Single-color image, but not necessarily black and white.

multisession     Describing a CD or DVD to which files can be written, or appended, at different times.


navigate     Procedure for finding files and folders by exploring the file system, based on a hierarchy of files within folders (possibly within other folders) on a storage device (such as a disk).

negative     Reverse image from processing camera film, resulting in shadow areas rendered as highlights, highlights as shadows, and color primaries as their opposites (red as cyan, blue as yellow, and so on).

nudge     To move a selection by small increments by pressing the arrow keys.

opacity     Degree to which light is blocked by an object or layer; inverse of transparency.

Options bar     Settings for a tool, such as Brush, that become available beneath the menu bar after the tool has been selected.

Organizer     Photoshop Elements component that catalogs photos and provides access to printing and online display methods.

orientation     Rotation angle of an image or printout; portrait or landscape.


palette     Floating window containing effects, commands, and help grouped by category.

Palette Bin     Storage location in the work area for frequently used palettes.

palette tab     Handle by which a palette can be selected, docked, or undocked from the Palette Bin.

pan     To rotate a camera, typically mounted on a tripod, from left to right or from right to left in the same horizontal plane.

panorama     Scenic, wide-angle landscape; Photomerge output.

picture package     Assortment of prints in various sizes, from wallet sized to larger sizes suitable for framing, offered by commercial photographers.

pixel     Picture element; colored dot in a bitmap image.

pixels/inch     Resolution of a raster image; equivalent to printer dots per inch (dpi).

place     To insert artwork from an external file into an open image.

plug-in     Add-on software module that extends the capability of an application.

point size     Size of type in a selected font.

Pointillize filter     Limiting brush strokes to tiny dots of primary color; technique pioneered by Impressionist painter Georges Seurat.

port     Input/output connector on a computer.

portrait     Rectangular image or printer orientation with the long dimension vertical; headshot.

posterization     Garish color effect produced by the command Image, Adjustments, Posterize.

preferences     User option settings that override default values.

printable area     Rectangular area of a printout that excludes margins where the printer grips the paper, and therefore where it can’t print an image.

profile     Stored color table used for color management.

Progressive mode     JPEG file setting that causes a downloaded image to be built up in visible stages, intended to improve the viewing experience over slow connections.

publish     To upload files to the World Wide Web.


Quick Fix mode     Interface view that simplifies and streamlines features of Photoshop Elements so that corrections can be applied more easily, but with limited user control. See also Full Edit mode and Guided Edit mode.


rasterize     To convert a vector shape or type object to pixels; to simplify.

recipe     Sequential instructions delivered by the Help system for performing a specific task.

red eye     Undesirable reflection in a subject’s eyes caused by flash photography.

redo     Reverse the preceding Undo command.

related topics     Help selections that appear in the Hints palette after doing a search.

render     To apply changes to a digital image and display or print it.

resample     To change the resolution (pixels/inch) of an image.

reset     To return to previous option settings.

resolution     Measure of picture quality or degree of detail; pixels/inch; dpi.

retouch     To use artistic techniques to improve the appearance of photographic subjects or scenes; in portrait work, to soften wrinkles, remove blemishes, and so on.

revert     To cancel pending edits without saving and return to the original version of a file; see also undo.

RGB     Color model and mixing scheme used in Photoshop Elements, based on components red, green, and blue.


search field     Text box in the top-right center of the Photoshop Elements work area into which a text description of a problem or task can be typed in order to search the Help files.

selection     Active object or area within the image area to which the next command or operation will be applied.

sepia     Brown-tinted monochrome image; typical of antique photographs.

shape     Geometric object in Photoshop Elements (for example, rectangle, ellipse).

sharpen     To increase pixel contrast at object boundaries; to bring into focus.

shortcuts bar     Row of buttons with icons just beneath the menu bar, representing single-click activation of commonly used commands.

simplify     To convert a vector shape or type to pixels; to rasterize.

skew     To apply a spatial transformation to a selected object that causes its sides to be slanted.

slider     Program control in some dialog boxes, toolbars, and palettes that can be adjusted by clicking and dragging.

Smart Paint     Special effects that can be applied with a brush and modified or removed after they are applied.

soft     Blurred; out of focus.

stacking order     Priority of layers in a multilayered image that determines visibility of objects; objects on upper layers will obscure overlapping objects beneath.

still     Single-frame photographic image (as opposed to a moving image created by a sequence of frames in a movie or video).

streaming video     Video clip, usually low resolution, optimized for downloading over the Web.

superimpose     To overlay one graphic object on another.

swatch     A single, saved color; one of a table of color selections coordinated for a specific purpose, such as Web-safe colors.

system colors     Set of swatches containing only colors displayable without dithering on Windows computers.


texture     Variegated surface or area; pattern.

thumbnail     Small, low-resolution image used to preview file selections without having to spend time opening the full-resolution file.

title bar     Top band on any Windows window showing the name of its selections (or filename of the image or document it contains), and by which the window may be moved by clicking and dragging.

tool     One of the selection, drawing, and retouching tools found in the Photoshop Elements toolbar, located by default at the left edge of the work area.

toolbox     Collection of Photoshop Elements tools, located by default at the left edge of the work area.

ToolTip     Name or function of a tool or button, as well as its shortcut key (if any), which pops up when you hover the pointer over it before making a selection.

transparency     Degree to which objects and colors on underlying layers are visible; the inverse of opacity.

tutorial     Online training lesson available through the Help menu.

type mask     Type-shaped selection area, typically used to create hollow text to let the background or a lower layer show through.


undo     To reverse or cancel the most recently executed command or change; see also redo.

undock     To open a palette from the Palette Bin.

ungroup     To make a previously grouped set of palettes or layers accessible individually; see also group.

upload     To transfer a digital file from a device, such as a camera, camcorder, or scanner, to a computer; to capture.

USB     Abbreviation for Universal Serial Bus; a type of computer port that supports digital cameras and printers.

vector     Mathematical description of a geometric object; a resolution-independent object description.

vignette     Portrait with feathered edges.


Website index page     Home page on the World Wide Web.

WIA     Abbreviation of Windows Image Acquisition, a standard for connecting scanners and cameras to computers.

ZIP     Lossless file compression scheme.

zoom     To magnify the view of an image.

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