
Symbols & Numbers

/x command, 1

backslash (), 396

Coolon (:), 396

data types

Boolean, 42

Byte, 42

Currency, 42

Date, 42

Double, 42

Integer, 42

Long, 42

Object, 42

Single, 42

String, 43

User-defined, 43

Variant, 43

forward slashes (///), 589


. period, 24

<, 24

=, 24

>, 24

ternary operator (?), 47

underscore (_), 38

.Formula property, 379

.FormulaLocal property, 379

.reg file, 589

.wav file, playing, 357

.xls extension, 2

<Recording> descriptor, 630

<snapshot> descriptor, 630

absolute and relative recording, 7

absolute changes, 350


Access and DAO, 320

Access database to store errors, 610

access modifiers

Friend, 92

Private, 92

Public, 92

Access, Excel, and Outlook, 321

accessing controls in UserForms, directly, 171

ActionControl property, 544, 549

Actions class, 575, 587

Activate and Select, 409

Activate event, 349

Activate method, 409

active properties, 76

Active Server Pages (ASP), 605

active Word document, accessing, 318

ActiveCell object, 32

ActiveCodePane property, 285, 303

ActiveConnection property, 213, 233, 480

ActiveSheet property, 647

ActiveVBProject property, 283, 299

ActiveWorkbook, saving, 394

ActiveX command button control, creating, 12

ActiveX controls, 3, 12, 184

ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), 197, 320, 467

ActiveX DLLs, 260, 575

Add method, 45, 190, 394, 520, 556

Add Watch, 156

Add-in from the Add-ins List, removing, 252

Add-in Install event, 251

Add-in, installing, 250

Add-in. See Add-ins, creating and using Add-ins, creating and using, 245


closing, 247

creating and using, 245

AddCustomMenu, 543

AddDataField method, 478

AddDropDown procedure, 189

AddFields method, 466

Addin by modifying registry, incorporating, 255

Addin common properties

Application, 643

Creator, 643

Parent, 643

AddIn object and AddIns collection, example of, 643

Addin object and the Addins collection, 642

AddIn object, 963

Addin objects in Excel

Analysis Toolpack, 642

MS Query Addin, 642

Addin properties

CLSID, 643

Connect, 964

Description, 964

FullName, 643

Guid, 964

Installed, 643

Name, 643

Object, 964

Path, 643

ProgId, 964

Title, 643

Addin using VBA, 255

Addin with VBA code, invoking, 259

AddIn, examples of, 965

AddIns collection methods

Item, 964

Update, 964

AddIns collection, 963

Addins dialog box, 642

AddinUninstall event, 252

AddItem method, 487

AddProductsForRegion method, 505

Address property, 427

AddShortCut, 554

AddToSearchFolders method, 524

AddToTable parameter, 469

Adjustments common properties

Application, 644

Creator, 644

Parent, 644

Adjustments object, 644

Adjustments object, example of, 644

Adjustments properties

Count, 644

Item, 644

ADO in Microsoft Excel applications, using, 222

ADO with Microsoft Access using, 223

ADO with Microsoft SQL Server, using, 230

ADO with nonstandard data sources, using, 239

ADO, overview of, 203

adOpenForwardOnly, 214

advanced filter, 493

AdvancedFilter method, 381

AfterRefresh event, 601

alerts, displaying, 77

Alias clause. See constants, structures, handles, and classesconstants, structures, handles, and classes, 332

allow extra space, 386

AllowEditRange methods

ChangePassword, 645

Delete, 645

Unprotect, 645

AllowEditRange object and the AllowEditRanges collection, 644

AllowEditRange object, 4, 644

AllowEditRange object, example of, 646

AllowEditRange properties

Range, 645

Title, 645

Users, 645

AllowEditRanges collection, methods of, 645

AllowEditRanges collection, properties of

Count, 645

Item, 645

AllowMultiSelect property, 529

Alt key, 9

Alt+F key, 534

Alt+F11, 9

anatomy of SmartTag, 574

ANSI characters, 455

AnswerWizard class, 163

AnswerWizard methods

ClearFileList, 992

ResetFileList, 992

AnswerWizard object, 992

AnswerWizard properties, 992

AnswerWizardFiles collection methods

Add, 993

Delete, 993

AnswerWizardFiles collection object, 993

AnswerWizardFiles properties, 993

API Call, anatomy of, 328

API calls in class modules, wrapping, 336

API functions, 332

App property, 119

AppExcel object variable, 647

Application common properties

Application, 648

Creator, 648

Parent, 648

application events, trapping, 118, 120

Application events

NewWorkbook, 664

SheetActivate, 664

SheetBeforeDoubleClick, 664

SheetBeforeRighClick, 664

SheetChange, 664

SheetClaculate, 664

SheetDeactivate, 664

SheetFollowHyperlink, 665

SheetPivotTableUpdate, 665

SheetSelectionChange, 665

WindowActivate, 665

WindowDeactivate, 665

WindowResize, 665

WorkbookActivate, 665

WorkbookAddinUninstall, 665

WorkbookBeforeClose, 665

WorkbookBeforePrint, 665

WorkbookBeforeSave, 665

WorkbookDeactivate, 666

WorkbookNewSheet, 666

WorkbookOpen, 666

WorkbookPivotTableCloseConnection, 666

WorkbookPivotTableOpenConnection, 666

application invariants, asserting, 137, 164

Application methods

Activate MicrosoftApp, 659

AddChartAuto Format, 659

AddCustomList, 659

Calculate, 659

CalculateFull Rebuild, 659

CalculateFull, 659

CentimetersToPoints, 659

CheckAbort, 660

CheckSpelling, 660

Convert Formula, 660

DDEExecute, 660

DDEInitiate, 660

DDEPoke, 660

DDERequest, 660

DDETerminate, 660

DeleteChart AutoFormat, 660

DeleteCustomList, 660

DoubleClick, 660

Evaluate, 661

ExecuteExcel4Macro, 661

FindFile, 661

GetCustomListContens, 661

GetCustomListNum, 661

GetOpenFileName, 661

GetPhonetic, 661

GetSaveAsFileName, 661

Goto, 661

Help, 662

InchesToPoints, 662

InputBox, 662

Intersect, 662

MacroOptions, 662

MailLogoff, 662

MailLogon, 662

NextLetter, 662

OnKey, 662

OnRepeat, 663

OnTime, 663

OnUndo, 663

Quit, 663

RecordMacro, 663

RegisterXLL, 663

Repeat, 663

Run, 663

SaveWorkspace, 663

SendKeys, 663

SetDefaultChart, 663

Undo, 663

Union, 664

Volatile, 664

Wait, 664

Application object properties

ActiveCell, 76

ActiveChart, 76

ActivePrinter, 76

ActiveSheet, 76

ActiveWindow, 76

ActiveWorkbook, 76

Selection, 76

Application object's methods, 75

Application object's properties, 75

Application object, 3, 60, 75, 647

Application object, example of, 666

Application object, properties of

Application.DecimalSeparator, 601

Application.ThousandsSeparator, 601

Application.UseSystemSeparators, 601

Application properties

ActiveCell, 648

ActiveChart, 648

ActivePrinter, 648

ActiveSheet, 648

ActiveWindow, 648

ActiveWorkbook, 648

AddIns, 648

AlertBefore overwriting, 648

AltStartupPath, 648

AnswerWizard, 648

ArbitraryXMLSupportAvailable, 648

AskToUpdate, 648

Assistant, 649

AutoCorrect, 649

AutoFormatAsYou TypeReplace Hyperlinks, 649

Automation Security, 649

AutoPercent Entry, 649

AutoRecover, 649

Build, 649

Calculate BeforeSave, 649

Calculation Interrupt Key, 649

Calculation State, 649

Calculation Version, 649

Calculation, 649

Caller, 649

CanPlaySounds, 649

CanRecord Sounds, 650

Caption, 650

CellDragAnd Drop, 650

Cells, 650

Charts, 650

Clipboard Formats, 650

Columns, 650

COMAddIns, 650

Command Underlines, 650

CommandBars, 650

Constrain Numeric, 650

Control Characters, 650

CopyObjects WithCells, 650

Cursor, 650

CursorMovement, 650

CustomList Count, 650

CutCopyMode, 650

DataEntry Mode, 650

DDEAppReturn Code, 650

Decimal Separator, 651

DefaultFile Path, 651

DefaultSave Format, 651

DefaultSheet Direction, 651

DefaultWeb Options, 651

Dialogs, 651

Display Clipboard Window, 651

Display Function ToolTips, 651

DisplayAlerts, 651

DisplayComment Indicator, 651

DisplayDocumentActionTaskPane, 651

DisplayExcel4 menu, 651

DisplayFormula Bar, 651

DisplayFull Screen, 651

DisplayInsert Options, 651

DisplayNote Indicator, 652

DisplayPaste Options, 652

DisplayRecent Files, 652

DisplayScroll Bars, 652

DisplayStatusBar, 652

EditDirectly InCell, 652

EnableAnimations, 652

EnableAuto Complete, 652

EnableCancel Key, 652

EnableEvents, 652

EnableSound, 652

ErrorChecking Options, 652

Excel4Intl MacroSheets, 652

Excel4Macro Sheets, 652

ExtendList, 652

FeatureInstall, 653

FileConverters, 653

FileDialog, 653

FileFind, 653

FileSearch, 653

FindFormat, 653

FixedDecimal Places, 653

FixedDecimal, 653

GenerateGet PivotData, 653

Height, 653

Hinstance, 653

Hwnd, 653

IgnoreRemote Requests, 653

Interactive, 653

International, 653

Iteration, 654

Language Settings, 654

Left, 654

LibraryPath, 654

MailSession, 654

MailSystem, 654

MapPaperSize, 654

Math Coprocessor Available, 654

MaxChange, 654

MaxIterations, 654

MemoryFree, 654

MemoryTotal, 654

MemoryUsed, 654

MouseAvailable, 654

MoveAfter Return Direction, 654

MoveAfter Return, 654

Name, 654

Names, 655

Network Templated Path, 655

NewWorkbook, 655

ODBCErrors, 655

ODBCTimeout, 655

OLEDBErrors, 655

OnWindow, 655

Operating System, 655

OrganizationName, 655

Path, 655

PathSeparator, 655

PivotTable Selection, 655

Previous Selection, 655

ProductCode, 655

PromptFor SummaryInfo, 655

Range, 655

Ready, 655

RecentFiles, 655

RecordRelative, 656

ReferenceStyle, 656

Registered Functions, 656

ReplaceFormat, 656

RollZoom, 656

Rows, 656

RTD, 656

ScreenUpdating, 656

Selection, 656

Sheets, 656

SheetsInNew Workbook, 656

ShowChartTip Dialog, 656

ShowChartTip Names, 656

ShowStartup Dialog, 656

ShowToolTips, 656

ShowWindowsIn Taskbar, 656

SmartTag Recognizers, 657

Speech, 657

Spelling Options, 657

StandardFont, 657

StandardFontSize, 657

StartupPath, 657

StatusBar, 657

TemplatesPath, 657

ThisCell, 657

ThisWorkbook, 657

Thousands Separator, 657

Top, 657

Transition MenuKey, 657

Transition MenuKeyAction, 657

Transition NavigKeys, 657

UsableHeight, 657

UsableWidth, 658

UsedObjects, 658

UserControl, 658

UserLibrary Path, 658

UserName, 658

UseSystem Separators, 658

Value, 658

VBE, 658

Version, 658

Visible, 658

Watches, 658

Width, 658

Windows, 658

WindowsForPens, 658

WindowState, 658

Workbooks, 658

Worksheet Function, 659

Worksheets, 659

Application.Caller property, 259, 448

Application.Caller, 87, 190, 262, 544

Application.Evaluate function, 366

Application.Evaluate method, 259

Application.Evaluate, Application.ConvertFormula, and Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro functions, using, 382

Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro function, 382

Application.FileSearch property, 516

Application.International property, 360

Application.Volatile property, 259

Application.Workbooks.OpenXML method, 635

arcane techniques, 2

Areas collection, 430, 667

Areas collection, example of, 667

Areas common properties

Application, 667

Creator, 667

Parent, 667

Areas properties

Count, 667

Item, 667

Array function, 56, 190

arrays, 55

arrays, declaration of, 55

arrays, stroring, 445

As keyword, 95

Asc string, 544

ASP (Active Server Pages), 605

ASP page to view Error Log, 614

ASP page to write to Error Log, 612

ASP pages, 610

ASP script, 614

Assert method, 128, 164

AssignDown, 84

Assistant methods

Activate Wizard, 995

DoAlert, 995

EndWizard, 995

Help, 996

Move, 996

ResetTips, 996

StartWizard, 996

Assistant object, 993

Assistant object, example of, 996

Assistant properties

Animation, 993

Assist WithAlerts, 993

Assist WithHelp, 994

Assist WithWizards, 994

BallonError, 994

FeatureTips, 994

FileName, 994

GuessHelp, 994

High Priority Tips, 994

Item, 994

Keyboard Shortcut Tips, 994

Left, 994

MouseTips, 994

MoveWhenIn TheWay, 994

Name, 994

NewBalloon, 994

On, 994

Reduced, 995

SearchWhen Programming, 995

Sounds, 995

TipOfDay, 995

Top, 995

Visible, 995

AsyncConnection_ExecuteComplete method, 211

asynchronous recordset methods

FetchComplete, 217

FetchProgress, 217

attached toolbar, removing, 18

AutoCorrect common properties

Application, 668

Creator, 668

Parent, 668

AutoCorrect object, 668

AutoCorrect object, example of, 669

AutoCorrect, methods of

AddReplacement, 669

DeleteReplacement, 669

ReplacementList, 669

AutoCorrect, properties of

AutoExpandListRange, 668

CapitalizeNamesOfDays, 668

CorrectCapsLock, 669

CorrectSentaceCap, 669

DisplayAutoCorrectOptions, 669

ReplaceText, 669

TwoInitialCapitals, 669

AutoFilter feature, 438, 485

AutoFilter method, 381, 490

AutoFilter object, 670

AutoFilter object, example of, 671

AutoFilter operation, 549

AutoFilter, 370

AutoFilter, properties of

Filters, 670

Range, 670

AutoFilterMode property, 549

Automation Addins an COM Addins, 253

Automation Addins with Excel, registering, 255

Automation Addins, 253

Automation Addins, using, 257

Automation servers, 259

AutoRecover object, 672

AutoRecover object, example of, 672

AutoRecover properties

Enabled, 672

Path, 672

Time, 672

Auto_Close procedure, 286, 566

Auto_Open procedure, 286, 292, 561, 566

AveragePrice, 472

Axes collection, 673

Axis common properties

Application, 673

Creator, 673

Parent, 673

Axis methods

Delete, 675

Select, 675

Axis object and the Axes collection, 673

Axis object and the Axes collection, example of, 676

Axis, properties of

AxisBetweenCategories, 673

AxisGroup, 673

AxisTitle, 673

BaseUnit, 673

BaseUnitIsAuto, 673

Border, 673

CategoryNames, 673

CategoryType, 674

Crosses, 674

CrossesAt, 674

DisplayUnit, 674

DisplayUnitCustom, 674

DisplayUnitLabel, 674

HasDisplayUnitLable, 674

HasMajorGridLines, 674

HasMinorGridLines, 674

HasTitle, 674

Height, 674

Left, 674

MajorGridLines, 674

MajorTickMark, 674

MajorUnit, 674

MajorUnitIsAuto, 674

MajorUnitScale, 674

MaximumScale, 674

MaximumScaleIsAuto, 674

MinimumScale, 675

MinimumScaleIsAuto, 675

MinorGridLines, 675

MinorTickMark, 675

MinorUnitAuto, 675

MinorUnitIsAuto, 675

MinorUnitScale, 675

ReversePlotOrder, 675

ScaleType, 675

TickLabelPosition, 675

TickLabels, 675

TickLabelSpacing, 675

TickMarkSpacing, 675

Top, 675

Type, 675

Width, 675

AxisTitle methods

Delete, 677

Select, 677

AxisTitle object, 676

AxisTitle object, example of, 677

AxisTitle properties

AutoScaleFont, 676

Border, 676

Caption, 676

Characters, 676

Fill, 676

Font, 677

HorizontalAlignment, 677

Interior, 677

Left, 677

Name, 677

Orientation, 677

ReadingOrder, 677

Shadow, 677

Text, 677

Top, 677

VerticalAlignment, 677


Balloon methods

Close, 999

SetAvoid Rectangle, 999

Show, 999

Balloon object, 997

Balloon properties

Animation, 997

Balloon Type, 998

Button, 998

Callback, 998

Heading, 998

Icon, 998

Labels, 998

Mode, 998

Name, 998

Private, 998

Text, 998

BalloonCheckBox collection object, example of, 1001

BalloonCheckBox collection properties

Item, 999

Name, 999

BalloonCheckBox collection, 999

BalloonCheckBox object, 999

BalloonCheckBox properties

Checked, 1000

Item, 1000

Name, 1000

Text, 1000

BalloonLabels collection properties

Item, 1000

Name, 1000

BalloonLabels collection, 1000

BalloonLabels object, 1000

BalloonLabels properties

Checked, 1000

Item, 1001

Name, 1001

Text, 1001

basic input and output, 32

before double click, 106

Before parameter, 543

BeforeClose event, 3, 17, 110

BeforeDoubleClick event, 120, 121, 189

BeforePrint event, 3, 118

BeforeRefresh event, 601

BeforeRightClick event, 191, 556

BeforeSave event, 3, 17

block If statement, 48

Bookmark item, 70

Bookmarks feature, 162

boolean values, 364

Border object and the Borders collection, 678

Border object and the Borders collection, examples of, 679

Border object, parent components of

Axis, 678

AxisTitle, 678

ChartArea, 678

ChartObject, 678

ChartTitle, 678

DataLabel, 678

DataTable, 678

DisplayUnitLabel, 678

Downbars, 678

DropLines, 678

ErrorBars, 678

Floor, 678

GridLines, 678

HiLoLines, 678

LeaderLines, 678

Legend, 678

LegendKey, 678

OleObject, 678

PlotArea, 678

Point, 678

Series, 678

SeriesLines, 678

TrendLine, 678

UpBars, 678

Walls, 678

Border properties

Color, 679

ColorIndex, 679

LineStyle, 679

Weight, 679

Borders collection properties

Color, 678

ColorIndex, 678

Count, 678

LineStyle, 678

Value, 678

Weight, 678

Borders collection, 678

breakpoints, using, 155

built-in dialogs, UserForms, and messages, displaying, 296

Built-in Menus, 558

BuiltIn ID column, 563

bulletproof code, writing, 127

Button.Click event, 90

ByRef arguments, 140

ByRef keyword, 93

ByRef parameters, 93

ByVal keyword, 93

ByVal parameters, 93


C-style declarations, interpreting, 329

Calculate method, 91

CalculateAveragePrice, 472

CalculatedFields collection, 472, 679

CalculatedFields method, 472

CalculatedFields, 470

CalculatedItems collection, 680

CalculatedItems, 477

CalculatedMember object and the CalculatedMembers collection, 680

CalculatedMember properties

Formula, 680

IsValid, 680

Name, 681

SolveOrder, 681

SourceName, 681

Type, 681

CalculatedMembers collection methods, 680

CalculatedMembers collection properties

Count, 680

Item, 680

CalculatedMembers common properties, 680

CalculateFuelConsumed method, 134

Calculation event, 105

Calculator class, 98

Call keyword, 36

Call Stack, viewing, 163

Call statement, 38

CallByName method, 253

Caller property, 87, 184

CalloutFormat methods

AutomaticLength, 683

CustomDrop, 683

CustomLength, 683

PresetDrop, 683

CalloutFormat object, 682

CalloutFormat object, example of, 683

CalloutFormat properties

Accent, 682

Angle, 682

AutoAttach, 682

AutoLength, 682

Border, 682

Drop, 682

DropType, 683

Gap, 683

Length, 683

Type, 683

Cancel button, 77

Cancel parameter, 104

cAppObject class module, 647

Caption property, 14, 68, 169, 170, 536, 543

Case statement, 188

cbBar toolbar, 541

CBool function, 364

cbWSMenuBar variable, 543

CDate and DateValue functions, 363

CDbl, CSng, CLng, CInt, CByte, CCur, and CDec functions, 363

Cell command bar, 554

cell formulas

IF, 18

SUM, 18


CellFormat object, 684

CellFormat properties

AddIndent, 684

Borders, 684

Font, 685

FormulaHidden, 685

HorizontalAlignment, 685

IndentLevel, 685

Interior, 685

Locked, 685

MergeCells, 685

NumberFormat, 685

NumberFormatLocal, 685

Orientation, 685

ShrinkToFit, 685

VerticalAlignment, 685

WrapText, 685

Cells property, 101, 413, 447

cells used in range, 414

CenterFooter property, 53

CentigradeToFahrenheit() function, 19

Change event procedure, 110

Change event, 104, 181, 185, 529

changing Windows Regional Settings and the Office XP UI language, 359

Characters methods

Delete, 687

Insert, 687

Characters object, 686

Characters, properties of

Caption, 687

Count, 687

Font, 687

PhoneticCharacters, 687

Text, 687

chart event procedures

Private Sub Chart_Activate(), 106

Private Sub Chart_BeforeDoubleClick (ByVal ElementID As Long, ByVal Arg1 As Long, Byval Arg2 As Long, Cancel As Boolean), 106

Private Sub Chart_BeforeRightClick (Cancel As Boolean), 106

Private Sub Chart_Calculate(), 106

Private Sub Chart_Deactivate(), 106

Private Sub Chart_DragOver(), 106

Private Sub Chart_DragPlot(), 106

Private Sub Chart_MouseDown (ByVal Button As X1MouseButton, ByVal Shift As Long, ByVal Shift As Long, Byval x As Long, ByVal y As Long), 106

Private Sub Chart_MouseMove (ByVal Button AsX1MouseButton, ByVal Shift As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long), 106

Private Sub Chart_MouseUp (ByVal Button As X1MouseBNutton, ByVal As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long), 106

Private Sub Chart_Resize(), 106

Private Sub Chart.Select (ByVal ElementID As X1ChartItem, ByVAl Arg1 As Long, ByVal Arg2 As Long), 106

Private Sub Chart_SeriesChange (ByVal SeriesIndex As Long, ByVal PointIndex As Long), 106

Chart events

Activate, 698

BeforeDoubleClick, 698

BeforeRightClick, 698

Calculate, 698

Deactivate, 698

DragOver, 698

DragPlot, 698

MouseDown, 698

MouseMove, 699

MouseUp, 699

Resize, 699

Select, 699

SeriesChange, 699

chart labels, 511

Chart methods

Activate, 693

ApplyCustomType, 693

ApplyDataLabels, 693

AreaGroups, 693

Axes, 693

BarGroups, 693

ChartGroups, 693

ChartObjects, 693

ChartWizard, 694

CheckSpelling, 694

ColumnGroups, 694

Copy, 694

CopyPicture, 694

CreatePublisher, 695

Delete, 695

Deselect, 695

DoughnutGroups, 695

Evaluate, 695

Export, 695

GetChartElement, 695

LineGroups, 695

Location, 696

Move, 696

OLEObjects, 696

Paste, 696

PieGroups, 696

PrintOut, 696

PrintPreview, 696

Protect, 697

RadarGroups, 697

Refresh, 697

SaveAs, 697

Select, 697

SeriesCollection, 697

SetBackgroundPicture, 697

SetSourceData, 697

Unprotect, 698

XYGroups, 698

Chart object and the Charts collection, 688

Chart properties

Area3DGroup, 689

AutoScaling, 689

Bar3DGroup, 689

BarShape, 689

ChartArea, 689

ChartTitle, 689

ChartType, 689

CodeName, 690

Column3DGroup, 690

Corners, 690

DataTable, 690

DepthPercent, 690

DisplayBlanksAs, 690

Elevation, 690

Floor, 690

GapDepth, 690

HasAxis, 690

HasDataTable, 690

HasLegend, 690

HasPivotFields, 690

HasTitle, 690

HeightPercent, 690

Hyperlinks, 690

Index, 690

Legend, 691

Line3DGroup, 691

MailEnvelope, 691

Name, 691

Next, 691

PageSetup, 691

Perspective, 691

Pie3DGroup, 691

PivotLayout, 691

PlotArea, 691

PlotBy, 691

PlotVisibleOnly, 691

Previous, 691

ProtectContents, 691

ProtectData, 691

ProtectDrawingObjects, 691

ProtectFormatting, 691

ProtectGoalSeek, 692

ProtectionMode, 692

ProtectSelection, 692

RightAngleAxes, 692

Rotation, 692

Scripts, 692

Shapes, 692

ShowWindow, 692

SizeWithWindow, 692

SurfaceGroup, 692

Tab, 692

Visible, 692

Walls, 692

WallsAndGridLines2D, 692

chart series with arrays, defining, 506

chart sheet using VBA code, adding, 499

chart sheets, 3, 497

chart to use arrays, converting, 509

Chart Wizard, 500

ChartArea methods

Clear, 701

ClearContents, 701

ClearFormats, 701

Copy, 701

Select, 701

ChartArea properties

AutoScaleFont, 700

Border, 700

Fill, 700

Font, 700

Height, 700

Interior, 700

Left, 701

Name, 701

Shadow, 701

Top, 701

Width, 701

ChartColorFormat object, 701

ChartColorFormat properties

RGB, 702

SchemeColor, 702

Type, 702

ChartFillFormat methods

OneColorGradient, 703

Patterned, 704

PresetGradient, 704

PresetTextured, 704

Solid, 704

TwoColorGradient, 704

UserPicture, 704

UserTextured, 704

ChartFillFormat object, 702

ChartFillFormat properties

BackColor, 703

ForeColor, 703

GradientColorType, 703

GradientDegree, 703

GradientStyle, 703

GradientVariant, 703

Pattern, 703

PresetGradientType, 703

PresetTexture, 703

TextureName, 703

TextureType, 703

Type, 703

Visible, 703

ChartGroup method, 707

ChartGroup properties

AxisGroup, 705

BubbleScale, 705

DoughnutHoleSize, 705

DownBars, 705

DropLines, 705

FirstSliceAngle, 706

GapWidth, 706

Has3Dshading, 706

HasDropLines, 706

HasHiLoLines, 706

HasRadarAxisLabels, 706

HasSeriesLines, 706

HasUpDownBars, 706

HiLoLines, 706

Index, 706

Overlap, 706

RadarAxisLabels, 706

SecondPlotSize, 706

SeriesLines, 707

ShowNegativeBubbles, 707

SizeRepresents, 707

SplitType, 707

SplitValue, 707

UpBars, 707

VaryByCategories, 707

ChartObject object, 192

ChartObject properties

Border, 710

BottomRightCell, 710

Chart, 710

Enabled, 710

Height, 710

Index, 710

Interior, 710

Left, 710

Locked, 711

Name, 711

Placement, 711

PrintObject, 711

PrintTitleColumns, 789

ProtectChartObject, 711

RoundedCorners, 711

Shadow, 711

ShapeRange, 711

Top, 711

TopLeftCell, 711

Visible, 711

Width, 711

Zoom, 789

ZOrder, 711

ChartObject, methods

Activate, 711

BringToFront, 711

Copy, 711

CopyPicture, 712

Cut, 712

Delete, 712

Duplicate, 712

Select, 712

SendToBack, 712

ChartObjects collection properties and methods

Add, 709

Border, 708

BringToFront, 709

Copy, 709

CopyPicture, 709

Count, 708

Cut, 710

Delete, 710

Duplicate, 710

Enabled, 708

Height, 708

Interior, 708

Left, 708

Locked, 708

Placement, 709

PrintObject, 709

RoundedCorners, 709

Select, 710

SendToBack, 710

Shadow, 709

ShapeRange, 709

Top, 709

Visible, 709

Width, 709

Charts collection, 478, 688

Charts collection, properties and methods of

Add, 688

Copy, 688

Count, 688

Delete, 688

HPageBreaks, 688

Move, 688

PrintOut, 689

PrintPreview, 689

Select, 689

Visible, 688

VPageBreaks, 688

charts, generating, 497

ChartTitle methods

Delete, 714

Select, 714

ChartTitle object, 712

ChartTitle properties

AutoScaleFont, 713

Border, 713

Caption, 713

Characters, 713

Fill, 713

Font, 713

Interior, 713

Left, 713

Name, 713

Orientation, 713

ReadingOrder, 713

Shadow, 713

Text, 713

Top, 713

VerticalAlignment, 713

ChartType property, 498, 508

Chart.BeforeDoubleClick, 112

check if a Recognizer is active, 593

CheckBox control, 186

CheckBox.Value property, 186

class module collection, 116

class module FreezeForm, 343

class module HighResTimer, 341

class module, 67

class modules, 113

Class polymorphism, 90

classes across projects, referencing, 124

classes and interfaces, comparing, 8990

classes, adding, 67

ClassID, 589

ClassInitialize method, 95

Class.Terminate method, 95

Clear All Breakpoints, 155

Clear All control, 554

Clear Contents control, 554

Click event, 3, 170, 273, 275

click-event procedure, 13, 17

Close button, stopping, 174

Close method, 399

CloseMode parameter, constants of

VbAppTaskManager, 175

VbAppWindows, 175

VbFormCode, 175

VbFormControlMenu, 175

code changes, 248

code execution paths, trapping, 135

code execution, tracing, 133

code modules, 9

code modules, types of

class modules, 9

standard modules, 9


hiding, 245

running and debugging, 71

running, 152

working with, 301

CodeModule methods

AddFrom String, 967

AddFromFile, 967

CreateEventProc, 968

DeleteLines, 968

Find, 968

InsertLines, 968

ReplaceLine, 968

CodeModule object, 284, 965

CodeModule properties

CodePane, 966

CountOf Declaration Lines, 966

CountOf Lines, 966

Lines, 966

Name, 967

ProcBody Line, 967

ProcCount Lines, 967

ProcOfLine, 967

ProcStart Line, 967

CodeModule, examples of, 968

CodeName property, 283

CodePane methods

GetSelection, 970

SetSelection, 970

Show, 970

CodePane object, 285, 969

CodePane properties

CodeModule, 970

CodePaneView, 970

CountOf VisibleLines, 970

TopLine, 970

Window, 970


collection, 969

examples of, 971

collection of UserForm controls, 122

collections property, defined, 963

collections, 23

collections, using, 115

color depth (in bits), obtaining, 344

ColorFormat object, 714

ColorFormat properties

RGB, 714

SchemeColor, 714

TintAndShade, 715

Type, 715

ColorIndex property, 28

ColumnCount property, 173

columns and rows properties, 428

Columns property, 429

COM Addin Designer, 270

COM Addin from VBA, using, 276

COM Addin with Excel, registering, 269

COM Addins, 268, 589, 963

COM DLLs (ActiveX DLLs), 253

COM object, 254

COMAddIn designe, 272

COMAddin object, 1003

COMAddin object, example of, 1003

COMAddin properties

Connect, 1003

Description, 1003

Guid, 1003

Object, 1003

ProgId, 1003

COMAddins collection methods

Item, 1002

Update, 1002

COMAddins collection object, 1002

COMAddins collection properties, 1002

combo box, 4

combo boxes, adding, 486

ComboBox object, 190

Command Bar Type

Menu Bar, 533

Shortcut Menu, 533

Toolbar, 533

command bar, types of

menu, 533

shortcut popup, 533

toolbar, 533

Command Bars, 531

command button, 13

Command class, 218

Command collections

Parameters, 221

Properties, 222

Command methods

CreateParameter, 219

Execute, 221

Command object, 203

Command properties

ActiveConnection, 219

CommandText, 219

CommandType, 219

CommandBar controls, adding, 272

CommandBar methods

Delete, 1008

Find Control, 1008

Reset, 1008

ShowPopup, 1008

CommandBar object, 1007

CommandBar object, example of, 1009

CommandBar properties

Adaptive Menu, 1007

BuiltIn, 1007

Context, 1007

Controls, 1007

Enabled, 1007

Height, 1007

ID, 1007

Index, 1007

Left, 1007

Name, 1008

NameLocal, 1008

Position, 1008

Protection, 1008

RowIndex, 1008

Top, 1008

Type, 1008

Visible, 1008

Width, 1008

CommandBarButton events, 1013

CommandBarButton methods

Copy, 1012

CopyFace, 1012

Delete, 1012

Execute, 1012

Move, 1012

Reset, 1012

ResetFace, 1012

SetFocus, 1013

CommandBarButton object, 1010

CommandBarButton object, example of, 1013

CommandBarButton properties

BeginGroup, 1010

BuiltIn, 1010

BuiltInFace, 1010

Caption, 1010

Description Text, 1010

Enabled, 1010

FaceId, 1011

Height, 1011

HelpContextId, 1011

HelpFile, 1011

HyperlinkType, 1011

Id, 1011

Index, 1011

IsPriority Dropped, 1011

Left, 1011

Mask, 1011

OLEUsage, 1011

OnAction, 1011

Parameter, 1011

Picture, 1011

Priority, 1012

ShortcutText, 1012

State, 1012

Style, 1012

Tag, 1012

TooltipText, 1012

Visible, 1012

Width, 1012

CommandBarButton variable, 274

CommandBarButton, 273

CommandBarComboBox events, 1018

CommandBarComboBox methods

AddItem, 1017

Clear, 1017

Copy, 1017

Delete, 1017

Execute, 1017

Move, 1017

RemoveItem, 1017

Reset, 1017

SetFocus, 1017

CommandBarComboBox object, 1014

CommandBarComboBox object, example of, 1018

CommandBarComboBox properties

BeginGroup, 1014

BuiltIn, 1014

Caption, 1015

Description Text, 1015

DropDown Lines, 1015

DropDown Width, 1015

Enabled, 1015

Height, 1015

HelpContext Id, 1015

HelpFile, 1015

Id, 1015

Index, 1015

IsPriority Dropped, 1015

Left, 1015

List, 1016

ListCount, 1016

ListHeader Count, 1016

ListIndex, 1016

OLEUsage, 1016

OnAction, 1016

Parameter, 1016

Priority, 1016

Style, 1016

Tag, 1016

Text, 1016

TooltipText, 1016

Top, 1016

Type, 1016

Visible, 1016

Width, 1016

CommandBarControl methods

Copy, 1022

Delete, 1022

Execute, 1023

Move, 1023

Reset, 1023

SetFocus, 1023

CommandBarControl object, 1020

CommandBarControl object, example of, 1023

CommandBarControl properties

BeginGroup, 1021

BuiltIn, 1021

Caption, 1021

Description Text, 1021

Enabled, 1021

Height, 1021

Help ContextId, 1021

HelpFile, 1021

Id, 1021

Index, 1021

IsPriorityDropped, 1021

Left, 1022

OLEUsage, 1022

OnAction, 1022

Parameter, 1022

Priority, 1022

Tag, 1022

Tooltip Text, 1022

Top, 1022

Type, 1022

Visible, 1022

Width, 1022

CommandBarControls collection methods, 1019

CommandBarControls collection object, 1019

CommandBarControls collection properties, 1019

CommandBarControls object, example of, 1020

CommandBarEvents events, 972

CommandBarEvents object, 971

CommandBarEvents, examples of, 972

CommandBarPopup methods

Copy, 1026

Delete, 1026

Execute, 1026

Move, 1026

Reset, 1026

SetFocus, 1026

CommandBarPopup object, 1024

CommandBarPopup object, example of, 1026

CommandBarPopup properties

BeginGroup, 1024

BuiltIn, 1024

Caption, 1024

CommandBar, 1024

Description Text, 1025

Enabled, 1025

HelpContext Id, 1025

HelpFile, 1025

Id, 1025

Index, 1025

IsPriority Dropped, 1025

Left, 1025

OLEMenu Group, 1025

OLEUsage, 1025

OnAction, 1025

Parameter, 1025

Priority, 1026

Tag, 1026

TooltipText, 1026

Top, 1026

Type, 1026

Visible, 1026

Width, 1026

CommandBars collection events, 1006

CommandBars collection methods

Add, 1005

FindControl, 1005

FindControls, 1005

ReleaseFocus, 1005

CommandBars collection object, 1004

CommandBars collection object, example of, 1006

CommandBars collection properties

Action Control, 1004

Active MenuBar, 1004

AdaptiveMenus, 1004

Disable Customize, 1004

DisableAskA QuestionDrop down, 1004

DisplayFonts, 1005

DisplayKeysInTooltips, 1005

DisplayTool tips, 1005

Item, 1005

LargeButtons, 1005

MenuAnimationStyle, 1005

CommandBars collection, 292, 531, 538, 541, 544, 549, 556

CommandBars object, 549

CommandBars property, 531

CommandBars, 515

CommandBars.Reset, 564


built-in, 534

disabling, 556

CommandButton click event, 259

CommandText argument, 208

CommandText property, 233

CommandTypeEnum values

AdCmdStoredProc, 209

AdCmdTable, 209

AdCmdTableDirect, 209

AdCmdText, 209

Comment methods

Delete, 715

Next, 715

Previous, 716

Text, 716

Comment object and the Comments collection, 715

Comment properties

Author, 715

Shape, 715

Visible, 715

common collection methods, 642

common collection properties

Application, 641

Application, 991

Count, 641

Count, 991

Creator, 641

Creator, 991

Parent, 641

Parent, 991

common data interchange language, 633

common data types

BOOL, 330

BYTE, 330

Char FAR, 330

Char NEAR, 330

Char, 330

Char_huge, 330

DWORD, 330





HDC, 330

HFONT, 330

HICON, 330



HMENU, 330




HPEN, 330

HRGN, 330

HTASK, 330

HWND, 330

int FAR, 331

Int, 330


LONG, 331




LPSTR, 331




Other, 331

UINT, 331

WORD, 331


common error-handling routine, 610

common macro language, 2

common object properties

Application, 642

Creator, 642

Parent, 642

Common object properties

Application, 992

Creator, 992

Parent, 992

common properties with collections and associated objects, 641

complete Word feature, 161

complex Addin-generating unique random number, 262

complex controls

msoControlComboBox, 546

msoControlDropdown, 546

msoControlEdit, 546

Complex.GetNumbers function, 262

Component Object Model (COM), 67

computer's name, reading, 346

CONCATENATE function, 86

Connection methods

Close, 210

Execute, 208

Open, 207

Connection object collections

Errors, 212

Properties, 212

Connection object events and asynchronous pProgramming, 210

Connection object, 203, 204

Connection object, properties of

ConnectionString, 205

ConnectionTimeout, 207

connection string property, 206

connection-pooling feature, 225

Connection.State property, 214

ConnectionString property, 205, 207

ConnectOptionEnum value, 208

ConnectorFormat methods

BeginConnect, 717

BeginDisconnect, 717

EndConnect, 717

EndDisconnect, 717

ConnectorFormat object, 716

ConnectorFormat properties

BeginConnected, 717

BeginConnectedShape, 717

BeginConnectionSite, 717

EndConnected, 717

EndConnectedShape, 717

EndConnectionSite, 717

Type, 717

Const keyword, 44


MsoBarTypeMenuBar, 533

MsoBarTypeNormal, 533

MsoBarTypePopup, 533

constants, 35, 44

constants, structures, handles, and classes, 332

Context menus, 66

control layout, managing, 66

Control Toolbox toolbar, 12

Control.Click method, 90

ControlEvents class module, 123

ControlFormat methods

AddItem, 719

List, 719

RemoveAllItems, 719

RemoveItem, 719

ControlFormat object, 718

ControlFormat properties

DropDownLines, 718

Enabled, 718

LargeChange, 718

LinkedCell, 718

ListCount, 718

ListFillRange, 718

ListIndex, 719

LockedText, 719

Max, 719

Min, 719

MultiSelect, 719

PrintObject, 719

SmallChange, 719

Value, 719

controls at all levels, 537

Controls collection, 534, 543

controls on charts, 194

controls, adding, 183

ControlSource property, 170

ConvertFormulaLocale function, 379

copy and move, 402

Copy method, 27

CopyFace method, 536

CopyFromRecordset method, 225, 321

Corners methods, 720

Corners object, 720

Count property, 53, 116, 248

coverage, 595

CPU's stack memory, 67

CREATE TABLE statement, 202

CreateItem method, 324

CreateObject function, 647

CreatePivotTable method, 466, 467, 472

CreateToolbar, 549

CreatEventProc method, 192

creating toolbar, code for, 547

CStr function, 363, 364

Ctrl key, 4

Ctrl+Arrow keys, 1

Ctrl+C to copy, 589

Ctrl+Down Arrow, 1

Ctrl+Shift+C, 554

CubeField methods

AddMemberPropertyField, 722

Delete, 722

CubeField properties

Caption, 721

CubeFieldType, 721

DragToColumn, 721

DragToData, 721

DragToHide, 721

DragToPage, 721

DragToRow, 721

EnableMultiplePageItems, 721

HasMemberProperties, 722

HiddenLevels, 722

LayoutForm, 722

LayoutSubtotalLocation, 722

Name, 722

Orientation, 722

PivotFields, 722

Position, 722

ShowInFieldList, 722

TreeviewControl, 722

Value, 722

CubeFields collection, 721

Currency data type, 341

CurrentRegion property, 322, 424, 427

CursorLocation property, 225

CursorType property, 238

custom AutoFilter, 485

custom controls, built-in, 545

custom toolbar, 18

Customer class, 25

Customize dialog box, 16

customizing VBE, 281

CustomProperties collection properties

Count, 723

Item, 723

CustomProperty object, example of, 724

CustomProperty properties

Name, 724

Value, 724

CustomView methods

Delete, 726

Show, 726

CustomView properties

Name, 726

PrintSettings, 726

RowColSettings, 726


Data Access Objects (DAO), 320

data access technologies, 597

data access with ADO, 197

data form, 483

data from client to server application, sending, 609

data from Excel, reading, 369

data from server application to client, sending, 610

Data Link Properties dialog box, 231

data list, maintaining, 175

data memory, 67

Data Popup, 556

data series, editing, 503

data to Excel, sending, 367

data types

Boolean, 42

Byte, 42

Currency, 42

Date, 42

Double, 42

Integer, 42

Long, 42

Object, 42

Single, 42

String, 43

User-defined, 43

Variant, 43

data-access technology, 203


displaying, 371

interpreting, 371

structuring, 483

Database Range object, 549

Database range, 556

DataLabel methods

Delete, 730

Select, 730

DataLabel object and the DataLabels collection, 726

DataLabel properties

AutoScaleFont, 728

AutoText, 728

Border, 728

Caption, 728

Characters, 728

Fill, 728

Font, 728

HorizontalAlignment, 729

Interior, 729

Left, 729

Name, 729

NumberFormat, 729

NumberFormatLinked, 729

NumberFormatLocal, 729

Orientation, 729

Position, 729

ReadingOrder, 729

Separator, 729

Shadow, 729

ShowBubbleSize, 729

ShowCategoryName, 729

ShowLegendKey, 729

ShowPercentage, 729

ShowSeriesName, 729

ShowValue, 729

Text, 729

Top, 730

Type, 730

VerticalAlignment, 730

DataLabels collection properties and methods

AutoScaleFont, 727

AutoText, 727

Border, 727

Count, 727

Delete, 728

Fill, 727

Font, 727

HorizontalAlignment, 727

Interior, 727

Name, 727

NumberFormat, 727

NumberFormatLinked, 727

NumberFormatLocal, 727

Orientation, 727

Position, 727

ReadingOrder, 727

Select, 728

Separator, 727

Shadow, 727

ShowBubbleSize, 727

ShowCategoryName, 728

ShowLegendKey, 728

ShowPercentage, 728

ShowSeriesName, 728

ShowValue, 728

Type, 728

VerticalAlignment, 728

DataLists sheet, 560

DataTable methods

Delete, 731

Select, 731

DataTable object, 731

DataTable properties

AutoScaleFont, 731

Border, 731

Font, 731

HasBorderHorizontal, 731

HasBorderOutline, 731

HasBorderVertical, 731

ShowLegendKey, 731

Date function, 85

DATE function, 85, 364, 370

date literals, 362

DateSerial function, 85, 315, 370, 490

DateSerial method, 403

DateValue function, 366

DateValueUS function, 366

DblClick event, 3, 123

Debug Assert method, 127

Debug menu, contens of

Add Watch, 71

Edit Watch, 71

Quick Watch, 71

Debug object, 128

Debug toolbar, 30

Debug.Assert statement, 129

Debug.Assert, using, 128

Debug.Print method, using, 127

Debug.Print, 83

debugging and testing, 151

DebugPrint method, strings of

Message, 133

Source, 133

DebugTools modules, 245

DecimalSeparator parameters, 376

Declare statement, 328, 329, 550

DefaultVersion, 466

DefaultWebOptions object, 732

DefaultWebOptions object, example of, 733

DefaultWebOptions properties

AllowPNG, 732

AlwaysSaveInDefaultEncoding, 732

CheckIfOfficeIsHTMLEditor, 732

DownloadComponents, 732

Encoding, 732

FolderSuffix, 732

Fonts, 733

LoadPictures, 733

LocationOfComponents, 733

OrganizeInFolder, 733

PixelsPerInch, 733

RelyOnCSS, 733

RelyOnVML, 733

SaveHiddenData, 733

SaveNewWebPagesAsWebArchives, 733

ScreenSize, 733

TargetBrowser, 733

UpdateLinksOnSave, 733

UseLongFileNames, 733

Definition menu, 162

Delete method, 545

Delete Record button, code for, 179

DELETE statement, 202, 226

DeleteSeries method, 505

DeleteSeries, 505

DESC specifier, 200

Description box, 4

Description property, 59

Design Mode button, 13

Designer code module, 272

Designer object, 285

Destination parameter, 27

developing multilingual application, rules for, 388

Diagram object, 734

Diagram properties

AutoFormat, 734

AutoLayout, 734

Nodes, 734

Reverse, 735

Type, 735

DiagramNode methods

AddNode, 738

CloneNode, 738

Delete, 738

MoveNode, 738

NextNode, 738

PrevNode, 738

ReplaceNode, 738

SwapNode, 738

TransferChildren, 738

DiagramNode object and the DiagramNodes collection, 737

DiagramNode properties

Children, 737

Diagram, 737

Layout, 737

Root, 737

Shape, 738

TextShape, 738

DiagramNodeChildren methods

AddNode, 739

SelectAll, 739

DiagramNodeChildren object, 739

DiagramNodeChildren properties

Count, 739

FirstChild, 739

LastChild, 739

DiagramNodes collection methods

Item, 737

SelectAll, 737

dialog box floats, 4

Dialog object and the Dialogs collection, 739

dialog sheets, 3

dialog types, 527

Dim statement, 38

Dir function, 58, 398

direct reference to ranges, 21

disconnected recordsets, 237

DiscountChanged event, 98, 99

DiscountVolume variable, 21

DisplayAlerts property, 60, 77

DisplayPropertyPage method, 587

DisplayUnitLabel methods

Delete, 741

Select, 741

DisplayUnitLabel object, 740

DisplayUnitLabel properties

AutoScaleFont, 740

Border, 740

Caption, 740

Characters, 740

Fill, 740

Font, 740

HorizontalAlignment, 741

Interior, 741

Left, 741

Name, 741

Orientation, 741

ReadingOrder, 741

Shadow, 741

Text, 741

Top, 741

VerticalAlignment, 741

DISTINCT keyword, 200

DllRegisterServer, 270

Do method, 138

Do…loop, 51

DoCalculateFuelConsumed method, 139

document in Word, opening, 317

DocumentLibraryVersion methods

Delete, 1029

Open, 1029

Restore, 1029

DocumentLibraryVersion object, 1028

DocumentLibraryVersion properties

Comments, 1029

Index, 1029

Modified, 1029

ModifiedBy, 1029

DocumentLibraryVersions collection object, 1029

DocumentProperties collection methods, 1031

DocumentProperties collection object, 1029

DocumentProperties collection object, example of, 1031

DocumentProperties collection properties, 1030

DocumentProperty methods, 1033

DocumentProperty object, 1032

DocumentProperty object, example of, 1033

DocumentProperty properties

LinkSource, 1032

LinkTo Content, 1032

Name, 1032

Type, 1032

Value, 1032

DoDiscountChanged event, 98

DoEvents line, 343

DoEvents statement, 305

DoSomething method, 93

Down Arrow key, 1

DownBars methods

Delete, 742

Select, 742

DownBars object, 742

DownBars properties

Border, 742

Fill, 742

Interior, 742

Name, 742

DownTen macro, 84

Drawing toolbar, 12

DROP TABLE statement, 203

drop-down control, 549

drop-down menu, 515

DropDown.OnAction property, 190

DropLines methods

Delete, 743

Select, 743

DropLines object, 742

DropLines properties

Border, 743

Name, 743

Dsc string, 544

Duration, 138

DWORD, 329

dynamic ActiveX Controls, 191

dynamic arrays, 57

Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), 82

dynamic information, 5

early binding, 315


Edit menu, 534

Edit menu, features of

copying, 70

cutting, 70

pasting, 70

text search and replace, 70

undo, 70

Edit Watch, 158

editor options, managing, 70

ElementID parameter, 108

ElseIf statement, 48

embedded chart events, 120

embedded chart using VBA code, adding, 502

embedded chart, 607

Employee class module

HoursPerWeek, 114

Name, 114

Rate, 114

Employee class, 114

Employee class, functions of

Add, 117

Property Get Count, 117

Property Get Item, 117

Sub Remove, 117

EmployeeContactInformation table, 202

Employees class, 117

Employees schema, 624

empty cells, 432

enable events, 104

Enabled property, 556, 557

EnableEvents property, 648

encapsulation, aggregation, and references, 100

End If statement, 48

End property, 426

End statement, 119

End Sub keyword, 10

End Sub statement, 13

EndCriterion, 490

enterprise-critical control systems, 2

EnterProdInfo, 190

EnterProductInformation procedure, 190

EntireColumn property, 29, 30, 423

EntireRow property, 30, 423

Enumerations, 575

Enums, 575

Err object, 59

Err object, using, 145

Err.Clear, 145

Err.Description, 59

Err.Number, 59

Err.Raise, 145

error handlers, writing, 142

Error object and the Errors collection, 743

Error properties

Ignore, 744

Value, 744

ErrorBars methods

ClearFormats, 745

Delete, 745

Select, 745

ErrorBars object, 744

ErrorBars properties

Border, 745

EndStyle, 745

Name, 745

ErrorCheckingOptions collection properties

BackgroundChecking, 746

EmptyCellReferences, 746

EvaluateToError, 746

InconsistentFormula, 746

IndicatorColorIndex, 746

ListDataValidation, 746

NumberAsText, 746

OmittedCells, 746

TextDate, 746

UnlockedFormulaCells, 746

ErrorData string table, 610

ErrorData string table, field names of

Application, 611

ErrDescription, 611

ErrNumber, 611

ErrorID, 611

ErrSource, 611

ServerTime, 611

ErrorData, data types of

AutoNumber, 611

Date/Time, 611

Memo, 611

Number, 611

Text, 611

ErrorLog.mdb database, 610

Errors collection, 204, 212

errors, raising, 140

errorTrap, 59

establishing the connection

early binding, 314

late binding, 314

Evaluate method, 78, 412, 446

Event keyword, 98

event procedure, 13, 16

event-driven language, 112

EventLog modules, 245

EventLog, writing to, 147

events in classes, defining, 97

Events object, 973

Events properties

CommandBar Events, 973

References Events, 973

events, 28


defining, 97

examples of, 974

handling, 99

raising, 98

exact date, getting, 490

Excel .xla Addins, 255

Excel 2000 features

PivotChart, 4

PivotTables, 4

Excel 2000, 4

Excel 2002

improved support for XML, 4

Protection object, 4

Real Time Data (RTD), 4

SmartTags, 4

Excel 2003 Object Model, 641

Excel 2003's international options, 373

Excel 2003

improved user experience, 5

Internet features, 5

sharing workbooks, 5

support for XML, 5

Excel 4 macros, 2

Excel 5, 2, 3, 97

Excel and the Internet, 597

Excel and VBE Object Models, links between, 961

Excel applications, 1, 597

Excel chart, 673

Excel commandbars, 565

Excel error-handler routine, 617

Excel file extensions

.xla, 517, 579

.xlc, 517

.xlm, 517

.xls, 517, 579

.xlt, 517

Excel functionality, 75

Excel functions

SUM, 86


Excel macro language, 2

Excel macro recorder, 1

Excel macro, recording, 2

Excel method, 27

Excel Object Model, 3, 2, 22, 515, 961

Excel objects and their properties, methods and events, 642

Excel property

Application.VBE, 962

Chart.CodeName, 962

Workbook.CodeName, 962

Workbook.VBProject, 962

Worksheet.CodeName, 962

Excel Startup directory, 5

Excel user interface, 255

Excel VBA code, 85

Excel VBA, 1

Excel window, 31

Excel worksheet functions, 85

Excel XML Spreadsheet Schema, 635

Excel's built-in Commandbars, 534

Excel's events, responding to, 272

Excel's icon, changing, 357

Excel's objects, using, 386

Excel, built-in functions

IF, 2

SUM, 2

Excel-based application, 65, 597


built-in worksheet functions in, 18

interacting with, 366

linking to, 272

Execute method, 518, 528

ExecuteOptionEnum constants

AdAsyncExecute, 209

AdExecuteNoRecords, 209

existing workbook, overwriting, 398

Exit Function statement, 142

Exit Function, 142

Exit Property, 142

Exit statement, 59

expression in the Immediate window, testing, 159

Expression, 78

Extended Properties argument, 241

extended properties, 212

Extensibility library, 4

eXtensible Markup Language (XML), 5, 618

external data sources, 479


FaceId property, 534

FaceId values, 540

FaceIds, 540

Factorial function, 94

Factorial method, 92

FahrenheitToCelsisus method, 153, 156

FahrenheitToCelsius function, 159


defining, 95

overview of, 25

FileDialog common properties, 1034

FileDialog methods

Execute, 1035

Show, 1035

FileDialog object, 525, 527, 1034

FileDialog object, example of, 1035

FileDialog object, properties of

FileDialogFilters, 515

FileDialogSelectedItems, 515

FileDialog properties

AllowMulti Select, 1034

ButtonName, 1034

FilterIndex, 1034

Filters, 1034

InitialFileName, 1034

InitialView, 1035

Item, 1035

SelectedItems, 1035

Title, 1035

FileDialogFilter common properties, 1039

FileDialogFilter object, 1038

FileDialogFilter object, example of, 1039

FileDialogFilter properties

Description, 1039

Extensions, 1039

FileDialogFilters collection common properties, 1037

FileDialogFilters collection methods

Add, 1037

Clear, 1037

Delete, 1037

Item, 1037

FileDialogFilters collection object, example of, 1038

FileDialogFilters collection, 527

FileDialogSelectedItems collection common properties, 1039

FileDialogSelectedItems collection methods, 1040

FileDialogSelectedItems collection object, 1039

FileDialogSelectedItems collection object, example of, 1040

FileDialogSelectedItems collection, 527

FileExists function, 398

FileName data type, 574

FileName from path, getting, 395

FileName property, 518

FileName SmartTag, 574

FileName SmartTag, using, 591

FileNewWorkbook method, 295

FilePathInFooter procedure, 54

FileSearch common properties, 1042

FileSearch methods

Execute, 1043

NewSearch, 1043

RefreshScopes, 1043

FileSearch object, 54, 1042

FileSearch object, example of, 1043

FileSearch object, properties of

FileTypes, 515

FoundFiles, 515

PropertyTests, 515

ScopeFolders, 515

SearchFolders, 515

SearchScopes, 515

FileSearch properties

FileName, 1042

FileType, 1042

FileTypes, 1042

FoundFiles, 1042

Last Modified, 1042

LiiokIn, 1042

MatchAll WordForms, 1042

MatchText Exactly, 1042

PropertyTest, 1042

SearchFolders, 1043

SearchScopes, 1043

SearchSubFolders, 1043

TextOrProperty, 1043

FileSearch, 516, 517

FileType property, 518, 524

FileTypes collection common properties, 1044

FileTypes collection methods

Add, 1044

Remove, 1044

FileTypes collection object, 1044

FileTypes collection object, example of, 1045

FileTypes collection properties, 1044, 1046

FileTypes property, 520

FillFormat methods

OneColorGradient, 749

Patterned, 749

PresetGradient, 749

PresetTextured, 749

Solid, 749

TwoColorGradient, 749

UserPicture, 749

UserTextured, 749

FillFormat object, 748

FillFormat properties

BackColor, 748

ForeColor, 748

GradientColorTy, 748

GradientDegree, 748

GradientStyle, 748

GradientVariant, 748

Pattern, 748

PresetGradientType, 748

PresetTexture, 748

TextureName, 748

TextureType, 748

Transparency, 748

Type, 749

Visible, 749

Filter object and the Filters collection, 750

Filter properties

Criteria1, 750

Criteria2, 750

On, 750

Operator, 750

FilterDepartment, 549

FilterDepartment, macro for, 549

filtered lists, 483

FilterGroupEnum constants, 214

Filters property, 527

Find method, 420, 437

FindControl method, 563

FindFormat property, 684

Flags argument, 357

Floor methods

ClearFormats, 751

Paste, 751

Select, 751

Floor object, 750

Floor properties

Border, 751

Fill, 751

Interior, 751

Name, 751

PictureType, 751

FollowHyperlink method, 609

Font object, 751

Font properties

Background, 752

Bold, 752

Color, 752

ColorIndex, 752

FontStyle, 752

Italic, 752

Name, 752

OutlineFont, 752

Shadow, 752

Size, 752

Strikethrough, 752

Subscript, 752

Superscript, 752

Underline, 752

Font property, 68

For Each… Next loop, 54

For statement, 53

For… Next loop, 53, 115

Format function, 364, 374, 490

Format method, 403

FormatCondition methods

Delete, 754

Modify, 754

FormatCondition object and the FormatConditions collection, 753

FormatCondition properties

Borders, 753

EnableEditing, 828

Font, 753

Formula1, 753

Formula2, 753

Interior, 753

Operator, 754

Type, 754

FormatConditions collection, 753

FormatCurrency, FormatDateTime, FormatNumber, and FormatPercent functions, 364

FormatDate function, implementing, 390

FormatMessage API function, 335

FormChanger class, properties of

IconPath, 349

Modal, 349

ShowCaption, 349

ShowCloseBtn, 349

ShowIcon, 349

ShowMaximizeBtn, 349

ShowMinimizeBtn, 349

ShowSysMenu, 349

ShowTaskBarIcon, 349

Sizeable, 349

SmallCaption, 349

FormResizer class, 352

Forms controls and ActiveX controls, differences between, 12

Forms controls, 12

Forms toolbar controls, 183, 188

Forms toolbar, 12

Formula bar, 19

Formula property, 509

FoundFiles collection, 515

FoundFiles common properties, 1046

FoundFiles object, 54, 1046

FoundFiles, 518

FreeformBuilder methods

AddNodes, 755

ConvertToShape, 755

FreeformBuilder object, 755

freeze a UserForm, 342

FreezeForm class, 343

Friend modifier, 100

FROM clause, 199

FrontPage 2002, 611

FrontPage Server Extensions, 598

FullName property, 53, 96

function and parameter types, declaring, 44

function calls, 2

Function keyword, 92

function procedure, 19

functions and subroutines, calling, 37

GallonsPerHour, 138

game.xsl file, 636

generic Object type, 125


Get keyword, 95

GetFileName function, 395, 396

GetGrossWeeklyPay method, 114

GetGrossWeeklyPay, 114

GetMangoChart method, 505

GetNumbers Automation Addin function, 271

GetNumbers method, 265

GetNumbers Wizard, 272

GetNumbers, 263

GetNumbersWizardForm, 275

GetObject function, 319, 647

GetOpenFileName function, 362

GetOpenFilename method, 297, 525

GetSalesData function, 38, 322

GetSaveAsFileName method, 525

GetSelection method, 303

GetSystemMetrics function, 332

GetSystemMetrics32, 550

GetTempPath function, 329

getting help, 29

GetWindowRect function, 332

Globals module, 575

globals, 75

GotFocus event, 3

Graphic object, 756

Graphic properties

Brightness, 756

ColorType, 756

Contrast, 756

CropBottom, 756

CropLeft, 756

CropRight, 756

CropTop, 756

Filename, 756

Height, 756

LockAspectRatio, 756

Width, 756

Graphical User Interface (GUI), 2

Gridlines methods

Delete, 758

Select, 758

Gridlines object, 758

Gridlines, properties of

Border, 758

Name, 758

GROUP BY clause, 200

grouping worksheets, 403

GroupName property, 188

GroupShapes collection, 759


HasDataLabel property, 108

HasTitle property, 499, 676

headers and footers, 111

Help button, 36

Help menu, 542

Hidden property, 491

Hide method, 171

high-resolution Timer class, 341

HiLoLines methods

Delete, 759

Select, 759

HiLoLines object, 759

HiLoLines properties

Border, 759

Name, 759

HoursWorked schema, 624

HPageBreak methods

Delete, 760

DragOff, 760

HPageBreak properties

Extent, 760

Location, 760

Type, 760

HTML format, 607

HTML page, 607

HTMLProject common properties, 1047

HTMLProject methods

Open, 1047

Refresh Document, 1047

Refresh Project, 1047

HTMLProject object, 1046

HTMLProject object, example of, 1048

HTMLProject properties

HTMLProject Items, 1047

State, 1047

HTMLProjectItem common properties, 1049

HTMLProjectItem methods

LoadFromFile, 1049

Open, 1049

SaveCopyAs, 1049

HTMLProjectItem object, 1049

HTMLProjectItem object, example of, 1049

HTMLProjectItem properties

IsOpen, 1049

Name, 1049

Text, 1049

HTMLProjectItems collection methods, 1048

HTMLProjectItems collection object, 1048

HTTP request, 609

hWnd property, 333

Hyperlink methods

AddToFavorites, 762

CreateNewDocument, 762

Delete, 762

Follow, 762

Hyperlink properties

Address, 761

EmailSubject, 761

Name, 761

Range, 761

ScreenTip, 761

Shape, 761

SubAddress, 761

TextToDisplay, 761

Type, 761


Id property, 534, 563

identifying user's Regional Settings and Windows language, 360

IDTExtensibility2 interface, 260, 268

IDTExtensibility2 interface, introduction to, 259

IDTExtensibility2 interface, methods of

OnAddInsUpdate, 268

OnBeginShutdown, 268

OnConnection, 268

OnDisconnection, 268

OnStartupComplete, 268

IF function, 368

If statement, 47

If statement, different forms of

block If structure, 47

IIf function, 47

one line If statement, 47

If statements, 47

IFactorial interface, 91

IIS (Internet Information Server), 610

Immediate window, experimenting in, 30

Imoveable interface, 90

Implements IFactorial statement, 91

Implements statement, 91

implicit conversion, 361

implicit variable declaration, 39

Index property, 248, 543

information hiding and access modifiers, 100

Initialize event, 123

InputBox function, 37, 80

InputBox method, 80

INSERT statement, 200, 226

InstallUserForm, 251

Instancing property, 254

InStr function, 510

Integer type, 43

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), 63

Interactive Web pages, 607

Interactivity with the Web components, adding, 607

Interface polymorphism, 90


defining, 90

implementing, 91

Interior object, 763

Interior properties Color, 763

ColorIndex, 763

InvertIfNegative, 763

Pattern, 763

PatternColor, 763

PatternColorIndex, 763

Internet as a data source, using, 599

Internet as communication channel, using, 608

Internet Explorer, 603

Internet for storing workbooks, using, 598

Internet Information Server (IIS), 610

Internet to publish results, using, 605

Internet-related functionality, 597

Internet-related services, 609

intrinsic constant vbCr, 56

InvoiceAmount() function, input parameters of

Product, 20

Table, 20

Volume, 20

InvoiceAmount2() function, illustration of, 21

InvokeVerb method, 584

InvokeVerb routine, 586

InvokeVerb2 method, 588

IRtdServer methods

ConnectData, 764

DisconnectData, 764

Heartbeat, 764

RefreshData, 764

ServerStart, 764

ServerTerminate, 764

IRtdServer object, 764

IRTDUpdateEvent methods

Disconnect, 765

UpdateNotify, 765

IRTDUpdateEvent object, 765

Is Nothing expression, 420

IsAddin property, 247

ISBLANK function, 78

IsCaptionDynamic, 573

IsDate validation function, 371

IsDateUS function, 366

IsEmpty function, 432

IsEmptyWorksheet function, 534, 536

ISmartTagAction interface, 580

ISmartTagAction interface, methods and properties of

Desc, 581

InvokeVerb, 581

Name, 581

ProgID, 581

SmartTagCaption, 581

SmartTagCount, 581

SmartTagName, 581

VerbCaptionFromID, 581

VerbCount, 581

VerbID, 581

VerbNameFromID, 581

ISmartTagAction2 Interface, 573

ISmartTagAction2 Interface, definitions of

InvokeVerb2, 573

IsCaptionDynamic, 573

ShowSmartTagIndicator, 573

SmartTagInitialize, 573

VerbCaptionFromID2, 573

ISmartTagRecognizer interface, 576, 589, 595

ISmartTagRecognizer interface, methods and properties of

Desc, 577

Name, 576

ProgID, 576

Recognize, 577

SmartTagCount, 577

SmartTagDownloadURL, 577

SmartTagName, 577

ISmartTagRecognizer2 Interface, 573

ISmartTagRecognizer2 Interface, definitions of

DisplayPropertyPage, 573

PropertyPage, 573

Recognize2, 573

SmartTagInitialize, 573

IsNameInWorkbook, 448

IsNumeric and IsDate functions, 363

IsNumeric function, 371

IsWorkbookOpen function, 396

Item property, 118, 414

Items parameter, 263


Jet OLE DB provider, 205


Kill statement, 60


Label property, 123

Language Version of Windows, 383

LanguageSettings common properties, 1050

LanguageSettings object, 1050

LanguageSettings object, example of, 1050

LanguageSettings properties

LanguagePreferredForEditing, 1050

LanuguageID, 1050

last cell, 422

LastDllError property, 145

late binding, 314

late binding, limitations of, 314

LBound() function, 56

LeaderLines methods

Delete, 765

Select, 765

LeaderLines object, 765

Legend methods

Clear, 767

Delete, 767

LegendEntries, 767

Select, 767

Legend object, 766

Legend properties

AutoScaleFont, 766

Border, 766

Fill, 766

Font, 766

Height, 766

Interior, 766

Left, 766

Name, 767

Position, 767

Shadow, 767

Top, 767

Width, 767

LegendEntry properties

AutoScaleFont, 768

Height, 768

Index, 768

Left, 768

LegendKey, 768

Top, 768

Width, 768

LegendKey methods

ClearFormats, 770

Delete, 770

Select, 770

LegendKey object, 769

LegendKey properties

Border, 769

Fill, 769

Height, 769

Interior, 769

InvertIfNegative, 769

Left, 769

MarkerBackgroundColor, 769

MarkerBackgroundColorIndex, 769

MarkerForeGroundColor, 770

MarkerForegroundColorIndex, 770

MarkerSize, 770

MarkerStyle, 770

PictureType, 770

PictureUnit, 770

Shadow, 770

Smooth, 770

Top, 770

Width, 770

Let keyword, 95

LineFormat object, 771

LineFormat properties

BackColor, 771

BeginArrowheadLength, 771

BeginArrowheadStyle, 771

BeginArrowheadWidth, 771

DashStyle, 771

EndArrowheadLength, 771

EndArrowheadStyle, 771

EndArrowheadWidth, 771

ForeColor, 771

Pattern, 771

Style, 771

Transparency, 771

Visible, 771

Weight, 771

LineLabel, 59

LinkedCell property, 184

LinkedWindows collection methods

Add, 974

Remove, 974

LinkedWindows collection, 974

LinkFormat properties

AutoUpdate, 772

Locked, 772

List Constants feature, 162

list on SharePoint server, viewing, 460

List Properties/Methods, feature, 161

List property, 549

List.DataBodyRange method, 457


creating, 453

sorting and filtering, 454

updating changes, 459

uplinking, 461

ListAllControls, 554

ListAllFaces, 541

ListColumn object, 773

ListColumn properties

Index, 773

ListDataFormat, 773

Name, 773

Range, 773

SharePointFormula, 773

TotalsCalulation, 773

XPath, 773

ListControls function, 538

ListDataFormat object, 774

ListDataFormat properties

AllowFillIn, 774

Choices, 774

DecimalPlaces, 774

DefaultValue, 774

IsPercent, 774

LCID, 774

MaxCharacters, 774

MaxNumber, 774

MinNumber, 774

ReadOnly, 774

Required, 774

Type, 774

ListFirstLevelControls, 534, 536, 551, 553

ListIndex property, 190, 489, 529, 549

ListObject methods

Delete, 775

Publish, 775

Refresh, 775

Resize, 775

Unlink, 775

Unlist, 775

UpdateChange, 775

ListObject object, 774

ListObject properties

Application, 774

Count, 774

Creator, 774

Item, 775

Parent, 775

ListObjects property, 457

ListPopups, 553

ListRow properties

Application, 775

Creator, 775

Index, 776

InvalidData, 776

Parent, 776

Range, 776

lists to a range, converting, 456


publishing, 457

working with, 453

Load statement, 167

LoadRecord procedure, 177

Local parameter, 377

LocaleID (Long), 573

Locals Windows, 158

Location method, 500, 501, 502

Locked property, 644

LockType argument

adLockBatchOptimistic, 215

adLockOptimistic, 215

adLockPessimistic, 215

adlockReadOnly, 215

adLockUnspecified, 215

logical operators, 490

logical Or operator, 209

Long method, 153

Long values, 347

LookIn property, 517

LookIn subdirectory, 517

LoopFactorial method, 92


Do… Loop, 50

For Each, 50

For… Next, 50

While…Wend, 50

Lotus 1-2-3, 1

Lotus 1-2-3, limitations of, 1

lpRect parameter, 333

LPSTR, 329


macro capability, 1

Macro name box, 3

macro recorder, 1, 601

macro recorder, using, 2, 500

macro sheet, 2

Macros category, 16

macros, 1

macros, running, 5

macros, use of

create buttons, 1

create dialog boxes, 1

Mailer object, 776

Mailer properties

BCCRecipients, 776

CCRecipients, 776

Enclosures, 776

Received, 776

SendDateTime, 776

Sender, 776

Subject, 776

ToRecipients, 776

WhichAddress, 776

making decisions, 47

Manage Data toolbar, 567

MangoChartExists method, 505

Max argument, 265

Max property, 178

mbTEMPORARY constant, 561

Me object, 72

menu bar, 17

menu ttems to VBE, adding, 286

menu, deleting, 545

MenuButton variable, 274

MenuFile module, 300

MenuTable table, 567

MenuTable, titles of

App / VBE, 559

Begin Group, 560

BuiltIn ID, 560

Caption, 560

CommandBar, 559

DataList, 560

FaceId, 560

Parameter, 560

Popup1-n, 560

Position, 560

Procedure, 560

Sub Control ID, 560

ToolTip, 560

Type, 560

MenuTables, 559

method call, 25


defining, 92

overloading, 90

Microsoft Access using plain text query, retrieving data from, 224

Microsoft Access using stored query, retrieving data from, 225

Microsoft Access, connecting to, 223

Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.7 Library (ADO), 205

Microsoft Excel workbooks, querying, 239

Microsoft Foundation Classes, 72

Microsoft Internet Transfer Control, 609, 617

Microsoft Jet, 242

Microsoft Office applications

Access, 2

Excel, 2

FrontPage, 2

Outlook, 2

PowerPoint, 2

Project, 2

Visio, 2

Word, 2

Microsoft SmartTags 2.0 Type Library, 573

Microsoft SQL Server stored procedures, 231

Microsoft SQL Server, connecting to, 230

Microsoft's IIS 5.1, 605

Mid function, 123, 510

Mid function, 54

Min arguments, 265

Min function, 186

Min property, 177

MOD function, 86

Mod operator, 108

model dialog boxes, 4

modeless dialog boxes, 4

modeless UserForms, 4, 181

modern object models, 70

modSetupBars module, 560

module-level variable, 42

MonthNames1 macro, 7

MouseMove event, 3

Move method, 90

MoveNext method, 216

moving the cursor, methods for

MoveFirst, 215

MoveLast, 215

MoveNext, 215

MovePrevious, 215

MSDN library, 329

MsgBox function constants

VbAbortRetryIgnore, 34

VbApplicationModal, 34

VbCritical, 34

VbDefaultButton1, 34

VbDefaultButton2, 34

VbDefaultButton3, 34

VbDefaultButton4, 34

VbExclamation, 34

VbInformation, 34

VbMsgBoxHelpButton, 34

VbMsgBoxRight, 34

VbMsgBoxRtlReading, 34

VbMsgBoxSet Foreground, 34

VbOKCancel, 34

VbOKOnly, 34

VbQuestion, 34

VbRetryCancel, 34

VbSystemModal, 34

VbYesNo, 34

VbYesNoCancel, 34

MsgBox function, 32

MsgBox() function, return values of

VbAbort, 36

VbCancel, 36

VbIgnore, 36

VbNo, 36

VbOK, 36

VbRetry, 36

VbYes, 36

msinet.ocx, 609

mso Last Modified constants

MsoLastModifiedAnyTime, 518

MsoLastModifiedLastMonth, 518

MsoLastModifiedLastWeek, 518

MsoLastModifiedThisMonth, 518

MsoLastModifiedThisWeek, 518

MsoLastModifiedToday, 518

MsoLastModifiedYesterday, 518

msoBarPopup, 556

msoBarTypeNormal, 556

msoBarTypePopup, 551, 553, 556

msoControlButton, 533

msoControlDropdown, 549

MsoEnvelope common properties, 1051

MsoEnvelope events

EnvelopeHide, 1051

EnvelopeShow, 1051

MsoEnvelope object, 1051

MsoEnvelope object, example of, 1052

MsoEnvelope properties

Command Bars, 1051

Introduction, 1051

Item, 1051

MsoFileDialog constants

MsoFileDialogFilePicker, 527

MsoFileDialogFolderPicker, 527

MsoFileDialogOpen, 527

MsoFileDialogSaveAs, 527

msoFileType constants

MsoFileTypeAllFiles, 517

MsoFileTypeBinders, 517

MsoFileTypeCalendarItem, 517

MsoFileTypeContactItem, 517

MsoFileTypeCustom, 517

MsoFileTypeDatabases, 517

MsoFileTypeDataConnectionFiles, 517

MsoFileTypeDesignerFiles, 517

MsoFileTypeDocumentImagingFiles, 517

MsoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks, 517

MsoFileTypeJournalItem, 517

MsoFileTypeMailItem, 517

MsoFileTypeNoteItem, 517

MsoFileTypeOfficeFiles, 517

MsoFileTypeOutlookItems, 517

MsoFileTypePhotoDrawFiles, 517

MsoFileTypePowerPointPresentations, 517

MsoFileTypeProjectFiles, 517

MsoFileTypePublisherFiles, 517

MsoFileTypeTaskItem, 517

MsoFileTypeTemplates, 517

MsoFileTypeVisioFiles, 517

MsoFileTypeWebPages, 517

MsoFileTypeWordDocuments, 517

msoSearchIn constants

MsoSearchInCustom, 522

MsoSearchInMyComputer, 522

MsoSearchInMyNetworkPlaces, 522

MsoSearchInOutlook, 522

MSXML parser, 597, 626

multi-dimensional arrays, 56

multilingual application, creating, 384

multilingual environment, working in, 386

multiple office applications, linking to, 277

multiple recordsets, 235

MultiSelect, 528

multisheet workbook, 1

My function, 388

MyAddin.Simple class, 259


n-dimensional arrays, 56

Name object and the Names collection, 776

name of range, searching, 449

Name properties

Category, 777

CategoryLocal, 777

Index, 777

MacroType, 777

Name, 777

NameLocal, 777

RefersTo, 777

RefersToLocal, 777

RefersToR1C1, 777

RefersToR1C1Local, 777

RefersToRange, 777

ShortcutKey, 777

Value, 777

VBComponent.Properties(, 975

VBComponent.Name, 975

Visible, 778

Worksheet.CodeName, 975

Name property of Range object, using, 443

Name property, 25, 508

named ranges, working with, 446

NameExists function, 62


hiding, 446

using, 441

naming ranges, 442

New keyword, 115, 317, 647

new menus, creating, 542

new method, 559

New operator, 310

new Word document, creating, 319

new workbook, creating, 393

NewFile common properties, 1053

NewFile methods

Add, 1053

Remove, 1053

NewFile object, 1053

NewFile object, example of, 1053

NewMonth method, 403

NewSearch method, 517

NewSeries method, 508

NewWorkbook procedure, 46

Next statement, 53

note about SQL Server security, 231

Now function, 341

Number property, 59

NumberFormat property, 14, 26

numbers, deleting, 423

NumberToString function, 364, 369, 370


Object Browser, 4, 29, 163, 515

Object Browser, using, 72

object model, 3

object variables, 45

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), 23

object-oriented programming language, 3

object-oriented technology, 630

object-oriented theory and VBA, 89

object.method, 92

objects, 23

ObjectStateEnum constants

AdStateClosed, 207

AdStateConnecting, 207

AdStateExecuting, 207

AdStateOpen, 207

ODBC drivers, 597

ODBCError object and the ODBCErrors collection, 779, 781

ODSOColumn object, 1054

ODSOColumns collection object, 1054

ODSOFilter object, 1054

ODSOFilters collection object, 1054

Office 2000, 4

Office 2003 SmartTag features, implementing, 586

Office application programs

Access, 313

Excel, 313

FrontPage, 313

Outlook, 313

PowerPoint, 313

Publisher, 313

SourceSafe, 313

Word, 313

Office Developer Edition, 254

Office files and folders, 515

Office Object Model, 515, 991

Office objects, 992

Office UI Language Settings, 383

Office UI Language Settings, identifying, 383

Office Web components, 607

Office XP Language Settings, responding to, 382

Office XP type library, 572

Office XP, 2

Office.FileSearch object, 516

OfficeDataSourceObject object, 1054

Offset parameter, 418

Offset property, 418

OK button, 4, 32

OLE Automation, 515

OLE DB, 203

OLE functions, 329

OLE, 82

OLEDBError properties

ErrorString, 779

Native, 779

Number, 779

SqlState, 780

Stage, 780

OLEFormat methods

Activate, 781

Verb, 781

OLEFormat object, 780

OLEFormat properties

Object, 780

ProgId, 780

OLEObject events

GotFocus, 786

LostFocus, 786

OLEObject methods

Activate, 785

BringToFront, 785

Copy, 785

CopyPicture, 785

Cut, 785

Delete, 785

Duplicate, 785

Select, 785

SendToBack, 785

Update, 786

Verb, 786

OLEObject properties

AltHTML, 784

AutoLoad, 784

AutoUpdate, 784

Border, 784

BottomRightCell, 784

Height, 784

Index, 784

Interior, 784

Left, 784

LinkedCell, 784

ListFillRange, 784

Locked, 784

Name, 784

Object, 784

OLEType, 784

Placement, 784

PrintObject, 784

ProgId, 785

Shadow, 785

ShapeRange, 785

SourceName, 785

Top, 785

TopLeftCell, 785

Visible, 785

Width, 785

ZOrder, 785

OLEObjects collection properties and methods

Add, 783

AutoLoad, 781

Border, 782

BringToFront, 783

Copy, 783

CopyPicture, 783

Count, 782

Cut, 783

Delete, 783

Duplicate, 783

Enabled, 782

Height, 782

Interior, 782

Left, 782

Locked, 782

Placement, 782

PrintObject, 782

Select, 783

SendToBack, 783

Shadow, 782

ShapeRange, 782

SourceName, 782

Top, 782

Visible, 782

Width, 782

ZOrder, 783

OLEObjects collection, 192

On Error Goto Catch, 144

On Error Goto Finally statement, 143

On Error Goto Line Number, 142

On Error GoTo, 61

On Error statement, 18, 59

On Error statement, different types of

On Error GoTo O statement, 142

On Error GoTo statement, 142

On Error Resume Next statement, 142

On Error, 545

OnAction macros, 544, 545

OnAction procedure, 190

OnAction property, 184, 194, 272, 273, 286, 534, 544, 545

OnClick event, 90

OnConnection event, 272, 273

OnConnection method, 260, 274

OnConnection, 260

OnDisconnection event, 272

OnKey method, 84

online collaboration features, 4

OnTime method, 83

OOPs, overview of, 23

Open event procedure, 110

Open method, 318, 395, 480

OpenText function, using, 376

OpenText method, 377

OpenXML method, 635

OpenXML procedure, 635

OpenXML, 635

OpenXML, arguments of

LoadOption, 635

XML source file, 635

XSLT (XML Style Sheet Transformation file), 635

Option Base statement, 55

option button controls, 187

Option Explicit statement, 39

optional parameters, 94

OptionButton Click event, 187

Options argument, 207, 208

ORDER BY clause, 200, 216

other Office applications, interacting with, 313

Outline object, 786

Outline properties

AutomaticStyles, 786

SummaryColumn, 786

SummaryRow, 786

OverrideToWRS function, 388

own objects, creating, 113

PageSetup object, 787

PageSetup properties

BlackAndWhite, 787

BottomMargin, 787

CenterFooter, 787

CenterFooterPicture, 787

CenterHeader, 788

CenterHeaderPicture, 788

CenterHorizontally, 788

CenterVertically, 788

ChartSize, 788

Draft, 788

FirstPageNumber, 788

FitToPagesTall, 788

FitToPagesWide, 788

FooterMargin, 788

HeaderMargin, 788

LeftFooter, 788

LeftFooterPicture, 788

LeftHeader, 788

LeftHeaderPicture, 788

LeftMargin, 788

Order, 788

Orientation, 789

PaperSize, 789

PrintArea, 789

PrintComments, 789

PrintErrors, 789

PrintGridlines, 789

PrintHeadings, 789

PrintNotes, 789

PrintTitleRows, 789

RightFooter, 789

RightFooterPicture, 789

RightHeader, 789

RightHeaderPicture, 789

RightMargin, 789

TopMargin, 789


PageSetup property, 53

Pane methods

Activate, 791

LargeScroll, 791

ScrollIntoView, 791

SmallScroll, 791

Pane object and the Panes collection, 790

Pane properties

Index, 791

ScrollColumn, 791

ScrollRow, 791

VisibleRange, 791

paper sizes, 370

ParamArray arguments, 97

Parameter Info feature, 161

Parameter object and the Parameters collection, 792

Parameter properties

DataType, 792

Name, 792

PromptString, 792

RefreshOnChange, 792

SourceRange, 792

Type, 792

Value, 792

Parameter property, 544

Parameter values, 549

parameter values, passing, 545

Parameters collection properties and methods

Add, 792

Count, 792

Delete, 792

parameters passing

by reference, 93

by value, 93

optional parameters, 93

parameters specified by name, 33

parameters specified by position, 33

parameters, 93

Parent property, 502

parentheses, 36

Paste method, 27

PC debugging, brief exemplar of, 129

peFileVerbs enumeration, 582

PerformSearch routine, 524

Permission methods

Add, 1056

ApplyPolicy, 1056

RemoveAll, 1056

Permission object, 1055

Permission properties

Application, 1055

Count, 1055

Creator, 1055

DocumentAuthor, 1055

Enabled, 1055

EnableTrustedBrowser, 1055

Item, 1055

Parent, 1055

PermissionFromPolicy, 1055

PolicyDescription, 1055

PolicyName, 1055

RequestPermissionURL, 1055

StoreLicenses, 1056

Personal Macro Workbook, 5

Personal.xls file, 5

Personal.xls workbook, 558

PersonalData UserForm, controls of

CheckBox, 170

CommandButton, 170

ListBox, 170

OptionButton, 170

TextBox, 170

peTagSequence Enum, 577

Phonetic object and the Phonetics collection, 793

Phonetic properties

Alignment, 794

CharacterType, 794

Font, 794

Text, 794

Visible, 794

Phonetics collection properties and methods

Add, 794

Alignment, 793

CharacterType, 793

Count, 793

Delete, 794

Font, 793

Length, 794

Start, 794

Text, 794

Visible, 794

PickRegion method, 505

PictureFormat methods

IncrementBrightness, 795

IncrementContrast, 795

PictureFormat object, 794

PictureFormat properties

Brightness, 795

ColorType, 795

Contrast, 795

CropBottom, 795

CropLeft, 795

CropRight, 795

CropTop, 795

TransparencyColor, 795

TransparentBackground, 795

PictureSizeMode property, 525

PivotCache methods

CreatePivotTable, 798

MakeConnection, 798

Refresh, 798

ResetTimer, 798

SaveAsODC, 798

PivotCache object and the PivotCaches collection, 796

PivotCache properties

ADOConnection, 796

BackgroundQuery, 796

CommandText, 796

CommandType, 796

Connection, 796

EnableRefresh, 796

Index, 796

IsConnected, 796

LocalConection, 796

MaintainConnection, 797

MemoryUsed, 797

MissingItemsLimit, 797

OLAP, 797

OptimizeCache, 797

QueryType, 797

RecordCount, 797

Recordset, 797

RefreshDate, 797

RefreshName, 797

RefreshOnFileOpen, 797

RefreshPeriod, 797

RobustConnect, 797

SavePassword, 797

SourceConnectionFile, 797

SourceData, 797

SourceDataFile, 797

SourceType, 798

UseLocalConnection, 798

PivotCaches collection, 466, 467

PivotCaches, 467

PivotCell object, 799

PivotCell properties

ColumnItems, 799

CustomSubtotalFunction, 799

DataField, 799

PivotCellType, 799

PivotField, 799

PivotItem, 800

PivotTable, 800

Range, 800

RowItems, 800

PivotCharts, 478

PivotField methods

AddPageItem, 804

AutoShow, 804

AutoSort, 804

CalculatedItems, 804

Delete, 804

PivotItems, 805

PivotField object, 473

PivotField objects, 472

PivotField properties

AutoShowCount, 800

AutoShowField, 800

AutoShowRange, 800

AutoShowType, 801

AutoSortField, 801

AutoSortOrder, 801

BaseField, 801

BaseItem, 801

Calculation, 801

Caption, 801

ChildField, 801

ChildItems, 801

CubeField, 801

CurrentPage, 801

CurrentPageList, 801

CurrentPageName, 801

DatabaseSort, 801

DataRange, 801

DataType, 801

DragToColumn, 802

DragToData, 802

DragToHide, 802

DragToPage, 802

DragToRow, 802

DrilledDown, 802

EnableItemSelection, 802

Formula, 802

Function, 802

GroupLevel, 802

HiddenItems, 802

HiddenItemsList, 802

IsCalculated, 802

IsMemberProperty, 802

LabelRange, 802

LayoutBlankLine, 802

LayoutForm, 802

LayoutPageBreak, 803

LayoutSubtotalLocation, 803

MemoryUsed, 803

Name, 803

NumberFormat, 803

Orientation, 803

ParentField, 803

ParentItems, 803

Position, 803

PropertyOrder, 803

PropertyParentField, 803

ServerBased, 803

ShowAllItems, 803

SourceName, 803

StandardFormula, 803

SubtotalName, 803

Subtotals, 804

TotalLevels, 804

Value, 804

VisibleItems, 804

PivotFields collection, 467

PivotFields, 467

PivotFormula object and the PivotFormulas collection, 805

PivotFormula properties

Formula, 805

Index, 805

StandardFormula, 805

Value, 805

PivotItem properties

Caption, 806

ChildItems, 806

DataRange, 806

DrilledDown, 806

Formula, 806

IsCalculated, 806

LabelRange, 806

Name, 807

ParentItem, 807

ParentShowDetail, 807

Position, 807

RecordCount, 807

ShowDetail, 807

SourceName, 807

SourceNameStandard, 807

StandardFormula, 807

Value, 807

Visible, 807

PivotItemList object, 808

PivotItems collection, 473

PivotItems method, 473

PivotItems, 473

PivotLayout properties

ColumnFields, 809

CubeFields, 809

DataFields, 809

HiddenFields, 809

InnerDetail, 809

PageFields, 809

PivotCache, 809

PivotFields, 809

PivotTable, 809

RowFields, 809

VisibleFields, 809

PivotTable calculated fields and items, and conditional format formulas, 379, 381

PivotTable methods

AddDataField, 815

AddFields, 815

CalculatedFields, 815

CreateCubeFile, 816

Format, 816

GetData, 816

GetPivotData, 816

ListFormulas, 816

PivotCache, 817

PivotFields, 817

PivotSelect, 817

PivotTableWizard, 817

RefreshTable, 818

ShowPages, 818

Update, 818

PivotTable object, 467

PivotTable properties

CacheIndex, 810

CalculatedMembers, 810

ColumnFields, 811

ColumnGrand, 811

ColumnRange, 811

CubeFields, 811

DataBodyRange, 811

DataFields, 811

DataLabelRange, 811

DataPivot, 811

DisplayEmptyColumn, 811

DisplayEmptyRow, 811

DisplayErrorString, 811

DisplayImmediateItems, 811

DisplayNullString, 811

EnableDataValueEditing, 811

EnableDrilldown, 812

EnableFieldDialog, 812

EnableFieldList, 812

EnableWizard, 812

ErrorString, 812

GrandTotalName, 812

HasAutoFormat, 812

HiddenFields, 812

InnerDetail, 812

ManualUpdate, 812

MDX, 812

MergeLabels, 812

Name, 812

NullString, 812

PageFieldOrder, 812

PageFields, 813

PageFieldStyle, 813

PageFieldWrapCount, 813

PageRange, 813

PageRangeCells, 813

PivotFormulas, 813

PivotSelection, 813

PivotSelectionStandard, 813

PreserveFormatting, 813

PrintTitles, 813

RefreshDate, 813

RefreshName, 813

RepeatItemsOnEachPrintedPage, 813

RowFields, 813

RowRange, 814

SaveData, 814

SelectionMode, 814

ShowCellBackgroundFromOLAP 814

ShowPageMultipleItemlabel, 814

SmallGrid, 814

SourceData, 814

SubtotalHiddenPageItems, 814

TableRange1, 814

TableRange2, 814

TableStyle, 814

Tag, 814

VacatedStyle, 814

Value, 814

Version, 815

ViewCalculatedMenbers, 815

VisibleFIelds, 815

VisualTotals, 815

PivotTable report, creating, 464

PivotTable toolbar, 532

PivotTables collection, 467

PivotTables, overview of, 46364

PivotTableWizard method, 466

PlotArea methods

ClearFormats, 819

Select, 819

PlotArea object, 818

PlotArea properties

Border, 819

Fill, 819

Height, 819

InsideHeight, 819

InsideLeft, 819

InsideTop, 819

InsideWidth, 819

Interior, 819

Left, 819

Name, 819

Top, 819

Width, 819

PlotOrder property, 195

Point methods

ApplyDataLabels, 822

ClearFormats, 822

Copy, 823

Delete, 823

Paste, 823

Select, 823

Point object and the Points collection, 820

Point properties

ApplyPictToEnd, 821

ApplyPictToFront, 821

ApplyPictToSides, 821

Border, 821

DataLabel, 821

Explosion, 821

Fill, 821

HasDataLabel, 821

Interior, 821

InvertIfNegative, 821

MarkerBackgroundColor, 821

MarkerBackgroundColorIndex, 821

MarkerForegroundColor, 822

MarkerForegroundColorIndex, 822

MarkerSize, 822

MarkerStyle, 822

PictureType, 822

PictureUnit, 822

SecondaryPlot, 822

Shadow, 822

polymorphism, 90

pop-up command bars, showing, 554

pop-up menus, 551

portable executable code (PE-code), 71

Position parameter, 556

POST mechanism, 620

POSTing data, 610

PostInput sub procedure, 38

Preserve keyword, 58

primary key, 201

primer in Excel VBA, 1

PRINT statement, 212

PrintDataList, 544

Private method, 98

procedure-level variable, 41

procedures, 10

procedures, types of

functions, 10

subroutines, 10

ProcedureType variable, 305

ProcessComboClick event, 193

ProcessComboClick procedure, 193

ProgID property, 578

ProgID, 589

programming application, 1

programming for people, 63

programming in the VBE, 63

programming with Windows API, 327

Project Explorer tree, 283

Project Explorer, 10, 66

Project Explorer, significance of, 10

project management, 65

prompt message, 33

Properties collection, 212, 974

Properties window, 11, 68

properties, 25


defining, 95

modifying, 68

Property Editor, 69

Property Get definition, 96

Property Get Items procedure, 117

Property keyword, 95

Property object, 974

Property procedures, 338

Property properties

IndexedValue, 974

Name, 974

NumIndices, 975

Object, 975

Value, 975

Property, examples of, 975

PropertyPage method, 587

PropertyTest common properties, 1058

PropertyTest object, 1058

PropertyTest object, example of, 1059

PropertyTest properties

Condition, 1058

Connector, 1058

Name, 1059

SecondValue, 1059

Value, 1059

PropertyTests collection common properties, 1056

PropertyTests collection methods

Add, 1057

Remove, 1057

PropertyTests collection object, 1056

PropertyTests collection object, example of, 1057

PropertyTests collection properties, 1056

PropertyTests collection, 519

Protect property, 558

Protection object, 823

Protection object, features of, 4

Protection properties

AllowDeletingColumns, 823

AllowDeletingRows, 823

AllowEditRanges, 823

AllowFiltering, 824

AllowFormattingCells, 824

AllowFormattingColumns, 824

AllowFormattingRows, 824

AllowInsertingColumns, 824

AllowInsertingHyperlinks, 824

AllowInsertingRows, 824

AllowSorting, 824

AllowUsingPivotTables, 824

ProtectThisResource method, 143

Provider argument, 205

psAppID, 561

Public variables, 42

Public-Creatable instance, 254

PublishObject methods

Delete, 826

Publish, 826

PublishObject object and the PublishObjects collection, 825

PublishObject properties

DivID, 826

Filename, 826

HtmlType, 826

Sheet, 826

Source, 826

SourceType, 826

Title, 826

PublishObjects properties and methods

Add, 826

AutoRepublish, 825

Count, 825

Delete, 826

Publish, 826


QueryClose event, 175, 305

querying text files, 243

QueryTable methods

CancelRefresh, 832

Delete, 832

Refresh, 832

ResetTimer, 832

SaveAsODC, 832

QueryTable properties

AdjustColumnWidth, 827

BackgroundQuery, 828

CommandText, 828

CommandType, 828

Connection, 828

Destination, 828

EditWebPage, 828

EnableRefresh, 828

FetchedRowOverflow, 828

FieldNames, 828

FillAdjacentFormulas, 828

ListObject, 828

MaintainConnection, 828

Name, 828

Parameters, 828

PostText, 828

PreserveColumnInfo, 828

PreserveFormatting, 828

QueryType, 829

Recordset, 829

Refreshing, 829

RefreshOnFileOpen, 829

RefreshPeriod, 829

RefreshStyle, 829

ResultRange, 829

RobustConnect, 829

RowNumbers, 829

SaveData, 829

SavePassword, 829

SourceConnectionFile, 829

SourceData, 829

TextFileColumnDataTypes, 829

TextFileCommaDelimiter, 829

TextFileConsecutiveDelimiter, 830

TextFileDecimalSeparator, 830

TextFileParseType, 830

TextFilePlatform, 830

TextFileSemiColonDelimiter, 830

TextFileSpaceDelimiter, 830

TextFileStartRow, 830

TextFileTabDelimiter, 830

TextFileTextQualifier, 830

TextFileThousandsSeparator, 831

TextFiletrailingMinusNUmbers, 831

TextFileVisualLayout, 831

WebConsecutiveDelimiterAsOne, 831

WebDisableDateRecognition, 831

WebDisableRedirections, 831

WebFormatting, 831

WebPreFormattedTextToColumns, 831

WebSelectionType, 831

WebSingleBlockTextImport, 831

WebTables, 831

QueryTables properties and methods

Add, 827

Count, 827

TextFileFixedColumnWIdths, 830

TextFileOtherDelimiter, 830

TextFilePromptOnRefresh, 830

Quick Info feature, 160

Quick Watch, 158

QuickSort algorithm, 266

QuickSort, 265


R1C1 cell addressing, 1

RaiseEvent method, 98

RaiseEvent statement, 98

random numbers, scrambling, 265

Range methods

Activate, 838

AddComment, 838

AdvancedFilter, 839

ApplyNames, 839

ApplyOutlineStyles, 839

AutoComplete, 839

AutoFill, 839

AutoFilter, 840

AutoFit, 840

AutoFormat, 840

AutoOutline, 840

BorderAround, 840

Calculate, 840

CheckSpelling, 841

Clear, 841

ClearComments, 841

ClearContents, 841

ClearFormats, 841

ClearNotes, 841

ClearOutline, 841

ColumnDifferences, 841

Consolidate, 841

Copy, 841

CopyFromRecordset, 842

CopyPicture, 842

CreateNames, 842

CreatePublisher, 842

Cut, 842

DataSeries, 843

Delete, 843

DialogBox, 843

Dirty, 843

EditionOptions, 843

FillDown, 843

FillLeft, 843

FillRight, 844

FillUp, 844

Find, 844

FindNext, 844

FindPrevious, 844

FunctionWizard, 844

GoalSeek, 844

Group, 844

Insert, 845

InsertIndent, 845

Justify, 845

ListNames, 845

Merge, 845

NavigateRange, 845

NoteText, 845

Parse, 845

PasteSpecial, 846

PrintOut, 846

PrintPreview, 846

Remove Subtotal, 846

Replace, 846

RowDifferences, 847

Run, 847

Select, 847

SetPhonetic, 847

Show, 847

ShowDependents, 847

ShowErrors, 847

ShowPrecedents, 847

Sort, 847

SortSpecial, 848

Speak, 848

SpecialCells, 849

SubscribeTo, 849

Subtotal, 849

Table, 849

TextToColumns, 850

Ungroup, 850

UnMerge, 850

Range object, 3, 14, 544, 584, 832

Range object, properties of

ColumnWidth, 25

RowHeight, 25

Value property, 26

Range objects, 23

Range properties

AddIndent, 833

Address, 833

AddressLocal, 833

AllowEdit, 833

Areas, 833

Borders, 833

Cells, 833

Characters, 833

Column, 833

Columns, 833

ColumnWidth, 833

Comment, 833

Count, 834

CurrentArray, 834

CurrentRegion, 834

Dependents, 834

DirectDependent, 834

DirectPrecedents, 834

End, 834

EntireColumn, 834

EntireRow, 834

Errors, 834

Font, 834

FormatConditions, 834

Formula, 834

FormulaArray, 834

FormulaHidden, 834

FormulaLabel, 834

FormulaLocal, 834

FormulaR1C1, 834

FormulaR1C1Local, 835

HasArray, 835

HasFormula, 835

Height, 835

Hidden, 835

HorizontalAlignment, 835

Hyperlinks, 835

ID, 835

IndentLevel, 835

Interior, 835

Left, 835

ListHeaderRows, 835

ListOject, 835

LocationInTable, 835

Locked, 835

MergeArea, 835

MergeCells, 835

Name, 835

Next, 836

NumberFormat, 836

NumberFormatLocal, 836

Offset, 836

Orientation, 836

OutlineLevel, 836

PageBreak, 836

Phonetic, 836

Phonetics, 836

PivotCell, 836

PivotField, 836

PivotItem, 836

PivotTable, 836

Precedents, 836

PrefixCharacter, 836

Previous, 837

QueryTable, 837

Range, 837

ReadingOrder, 837

Resize, 837

Row, 837

RowHeight, 837

Rows, 837

ShowDetail, 837

ShrinkToFit, 837

SmartTags, 837

SoundNote, 837

Style, 837

Summary, 837

Text, 838

Top, 838

UseStandardHeight, 838

UseStandardWidth, 838

Validation, 838

Value, 838

Value2, 838

VerticalAlignment, 838

Width, 838

Worksheet, 838

WrapText, 838

XPath, 838

Range property of Range object, 413, 415

Range property, 510

range, summing, 427

Range.AdvancedFilter method, 381

Range.AutoFilter method, 381

Range.Value property, 620

RangeData object variable, 176

ranges on inactive worksheets, 412, 414

ranges used in chart, determining, 509

ranges, using, 409

read-only properties, 96

ReadOnly attribute, 143

ReadOnly property, 186

RecentFile methods

Delete, 851

Open, 851

RecentFile properties

Index, 851

Name, 851

Path, 851

Recognize method, 573, 594, 595

Recognizer class, 575

Record Macro dialog box, 4

record, 198

recorded macro, 498

Recorder.xls workbook, 5

recording macros, 2

records in Microsoft Excel workbooks, inserting and updating, 242

records with plain text SQL in Microsoft Access, inserting, updating, and deleting, 226

RecordsAffected argument, 208

Recordset collections

Fields, 217

Properties, 218

Recordset events, 217

Recordset methods

Close, 215

methods for moving cursor, 215

NextRecordset, 216

Open, 214

Recordset object, 203, 212

Recordset object, properties of

ActiveConnection, 213

BOFand EOF, 213

Filter, 213

State, 214

Recordset property, 480

Recordset.Open method, 225, 238

Recordset.State property, 214


disconnected, 237

multiple, 235

RECT structure, 333

recursion with loops, eliminating, 94

recursive methods, implementing, 94

RecursiveFactorial method, 92

ReDim statement, 58

Reference object, 976

Reference properties

BuiltIn, 976

Description, 976

FullPath, 976

Guid, 976

IsBroken, 976

Major, 976

Minor, 976

Name, 976

Type, 976

Reference, examples of, 977

References collection events

ItemAdded, 977

ItemRemoved, 977

References collection methods

AddFromFile, 977

AddFromGuid, 977

Remove, 977

References collection, 976

references, working with, 310

ReferencesEvents events

ItemAdded, 980

ItemRemoved, 980

ReferencesEvents object, 980

ReferencesEvents, examples of, 980

RefersTo property, 62

RefreshData macro, 83

regedit file, 589

Regional Settings and the Windows language, responding to, 360

Regional Settings Location, 382


application.dll, 270

relative changes, 351

Remove method, 115

RemoveMenus procedure, 564, 566

RemoveMode property, 275

Rename action, 584

Replace parameter, 404

ReplaceFormat property, 684

ReplaceHolders function, 386

ReplaceHolders function, implementing, 390

ReplaceLine method, 193

ReportingMonths schema, 624

Request function, 614

Resize event, 350

resize handle in the bottom corner of the list, dragging, 456

Resize property, 420, 447

resizing lists, 456

resources for finding definitions, 160

Response.Write, 614

Resume Next statement, 143, 422

Resume statement, 60, 143

Resume statement, different forms of

Resume LineLabel, 60

Resume Next, 60

Resume, 60

return values, 35

reusable tools with the debug object, creating, 133

Right function, 396

Rnd function, 265

Rng, 538

RoutingSlip object, 852

RoutingSlip properties

Delivery, 852

Message, 852

Recipients, 852

ReturnWhenDone, 852

Status, 852

Subject, 852

TrackStatus, 852

Rows property, 429


deleting, 436

totaling, 456

RowsAffected argument, 210

RowSource property, 170

RTD methods

RefreshData, 853

RestartServers, 853

RTD object, 852

RTD, working of, 4

run macros, other ways to, 11

Run menu, contents of

Add Watch, 71

Break, 71

Clear All Breakpoints, 71

Debug menu, 71

Design Mode menu items, 71

Edit Watch, 71

Quick Watch, 71

Reset, 71

Run Sub/UserForm, 71

Run To Cursor, 71

Set Next Statement, 71

Show Next Statement, 71

Step Into, 71

Step Out, 71

Step Over, 71

Toggle Breakpoint, 71

run to cursor, 154

RunMenu sub procedure, 378

runtime error handling, 58


same directory, files in, 397

save changes, 110

SaveAs function, 377

SaveAs method, 377, 398

SaveChanges parameter, 399

Saved property, 110, 399

SaveRecord procedure, 177

saving changes, 249, 399

scaffolding, 145

Scenario methods

ChangeScenario, 854

Delete, 854

Show, 854

Scenario properties, 854

Scenarios properties and methods, 853

ScheduledTime variable, 84

scope and lifetime of variables, 40

ScopeFolder common properties, 1060

ScopeFolder methods, 1060

ScopeFolder object, 1060

ScopeFolder object, example of, 1060

ScopeFolder properties

Name, 1060

Path, 1060

Scope Folders, 1060

ScopeFolder property, 522

ScopeFolders collection common properties, 1059

ScopeFolders collection object, 1059

ScopeFolders collection properties, 1059

screen resolution (in pixels), obtaining, 344

screen updating, 77

ScreenUpdating property, 75, 78

Script common properties, 1064

Script methods, 1064

Script object, 1064

Script object, example of, 1064

Script properties

Extended, 1064

Id, 1064

Language, 1064

Location, 1064

ScriptText, 1064

Shapes, 1064

Scripts collection common properties, 1063

Scripts collection methods

Add, 1063

Delete, 1063

Item, 1063

Scripts collection object, 1063

Scripts collection object, example of, 1063

Scroll event, 185

ScrollArea property, 11

scrollbar control, 185

SDK (SmartTag Software Development Kit), 572

SearchFolders collection common properties, 1065

SearchFolders collection methods

Add, 1065

Remove, 1065

SearchFolders collection object, 1065

SearchFolders collection object, example of, 1065

SearchFolders collection properties, 1065

SearchFolders collection, 523

SearchFormat argument, 684

searching for Name, 447

SearchScope common properties, 1068

SearchScope object, 1068

SearchScope properties

ScopeFolder, 1068

Type, 1068

SearchScopes collection common properties, 1067

SearchScopes collection object, 1067

SearchScopes collection object, example of, 1067

SearchScopes collection properties, 1067

SearchScopes collection, 521

SearchSubFolders property, 517

Select Case statement, 47, 523

select Case, 49

Select method, 27, 409

SELECT statement, 198

SelectedSheets property, 405

SelectedVBComponent property, 284

Selection Sort, 265

SelectionChange event, 104

self-extensible hypertext language, 5

Send method, 324

SendEMail sub procedure, 322

sending data from client to server application, 609

sending data from server application to client, 610

SendKeys, 82

SendKeys, using, 387

SendKeyTest, 83

sequence from worksheet, invoking, 257

Sequence function, 255

SequenceWizardForm, 275

SERIES function, 509

SeriesCollection properties and methods

Add, 855

Count, 855

Extend, 856

NewSeries, 856

Paste, 856

SeriesCollection, 505

SeriesCollection.Count property, 195

SeriesLines methods

Delete, 860

Select, 860

server application, components of

Access database to store the error log, 610

Active Server Page to display a page in the error log, 610

Active Server Page use to write to the error log, 610

server application, role of

calculation engines, 609

centralize data store, 608

collation of data from multiple clients, 608

presentation of that data back to other clients, 608

workflow management, 609

server-side scripts, 618

Set keyword, 95

Set Next statement, 154

Set statement, 21, 45

SetLimit procedure, 369

SetRangeValue method, 185, 186

SetSourceData method, 498, 503

SetUpMenus procedure, 566

SGML (Standard Generalized Markup language), 629

ShadowFormat object, 861

Shape object, 644

ShapeNode properties

Comment, 854

EditingType, 869

Points, 869

SegmentType, 869

ShapeNodes collection properties and methods

Count, 868

Delete, 868

Hidden, 854

Index, 854

Insert, 868

Locked, 854

Name, 854

SetEditingType, 868

SetPosition, 868

SetSegmentType, 868

Values, 854

ShapeRange methods

Align, 871

Apply, 871

CreateSummary, 853

Delete, 872

Distribute, 872

Duplicate, 872

Flip, 872

Group, 872

IncrementLeft, 872

IncrementRotation, 872

IncrementTop, 872

PickUp, 872

Regroup, 872

RerouteConnections, 872

ScaleHeight, 872

ScaleWidth, 872

Select, 872

Ungroup, 873

ZOrder, 873

ShapeRange properties

Adjustments, 869

Alternativetext, 869

AutoShapeType, 870

BlackWhiteMode, 870

Callout, 870

Child, 870

ConnectionSiteCount, 870

Connector, 870

ConnectorFormat, 870

Count, 870

Diagram, 870

DiagramNode, 870

Fill, 870

GroupItems, 870

HasDiagram, 870

HasDiagramNode, 870

Height, 870

HorizontalFlip, 870

ID, 870

Left, 870

Line, 870

LockAspectRatio, 870

Merge, 853

Name, 870

Nodes, 871

ParentGroup, 871

PictureFormat, 871

Rotation, 871

Shadow, 871

TextEffect, 871

TextFrame, 871

ThreeD, 871

Top, 871

Type, 871

VerticalFlip, 871

Vertices, 871

Visible, 871

Width, 871

ZOrderPosition, 871

SharedWorksapceFolder properties

Application, 1070

Creator, 1070

FolderName, 1070

Parent, 1070

SharedWorkspace methods

CreateNew, 1069

Delete, 1069

Disconnected, 1069

Refresh, 1069

RemoveDocument, 1069

SharedWorkspace object, 1068

SharedWorkspace properties

Application, 1068

Connected, 1068

Creater, 1069

Files, 1069

Folders, 1069

LastRefreshed, 1069

Links, 1069

Members, 1069

Name, 1069

Parent, 1069

SourceURL, 1069

Tasks, 1069

URL, 1069

SharedWorkspaceFile methods, 1070

SharedWorkspaceFile object, 1070

SharedWorkspaceFile properties

Application, 1070

CreatedBy, 1070

CreatedDate, 1070

Creator, 1070

ModifiedBy, 1070

ModifiedDate, 1070

Parent, 1070

URL, 1070

SharedWorkspaceFolder methods, 1071

SharedWorkspaceFolder object, 1070

SharedWorkspaceLink methods

Delete, 1071

Save, 1071

SharedWorkspaceLink object, 1071

SharedWorkspaceLink properties

Application, 1071

CreatedBy, 1071

CreatedDate, 1071

Creator, 1071

Description, 1071

ModifiedBy, 1071

ModifiedDate, 1071

Notes, 1071

Parent, 1071

URL, 1071

SharedWorkspaceMember methods, 1072

SharedWorkspaceMember object, 1071

SharedWorkspaceMember properties

Application, 1072

Creator, 1072

DoainName, 1072

Email, 1072

Name, 1072

Parent, 1072

SharedWorkspaceMembers collection object, 1072

SharedWorkspaceTask methods

Delete, 1073

Save, 1073

SharedWorkspaceTask object, 1072

SharedWorkspaceTask properties

Application, 1072

AssignedTo, 1072

CreatedDate, 1072

Creator, 1072

Description, 1072

DueDate, 1073

ModifiedDate, 1073

Parent, 1073

Priority, 1073

Title, 1073

SharedWorkspaceTasks collection object, 1073

Sharepoint Services, 5

SheetChange event procedure, 110

Sheets collection, 400, 873

Sheets properties

Add, 874

Copy, 874

Count, 853

Delete, 874

FillAcrossSheets, 874

Move, 874

PrintOut, 874

PrintPreview, 874

Select, 874

ShellExecute Windows API function, 584

Shift key, 4

shMenuTable, 560

shortcut access to customize, disabling, 558

Shortcut key box, 4

shortcut keys, changing, 6

shortcut options for lists, 454

shortcut range references, 412

Show Data, 566

Show method, 168, 181, 527

Show Next statement, 155

ShowCellShortCut, 555

ShowDataForm sub procedure, 377

ShowExcelWindowSize routine, 335

ShowPopup method, 555

Signature common properties, 1074

Signature methods, 1074

Signature object, 1073

Signature properties

Attach Certificate, 1074

ExpireDate, 1074

Is CertificateExpired, 1074

Is CertificateRevoked, 1074

Issuer, 1074

IsValid, 1074

SignDate, 1074

Signer, 1074

SignatureSet collection common properties, 1075

SignatureSet collection methods

Add, 1075

Commit, 1075

SignatureSet collection object, 1075

SignatureSet collection object, example of, 1075

SignatureSet collection properties, 1075

simple Addin, creating, 254

single-parameter range reference, 417

SmartDocument methods

PickSolution, 1077

RefreshPane, 1077

SmartDocument properties

Application, 1076

Creator, 1076

SolutionID, 1076

SolutionURL, 1076

SmartDocument, 1076

SmartTag Actions class, 580

SmartTag DLL, 573

SmartTag enhancements, 572

SmartTag popup menu, 582

SmartTag Recognizer class, 576, 594

SmartTag Software Development Kit (SDK), 572

SmartTag unique identifier, 575

SmartTagAction object and the SmartTagActions collection object, 876, 877

SmartTagAction properties

ActiveXControl, 876

CheckboxState, 876

ExpandHelp, 876

ListSelection, 876

Name, 876

PresentInPane, 876

RadioGroupSelection, 877

TextboxText, 877

SmartTagCaption property, 582

SmartTagCount property, 577

SmartTagCount, data types of

Excel files, 577

non-host files, 577

Word files, 577

SmartTagDownloadURL, 578

SmartTagID (Long), 573

SmartTagInitialize method, 573

SmartTagName, 577

SmartTagOptions collection object, 877

SmartTagOptions collection properties

DisplaySmartTags, 877

EmbedSmartTags, 877

SmartTagRecognizer properties

Enabled, 878

FullName, 878

ProgId, 878

SmartTags checkbox, 572

SmartTags with VBA, controling, 592

SmartTags, 571

SmartTags, components of, 574

SmartTags, object and properties of

Application.SmartTagRecognizers, 592

SmartTag, 592

SmartTag.SmartTagActions, 592

SmartTagAction, 592

SmartTagRecognizer, 592

Workbook.RecheckSmartTags, 592

Workbook.SmartTagOptions, 592

Worksheet.SmartTags, Range.SmartTags, 592


problems with, 595

registering, 589

snapshot.Recording, members of

Count, 630

CurrentBet, 630

DealerHand, 630

HandNumber, 630

Hints, 630

Id, 630

InstanceId, 630

Money, 630

PlayerHand, 630

PlayState, 630

When, 630

some example classes, 341

SortList macro, 549

SortList procedure, 544

SortList, 544

SoundNote methods

Delete, 878

Import, 878

Play, 878

Record, 878

SoundNote object, 878

special characters, 24

special names, 443

SpecialCells method, 420, 438

Specific Range Address, 241

specifying parameters by name, advantages of, 33

Speech object, 878

Speech properties

Direction, 878

SpeakCellOnEnter, 878

SpellingOptions collection object, 879

SpellingOptions collection properties

ArabicModes, 879

DictLang, 879

GermanPostReform, 880

HebrewModes, 880

IgnoreCaps, 880

IgnoreFileNames, 880

IgnoreMixedDigits, 880

KoreanCombineAux, 880

KoreanProcessCompound, 880

KoreanUseAutoChangeList, 880

SuggestMainOnly, 880

UserDict, 880

spin button control, 186

SpinDown event, 186

SpinUp event, 186

spreadsheet application, features of

charting, 1

database capabilities, 1

spreadsheet, 1

spreadsheet applications

Excel, 1

Lotus 1-2-3, 1

Multiplan, 1

Quattro Pro, 1

VisiCalc, 1

spreadsheet macros, early, 1

SQL commands







SQL SELECT statement, 198

SQL Server OLE DB, 235

SQL Server security, types of, 231

mixed mode, 231

SQL Server authentication, 231

Windows integrated security, 231

SQL syntax, overview of, 197

stack memory, 94

stand-alone Automation binaries, 254

standard data formats, 609

standard Excel functions

specialized scientific formula, 2

tax calculation, 2

Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), 629

standard Win32 API, 550

StartCriterion, 490

static class, 67

Static keyword, 92

static members, 67

Static statement, 41

Status Bar, 4

StatusBar property, 81

Step Into feature, 153

Step option, 53

Step Out, 153

Step Over, 153

stepping into code, 153

Stock Symbol SmartTag, 575

Stop Recording toolbar, 4

Stop statement, 135

StopRefresh, 84

store string resources, methods to, 385

StoreError.asp, 612

storing values in names, 444

Str function, 364

Stream object, 203

string resource, 385

String variable, 274

Structured Query Language (SQL), 322

Structured Query Language (SQL), introduction to, 197

Sub keyword, 10, 92, 98

sub procedure and function procedure, differences between, 19

sub procedure, 13

Sub statement, 13

SUM function, 427

Swap method, 265

symbol %, 83

Sync methods, 1077

Sync methods

GetUpdate, 1077

OpenVersion, 1077

ResolveConflict, 1077

Unsuspend, 1077

Sync object, 1077

Sync properties

Application, 1077

Creator, 1077

ErrorType, 1077

LastSyncTime, 1077

Parent, 1077

Status, 1077

WorkspaceLastChangedBy, 1077

System Info class, 344

SYSTEM32 directories, 524


T-SQL, 212

Tab properties

Color, 883

ColorIndex, 883

table-driven Command Bar creation, 559

table-driven menu creation, 288

Tag from range, removing, 593

Tag property, 274, 544

Tag to range, adding, 594

TakeFocusOnClick property, 14

Target argument, 189

Target parameter, 28

Target, 556

Tax function, 47

TCP/IP network, 629

Terminate event, 340, 344

TestEmployeePay sub procedure, 114

TestEmployeesCollection procedure, 115

TestFahrenheitToCelsisus method, 153

TestSuite, methods of

AssertTest, 147

TraceTest, 147

TrapTest, 147

TestWatch method, 156

Text property, 26, 123, 500

TEXT worksheet function, using, 380

text, pasting, 378

TextBox object, 123

TextOrProperty property, 518

theAppEvents, 120

theCalculator variable, 99

ThisWorkbook module, 120, 251, 534

ThisWorkbook object, 247

ThousandSeparator parameters, 376

TidyUp, 60

Timer function, 341

TimeSerial function, 83, 315

Timesheets schema, 624

TODAY function, 85

TokenList (ISmartTagTokenList), 573

toolbar declaration

Floating, 541

Not, 541

Temporary, 541

Toolbar List command bar, 558

toolbar, creating, 14, 546

Toolbars menu, 531

toolbars, 14

Toolbars, Toolbars, Menu Bars, and Popups, 531

Tools menu, 4

TopLeftCell Range object, 190

Trace method, 133

Transpose function, 436

Trap statement, 139

TrapApplicationEvents procedure, 119

TrapApplicationEvents, 119

Turbo Pascal editor, 63

two-dimensional arrays, 56

type libraries, 515

Type property, 533, 534

TypeOf keyword, 123


UBound() function, 56

UDF, 22


creating, 18

limitations of, 22

Unified Modeling Language (UML), 65

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), 575

Union and Intersect methods, 431

Union method, 431

universal database mechanism, 630

Unload statement, 167, 171

UPDATE statement, 201, 226

UpdateLink method, 83

URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), 575

URI string, 575

URL encoding, 610

URL string, 609

USD/GBP exchange rate, 599

UseCommandObject procedure, 235

UseDateFunction, 365

UseEventLog constant, 134

user defined function (UDF), 2, 18

user's login ID, reading, 345

user's Regional Settings and Windows language, 361

user-defined functions, 544

User-Defined Type (UDT), 332

UserForm from a lList, creating, 455

UserForm object, 168

UserForm styles, modifying, 346

UserForm.Hide method, 168


creating, 169

displaying, 167

UserForms, 3, 167


resizable, 350

working with, 305

UserFormJnitialize event, 173, 178

UserForm.Resize event, 351

UserPermission methods, 1078

UserPermission properties

EdxpirationDate, 1078

Permission, 1078

UserId, 1078

UserPermission, 1078

users, interacting with, 370


Val function, 365

Value property, 26, 177

values between arrays and ranges, transferring, 434

VALUES clause, 200

variable declaration, 38

variable naming conventions, 44

variable type, declaring, 43

variable types, 42

variables, concepts associated with, 40

Variant array, 79

Variant type, 43

VB Editor window, 515

VBA built-In constants, 35

VBA code, 3

VBA functions

Date, 86

DateSerial, 86

IsEmpty, 86

VBA interface, 3

VBA keywords, 62

VBA language, overview of, 32

VBA macro language, 2

VBA navigation tool, 10

VBA projects, 4

VBComponent methods

Activate, 982

Export, 982

VBComponent object, 283, 981

VBComponent properties

CodeModule, 981

Designer Window, 981

Designer, 981

DesignerID, 981

HasOpen Designer, 981

Name, 981

Properties, 981

Saved, 981

Type, 982

VBComponent, examples of, 983

VBComponents collection methods

Add, 982

AddCustom, 982

Import, 982

Remove, 982

VBComponents collection, 981

VBE CommandBars, 538, 565

VBE environment, 4

VBE Extensibility features, 4

VBE Help features, 4

VBE object library, 961

VBE object library, common properties and methods

Collection, 962

Parent, 963

VBE, 963

VBE object, 282, 983

VBE objects in code, identifying, 281

VBE properties

Active VBProject, 984

Active Window, 984

ActiveCode Pane, 984

Addins, 984

CodePanes, 984

CommandBars, 984

Events, 984

MainWindow, 984

Selected VBComponent, 984

VBProjects, 984

Version, 984

Windows, 984

VBE property

VBComponent.Properties(, 962

VBProject.FileName, 962

VBE Toolkit Addin, 285

VBE's Format menu, 67


editing capabilities of, 70

examples of, 985

VBIDE (Visual Basic Integrated Development Environment), 961

vbObjectError constant, 142

VBProject methods

MakeCompiledFile, 986

SaveAs, 986

VBProject object, 283, 985

VBProject properties

BuildFile Name, 985

Description, 985

FileName, 985

HelpContext ID, 985

HelpFile, 985

Mode, 986

Name, 986

Protection, 986

References, 986

Saved, 986

Type, 986

VBComponents, 986

VBProject, examples of, 987

VBProjects collection methods

Add, 987

Remove, 987

VBProjects collection, 985

VerbCaptionFromID2 method, 588

VerbCount property, 582

VerbNameFromID property, 584

View menu, contents of

Call Stack, 71

Immediate window, 71

Locals window, 71

Watch window, 71

virtual directories, 611

Visible property, 193, 549, 556

visible rows

copying, 490

finding, 491

Visual Basic .NET, 3

Visual Basic 6.0, 3

Visual Basic code, 1

Visual Basic code, importing and exporting, 69

Visual Basic Editor (VBE) window, 3

Visual Basic Editor (VBE), 1, 1, 63

Visual Basic Editor, using, 2

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), 2

Visual Basic Integrated Development Environment (VBIDE), 961

Visual Basic toolbar, 4

Visual Control Library (VCL), 72

VLookup function, 20

VLOOKUP function, 385


Wait method, 83

Walls methods

ClearFormats, 899

Paste, 899

Select, 899

Walls object, example of, 899

Watch common properties, 900

Watch methods, 900

Watch object, 899

Watch object, example of, 900

Watch properties, 900

Watches collection methods

Add, 899

Delete, 899

Watches collection object, 899

Watches, using, 71, 155

Web components, 607

Web pages as workbooks, opening, 599

Web pages for specific information, parsing, 603

Web pages, 4

Web queries, 379

Web queries, using, 600

Web Server Application - Error Logging, 610

Web server application, creating, 610

Web server processing technologies

.NET Framework, 610

Active Server Pages (ASP), 610

CGI, 610

JavaServer Pages (JSP), 610

PERL, 610

Web server, 598, 605

Web server

communicating with, 609

setting up, 605

Web sites, 598

Web-related features, 4

WebOptions common properties, 901

WebOptions methods, 902

WebOptions object, 901

WebOptions object, example of, 902

WebOptions properties

AllowPNG, 901

DownloadComponents, 901

Encoding, 901

FolderSuffix, 901

LocationOfComponents, 901

OrganizeInFolder, 901

PixelsPerInch, 901

RelyOnCSS, 901

RelyOnVML, 901

ScreenSize, 901

TargetBrowser, 902

UseLongFileNames, 902

WebPageFont common properties, 1079

WebPageFont object, 1079

WebPageFont object, example of, 1079

WebPageFont properties

FixedWidth Font, 1079

FixedWidth FontSize, 1079

ProportionalFont, 1079

ProportionalFontSize, 1079

WebPageFonts collection common properties, 1078

WebPageFonts collection object, 1078

WebPageFonts collection properties, 1078

when is Virus not a Virus, 323

WHERE clause, 200

which names overlap a range, determining, 450

While… Wend loop, 50

width of pixel in UserForm coordinates, obtaining, 345

Win32 API GetSystemMetrics32, 551

Win32 API, 550

win32api.txt file, 329, 341

Window common properties, 902

Window menu, 542

Window methods

Activate, 905

ActivateNext, 905

ActivatePrevious, 905

BreakSideBySide, 905

Close, 906, 988

CompareSideBySideWith, 906

LargeScroll, 906

NewWindow, 906

PointsToScreenPixelsX, 906

PointsToScreenPixelsY, 906

PrintOut, 906

PrintPreview, 906

RangeFromPoint, 906

ResetPositionsSideBySide, 907

ScrollIntoView, 907

ScrollWorkbookTabs, 907

SetFocus, 988

SmallScroll, 907

Window object properties

ActiveCell, 405

DisplayFormulas, 405

DisplayGridlines, 405

DisplayHeadings, 405

Selection, 405

Window object, 405, 902

Window object, example of, 907

Window properties

ActiveCell, 903

ActiveChart, 903

ActivePane, 903

ActiveSheet, 903

Caption, 903, 988

DisplayFormulas, 903

DisplayGrindlines, 903

DisplayHeadings, 903

DisplayHorizontalScrollBar, 903

DisplayOutline, 903

DisplayRightToLeft, 903

DisplayVerticalScrollbar, 903

DisplayWorkbookTabs, 903

DisplayZeros, 903

EnableResize, 903

FreezePanes, 903

GridlineColor, 903

GridlineColorIndex, 904

Height, 904, 988

HWnd, 988

Index, 904

Left, 904, 988

Linked WindowFrame, 988

Linked Windows, 988

OnWindow, 904

Panes, 904

RangeSelection, 904

ScrollColumn, 904

ScrollRow, 904

SelectedSheets, 904

Selection, 904

Split, 904

SplitColumn, 904

SplitHorizontal, 904

SplitRow, 904

SplitVertical, 904

SyncScrollingSideBySide, 904

TabRatio, 904

Top, 905, 988

Type, 905, 988

UsableHeight, 905

UsableWidth, 905

View, 905

Visible, 905, 988

VisibleRange, 905

Width, 905, 988

WindowNumber, 905

WindowState, 905, 988

Zoom, 905

Window, examples of, 989

Windows Application Programming Interface files



GDI32.DLL, 328



SHELL32.DLL, 328

USER32.DLL, 328




Windows collection methods, 989

Windows collection, 902

Windows collection, example of, 907

Windows DLLs, 329

Windows platform, 609

Windows Regional Settings, 359, 601

Windows Registry, 589

Windows Sharepoint Services (WSS), 5

Windows styles, 347

wininet.dll file, 609

WinString argument, 390

WinToDate function, 371

WinToDate function, implementing, 389

WinToNum function, implementing, 388

WinToNum function, 371

With construct, 179

With statement, 249

With… End With construction, 29

With… End With, 46

WithEvents keyword, 99, 118, 274

WithEvents Recordset object, 217

WithEvents statement, 211

WithEvents, 273

Wks object variable, 46

Word file extensions

.doc, 579

.dot, 579

word processors, 70

Workbook common properties, 910

workbook events, 108

Workbook events

Activate, 921

Addin Unistall, 921

AddinInstall, 921

BeforeClose, 921

BeforePrint, 921

BeforeSave, 921

Deactivate, 921

NewSheet, 921

Open, 921

PivotTableCloseConnection, 922

PivotTableOpenConnection, 922

SheetActivate, 922

SheetBeforeDoubleClick, 922

SheetBeforeRightClick, 922

SheetCalculate, 922

SheetChange, 922

SheetDeactivate, 922

SheetFollowHyperlink, 922

SheetPivotTableUpdate, 922

SheetSelectionChange, 923

WindowActivate, 923

WindowDeactivate, 923

WindowResize, 923

Workbook methods

AcceptAllChanges, 915

Activate, 915

AddToFavorites, 915

BreakLink, 915

CanCheckIn, 915

ChangeFileAccess, 915

ChangeLink, 915

CheckIn, 916

Close, 916

DeleteNumberFormat, 916

EndReview, 916

ExclusiveAccess, 916

FollowHyperlink, 916

HighlightChangesOptions, 916

LinkInfo, 917

LinkSources, 917

MergeWorkbook, 917

NewWindow, 917

OpenLinks, 917

PivotCaches, 917

Post, 917

PrintOut, 917

PrintPreview, 918

Protect Sharing, 918

Protect, 918

PurgeChangeHistoryNow, 918

RecheckSmartTags, 918

RefreshAll, 918

RejectAllChanges, 918

ReloadAs, 918

RemoveUser, 919

ReplyAll, 919

ReplyWith Changes, 919

ResetColors, 919

Route, 919

RunAutoMacros, 919

Save, 919

SaveAs, 919

SaveCopyAs, 920

SendForReview, 920

SendMail, 920

SendMailer, 920

SetLinkOnData, 920

SetPasswordEncryptionOptions, 920

Unprotect, 920

UnprotectSharing, 920

UpdateFromFile, 920

UpdateLink, 921

WebPagePreview, 921

Workbook object variable, 46

Workbook object, 3, 609, 907

Workbook object, example of, 923

Workbook properties

AcceptLabelsInFormulas, 910

ActiveChart, 910

ActiveSheet, 911

AutoUpdateFrequency, 911

AutoUpdateSaveChanges, 911

BuiltinDocumentProperties, 911

CalculationVersion, 911

ChangeHistoryDuration, 911

Charts, 911

CodeName, 911

Colors, 911

CommandBars, 911

ConflictResolution, 911

Container, 911

CreateBackup, 911

CustomDocumentProperties, 911

CustomViews, 911

Date1904, 912

DisplayDrawingObjects, 912

EnableAutoRecover, 912

EnvelopeVisible, 912

Excel4IntlMacroSheets, 912

Excel4MacroSheets, 912

FileFormat, 912

FullName, 912

FullNameURLEncoded, 912

HasPassword, 912

HasRoutingSlip, 912

HighlightChangesOnScreen, 912

HTMLProject, 912

IsAddin, 912

IsInplace, 912

KeepChangeHistory, 912

ListChangesOnNewSheet, 912

Mailer, 912

MultiUserEditing, 913

Name, 913

Names, 913

Password, 913

PasswordEncryptionAlgorithm, 913

PasswordEncryptionFileProperties, 913

PasswordEncryptionKeyLength, 913

PasswordEncryptionProvider, 913

Path, 913

PersonalViewListSettings, 913

PersonalViewPrintSettings, 913

PrecisionAsDisplayed, 913

ProtectStructure, 913

ProtectWindows, 913

PublishObjects, 913

ReadOnly, 913

ReadOnlyRecommended, 913

RemovePersonalInformation, 914

RevisionNumber, 914

Routed, 914

RoutingSlip, 914

Saved, 914

SaveLinkValues, 914

Sheets, 914

ShowConflictHistory, 914

ShowPivotTableFieldsList, 914

SmartTagOptions, 914

Styles, 914

TemplateRemoveExtData, 914

UpdateLinks, 914

UpdateRemoteReferences, 914

UserStatus, 914

VBASigned, 914

VBProject, 914

WebOptions, 915

Windows, 915

Worksheets, 915

WritePassword, 915

WriteReserved, 915

WriteReservedBy, 915

workbook to an Add-in, converting, 247

workbook, 3

workbook, activating, 394

Workbook-level Range Name, 241

Workbook.SaveAsXMLData method, 637

WorkbookBeforePrint event, 118, 119

workbooks and worksheets, 393

Workbooks collection

example of, 923

using, 393

Workbooks methods

Add, 908

CanCheckOut, 908

CheckOut, 908

Close, 909

DiscardConflict, 909

OfflineConflict, 909

Open, 909

OpenDatabase, 909

OpenText, 910

OpenXML, 910

Workbooks properties

Count, 907

DisplayInkComments, 907

DocumentLibraryVersions, 908

InactiveListBorderVisible, 908

Permission, 908

SharedWorkspace, 908

SmartDocument, 908

Sync, 908

XmlMaps, 908

XmlNamespaces, 908

Workbook_BeforeClose event, 110, 549

Workbook_BeforeClose, 112

Workbook_BeforePrint, 112

Workbook_Open event, 120, 297, 549, 566

Workbook_SheetDeactivate event, 407

working with Excel, rules for, 370

working with users, rules for, 373

worksheet buttons

Control Toolbox toolbar, 12

Forms toolbar, 12

Worksheet common properties, 925

Worksheet events

Activate, 933

BeforeDoubleClick, 933

BeforeRightClick, 933

Calculate, 933

Change, 934

Deactivate, 934

FollowHyperlink, 934

PivotTableUpdate, 934

SelectionChange, 934

worksheet events

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate(), 103

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick (ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean), 104

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeRightClick (ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean), 104

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate(), 104

Private Sub Worksheet_Change (ByVal Target As Range), 104

Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate(), 104

Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink (ByVal Targets As Hyperlink), 104

Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate (ByVal Target As PivotTable), 104

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange (ByVal Target As Range), 104

worksheet functions, 2, 85

Worksheet menu bar, 531, 542, 554, 566

Worksheet methods, 928

Worksheet methods

Activate, 928

Calculate, 928

CheckSpelling, 929

CircleInvalid, 929

ClearArrows, 929

ClearCircles, 929

Copy, 929

Delete, 929

Evaluate, 929

Move, 929

OLEObjects, 929

Paste, 929

PasteSpecial, 930

PivotTableWizard, 930

PrintOut, 931

PrintPreview, 931

Protect, 931

ResetAllPage Breaks, 932

SaveAs, 932

Scenarios, 932

Select, 933

SetBackgroundPicture, 933

ShowAllData, 933

ShowDataForm, 933

Unprotect, 933

XmlDataQuery, 933

XmlMapQuery, 933

Worksheet methodsPivotTables, 930

Worksheet Name Alone, 241

Worksheet object, 3, 923

Worksheet object, example of, 934

Worksheet properties

AutoFilter, 925

Cells, 925

CodeName, 925

Columns, 925

Comments, 925

ConsolidationFunction, 925

ConsolidationOptions, 926

ConsolidationSources, 926

EnableAutoFilter, 926

FilterMode, 926

Hyperlinks, 926

Index, 926

ListObjects, 926

Name, 927

Names, 927

Next, 927

Outline, 927

Previous, 927

Protection, 927

Range, 927

Rows, 927

Scripts, 927

Shapes, 928

SmartTags, 928

Tab, 928

Type, 928

UsedRange, 928

Visible, 928

VpageBreaks, 928

worksheet to XML file, exporting, 637

WorkSheet, methods to access

ActiveSheet, 647

Application.ActiveSheet, 647

Worksheet-level Range Name, 241

WorksheetFunction common properties, 934

WorksheetFunction methods

Acos, 934

Acosh, 934

And, 934

Asc, 935

Asin, 935

Asinh, 935

Atan2, 935

Atanh, 935

AveDev, 935

Average, 935

BathText, 935

BetaDist, 935

Choose, 936

Clean, 936

Combin, 937

Correl, 937

Cosh, 937

Count, 937

Covar, 937

DAverage, 938

Db, 938

Dbcs, 938

Dcount, 938

Ddb, 939

Degrees, 939

DevSq, 939

DGet, 939

Dmax, 939

Dmin, 939

Dollar, 939

DSum, 940

Even, 940

Find, 941

FindB, 941

Floor, 942

Fv, 942

Growth, 943

Index, 943

Ipmt, 944

Irr, 944

IsErr, 944

IsNA, 944

Ispmt, 944

Kurt, 945

Large, 945

Ln, 945

Log, 945

Log10, 945

Lookup, 946

Max, 946

Median, 946

Min, 946

Mirr, 947

Mode, 947

Nper, 948

Npv, 948

Odd, 948

Or, 948

Pi, 949

Pmt, 949

Ppmt, 949

Proper, 950

Pv, 950

Rank, 950

Rate, 950

Replace, 951

Rept, 951

Roman, 951

Round, 951

Rsq, 952

RTD, 952

Search, 952

SearchB, 953

Sinh, 953

Skew, 953

Sln, 953

Slope, 953

Small, 953

StDev, 953

Sum, 954

SumIf, 954

SumSq, 954

SumX2MY2, 955

Syd, 955

Tanh, 955

Text, 955

Tinv, 955

Trend, 956

Trim, 956

Ttest, 956

Var, 956

VarP 956

Vdb, 956

Ztest, 957

WorksheetFunction object, 78, 934, 957

WorksheetName function, 87

worksheets as Web pages, saving, 605

Worksheets collection properties and methods

Add, 924

Copy, 924

Count, 923

Delete, 924

Move, 924

PrintOut, 925

Select, 925

Visible, 924

Worksheets collection, 923

Worksheets collection, example of, 934

worksheets, 3, 400

worksheets, synchronizing, 406

Worksheets.Add method, 46

Worksheet_Calculate event, 105, 112, 571

Worksheet_Change event, 571

Worksheet_SelectionChange event, 571

write-only properties, 97

WriteEntry method, 149

writing code, 63, 64

WRSToOverride function, 374


XLL or XLA file extension, 643

XLM functions, 375

XLM macro language, 2, 3

XLM macros, 2

XLM-style functions, 382

XlXmlLoadOption, 635, 636

XlXMLLoadOption.XlXMLLoadImportToList option, 635

XML (eXtensible Markup Language), 618

XML and Excel, 629

XML data, 620

XML data, importing, 633

XML file, importing, 635

XML Map Properties dialog box, 638

XML Parser, 620

XML Schema Definition (XSD), 630

XML Source Task Pane, 631

XML Spreadsheet Schemas (XMLSS), 631

XML vocabularies, 620

XML, 618

XML-compliant format, 575

XML-SS schema, 620


features of, 618

overview of, 629

XmlDataBinding methods

ClearSettings, 958

LoadSettings, 958

Refresh, 958

XmlDataBinding object

Application, 957

Creator, 957

Parent, 957

SourceURL, 957

XmlMap methods

Delete, 959

Export, 959

ExportXml, 959

Import, 959

ImportXml, 959

XmlMap object, 958

XmlMap properties

AdjustColumnWidth, 958

AppendOnImport, 958

Application, 958

Creator, 958

DataBinding, 958

IsExportable, 958

Name, 958

Parent, 958

PreserveColumnFilter, 958

PreserveNumberFormatting, 958

RootElementName, 958

Schemas, 959

ShowImportExportValidationErrors, 959

XMLS, 635

XMLSS (XML Spreadsheet Schemas), 631

XMLSS, overview of, 631

XSD (XML Schema Definition), 630

XSD, overview of, 630

XSL and XSLT, overview of, 635

XSL Transform document, 635

XSL Transform file, 635

XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language/Transformations), 624

XSLT (XSL Transform) file, 635

XSLT file, 635

XSLT to transform XML, using, 624

XSLT, features of, 624

Xvalues properties, 509

XValues property, 508

xxxLocal function, 375

xxxLocal properties, 372


Zoom combo box, 532

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