Index 205
American Management Association
project intervention, as boundary encoun-
ter, 91
project- level re ection, 3940, 46, 94, 151
Project Management Institute, 21–22
project management maturity, 78
project management o ce (PMO), 74–122
barriers to cross- project learning and
improvement, 98, 103–109
boundary encounters and, 79, 81,
90–93, 187
boundary objects and, 79, 81, 8890
boundary practices and, 79, 81, 84–88
brokering role and, 77–78, 79, 8084,
109–113, 117
communities of practice and, 77–78,
173–174, 181189
conceptual framework for PMO leader,
in continuous project improvement,
114, 127–137
in cross- project improvement, 117–119,
enablers of cross- project learning and
improvement, 97–103
formal training and, 81, 94–95
forms of, 76
importance of, 7677
multi- level learning and, 4, 117–119
nature of, 8
organizational routines and, 117–118
origins of, 76
personal experience as project manager
and, 81, 95–96
personnel selection and, 81, 96
project dashboards and, 157, 159, 162
recommendations for PMO leaders,
re ective practices and, 79, 81, 9394
research methodology for studying, 75,
78–79, 81
role in continuous systems- level learn-
ing, 74–75
roles of, 8, 25
“runaway” projects and, 76
in strategic portfolio alignment, 5,
temporary nature of project work and,
project methodologies, as boundary prac-
tice, 87, 115–116
project organizations
defensive routines in, 19–21, 39
importance of, 15
multi- level learning coach role in, see
multi- level learning coach
organizational learning and, 74–75,
postproject reviews and, see postproject
reviews; structured retrospectives
problems and challenges of, 15–16
project management o ce (PMO) role
in, see project management o ce
red- light learning and, 17–21
traditional postproject review in, 3, 16
traditional systematic learning in, 16
project personnel
changes in, 49–50, 7071, 105–106
selection of, 81, 96
project plans, 71
in continuous project improvement,
project portfolio, see strategic portfolio
project retrospective, see postproject
reviews; structured retrospectives
prospective learning practices
in conceptual framework for PMO
leader role, 115–116
in continuous project improvement,
in cross- project improvement, 140–144
in strategic portfolio alignment,
quality improvement, 60
in After Action Review (AAR; U.S.
Army), 30–31
in continuous project improvement,
in cross- project improvement, 139
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